Hogan Wins Court Case; Dixie Out?

It's Damn Real!

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It's official — Dixie is out, Hogan & Bischoff are in.

Please keep all discussion about this here.

How is this going to affect TNA's playing field? Is there redemption for Dixie in the future? Why or why not?

Thoughts on all of this? Concerns?
It will be business as usual for Bishoff & Hogan as they try to prop Immortal (NWO 2.0) up, except now that have "The Network" to deal with.

As for Dixie, I think the future plans will reveal that Dixie was hired as one of the executives for Spike TV and that she is part of "the network" that has been giving Hogan & Bishoff grief for months. This seems like the only logical plan to bring Dixie back into the fold and could work if it's done right.
i wasnt happy about the way this was booked...they had all this build up with this storyline i was thinking it was finally time for dixie to regain control of the company but no Hogan has control :wtf: i enjoyed everything else with TNA this week though i LOVE that Ink Inc is finally getting a chance to go after the titles i look forward to there match with Beer Money at VR....but back to the topic at hand here im really sick of Immortal! hogan & bishoff having complete control of the company can only be bad for business,everybody in immortal is decent at best in the ring out of the ones that still wrestle and they just dont entertain me at all.
OMG!!! this is terrible, eric and hogan will kill the remainder of the company now. well, unless they do something good, but...........im lacking in faith atm.
As for Dixie, I think the future plans will reveal that Dixie was hired as one of the executives for Spike TV and that she is part of "the network" that has been giving Hogan & Bishoff grief for months. This seems like the only logical plan to bring Dixie back into the fold and could work if it's done right.

Hmm i must really not pay attention, i only saw 1 Impact where Bischoff even mentioned the network kicking up a fuss when Anderson was denied his rematch.

Mind you i don't watch the PPV's or even really pay attention to Impact :p

Back to the question at hand
Nothing changes. even if it was a real situation where Dixie lost control nothing would've changed, H&B were doing as they pleased since they took over, it's just now official that she's lost control legally.
and Hogan was off doing voice overs for an upcoming movie.
I really dont understand this angle at all. Okay cool you own TNA now what? Its not like WWE or WCW where you were a global organization with a huge roster with guys turning to get on your side. It just cames off looking dumb to me that they are even fighting over it
I really dont understand this angle at all. Okay cool you own TNA now what? Its not like WWE or WCW where you were a global organization with a huge roster with guys turning to get on your side. It just cames off looking dumb to me that they are even fighting over it

The same could be said about anything TNA related. Titles, matches, wins, losses. Why do you need TNA titles when you can contest for WWE titles. Why work for TNA when you can work for WWE.

It's not the angle being confusing, it's you confusing yourself by nitpicking your ass off.
TNA is pathetic. As if anyone gave a shit about this storyline anyway?
TNA has the best Roster in the world today with so many HUGE names yet it just doesn't draw in the ratings. I know how alot of people hate WWEPG, but i'd rather watch WWEPG ANYDAY over TNA, which is MA. I'd rather not see Blood, than see Ric Flair bleeding every Five Minutes. Hulk Hogan is an absolute Moron, and will be begging Vince to Re-hire him for Wrestlemania 28. LOL, at the fact that Hogan wants to wrestle one more match, as if he would wrestle his final match in a shit hole like TNA. No, No, No, Hogan would rather Wrestle another match in the biggest Promotion in the world and that's the WWE. Ps. Jeff Hardy is the best Heel in TNA!
The same could be said about anything TNA related. Titles, matches, wins, losses. Why do you need TNA titles when you can contest for WWE titles. Why work for TNA when you can work for WWE.

It's not the angle being confusing, it's you confusing yourself by nitpicking your ass off.

No not really. They have been in control of TNA this whole time and what has that gotten them? They got turned on by foturne and just lost the belt. being in control of TNA has gotten them no where so far so whats the point of making it a big deal
No not really. They have been in control of TNA this whole time and what has that gotten them? They got turned on by foturne and just lost the belt. being in control of TNA has gotten them no where so far so whats the point of making it a big deal

So you're saying TNA should downplay the importance of a storyline that involves the ownership of the ENTIRE company? My lord, you are a genius, aren't you?

What did they get from it? Well let's think kayfabe, not smarky smark. Hogan and Bischoff are egomaniacs, they want power and money, like they did in WCW when they were heels. They used Dixie Carter in order to gain control of her company, therefore get power AND money which she will provide, that's her job. That's what they got from it.

The actual pay-off will be the rub the faces (most likely Fourtune) will get when they take down Immortal and give Dixie her company back. The evil villains that came to take over Wonderland are going to be driven off by the mighty heroes who made it what it is.

Why do people even THINK about shit like that?
So you're saying TNA should downplay the importance of a storyline that involves the ownership of the ENTIRE company? My lord, you are a genius, aren't you?

What did they get from it? Well let's think kayfabe, not smarky smark. Hogan and Bischoff are egomaniacs, they want power and money, like they did in WCW when they were heels. They used Dixie Carter in order to gain control of her company, therefore get power AND money which she will provide, that's her job. That's what they got from it.

The actual pay-off will be the rub the faces (most likely Fourtune) will get when they take down Immortal and give Dixie her company back. The evil villains that came to take over Wonderland are going to be driven off by the mighty heroes who made it what it is.

Why do people even THINK about shit like that?

I know what a power storyline is thank you. If you are gonna do one though you need to do it alah Vince and the Cooperation, Bischoff and NWO, etc. And do it to where the group has full power and is actually taking over the company. What power do they really have when 1. They are getting told by the network what matches to make their main event, 2. have their champion lose in 5 minutes and 3. have a group of not 1 but 4 guys turn on them. What have they really accomplished since having power? They pushed dixie out and thats about it. They have one belt and dont even really have full control with this "network" thing. So if they're going to do this storyline then do it right
I know what a power storyline is thank you. If you are gonna do one though you need to do it alah Vince and the Cooperation, Bischoff and NWO, etc. And do it to where the group has full power and is actually taking over the company. What power do they really have when 1. They are getting told by the network what matches to make their main event, 2. have their champion lose in 5 minutes and 3. have a group of not 1 but 4 guys turn on them. What have they really accomplished since having power? They pushed dixie out and thats about it. They have one belt and dont even really have full control with this "network" thing. So if they're going to do this storyline then do it right

Agreed with what you said, but think of it like another power struggle. My bet is that The Network is really headed by Dixie to screw with Hogan and Bischoff. Anyways everything will play out at Lockdown.
I know what a power storyline is thank you. If you are gonna do one though you need to do it alah Vince and the Cooperation, Bischoff and NWO, etc. And do it to where the group has full power and is actually taking over the company. What power do they really have when 1. They are getting told by the network what matches to make their main event, 2. have their champion lose in 5 minutes and 3. have a group of not 1 but 4 guys turn on them. What have they really accomplished since having power? They pushed dixie out and thats about it. They have one belt and dont even really have full control with this "network" thing. So if they're going to do this storyline then do it right

Dude it's more than one way to skin a cat! This storyline just sets up IMO for someone else to come in and take over full control! That's why the network keeps Interfering with Immortal! Somebody else will have full control over TNA fairly soon! Just let it play out!
Well, the case was pretty anticlimactic. TNA has been pushing this storyline for months and we basically got Hogan coming out saying he owns 100% of TNA and Dixie leaving. That is pretty much it. Although Hogan and Bischoff can't book exactly what they want because of "The Network". I don't know what this has to with Dixie, unless she is revealed as the head of Spike TV and eventually takes the company away from Hogan. Either way, I could care less who is in charge.

I would rather see longer matches and new storylines then Hogan and Bischoff bickering in their office for half off Impact.
This is just another case of "Anything you do, I will try to outdo you, and still screw you over in the process..." Simple as that. I mean, yeah, so Dixie is out, on tv purposes at least. I was told (since I haven't watched the tape yet) and found out that it is "NETWORK" that brought the Stinger back. Now its "NETWORK" that almost seems to be able to put Hogan and Bischoff's balls in the sling when they want.

So, my thought, Dixie could VERY LIKELY get hired on with the ever omni-present "NETWORK" and that would really put Hogan and Bischoff's balls in a sling for storyline purposes and kind of stick it back to them. I mean, would be kind of fun to see something like that. As I've been told this was kind of like another harkening back to the re-hash of WCW (I've been hearing stories from my dad).

This mysterious "NETWORK" that keeps getting brought up all of a sudden, kind of like that secret society at a college that no one really tries to get into or go against for fear of never being heard from again. Only a few brave souls will be able to get in and succeed. Hopefully Dixie is one of them, at least for storyline purposes.

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