Hey Look, Divas! Now, Do I Fast Forward Or Go For A Piss?

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
A little context - I cannot tell the difference between divas in the WWE. The only ones I know are Beth Phoenix - because she's the butchest and CM Punk knocked her out at the Rumble - and Melina - because she used to manage MNM. Honestly could not pick the others out of a line-up. I have no idea who the female champions in the WWE are now, though I'm fairly sure there's two of them.

I'm always surprised when someone takes the effort to discuss women's wrestling in the WWE seriously. For me, it has never, ever been more of a glorified piss break. Trish Stratus being the greatest diva of all-time puts here on about the same level as Matt Hardy for me.

Their wrestling is sub-par, their promos are sub-par, the storylines that are written for them are sub-par and their erotic frolicking is now irrelevant in the internet age; if you catch my drift.

Why should I bother paying any attention to them?
you shouldnt bother watchin till bra and panties matches come back or they learn how to wrestle (not swing/grab each other by the hair) then i'd watch it i was getting interested but vickie just turned me away

toilet break
ive never liked womens wrestling anyways i just dont see the point, all they are are eye candie to perverted guys who think they might stand a chance to be with them lol

whenever i hear the entrance of a diva i just skip it on windows media player
I'll never understand why it takes smarks so long to piss. Every other male in the universe can do it in 30 seconds to a minute, but these idiots - it takes them an entire match to take a piss?

What kind a guy takes a 3 to 5 minute piss? What else are you weirdos doing in there other than pissing during these matches?

I don't mind them so much. I just piss before RAW starts.
I don't think I've watched a full diva's match since they started using that awful term. A few exceptions I can remember were Lita and someone in a hardcore match and when they main evented Raw that one time. Those were pretty good. Every time I see a sliver of a "Diva's" match I'm reminded why I can't watch the whole thing. You're right that Trish and Lita, which I hate that she's often left out despite being far more entertaining, being the best Diva's puts them at about European title caliber.

The one good thing about the Diva's is that my expectations have been so lowered that I consider the Knockouts to be a godsend, specifically Sarita.
After the first half hour of talking, and no wrestling, I hate seeing a Divas' match to start the actual "wrestling". Beth Phoenix, Mickie James, Millena, Michelle McCool, and Maryse seem to perform well and are improving. Others, like Maria and Jillian Hall are absolutely terrible and botch every move!
What happened to the Bella Twins actually wrestling? All they do EVERY WEEK is a spot with whomever the guest host is.
TNA lost Awesome Kong and Hamada. They have weakened their Knockouts Division also.
Kind of a bad time for women's wrestling! Yes, RAW's Diva Match/Matches are piss breaks!
MEGAFAN420 Millena,realy?(Sorry but I couldnt resist)

They are eyecandy(if they werent they wouldnt have fake tits),there storyline are stupid(if they have any) and they are terrible wrestlers.

My question is this:Does it realy matters?

I dont understand guys that says that in PPVs or shows they go piss rather then watch divas segment.I would understand if they were girls but seriously.I for one would prefer watching divas segment rather then some jobber X who wrestler Y(any main eventer) takes on in about 2 minutes(somethimes even less) so he could look credible
I only know a few myself. I know Mickie James, because of her feud with Trish. Then I know Melina, because quite frankly, she's the hottest one there, and Beth Phoenix, because she is the only recognizable one there, reminiscent of Chyna. The other ones might as well be named "Generic Blond [number]."

All the matches are the same, there are no original feuds - just one chick being a relentless bitch for no reason while the other one is just defending herself.

The Divas need a revamp.

Answer: Fast forward.
piss time! until tnas knockout division ive never really liked watching womens matches,yea they are nice to look at but thats not why i watch wrestling. wrestlings about big burly men whipping ass. beth phoenix is one of the few stand outs in wwe as far as ability goes. tentytwo the reason it takes so long for us to pis is all the beer!
I would agree with all of the piss takers. With only one exception, WM 22 Trish vs. Mickie was one of the best matches on the card. The "psycho" character that Mickie played was probably the best diva character ever. Add that to the crowd defiantly chosing to cheer for the heel. It was one entertaining match. I realize that one diamond in the rough doesn't justify watching today's product, but it shows that with the right dynamics a divas match can be entertaining. Sadly, WWE doesn't put much effort into them and thus the product is given the "side-show" treatment.

As eye candy they don't work anymore unless they play a legit manager like Natalya, because in the PG world they can only show so much skin and even the sexual innuendos and comments by Lawler have to be limited. So that makes 90% of the current crop of divas irrelevant. Beth, Mickie, and Maybe Melina are the only really athletically gifted women on the roster(and Melina's hurt more than Mr. Kennedy was).
Obviously the Divas are there to bring in the female sports fan audience, so they're not going anywhere. And there good eye candy..so why complain?
I think they should involve the divas more with the men. would make for more interesting storylines. like with Macho man and Elizabeth
ahhh yes the million dollar question during a divas match..do i go take a piss or go to the bathroom..hopefully both..some go smoke..im not a smoker..to each its own..but the divas are as important in the wwe as david arquette as heavyweight champion....i mean i say leave the divas matches as dark matches so if we are watching we dont have to suffer throught those two mins of under par wrestling...now i will point out that mickie james trish stratus had the greatest diva match ive ever seen at mania 22..i mean even the crowd was into it..awsome match..but other than a handful of divas the rest suck..i couldnt name ten if there are that many. and no this isnt sexist or anything but its not entertianing to see hot women...some hot women....try to wrestle...if you look at the crowd either half are in the restroom or at the food stand...divas matches......suck..im glad there leaving them off the card for mania
Besides Mickie James,Melina,Gail Kim,Natalya,& Beth Phoenix the Divas are worthless IMO.Woman's wrestling in the WWE has suck since Lita and Trish left.It got even worse when they added another title.WWE just doesn't have enough quality talent two hold to respectable title.If they unified the belts then we might be making progress.

Answer:Fast forward or go get a snack for the good stuff
While the female wrestling in WWE is lacking, I wouldn't consider taking a break, I'd actually stay and watch it. If you did, believe it or not, you might notice that as of right now, the Divas (more so on Smackdown) actually have more storyline going for them then the guys in MITB do combined (excluding Drew MacIntyre).

For months now, the Divas on Smackdown have had promo time, decent matchs, and even a few memorable moments. I wouldn't call it great TV, but at least the WWE is doing "something" with the Divas. Since qualifying for MITB, how many of those guys have even had TV time since?

If you're gonna take a piss watching wrestling, the Divas matchs might not be the best time. Evan Bourne matchs should be just long enough to take a piss, rub one out, and still catch a Shooting Star Press.
To each his own, but I do not mind them.

I think for anyone to expect a masterpiece from the modern day diva is fairly insane; you have to realize why they are there.They give these women ring time because that is the basic premise of the buisness:wrestling. However, the bottom line is that these girls are employed because of their looks ,even Trish. Why do you think that most of the fans know who Kelly Kelly is opposed to Beth phonix?Because Kelly is gorgeous.

Really though, I do not see why you would complain about five minutes (at most) of attractive women wrestling, even if they are not that good.Maybe you guys strictly prefer to watch sweaty guys on your televisions.I enjoy having the women , whether or not they are putting on a good match .If I want to see a good match than I can watch Micheals wrestle, but Micheals isn't a hot woman .They each have their own value.

I for one will never complain about seeing Maryse in the ring.
Besides Mickie James,Melina,Gail Kim,Natalya,& Beth Phoenix the Divas are worthless IMO.

I would add Katie-Lea Burchill, and Serena to that list. I realize Serena hasn't had a WWE match yet (if she ever will), but she definitely has skills.

Katie-Lea Burchill is criminally under-used. And the thing about the seven of them on your list and mine is that they have all proven that they can wrestle, and haven't just made it in the business by looking pretty.
The Divas on Raw I'm with you about. I don't have cable so the only way I watch RAW is via Youtube. Most people that post the show are smart enough to separate it commercial break by commercial break so I can skip the Divas matches without worrying about missing part of another important segment. RAW Divas (excluding Maryse and maybe Eve) are just a waste of time and I'm with the other guy that's pissed about a Divas match being the first actual wrestling match we see on RAW. I thought the whole Diva Relocation idea that happened months ago was made so that SmackDown had all the good female wrestlers. I just wish they moved Maryse and Eve so that I didn't have to watch the first couple minutes of Part 2 of RAW with hopes something interesting will happen.

SmackDown Divas on the other hand are doing well, IMO. The Simply Flawless storyline is very entertaining to me and is reminiscient of the Beautiful People. They're getting really great heat thanks to having Vickie being with them, something I haven't seen Divas recieve since WM22. Beth Phoenix is making a great face and Mickie James is always awesome. The thing that makes SD! Divas great is the fact they have storylines. RAW matches have no story behind them and are usually just 6-Diva clusterfucks.

I can't exactly answer the question of fast forward vs. piss break since like I said I watch it in Youtube. But for those that do watch RAW live on TV, I suggest Option C: Watch Impact.
TwentyTwo made a point on here about most guys pissing in 30 seconds....how long do you think the WWE divas matches are? As soon as they roll around enough for the referee to get a woody they cut to a half arsed finish by what could maybe be a legitimate move. Hell the commercials that wwe constantly assaults its show with DURING matches are longer than the actual divas match.

I honestly don't even think divas matches are a good time to take a piss because then what will you do during the 8 commercial breaks during the next match? Even if you don't like TNA, it's some thing else to watch during shitty matches, commercials, etc (i watch wwe during tna commercials)
peep4life go back to school, they teach you the difference between then and than. Kelly Kelly cannot wrestle. The only ''finisher'' she's capable of pulling off is her K2, which is NOTHING more than putting her leg on the back of some one's neck and sitting down.....ow...-_-

no...they don't put their bodies on the line like every one else. Yeah, there are risks, but most of the diva injuries came from them failing to perform a move (mickie's lazy turnbuckle hurricanrana). some times, yes, they really get hurt, and yes, there are and have been incredible divas (trish, lita, chyna) but the new ones fail. Gail Kim is a very good wrestler (check out her old tna matches) and she can't even make the raw divas look good. I hope awesome kong goes to wwe and just goes batshit on all the mannequi...i mean divas and really puts the implant buster's name to use lol
I don't like watching the divas wrestle; I haven't been entertained by any of them in years. I don't feel like I should care about what's happening, especially when I think about how much I care about things such as Hart's return, or Shawn/The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. These are things I've had legitimate emotion for, even when not watching the show. When I think of the divas I, also, couldn't name you half of them. I probably wouldn't even recognise a few of them, because they're so unimportant to the show and the WWE don't attempt to portray them any differently. Just being named 'divas' is enough to make me not care - the name doesn't exactly show how strong and powerful people are.
A little context - I cannot tell the difference between divas in the WWE. The only ones I know are Beth Phoenix - because she's the butchest and CM Punk knocked her out at the Rumble - and Melina - because she used to manage MNM. Honestly could not pick the others out of a line-up. I have no idea who the female champions in the WWE are now, though I'm fairly sure there's two of them.

I could tell who every single one of them was if they lined up, why? I watch the divas matches. They are not as bad as people say they are, and I absolutely detest that people always say things like "oh, it's a divas match, time for a piss break!". Do people not realize how rude that is? These women go out there every week to try to entertain the fans, and this is the respect they get? Sam, I think you and many others should watch the divas matches more, then you would at least know who the two champions are.

I'm always surprised when someone takes the effort to discuss women's wrestling in the WWE seriously. For me, it has never, ever been more of a glorified piss break. Trish Stratus being the greatest diva of all-time puts here on about the same level as Matt Hardy for me.

Trish Stratus is on the same level as Matt Hardy? When did this happen? Trish was a legend, Matt Hardy's only famous because of his brother. Time for you to be surprised again then Sam.... I'll take the effort to discuss women's wrestling in the WWE seriously.

Their wrestling is sub-par, their promos are sub-par, the storylines that are written for them are sub-par and their erotic frolicking is now irrelevant in the internet age; if you catch my drift.

Oh wait a minute.... how can you know that their wrestling and their promos are sub-par when you don't even know who's who? You said so yourself that you can't tell them apart other than Beth and Melina. Also.... the storylines aren't bad. Piggie James was a great angle. The erotic frolicking isn't irrelevant, the divas are there to wrestle in their division AND look pretty. There are plenty of straight fans out there who like them.

Why should I bother paying any attention to them?

You should bother paying attention to them because it is their job to try to entertain you and look pretty while doing so. They can't do their job if fans insist on not watching. Also, they are better than most people give them credit for. If people actually gave the divas a chance then they would know who they are and become more interested in them.

I'm willing to debate this further if you still disagree.
Piggie James was a great angle.

Anyone with an 11-year-old daughter, who sees enough body-image crap in the world without the WWE adding to it, would disagree. This PG stuff is marketed to kids and I'm uncomfortable with ANY wrestling being marketed to kids, knowing how sleazy the business is.

I hear Undertaker is taking time off after Wrestlemania, I hope Michelle McCool goes with him and learns how to wrestle while she's off TV.
Okay some divas aren't that good at wrestling but its not fair to say that they all can't wrestle. I get so sick of hearing how the divas are so horrible these days you didn't hear that back when Trish and Lita were still wrestling.

That is because back then the divas were given more tv time and Vince thought highly of them. We do have some good divas now like Mickie James, Melina, Beth Phoniex and Eve. Some divas could use some more training but its not fair to just fast forward through the divas because they work just as hard as the guys to entertain you so give them some respect.

I hope that when I become a wwe diva you guys have some more respect for the WWE divas.
I could tell who every single one of them was if they lined up, why? I watch the divas matches. They are not as bad as people say they are, and I absolutely detest that people always say things like "oh, it's a divas match, time for a piss break!". Do people not realize how rude that is? These women go out there every week to try to entertain the fans, and this is the respect they get?

They probably get paid more in a week than most of us do in a year. I'm sure the small fortunes they pocket are more than enough thanks for their hard work.

Sam, I think you and many others should watch the divas matches more, then you would at least know who the two champions are.

I watch the occasional match. You know when you've recorded something and have the option to fast forward at any time, but you find yourself watching the adverts anyway? Yeah, it's like that.

I generally find horrible fake-looking wrestling, which is either a hair-pulling catfight or a cringe-inducing botchfest.

Trish Stratus is on the same level as Matt Hardy? When did this happen?

You're right, I may have been a bit generous. I mean, she did shock the world by producing a women's match that wasn't dreadful at WrestleMania, but she also spent most of her career demonstrating how worthless the women's title was by constantly holding it.

Then again, did they ever tease a Matt Hardy/Rock romance? I think not. Point: Dias.

Oh wait a minute.... how can you know that their wrestling and their promos are sub-par when you don't even know who's who?

I don't know the characters in [insert bad television show here] either.

Piggie James was a great angle.

It did get people oddly wound up, I'll give you that much.

The erotic frolicking isn't irrelevant, the divas are there to wrestle in their division AND look pretty. There are plenty of straight fans out there who like them.

I blame society.

You should bother paying attention to them because it is their job to try to entertain you and look pretty while doing so. They can't do their job if fans insist on not watching.

Perhaps they should seek other employment.

Also, they are better than most people give them credit for. If people actually gave the divas a chance then they would know who they are and become more interested in them.

I totally knew who they all were before they were expanded to create the world's largest battle royale division.

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