Hitting Women


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Is it ever justified?

To me, yes it is.

I am reminded of this as I am home for the holidays. I was here for my birthday in September and one of my best friend's girlfriend's friend decided to run her mouth at the wrong time, and when I finally had enough and decided to tell the bitch to just shut the fuck up, she decides to push my face, in the process kind of poking my eye. So what do I do? I get up, and punch her in her's. To me, she deserved it. You raise up like man, then you deserve to be put down like a man.

And then my favorite part is her after the fact, "Blah blah blah. You're not suppose to hit women blah blah blah. I'm going to call the cops blah blah blah. I'm going to get my brother blah blah blah. You're not suppose to hit women!"

Well, if you didn't act like you had a dick between your legs, then I wouldn't lay one fucking finger on your ugly ass in the first place.

Now see, if she was my girlfriend or something like that, I wouldn’t have hit her; I just would’ve walked away because as I’ve learned in the past, girls hate it more then anything when you ignore them and just get the fuck away from them. They blow your phone up and by the next day are apologizing their ass off. But when it comes to some bitch I don’t know or never even liked in the first place and she decides to put her hands on me, she deserves to get a response a man would normally get.

So, who’s with me? Do you have the same feelings, or do you think NOTHING justifies a man hitting a female, ever?
All violence is stupid, but in my opinion hitting women is unacceptable.

If a women were to ever get in my face and start shouting or was pushing me I would just stand there and shout at her. I would never even think about laying a finger on her as I feel hitting a woman will just make me look weak.
A friend of mine was recently called sexist because he said he wouldn't hit a woman. And yet if a man hits a woman, it's also sexist. Irony at its best, eh?

As it pertains to the topic, it is my opinion that it is unacceptable to hit a woman. In any situation, and under any circumstances. I was bought up to be respectful and to never lay my hands on the opposite sex in any "hostile" matter., and I live by what I was brought up by (in this case, anyway). I have been attacked by angry ex-girlfriends in the past, but being the fairly big guy that I am, it's easier to restrain and wait until the anger fades. Or just walk away. They can't taunt you if you're not listening, right?

Truthfully, I am of the opinion that laying one's hands on anyone does not solve any problem, it merely further complicates the situation. While it appears to be solving the issue at that moment, it's a deceptive appearance and ultimately comes back to haunt, be it a man or a woman. A woman can have charges pressed, and a guy can gather twenty of his boys and beat the shit out of you in a dark alley one surprising day. Violence just isn't the answer -- but we like to think and pretend it is.

Edit: The way I see it is simple: when someone has their hands on you, or is threatening you and daring you to hit them, they are executing a power play and manipulating you. And the moment you hit them, lay your hands on them, or even get involved in the slightest, you've given up all of your power and are no longer doing what you want to but what they want you to.
So, who’s with me? Do you have the same feelings, or do you think NOTHING justifies a man hitting a female, ever?

Personally, the only time that I would ever hit a woman is if she either tried to pass off someone else's kid as mine or if she gave me an STI or something worse.

However, I will throw my principles out of the window right now and look at the situation from your perspective. While I definitely understand your anger, I personally wouldn't have hit the girl (although, I would not rule out getting right in her face and calling her all types of obscenities if she poked my eye hard enough). But, in the end, I would just chalk this up to a time where reason couldn't really play a role...you were angry and impassioned. Fortunately for her, however, you acted in a relatively innocuous manner (I am assuming you didn't hit her so hard as to knock out her teeth or break her nose).
Self Defense, absolutely. This is how it is, I dont' hit anyone, period. I don't fight, because I don't have to. Also, I go 6'4, 235 lbs, have jet black hair, and a thick ass black beard at this point, so most people don't talk shit. But occasionally, it happens. I ignore it, but the second, second someone takes a swing on me, I'm putting their ass on teh ground, plain and simple.

Now the situation has never come up to where I've felt physically threatened by a female. I've been smacked and punched in the body, but never to the point to where I thought I was physically threatened. Now i've had a woman try to kick me in the groined, which did result in a shove to the ground, and then me getting into it with her boyfriend. Alcohal buddy.

Now to answer the question, absolutely. If I'm threatened, I will do whatever is in the best interest of myself or whomever I am with.
I always felt that if a girl hit me hard enough to hurt, I would kick her boyfriend's ass. I'm a big guy with some fighting ability. I trained in boxing with my brother in law who was an army gold gloves champion sometime in the 80's. I know how to throw a punch, and I'm big and strong enough to hurt someone.

Now, hitting women is unacceptable, but if she's hitting you, and you can't get her to stop, and if you walk away and she follows and continues, if pushing her off isn't enough, maybe a backhand isn't all that out of line. But I would never look to fight a woman, and would never, ever, close my fist and hit her.
All violence is stupid, but in my opinion hitting women is unacceptable.

If a women were to ever get in my face and start shouting or was pushing me I would just stand there and shout at her. I would never even think about laying a finger on her as I feel hitting a woman will just make me look weak.

See, I feel just the opposite. I know if I would've just let that bitch push me around and yell at me in my own damn house, then all my friends there would've thought of me as a pussy (including the GIRLS in the room, who had no problem with what I did). They were egging it on in the first place, so even if I weren't pissed off (which I was), I still wouldn't have been able to get away without delivering some sort of receipt.

But I understand people are going to have different morals when it comes to this subject (my own mother finds it unacceptable for a man to ever lay a hand on a woman), and that's fine. But I think most people who disagree, guys especially, have just never seen the absolute worse in a woman. To me, there's nothing better in this World then a beautiful, sweet lady, but at the same time... there's nothing worse then a mean, ugly bitch. And trust me, most girls who are downright cruel to you and try to push your buttons for no reason, are usually nothing but ugly, loud skanks who deserve a lesson to be taught to them.

I always felt that if a girl hit me hard enough to hurt, I would kick her boyfriend's ass. I'm a big guy with some fighting ability. I trained in boxing with my brother in law who was an army gold gloves champion sometime in the 80's. I know how to throw a punch, and I'm big and strong enough to hurt someone.

Now, hitting women is unacceptable, but if she's hitting you, and you can't get her to stop, and if you walk away and she follows and continues, if pushing her off isn't enough, maybe a backhand isn't all that out of line. But I would never look to fight a woman, and would never, ever, close my fist and hit her.

Well, I'm sure she didn't have a boyfriend, but if I were a trained boxer, I would've never hit her, no matter how much she pissed me off. But since I know my hands aren't lethal weapons, I had no problem with it.
you captian save a ho motherfuckers are ridiculous. Come on with the bullshit

if a woman was coming at you with a fucking samurai sword you wouldnt give her a haymaker and knock her lights out?? buuuulll fuckin SHIT. Night night biatch. So everyone needs to come on with this holier than thou bullshit. cuz thats all it is.

And if a girl was physically attacking me, I prolly wouldnt hit her, so much as dispatch her. grab her by the belt and toss her off me :lmao: . either that, or place her in an arm lock or a choke hold until she sees that im not the person to be attacking.

either way, if your going to attack someone to cause physical harm, and think just becuase you have a pussy you can get away with it, you SHOULD have every fucking right to have another thing coming. Dont start none, wont be none
if a woman was coming at you with a fucking samurai sword you wouldnt give her a haymaker and knock her lights out?? buuuulll fuckin SHIT. Night night biatch.

In the extreme case, that a bitch was running at me with a samurai sword, yes, I'd knock her out...

Otherwise, there's a fine line between self-defense, and knocking her lights out...

I'd defend myself to the point of stopping her from hurting me, but not hurting her. The only time it would be OK, would be if she had a lethal weapon. I add in lethal, because a rolling pin or wooden spoon, is a lot different than a pot of boiling water, or a 7 inch knife...
What the fuck ever. You better bet your ass I could kill you with a rolling pin. and regardless. FUCK that. Someone thinks they can get away with attacking someone just becuase they are girl?? Based on principle alone, itd be time for a triangle joke, or a hip toss. I would probably just pick her up and scream "are you out of your fucking mind?? I could KILL you!!!". After a fair verbal warning, if the physical attack didnt stop, it would BE stopped. And this phasad that a girl should just be allowed to whatever fucking insane thing and its justified becuase she is a girl is bullshit. HOW fucking long have women been talking about wanting equality?? well here you go.
What the fuck ever. You better bet your ass I could kill you with a rolling pin. and regardless. FUCK that. Someone thinks they can get away with attacking someone just becuase they are girl?? Based on principle alone, itd be time for a triangle joke, or a hip toss. I would probably just pick her up and scream "are you out of your fucking mind?? I could KILL you!!!". After a fair verbal warning, if the physical attack didnt stop, it would BE stopped. And this phasad that a girl should just be allowed to whatever fucking insane thing and its justified becuase she is a girl is bullshit. HOW fucking long have women been talking about wanting equality?? well here you go.

I never said women should be able to get away with whatever they want, or get special treatment...But, for the simple fact that we are more physically capable of killing a woman, than a woman is of killing us, there needs to be a little bit of a guideline...

I agree a rolling pin could be deadly :)lmao:), but it's a hell of a lot easier to defend than the other things I mentioned
I don't take shit from people if they physically attack me with fists and kicks. It doesn't matter what gender the person is, I will do what I have to in order to defend myself. I'm not a believer in that whole "just because she's a girl, you shouldn't hit her" philosophy. Just because she's a girl doesn't mean the pain inflicted on me with a baseball bat or groin/shin kicks don't do any damage. I don't understand why dudes are automatically looked on as "immune" from female attacks.
I wouldn't stand there and beat her up but I would hit once or maybe twice. Women deserve to be treated equally in every catagory. A woman can't say "hey I want the right to vote just like a man, but if a man hits me it should be illegal". That's bullsit. In my book women are treated equally in every aspect.
I'm an equal opportunist. If ANYONE is dumb enough to take a swing and they get dropped because of it, so be it. Ethics is a relative thing, methinks. Cumulatively, I don't think it's good to hit anyone (that is unless it's MMA or boxing or the like...but that's involving willing participants and athletic commissions and all). I don't see women as second fiddle to men in anyway and am not a sexist, so I guess, yeah...chivalry is dead.
I really never thought about the situation of me ever having to defend myself against a woman until it recently happened to me.I made a comment that really upset her, and this chick swings at me with fist. I put my hands up and just took the hits which weren't much really but it was just the thought of this girl going crazy on my ass and her thinking it was justified because she was a woman was the worst part.

What really made it worse though was I around a rather large group of people some who knew what the situation was,and some that didn't, and I was little nervous to take force to defend myself because I didn't know how the people around me would react. I mean how would you react if you looked over your shoulder at a party and see a guy pushing or man-handling some girl, your first reaction is gonna be to kick this guys ass.

Ultimately I took a few more slaps and scratches as she cooled down and I just tried to leave. I didn't hit her or for that fact even touch her but when it was happening I was having this whole argument in my head. Should I hit her or should I not?

I guess what I'm trying to say is based on this incident I think that in this situation there are way to many variables to give a straight yes or no answer. It all depends on the extremity or to the degree you are being attacked,what the fighting is over (because I would defend myself with force on a girl who is trying to kill me for my money but I might not get so pissed at a girl I just call fat and hauls off on me with haymakers) If I had to relive the situation I would do the same thing just take the hits and shake it off, If she would have had a weapon of any sort and I feel like my life is in danger though I would have took action and done something.
Hitting, I wouldn't do, unless it's with my sister, and thats only play fighting. But if a girl was attacking me, I wouldn't hit her as much as I'd either try to restrain her, grab her fists, maybe a full nelson, somthing to stop her from attacking while I tried to calm her down.

if it's a girl thats bitching me out, and she simply slaps me in the face, I'd take it, deserved or not, because I know I can take a slap.

And if a girl was talking smack, trying to get me to hit her, I'd either walk away or smack her with a loogie.

I disagree with the hitting of woman, unless it's self defence, and even then, only use whatever force is nessisary.
Hitting women is only justified if its in the means of self defence. In fact, this is the case with most acts of violence. If a girl came up to you and started attacking you, for whatever reason, then there's no reason why you shouldn't fight back. If she came up to you and started attacking you, she can't use the "You can't hit a girl" argument. Because she knew what the consequences would have been if she attacke dyou, but she did it anyway.

But its stupid that there is supposedly no problem with a woman hitting a man, but there is a problem with a man hitting a woman. What if the woman is stronger than you? What if she provoked you? You'd still be in the wrong in other people's minds, even though you did the best you could to defend yourself. These sort of things would not happen often, but when they do then you can throw the "You shouldn't hit women" argument out the window, because you are doing it for self defence, and that is the only time hitting anyone is ever justifiable.
All violence is stupid, but in my opinion hitting women is unacceptable.

If a women were to ever get in my face and start shouting or was pushing me I would just stand there and shout at her. I would never even think about laying a finger on her as I feel hitting a woman will just make me look weak.

Apparently, you've never met the bar room bitch that got in MY face... First off, I was at the bar, watching some friends of mine who were in a band. Second, EVERYBODY who knows me, knows that I am non-confrontational...to a point. Third, I was in a GREAT mood, as drinking makes me fun, because I joke around with EVERYBODY...

So, I'm sittin there, talking to some girl I've known for years, just playing catch up with her. My wife, is about 20 feet away, talking to one of HER old friends. Some big ol' burly bitch decides to interrupt my conversation and throw in her 2 cents, which, nobody gave 2 shits about. I looked at her, and I asked her, "Bitch, are you high?" She starts FLIPPING out! She starts screamin that her brother was a heroin addict and that I was out of line asking her if she was "high" and that blah blah blah blah fuckin' blah. At this point, I smiled and said, "Well fuck, bitch, is it MY fault your brother's a junkie? I don't even know you. Likewise, you don't know me, so you'd be best to take a fuckin step back and shut your ********er..." I'll be damned if she didn't punch me...in the face... HARD. Now, mind you, this bitch is big as hell... Tall, fat, wide, you name it, she's it. I'm fairly convinced she could kick my ass if I don't act quick. My wife, on the otherhand, is making her way through the crowd... She's already dropped her drink and has passed her wedding ring off to her friend and is ready to clock this woman. I look at my wife, wink at her, turn around and knock this fat biatch right on her penguin ass. Did I feel bad about it? HELLS to the mothafuckin' No! My philosophy is this... You step up to me like a man, you hit me like a man, you're gonna get treated like a man... Plain and simple. All you "VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN IS WRONG" preachers can stuff it, because I know for a fact, hitting a woman is wrong. But til this day, I am CONVINCED that this woman may have been hiding a penis in her undies... My point is simple...

Violence against women...is wrong. It's all about circumstance. I mean, had she done that to my wife...My wife wouldn't have hesitated to knock the everloving shit out of her. From what I heard from the crowd afterwards, I gave this woman WAY too much leeway as it was...

The moral of the story, kids? Don't let a big ass woman punk you in public... In the words of The Rock, make sure that she "KNOWS HER ROLL, AND SHUTS HER MOUTH!" (I believe in equality for women! FIGHT THE POWER!):lmao:
What the fuck ever. You better bet your ass I could kill you with a rolling pin. and regardless. FUCK that. Someone thinks they can get away with attacking someone just becuase they are girl?? Based on principle alone, itd be time for a triangle joke, or a hip toss. I would probably just pick her up and scream "are you out of your fucking mind?? I could KILL you!!!". After a fair verbal warning, if the physical attack didnt stop, it would BE stopped. And this phasad that a girl should just be allowed to whatever fucking insane thing and its justified becuase she is a girl is bullshit. HOW fucking long have women been talking about wanting equality?? well here you go.

A-FUCKING-MEN, NORCAL! I'm sick of all the "Women deserve equality...but we want special treatment as well..." bullshit. Paralyzed people, people with Down Syndrome, Handicapped people, They've got the "SPECIAL" Olympics. Women play on the same playing field as men in EVERY other aspect of life... EVERY aspect of life. To sit here and tell me to my face that a woman should be treated "special" in every situation is bogus, ludicrous, absurd, and in most casing, just plain fucking stupid. I'm willing to bet that 90% of all people who say "You should NEVER hit a girl no matter what" are guys who are controlled by their women... and to you *****es, I say "GROW SOME FUCKING BALLS!" Even my own MOTHER told me that it was OK to hit a woman if she deserved it... Meaning if she HIT me like a man, it was ok to hit HER like a man. Case....CLOSED!
We're all equal at the end of the day. Any woman who gets smacked in the face during a fight should either fight back or cut her losses. If she decides to pull the whole 'you can't hit me, i'm a girl' card, is flat out admitting that they are the weaker sex. Equality among genders can only be truly respected if that equality is 100% total.

That means both genders get paid the same for doing the same job, we can have intergender sports, and ANYONE punch anyone if they are 'sufficiently provoked'.

Public violence isn't something i advocate, but if it's going to happen, then that's the way it should be regardless of the other factors. Attack me, then i'm going to attack you.
I feel the same way about hitting women as I do about hitting men, or just fighting in general. I really feel there is no need, unless it's in self-defence. If a woman is attacking you, you punch her. I see why hitting women is usually seen as worse, but when it comes down to it, hitting anyone is stupid.
I don't know, saying you wouldn't hit a woman based on her sex is sexist. Truth be told, there is a high number of men who are in relationships where they are abused. The reason? Men in general feel they will be looked down upon if they have a women abusing them. What they really need to do is leave that relationship, women do not have the right to abuse you even if the reasoning is, that the are just a girl. A man is allowed to hit a women if it is for self defense reasoning. If a women hits a man, similarly if a man hits a man, you must react in the same manner. It is unacceptable. The problem is, many males feel the need to become chivalrous. What is pounding into their righteous heads? Never hit a woman. Well that is good, too bad they weren't told never to hit a man either. Violence is not necessary unless violence is in the form of self defense. A women hits you to the point where it is dangerous, you have to hit back.
Hitting, regardless of whether it is between 2 females, 2 males, or a male and a female is assault. Assault is a crime.
You can bet your ass that if you hit me "because I'm acting like I have a dick between my legs" (btw, most nauseatingly disgusting misogynistic thing I've heard in weeks) regardless of your gender, you're going to get charged with assault.
All this said, a grown man punching a woman in the face (as the OP claims to have done) is going to do a lot more damage than the average woman punching a man in the face. You guys have more upper body strength, and that's just a fact.
For the record, if the OP is as obnoxious in real life as he was in this post, I can't say I completely blame this woman for going after him.
Hitting, regardless of whether it is between 2 females, 2 males, or a male and a female is assault. Assault is a crime.
You can bet your ass that if you hit me "because I'm acting like I have a dick between my legs" (btw, most nauseatingly disgusting misogynistic thing I've heard in weeks) regardless of your gender, you're going to get charged with assault.
All this said, a grown man punching a woman in the face (as the OP claims to have done) is going to do a lot more damage than the average woman punching a man in the face. You guys have more upper body strength, and that's just a fact.
For the record, if the OP is as obnoxious in real life as he was in this post, I can't say I completely blame this woman for going after him.

That is probably the most absurd defense yet, as this is not ALWAYS the case, and basing a solid defense on it would be dumb. You've basically just called women the weaker sex, taking the easy way out of the argument. Remember the "Equality" argument? Why do women demand equality, yet feel deserving of special treatment? Women are equally as abusive in relationships... It's a proven fact.

Wow... Again, I say that you had to have seen the girl that started the crap with me... And the whole "It's assault...blah blah blah" is NOT the point here. The point of the thread is the simple, straightforward question of whether it's ok or not to hit a woman. And ya know... The simple answer, is YES! Depending on the circumstances, it's acceptable. The circumstances have to leave no room for any other course of action or compromise, but it can definitely be acceptable.
That is probably the most absurd defense yet, as this is not ALWAYS the case, and basing a solid defense on it would be dumb. You've basically just called women the weaker sex, taking the easy way out of the argument. Remember the "Equality" argument? Why do women demand equality, yet feel deserving of special treatment? Women are equally as abusive in relationships... It's a proven fact.

Wow... Again, I say that you had to have seen the girl that started the crap with me... And the whole "It's assault...blah blah blah" is NOT the point here. The point of the thread is the simple, straightforward question of whether it's ok or not to hit a woman. And ya know... The simple answer, is YES! Depending on the circumstances, it's acceptable. The circumstances have to leave no room for any other course of action or compromise, but it can definitely be acceptable.

Well what she said was on average men have more upper body strength than men. And they do, do they not? Biologically men are stronger than women. The equality of men and women does not say that men and women have the same upper body strength. You should go read the Equality Bill of 1964. It says women should be paid the same wages, not to get punched by their boyfriends.

I do agree with you that women who attack men would be allowed to be hit by that man in self defense. Otherwise it is not alright for a man to hit a woman or vice versa. Violence is extremely pitiful and should only be used in defense. She had agreed with you on that point.

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