HHH back to Raw?


Getting Noticed By Management
Will they use this to get HHH back to raw? Putting edge and his belt back on smackdown and HHH on raw to feud with orton and defend the mcmahon name?

Would be nice to see edge on Raw for a while but don't see an Edge/Orton feud with 2 of their best heels. HHH on raw would allow him to be with his wife and allow him to reteam with HBK to take on Legacy.. can not see Orton going to smackdown and putting an end to the legacy already.
Their shaping up WM and the draft. Startin to look like HHH and Taker to Raw and Cena and a couple midcarders to SmackDown. HHH obviously because Stephs on the road again with Raw. Takers time has come 8 yrs on SD. Cena just needs new scenery.
Yea, i can def see them using this to get HHH back to Raw, as Edge wudnt leave vicki behind on sd! storyline-wise, and it would make sense, as steph is now with raw as previously mentioned. HHH will prob feud with Orton now on Raw, while Edge will remain on sd!, so basically the titles & HHH will switch somehow.
No I think this will be bringing Edge to Raw and Jericho to SD. When you think about it HHH is the main face for the title, Taker is second but he doesn't come near HHH because he wont be holding the belt much longer. So if you take away HHH you are left with Taker, Jeff Hardy, MVP then R-truth. How shit is that for a face roster. Then if you do take away some one from the heels to make face to fill HHH's position you will only have Edge and Koslov/Bigshow as faces along with Umaga far behind. Then you have a shit Heel and Face roster much like they did late 2005. Then lets say HHH does go and no heels change to go face you would have to bring over mega faces. Like Cena, Batista, Rey and HBK. But do you see Rey and Batista coming back after only 1 year and Cena being the whole face of the company you would want him on the main brand. Then if you do take away 2 mega faces from Raw this leaves Raw with HHH, Batista/Cena and Rey/HBK. Which is ok , but you can find better if you do this.

If you take Edge away from SD then you can easily fill him with Jericho or Orton because You don't have to worry about much heels as much as the faces. As long as there big and/or dangerous WWE will book them into any main event. Edge is at the same level as Orton and Jericho. So you can easily fill Edge with Jericho and then bring new feuds into the mix like Jericho and Taker over the title, HHH and Jericho over the title and even Jeff and Jericho could work.

See no one is a face like HHH. So it would be hard to replace him. Like Raw last year they replaced Mysterio adn Batista for HHH. You would have to do the same. So Edge to SD would be the easiest and safest option.
i dont know why but i dont see HHH going back to raw just yet i mean it would make sense and all but in my opinion Triple H has a lot of programs still left in him over in smackdown. he has to finish his problems with Kosloz, they been teasing a Big Show/HHH feud, also there is a possibility, that HHH enters in a program with the undertaker, and a whole lot more midcardters who are on the rise like shelton and MVP.
lets not forget that wrestlemania is just around the corner and that would also mean MITB wich could end up being a quick fix for the 2 champions in one show problem, i mean that did that last year so its only necessary that MITB this year is won by someone who IS ready for the main event not in the making process like CM Punk last year
Yea, i can def see them using this to get HHH back to Raw, as Edge wudnt leave vicki behind on sd! storyline-wise, and it would make sense, as steph is now with raw as previously mentioned. HHH will prob feud with Orton now on Raw, while Edge will remain on sd!, so basically the titles & HHH will switch somehow.

Edge wouldn't have to leave Vickie behind. Vickie could come with him adn Steph could go to SD. This would be much easier for herself and the whole company. When Stephanie gets pregant again she could just simply do 2 shows in one week and this gives her more time off. putting Vickie on the Raw brand as well would also would be a plus because she brings massive amount of heat an imagine her feuding with Cena or Batista. She would make the crowd go nuts and and make Batista and Cena go even more over.

Also HHH has already feuded with Randy twice. once in 04/05 and once last year. Do we really need to see that again. Then HHH would have to face Jericho then turn heel just to bring fresh feuds. Where as having him on Smackdown as face and bringing Jericho over could instantly give him two 2-3 month feuds with Jericho and Big Show/Koslov ( Koslov and HHH feud did not properly finish). As I said it would be easier for HHH to stay and Edge to move.
I hope he does, but in exchange for someone else. Right now, Raw has one big face in Cena, and then there's Rey as the second biggest by default I guess, him or Shawn. On Smackdown there's Jeff, HHH and Taker. Putting HHH on Raw gives them two mega faces and there would be two mega faces on Smackdown still. However, I really don't want to see Ortaon and HHH at Mania. That match has been done so many times, all the way up to last year. What wouuld be gained from having them go at it again? It has it's benefits, and I think they outweigh the negatives.
I have a feeling that if HHH goes to Raw (and its a good possibilty), then Cena will def make the move to SmackDown to fill the void, probably due to the draft in a few weeks after Mania, in order to balance out the faces on the brands. As previously mentioned, it wudnt be right to have HHH, SD's biggest face, to move over to Raw without anything in return, so this wud probably happen if HHH goes over to Raw.
God I hope not. Triple H on Raw would mean him feuding yet AGAIN with Cena and we all know that they gave us those matches like a bazillion times! Trips should stay where he is, as the top face of Smackdown. I think that Edge is the one that's going to move but as some people have posted earlier for some other heel like Jericho. that would balance the roster out a bit because Smackdown has a bit mega faces and crappy heels. If they should decide to put Jericho on Smackdown the options are limitless. And I do hope that they wont mess this up. Because if I have to see Trips on Raw back again, I'll be damned
I am maintaining that this is the easiest move and it seems like it's what they'll do, but with the way WWE has been lately (particularly No Way Out), it's just unpredictable and Idk if that's the way they are going to go. The obvious reasons around Steph have been stated, plus getting involved in the Legacy/McMahon thing, Orton getting revenge for the injury, etc. make it seem almost too obvious.

I bring to you an alternate possibility that I don't believe has been discussed yet. WWE could well decide to go with what we all thought they would..Cena/Orton for the World Heavyweight title and Edge/HHH for the WWE title. How you may ask? I firmly believe that it is not outside the realm of possibility that the entire reason for No Way Out was to swerve us and prove that they could change the title at the last ppv before Mania which we never see, only to have Edge or Triple H drop one of the titles back to Cena before Mania. Is it likely? That I don't know, but I am just putting something out there that I would not be expecting, but wouldn't be surprised if it went down.
I've read there is already Monday Night Raw's and house show's where HHH is booked on the card. I thought it was just a cross promotion thing to build Wrestlemania up, but yeah it seems to be the best option. HHH vs Orton is better than Orton vs Cena atleast....
Is it beyond the realm of thinking Edge could be stripped of the title since he was not an official particapant of the match and we see Cena vs Orton for the Vacated title at Mania.

Okay, this is OFF-TOPIC.. however to quickly reply to it..

If that were to happen, you'd then have to have Rey Mysterio in the match, as he was the last "Raw guy" who was defeated. So technically, it'd be between the former Champion, current Number one contender, and last defeated Raw guy. (ie. No way that'd happen, at least not that I could see)

Now then, on topic.

Since both Championships are being held currently by two individuals on Smackdown, and because it doesn't make a lot of sense for Edge to seperate from Vickie unless that storyline may finally be coming to an end.. I forsee Triple H. being "traded" to Raw, with his Championship, for some opposite Wrestler.. like say.. Kane?

Then we'd get a Triple H. v. Randy Orton (possibly repeat v. John Cena) type set-up. And Triple H. would align with Stephanie, for the obvious I.W.C. reasons that will allow for even more mindless hating. And Cena could be tossed in for the shear fuck of not then having anything better to do.

However, I honestly don't see it happening. But it's a thought.
Well, I suppose it could happen in the scenario where Edge is forced to be on RAW because he is the champion, while Vickie Guerrero can not leave SmackDown, being the GM and all I could see Stephanie McMahon making a deal with Vickie Guerrero which would involved a one person draft from SmackDown, with Stephanie McMahon choosing Triple H to come to RAW switching the WWE Championship and World Heavyweight Championship again between brands.

I wouldn't mind seeing Triple H on RAW though and sending Edge to SmackDown, because when RAW comes to Sydney in a few months, I'd like to see Triple H aswell but if they were going to do anything, it has to be tomorrow on RAW, the changes have to be made as soon as possible for Orton to pick his opponent and have the build up.
I don't get it, people were complaining when Triple H was on Raw, but now they want him back on Raw. I fail to understand this.

Anyway, this is rather complicated. I love Triple H on Smackdown, I love Edge on Smackdown, I would like the World Heavyweight Title on Smackdown, but I want the WWE Championship on Raw. Yes, I'm a demanding motherfucker, but I can't help it. I don't know if HHH back to Raw would be such a great idea. We've seen most of the feuds already. Triple H vs Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels, John Cena, Batista and many more have already been done. Not to mention HHH is going to be in the main event of Wrestlemania as the WWE Champion.

I can't see why the WWE would want Triple H back on Raw. I'd personally rather see Chris Jericho to Smackdown so Edge can come to Raw, but I'm not really high on that idea either. The way I see it, all the main eventers have almost faced everyone else on the roster who is on their level. We desperately need new main eventers. I'm talking about guys like John Morrison, MVP, Mr Kennedy and CM Punk. They can't be mid-carders forever and the main event scene is incredibly boring at the moment.

Triple H is far fresher on Smackdown than on Raw in my opinion. I can't see what benefit would come from Triple H moving back to Raw after only 10 months. I'm really confused as to what the WWE is doing here. Either way, Triple H is at the stage of his career where he should be starting to put over talent, not putting himself over talent. The Road to Wrestlemania is very interesting, but at the same time, I'm not really looking forward to the main events on the show, nor am I looking forward to Triple H on Raw again.
As good ole J.R. use to say (mainly after getting drafted from Raw to SD) never write a blog angry.but after reading the NWO results I gotta say! AH COME ONNNN!
Iinitially I put it down to Vince getting fed up with spoilers & leaks in the same way I credit it to Christians post Rumble arrival when we AlL assumed HE would screw Jeff instead of Matt.Its like,"these are the rosters,this is the match,here are the stipulations,,,oh .fff that.! its MY company! Everything OUT the WindoW .III do what I like!"
But calm down Gav.WM Forums to the rescue.If what you say is true.It would allow H to return to raw (pre draft, which seeing as Matt &.Chavo have also moved pre draft ., is getting pretty obsolete too) battle Orton at WM (His kids musta grew up VerY quick !).while Edge continues opportunising with SD & VG.
Having said that it would give an impression to the hard of thinking (Hello.) that there,s nobody on Raw worthy of a title shot.least said,,,.
As alway,the best thing to do is stay tuned & see..
I can see Triple H going to RAW but I don't know how they are going to do it since he won the WWE and not the WHC Championship. Edge going to RAW is more likely but what are they going to do about Vickie. I can't see them both moving since Stephanie is the RAW GM. This should make for an interesting RAW tonight.
my god i no WWE has been poo for 4 years but come the F*ck on ! iv been watching pro wrestling since i was 6 years old and it hurts me that i cant watch it ne more ! HHH a 13 tym champion ? thats seriously wrong ppl and no one and i mean no one can justify that kinda crap ! oh and lets c we will let edge lose his title only to b put in the same match 4 a different heavyweight title and hav him win it wen he has no reason to b in the match wot so ever in the F*cking 1st place !! i no i no "storyline" or wotever but this is the reason WWE has lost its older generation becuz its simple un-watchable wif the lack of REALITY and i no its predetermined but come on i mean ppl hav simply gotten fed up wif HHH winning title after title and lets giv edge lyk 4 title runs in 2 years and ppl who busted their ass lyk mr perfect,piper etc nvr got one shot ! vince ur destroying ur own company ! and iv been die hard WWF fan 90% of my life but i cant watch it anymore ! reading the no way out results was jus lyk "here we go again" same bullshit we r supposed 2 b "shocked" wif and i no this is off topic or wotever and ill prob get another warning....vvrrrttt lol but i reli dont care the "fans" need to take a good look at the SHIT product and realise evn tho TNA is way off WWE at least they arent gona giv sum1 13 title runs wen he maybe deserves 6 !! F*cking absolute joke ! the real wrestling fans are slowly becomin anti WWE and thats the truth at least im keepin it real ! bullshit HHH and Edge raping the credibilty of the championships ! if i ever saw HHH i wudnt even ask 4 an autograph cuz he's a cock sucking f*ck ! no one will agree wif me cuz ur stil buyin in2 this crap ! WWE is dead and has been since 2004 ! deal wit it !
i agree i havent been able to watch wwe for a while now i like to watch tna much more now. was same way for me back when wcw was at its high point (love the nWo). HHH and edge winning the belt over and over is bs. I cant stand HHH nvr liked him i think if it werent for steph he wouldnt be shit. I forget but his 1st title win was when HHH and steph we togerther and running the show after the drive-thou wedding and i think HBK (comish) and shane also helped out? B4 that i think the rock owned his ass. But anyway i cant watch smackdown (or at least dont know what channel my network is on><) so i havent seen HHH much which i am glad. Hope he stays on smackdown dont want to see him and steph together again ><
Here my take on this, first i don'T see HHH leaving smackdown yet, with wrestlemania around the corner and all the changes that Mynetwork Tv is going through i think smackdown need as much star power as it can get. So having said that i think that Orton will probably start RAW tonight and said something like he did exactly what he said i would do and that was to put Shane out of comission. Then Stephanie will come out and announce that since Edge won the World Title last night, she was forced by the board of directors to sign him to a Raw contract which means that she had to give up one RAW superstar to replace Edge on Smackdown, so she decided that instead of finding a way to punish Orton, she would simply get rid of him and send him to Smackdown and if he even thinks of using his title shot to come back to Raw, the boards gave her permission to strip him of his title shot.
na i can see orton opening raw or ending raw with a promo with legacy, and stephanie comes out and says she has another idea for orton and introduces raws newest superstar the wwe champion triple h, it could work they teased it a little bit last week, now think for a minute, why would they mention BOTH titles if they werent plannin a swap, i mean they foreshadow so much shit i.e tazz "that is if both superstars last 5 minutes"...then edge is pinned in under 5 minutes, i mean edge on raw makes absolutely NO sense with vickie on SD and who the hell would he feud with? cena? i can see them swappin rey and hhh for wrestlemania then cena mysterio go to SD in the draft and hhh stays on raw
People are forgetting there are 7 WEEKS before Wrestlemania. There is plenty of time to change a title again. I just hope Cena doesn't get it back tonight. That would be freaking terrible.
i doubt very seriously they would change the titles b/w now and mania besides it sets up some good match ups hhh vs orton defendin his wife, and mysterio vs edge, bc in all honesty it looks like tht kofi run-in was nothin more than a way to write off kofi for sum reason, and a way to set up a feud
HHH will be moving back to RAW at Stephanie's request. Stephanie will present HHH as the man to take on Orton and Legacy. This will lead to the Main Event at Mania HHH v Orton with Stephanie turning on HHH and the McMahon family and siding with Legacy.

This will set up a longterm feud between HHH, Mr McMahon, and shane McMahon vs Stephanie McMahon and Legacy. which could be the most exciting storyline to come along in years on WWE television.
HHH will be moving back to RAW at Stephanie's request. Stephanie will present HHH as the man to take on Orton and Legacy. This will lead to the Main Event at Mania HHH v Orton with Stephanie turning on HHH and the McMahon family and siding with Legacy.

This will set up a longterm feud between HHH, Mr McMahon, and shane McMahon vs Stephanie McMahon and Legacy. which could be the most exciting storyline to come along in years on WWE television.

love the idea bro i was thinkin along the lines bout sumthin similar since wwes wanted 2 do a hhh vs steph storyline and wat better way to do it than this
Ok, I think everyone is forgetting about ECW, who is hanging by a thread, only because they signed Christian back. Last year's draft blew up ECW; they were left with Matt Hardy, Morrison, Miz, and Finlay. What I potentially see is Morrison and Miz splitting, each going to a diffrent brand. And who knows, maybe that Edge-Christian thing could happen. When I saw the assault on Kingston by Edge, I knew Edge was going to go in and win the Raw Chamber. Everyone knows how Edge gets scared of Cena sometimes, right? Well, I say that Cena goes to SD! and starts following him around. Then when he gets the chance, Cena beats Edge up. Then Edge is given the chance to go to any brand he wants, he chooses ECW or Raw. Vickie doesn't hear about any of the beatdowns and thinks Edge is leaving SD! because of her. Then they file for divorce. =)

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