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Hi there. I'm trying to buy TNA Wrestling.

Albert T

Occasional Pre-Show
My name is Nathan Favel and I'm writing this thread to because I've decided to undertake a bold and potential foolhardy venture... I set up an Indiegogo campaign to buy TNA Wrestling. Yes, THAT one. I made this decision about a week or so ago when I realized that things are not going to change by Dixie's own choice. So, I wrote down the plan I've been cultivating for about six years and put it on Indiegogo for a sixty-day funding run. Here it is below:

The goal I set is for $5 million. Yeah, its a high price. However, think of it like this: If 200,000 people each contributed $100, then I'd have $20 million. Even if I only get half of that, that's more than enough to make a good offer.

I'm going to put out a wrestling product that focuses on the action, not the soap opera bullshit that Vince pukes up on a regular basis. No horseshit marathon promos in the ring, no hitting your cue for a beat down and no announcers fucking guffawing endlessly. I want two men to get in the ring and wrestle for a set period of time, cut a quick post-match promo and get the fuck out of there. I'm tired of hearing about how wrestling is the eternal battle between good and evil. Bullshit. It's about two tough fuckers whooping each others asses for money and glory. That's the fucking story, not the Undertaker's fucking urn being stolen every three years. You bring in good/evil when a given match-up loses it's drawing power. That's it. So, in a nutshell, expect the UFC, but with longer time limits and better talkers.

My second goal is to purchase the NWA brand, as it can cut through all the malarkey that the past twenty years has brought us. People still talk about the NWA and still want it to return. Quite frankly, you could probably persuade a number of wrestling fans to ditch the WWE altogether if you produce the right content with the NWA brand. It's worth the purchase and worth the effort. By the way, I'd implement the BIG GOLD BELT (or something close to it, barring legal problems), as the title, so don't worry about any goofy fucking title designs.

As far a the main roster goes, the best people will be picked and put on Spike. That's all there is to it. I'd love to put everyone on there, but there isn't enough room and the likelihood that everyone would get over is just non-existent. I'd shorten the shows down to just one: TNA iMPACT. The house shows don't fucking draw, so quit shoving them down everyone's throats. Just put your energy into the live iMPACT broadcast and make that the biggest success possible. I'd also take iMPACT around the world, as America has made it clear that it's interest is minimal at this point. Work the major American markets and go out to foreign markets the other three. It will cost a bit more with transportation, but you'll make more money with attendance and merchandising.

However, the many who are left off the main roster will have a home in a second promotion that will run in India. India is an open market that does favor Vince, but is virtually untapped by the entire wrestling world when it comes to live shows. With the best indy wrestlers working with the top WWE departees, you could draw excellent numbers in India. I'd split it into four singles divisions that will have the following names: INTERNATIONAL, INTERCONTINENTAL, GLOBAL and WORLDWIDE. You can run four shows a week in that market and that will give each wrestler one match a week, which avoids overworking them.

I haven't forgotten about the tag teams, as I plan on setting up a tag team promotion that will emanate from England. They're the only market that I know of that TNA is number one in, so they will be the most receptive to a new concept like this. There are a number of great teams that are wasted by the mainstream and I say that there loss is our gain. Work one show a week with all of these top tier teams and you'll make enough money to gain a nice profit.

I'd start up a women's promotion that will run all markets as female fighting, fake or real, is starting to get its due. The women can draw their share of the money for the promotions greater good, don't worry. Don't believe me? Ask Kurt Angle, because ODB actually outdrew him in 2008, in terms of TV ratings, at least. We'd have our pick of the best women in the world, as Vince is too busy picking eye candy for his "Diva's" division. Hell, I think we could even get TV clearance on a women's network, as those very networks are in desperate need for programming that doesn't feature women as dumb ****es. Our women's promotion could be that saving grace and can actually connect with women and men all over the world.

My loftier goals would be to start up a developmental promotion in Las Vegas for the wrestlers in all divisions who are not ready to be called up, for various reasons. Another goal would be to start up smaller developmental promotions in as many states as possible, but that would come along after a few years at the least. Finally, my favorite goal would be to establish full time weekday cards for every foreign country that TNA airs in, effectively sacrificing the X-Plosion slot that airs for an hour in those countries. All you'd need to do is hire people to run the day to day and you'll have much needed work for all of those foreign wrestlers. Of course, this is much more like charity to some, but the ability to have first pick, in most cases, of the world's top indy talent is something that isn't easily ignored.

PPV's will return to twelve a year, but at only $5 a piece. You'll get an all day ticket with the purchase, as well as the DVD to the event, for free. DVD's will be $5 as well. There's no point in milking people dry just to get a buck. If you give out a good show at a cheap price, then people will buy it.

Working agreements need to be established with every promotion willing to partake. With the reduced, weekday schedule, these typically weekend promotions should be content to work with us, especially when we'll allow them to sell their merchandise at our live events, as well as mention their promotions on our broadcasts with a ticker tape, just like on ESPN.

I'd seek out more TV partners for the programming, but the main option I'd pursue would be internet-streaming sites like Netflix, as they have an unlimited amount of space to air our content at an unlimited rate.

Rather than taking an obscene amount of money for my cut, I'd take $250,000, which would be used to pay for my basic living as well as all of my travel, accommodations and the like. Taxes would be payed on that amount as well, so no fucking cheating on my part.

Listen, I know I sound like a fucking psycho-ass for trying something so large but I'm just fucking tired of the same shit from these promoters. Wrestling isn't going to get fixed by anyone that works in the booker's chair now, so quit waiting for them to make some shit happen. If we want wrestling to get better, then we're gonna have to do it the job ourselves. My plan has the ability to work and fix the bullshit once and for all, so please, contribute below


or tell others about this campaign and hope that they contribute.

Thanks for reading and remember this:

If TNA still sucks in a years' time, just remember that you could have helped stopped the fucking bullshit from continuing.

PS. Forgive the perks part, as it got fucked up for some reason. That said, they should still work.
UPDATE: Currently, a total of $0.00 has been raised.

Please keep donating generously.

Also, your head looks like an injured potato.
I don't have any money to help you, but I am willing to do color commentary alongside J.R. free for one month if you succeed in purchasing the company. Good luck!
I won't lie, I thought about contributing a quarter or so just for giggles...but it wasn't worth my effort.
Since you seem serious about this, I am going to give you some advice. Firstly, no major player (someone contributing $25,000 or more) is going to give you money if you're not willing to give them a stake in the company. Second, in order to raise money, you either got to have money or have proof that you know how to make money. So, here's what you need to do: 1) bring at least $1 million in capital to the table before you even think about asking others for money; 2) treat major contributions as investments rather than donations; 3) successfully run a business for three or more years and/or get an MBA.
This is the most ridiculously armchair booked failure of a business plan I have ever seen.

First of all, five million isn't going to get you TNA. TNA probably costs at least 20 million dollars based on various reports from around the Internet. Admittedly, those figures are generated without a lot of substantial evidence, but you have provided ZERO evidence that a 5 million dollar offer would get you TNA.

Secondly, who the hell are you, even? Do you have a resume? Did you go to college? Have you ever run a business? Why in the world would ANYONE trust you with 5 million dollars to do ANYTHING?

Thirdly, your business plan is a mess. The number of people that care about the NWA numbers in the thousands at best. Rebranding TNA into the NWA is a step backward in marketing.

Fourthly, you'd split your roster in four and run four promotions GLOBALLY? Are you serious? You're going to waste literally millions of dollars a year flying talent out to India and England, unless you hire exclusively talent that lives there, in which case, good luck trying to market a roster of nobodies with a bare handful of stars among them, as well as eliminating any possibility of synergizing your rosters for big events or moving people up the ladder.

Jesus, what else? If I'm reading your plan correctly you'd eliminate house shows. That's cutting out 75% of the events your company runs. How are you going to replace that revenue? Are you going to pay your talent less? Why in the world would they agree to that?

There's so much wrong with your plan that I'd like to believe this is a joke. You just armchair booked the worst failure in the history of wrestling. Congratulations.
$25 gets me a t-shirt signed by the entire roster? Wow. How will you fit all zero of your roster's signatures on one shirt?

No-one is going to take your pipe dream seriously because you have no experience or capital to back it up. Basically, any money you do raise from this should be given back. We both know you wont raise the total and anything you do raise is going right in your pocket. So dont bullshit anyone here just to pay your bills.
Why have you enabled flexible funding? Suppose you only raise $1,000,000 and can't afford to buy TNA? What are you going to do with it?
If you listen to him with your eyes closed, he soulds like Patton Oswalt with brain damage.

Why would you start a video by basically saying "I have already failed at one idea, help me fail another."??

You should just pay $9.99 for the WWE Network and contribute to something that will actually work.
$25 gets me a t-shirt signed by the entire roster? Wow. How will you fit all zero of your roster's signatures on one shirt?

No-one is going to take your pipe dream seriously because you have no experience or capital to back it up. Basically, any money you do raise from this should be given back. We both know you wont raise the total and anything you do raise is going right in your pocket. So dont bullshit anyone here just to pay your bills.

You're right, I don't have the prior experience. I put this together because I decided that there was no reason not to. What do I have to lose? If I don't, then it stays in Dixie's hands anyway. If, by some miracle, enough people actually invest, then I get the chance to make an offer. That's all there is to it.

I must say, there's nothing like being accused of fraud by Batman.
I'd like to see your credentials and past experiences in operating a wrestling business before contributing.

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