
I have no problem with their sexuality some just annoy me that they have to act like a total girl. They make it seem like once your gay you have to wear make up etc. but other than that I have no problem with them.
on a Semi related topic, Just found out that the guy in TLC's Sig is gay the other day. Wow... never would of guessed.
I've had more of an issue with people younger than me, being my Manager, than I have ever had with Gays and Lesbians.

I'm 100% in support of everything Gay and Lesbian. I won't march in any parade though. Not because I wouldn't. Simply because marching for anything is stupid in my book. You're walking. You walk everyday. Whats doing it down a street for a ton of people to take pictures of you in a pink shirt going to change?

As for Gays and Lesbians getting married. Sure, I'm a-okay with that too.
I totally support fruits and all of their rights. But I love homophobic humor. You know there's a blood test that can tell a gay person whether their kid is going to be gay or not?....... It's called an HIV Test.
Not bothered by gays, few lesbians in my circles and a guy at school came out to me and mymate, which was very brave in a military school. As for LGBT rights, I definitely believe they should have all the opportunity everyone else does, but I think the "T" in LGBT seems a strange addition. I don't really see transsexualism in the same light, but again I don't have any issue with it.

My entire family thought I was gay for the longest time, but not anymore.
Eh, one of my best friends from high school is gay. So is my roommate. Neither one of them has ever seriously tried to hit on me. When I was younger I would go to a local gay bar with my high school friend, mainly because there was less chance of getting into a fight (and because he had a couple of lesbian friends that would go with us that were both smoking hot). I got hit on, sure, but usually all it took was telling them I was straight to get them to back off. And if they didn't, the lesbians would handle the situation for me lol.

But yeah, if you're secure in your own masculinity, it shouldn't really matter what anyone else does, or likes to do. Doesn't affect you unless you let it...
Alright, I guess I'll say something that's mildly controversial (but not really). Currently it's my belief that homosexuality is caused by genetic and/or biological mutations/deviations. It's not "supposed" to happen, and it's not "normal". Just like being born with any other "condition" or "defect" like Asthma, Depression, Mental ******ation, Dyslexia, Anemia, Dwarfism, etc., etc., etc.
Of course when you use those words and compare it to what we commonly thing of as diseases... well you come off sounding like a genuine asshole. Which isn't at all how I approach my understanding of the topic. I don't believe that homosexuals are in anyway inferior or incapable. Rather I think that if people can be born with physically,mental, emotional, and psychological, "abnormalities" then I believe there could be sexual ones as well.
I always hate to make this analogy, but it's like pedophilia. Somewhere along the line from conception to birth, the brain forms in a way (either via a biological or genetic disturbance) that creates "abnormal" sexual attraction/urges. The only real difference of course being that society by and large is becoming more accepting of homosexuality and less accepting of pedophilia.
Likewise, as with other conditions there are degrees to this "anomaly" and that how you can get the different degrees/shades of 'Gay'; from full on homosexuals to the confused "bi-curious" and perhaps even those who feel "transgendered" or trapped in the wrong body.
Obviously the really controversial point to all of this (if it's true) is what happens when there comes a day when we can screen for, and if we so choose, eliminate these genes from embryos. That's when the GLBT community will probably be outraged, and the proverbial shit will hit the fan -even though in a roundabout way it's is proof that yes indeed you are "born that way". I guess then the question becomes "Should you be born that way", and is it the parents' right to make sure you are born straight i.e. "normal".
That it. And though I know it is the antithesis of this section, I sincerely hope I didn't hurt or offend anyone with the above. It's just a theory I have, and my way of viewing the situation.
Just like anything else in life that I respect, I make fun of it.

Gay (male on male) sex is the most hilarious thing in the world. I view it not so much in disgust, but with comic-vision; as a heterosexual there is nothing I find as awkward and un-sexy as the male body, and so using simple math, two or more male bodies together equals comic gold. On the other side of the coin, there is nothing more boring to me than lesbian sex; on paper, the formula should add up to excitement, but somewhere inside me I hear a voice saying "those dykes want nothing to do with you or your dick". It's been over-marketed for so long that it no longer interests me.

I find no end in joy derived by tormenting my gay roommate by talking about bad sex with girls.
Alright, I guess I'll say something that's mildly controversial (but not really). Currently it's my belief that homosexuality is caused by genetic and/or biological mutations/deviations. It's not "supposed" to happen, and it's not "normal". Just like being born with any other "condition" or "defect" like Asthma, Depression, Mental ******ation, Dyslexia, Anemia, Dwarfism, etc., etc., etc.
Of course when you use those words and compare it to what we commonly thing of as diseases... well you come off sounding like a genuine asshole. Which isn't at all how I approach my understanding of the topic. I don't believe that homosexuals are in anyway inferior or incapable. Rather I think that if people can be born with physically,mental, emotional, and psychological, "abnormalities" then I believe there could be sexual ones as well.
I always hate to make this analogy, but it's like pedophilia. Somewhere along the line from conception to birth, the brain forms in a way (either via a biological or genetic disturbance) that creates "abnormal" sexual attraction/urges. The only real difference of course being that society by and large is becoming more accepting of homosexuality and less accepting of pedophilia.
Likewise, as with other conditions there are degrees to this "anomaly" and that how you can get the different degrees/shades of 'Gay'; from full on homosexuals to the confused "bi-curious" and perhaps even those who feel "transgendered" or trapped in the wrong body.
Obviously the really controversial point to all of this (if it's true) is what happens when there comes a day when we can screen for, and if we so choose, eliminate these genes from embryos. That's when the GLBT community will probably be outraged, and the proverbial shit will hit the fan -even though in a roundabout way it's is proof that yes indeed you are "born that way". I guess then the question becomes "Should you be born that way", and is it the parents' right to make sure you are born straight i.e. "normal".
That it. And though I know it is the antithesis of this section, I sincerely hope I didn't hurt or offend anyone with the above. It's just a theory I have, and my way of viewing the situation.

Alright, I guess I'll say something that's mildly controversial (but not really). Currently it's my belief that homosexuality is caused by genetic and/or biological mutations/deviations. It's not "supposed" to happen, and it's not "normal". Just like being born with any other "condition" or "defect" like Asthma, Depression, Mental ******ation, Dyslexia, Anemia, Dwarfism, etc., etc., etc.
Of course when you use those words and compare it to what we commonly thing of as diseases... well you come off sounding like a genuine asshole. Which isn't at all how I approach my understanding of the topic. I don't believe that homosexuals are in anyway inferior or incapable. Rather I think that if people can be born with physically,mental, emotional, and psychological, "abnormalities" then I believe there could be sexual ones as well.
I always hate to make this analogy, but it's like pedophilia. Somewhere along the line from conception to birth, the brain forms in a way (either via a biological or genetic disturbance) that creates "abnormal" sexual attraction/urges. The only real difference of course being that society by and large is becoming more accepting of homosexuality and less accepting of pedophilia.
Likewise, as with other conditions there are degrees to this "anomaly" and that how you can get the different degrees/shades of 'Gay'; from full on homosexuals to the confused "bi-curious" and perhaps even those who feel "transgendered" or trapped in the wrong body.
Obviously the really controversial point to all of this (if it's true) is what happens when there comes a day when we can screen for, and if we so choose, eliminate these genes from embryos. That's when the GLBT community will probably be outraged, and the proverbial shit will hit the fan -even though in a roundabout way it's is proof that yes indeed you are "born that way". I guess then the question becomes "Should you be born that way", and is it the parents' right to make sure you are born straight i.e. "normal".
That it. And though I know it is the antithesis of this section, I sincerely hope I didn't hurt or offend anyone with the above. It's just a theory I have, and my way of viewing the situation.

If two people of proper mental age consent to it, then let them do whatever they want to do to one another. If your partner wants you to fuck them in the ass while etching your name in their back with a knife while dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow....

....well, you might wanna ask some questions, but whatever works for you.
I say everyone deserves the freedom to be whatever the fuck and whoever the fuck they want to be. If you wanna smoke pole, light it up.

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