You're right, I don't have the prior experience. I put this together because I decided that there was no reason not to. What do I have to lose? If I don't, then it stays in Dixie's hands anyway. If, by some miracle, enough people actually invest, then I get the chance to make an offer. That's all there is to it.
I must say, there's nothing like being accused of fraud by Batman.
I am not accusing you of anything. Just pointing out the obvious. You clearly have worked this out in a way that you know will line your wallet. You know $5 million is a joke bid. Asking people for money knowing that you will not use the $ for anything outlined is fraudulent, so anyone contributing is stupid. Plus, your perks section is a joke right off the bat, promising things you dont have. Basically you would just have to turn around & buy those people their DVD'S\Tickets or be brought up on charges in some way.
Anyone contributing should know that even if you raise the total, all that money goes to you in the end. The only thing wrestling related you will use the $ for is to buy yourself some new things like tickets to a show & replica belts. Be honest, other than that- you are just going to keep all the cash. We both know you wont send any of the $ back if the goal is not reached.