
Not to mention he pretended to be a girl for the first 6 months he was a member of this forum. No, seriously.

Lot of people do that for the instant respect it gains. I know a few people who pretended to be girls in MMOs and shit, just so lonely basement dwellers run up and give them stuff. It's actually a fucking riot. :p

But think about it. How often does someone call Nita/Cookie out?
Yeah....animals in the animal kingdom have homosexual sex with each other as a way to solidify relations amongst the members of the pride/group/etc. To say it isn't natural or against the theory of Evolution is foolhardy, and a mistaken application of the Evolutionary theory. Which I'm not surprised of, really, considering the same people who think the theory of Evolution is wrong are the same ones who would try to mistakenly apply it here.

Since it's natural, who are we to say no to those people who live that way? There's no reason to. It's like telling a person he can't be Bi-Polar, and should pray it away. That's just plain ******ed.

If a gay person hits on me, I take it as a compliment. Mostly because I'm secure enough to realize that that man finds me attractive, but that doesn't mean I would give him a blowjob or take it up my ass. He might want to do a bit of catching, but I'm not pitching.

I'm with South Park on the idea of the word "******." It's used for annoying people, not necessarily gay people. At least, now it is. A person can be a gay ******, no doubt. But there are also straight ******s, like those people who are belligerent in Wal-Mart because an item rang up for 2 dollars and they mistakenly thought it was supposed to ring up for $1.70.

Just like how me and my friend decided to redefine the word ****** a year and a half ago. ******s, as we said, are people who negatively reflect on their race as a whole. Those lazy fuckers in the city that draw Welfare for 10 children and drive around with a 2010 Cadillac and 40-inch rims? Yeah, ******s. Those white rednecks that are not only card carrying KKK members, but somehow also Southern Baptist and have 5 arrests for Domestic Violence? Yeah, ******s.
I'm sure if women are hitting on you, it's much less creepy. Right?

But go ahead, feel the need to punch someone for merely expressing their sexuality. That's much more healthy and productive than turning them down politely.

As for the question posed, it only marginally bothers me if they're only fagging it up as a last resort because they fail at being straight.

Let me rephrase to a little more accurately, it's when they don't back off after I have politely informed them that I am not interested, that I might punch them. Then again I have a hard time not wanting to punch anyone that's being utterly annoying, kind of like you, if I really knew you, I'd punch you in the face all the time.

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