Hi there. I'm trying to buy TNA Wrestling.

It's funny, how a few years ago, I would have jumped right into this kind of thing, as harsh comments made with reckless intent used to be my bread and butter. I loved that sort of stuff and relished the opportunity to be as nasty as possible.

However, I just have lost the taste for it. Heck, even my cursing in my initial post was just uncharacteristic of the way I am now.

Therefore, I'm formally withdrawing myself from commenting on any post in this thread, as well as the bar room overall. If anyone was looking to get a rise out of me and to spark a vicious, vile debate, then you will be disappointed.

As far as my plan goes, no comment has changed my opinion of it and I still feel that it could work. I can sleep soundly at night knowing that I was brave enough to find out if anyone was interested in my idea and it seems that the answer is largely, no.

I hope I haven't offended anyone with the few comments that I did make and if I did, then I'm deeply sorry.

Good luck to all of you and rest assured, I hold no ill will to any of you... even the guy who said I looked like an injured potato. I'm just sorry that he/she was right.

Allow me to be serious for a moment.

It's good to be ambitious sometimes in life, but seriously, this is never going to happen. Harthan really put it best, and I honestly can't do his post justice, so I'd strongly recommend reading it.

Point is, you're a random guy on the internet, who I am impartial too, therefore why should we other random people contribute to your plan? We have no idea who you are, or your experience, or your credentials, or your budget, and I strongly advise you do not spend one cent on this, being cruel to be kind, catastrophe of an idea.

If you really want a position of power or equity in a wrestling company, try the Indy scene. Even then, it's a long shot, but it's a lot better than attempting to overtake the second biggest wrestling company in America. Don't even involve money, just volunteer to help out with an indy show in your area or something and rise from there. Even then, I'm still doubtful that'll you'll find success in the wrestling world.

I guess I'll wish you good luck if you wish to continue with this endeavour. Just don't expect to get past square one.
I have a question. Say that you get $5,000,000. Hell, let's say you get $20,000,000 and actually have a dog in the buyers race. I'm honestly not even sure THAT would get you attention, considering it was costing them $800,000 to record two weeks of Impact, or so the reports have said. BUT LET'S JUST SAY. And let's say Dixie Carter and the Carter family is stupid enough to sell YOU - some random dude - the company. So you've got TNA. You own the rights to the name, the branding, and the television contacts. And lets say Spike TV doesn't immediately drop you because for some reason they trust their #1 rated show in the hands of, again, some random dude.

...what then? How are you paying the wrestlers? You think that just comes with owning the company? That's now your job. With the $12 you have left over from your negotiations with the Carter family, maybe you can afford to get a few bums off the street to jump around in your ring. You know, the ring you have to put in your truck because you don't have the money to afford a road crew. And that you'll have to set up in your back yard because you don't have the money to book a venue.

This is really just some dumbass wrestling fan trying to scam other wrestling fans out of their money. He'll be lucky to get $100. But hey, that's $100 he didn't have before. You know, before fees to Indiegogo and Paypal. There's a reason he didn't use Kickstarter, which only lets you profit if you complete your goal.
I'm so upset I took so long to check this thread out. This is the best. Godspeed, Nathan Favel. May you become next X-Division Champion.

It's also good to get some legitimate advice on going to Indiegogo from people in the thread so I don't bungle it up. I'm planning on getting funding for one of my projects eventually with it.
So basically he wants to turn TNA into an even MORE niche driven company than it already is. Fuck moving forward, let's be like the geniuses at ROH and move backwards.

Nope. No money from me.

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