Hogan/Sting Backstage Segment


SORRY! About you damn luck!

It maybe only me but when I was watching today last night's IMPACT Wrestling I noticed something during the broadcast and I don't know if I was the only one. During one of their backstage segments, just after James Storm beats AJ Styles with the Last Call Superkick, Sting says he is going back home to recover from injury and Hulk Hogan says that he will contact him anytime if he needs his help.

But something strange happened, when Sting left and for only just a second or two, Hogan changed his face and said something that wasn't clear what it was, but it didn't seem in the same tone as the things he said to Sting, before he was being friendly but he changed his tone of voice for a second and I noticed it.

Was I the only one? It was for just a second but it may be something that TNA Wrestling is trying to hint in the coming weeks, I don't if it was just a mistake by Hogan or something but he did change his tone of voice and look on his face before heading out of that backstage area just after Sting left...

The segment was around the 55th minute of the broadcast, since I didn't watch it yesterday I don't know what minute it was on your DVR recordings but if you know where the match between AJ and Storm end you can check it out...


I will try to post some pictures of it:


Right after this he says something but it isn't loud enough...
I can't say that I noticed it. When it comes to the backstage segments my attention wanes but I still listen to it. I didn't record it so I can't go back and see what you're talking about.
I noticed the exact same thing. I rewound and watched it about 5-6 times and couldn't figure out what Hogan said. If anyone has it, please post.
i didnt notice this at all maybe i missed something but as far as i know nothing happened but the real question is...was i the only one who noticed hogan say if sting doesnt heal up quick enough hes gonna put on a nurse uniform and nurse him back to health? and people question if hogan is gay :suspic:
I think what Hogan said after sting walked away was something like quickly because Hogan thinks he is going to need sting back fast
I noticed it, but I do not think it will lead to anything. Hogan needs to stay face and run things right if he is GM.

Although, my Grandma is saying Hogan will screw Dixie. :shrug:
I couldn't make out what hogan was saying but hopefully their not thinking of retrying immortal if they are it will be a grave mistake as it did not work the first time and I do not see it working now I hope Hogan stays face and does this whole GM gimmick right.
I didn't notice it. Half the time, I don't pay much attention to the brief backstage promos on TNA. It wouldn't surprise me if this all turns out to be some ridiculous plot for Hogan to "regain control" of TNA. TNA hasn't been crazy about the ratings they've gotten the past while and they've hit the panic button. As a result, Hogan is back and is going to be a regular fixture, which means he's almost certainly going to wind up being the overall center of attention sooner or later. He's popped up in virtually every other segment, or any segment that felt as if it was at all relevant, this past Thursday.

I certainly do hope that they just have Hogan stick with being a babyface GM. I've got no problem with Hogan in the role in and of itself, it's just that soooooo much emphasis is put on Hogan whenever he's on TNA television. For instance, like on last Thursday for instance, most of Bobby Roode's heat was with Hogan just as it's been with Sting since almost the beginning of his title run instead of the wrestlers that are actually chasing his title. I guess a reason for that is, allegedly, Hogan gets paid about over 30 grand per tv appearance in TNA, so maybe they feel that they might as well get their money's worth even though Hogan is no longer a ratings draw in TNA. I just hope that he doesn't turn heel and we wind up going back to this power struggle bullshit that's bogged TNA down for so long. That would be taking a MASSIVE step backwards.
As a result, Hogan is back and is going to be a regular fixture, which means he's almost certainly going to wind up being the overall center of attention sooner or later. He's popped up in virtually every other segment, or any segment that felt as if it was at all relevant, this past Thursday.

But if you think about it it is not like he is doing any different than what Sting was doing. Sting was virtually in every other segment or walking in on promos/segments weather it be backstage or in ring to make matches. Many people will look at this and say same old Hogan hogging the spotlight, but at the end of the day he is just taking Stings spot and same amount of TV time.

Now if anyone wants to talk about Sting being more entertaining than Hogan as their personal preference I can understand that, but I don't think they have hit the panic button. I think the reason Sting is being replaced is because he is legit hurt. He recently did an interview saying that because of the wrestling he did in the middle to late last year he got pretty banged up and needs some time off.

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