RAW Divas: Eye Candy or Entertainment?

Its fans with ideas like this which hold back womens wrestling in the west!

If im honest i cant remember the last time i actually watched a Divas match all the way till the end of the match, they just tend to look very sloppy and just never draw me into their matches (mainly because im not just after 'pretty' women). Yet when it comes to the the Knockouts i will always watch because they have the best womens wrestlers on english speaking TV, and the stories so far have also been very good.

The fact that you said you would rather watch some s**t like Maria over "someone ugly like ODB" says a lot about not only you but your priorities with wrestling.

Im sorry to say this, but the way i think is more then likely the way a majority of non internet fans think. And believe me ive me I have said my piece on ugly divas like jillian hall before. And then gave credit to the women who are great at wrestling. The point is if I can't stand to look at the diva or knockout then you've already turned me away from the TV. And believe me Maria isn't as bad as you seem to percieve her to be. Also take into account that your average fan has no clue about womens wrestling, so it all looks good to them.
I think the WWE divas are great. Wrestling should be a mixed sex sport not just for men. The WWE divas make WWE what it is today as well as the guys do. My favourite WWE diva is Candice Michelle. Candice Michelle certainly has improved alot and has proved she is not just eye candy.
I think the WWE divas are great. Wrestling should be a mixed sex sport not just for men. The WWE divas make WWE what it is today as well as the guys do. My favourite WWE diva is Candice Michelle. Candice Michelle certainly has improved alot and has proved she is not just eye candy.

How has Candice Michelle proved she isn't eye candy? All she did was improve her technique (which is still quite mediocre) in the ring. WWE still markets Candice as eye candy, they still label her as eye candy. The Playboy Bunny match is a good example of this, the WWE still has to keep going back and reminding people that Candice did playboy because they can capitalize on Candice's sex appeal. WWE isn't trying to move Candcie forward, they've kept Candice where she always was and has been since she debuted, and at the same time WWE has ruined the credibilty of some of the other talented womens athletes in WWE, by jobbing them out to Candice and some of the other talentless divas.
How has Candice Michelle proved she isn't eye candy? All she did was improve her technique (which is still quite mediocre) in the ring. WWE still markets Candice as eye candy, they still label her as eye candy. The Playboy Bunny match is a good example of this, the WWE still has to keep going back and reminding people that Candice did playboy because they can capitalize on Candice's sex appeal. WWE isn't trying to move Candcie forward, they've kept Candice where she always was and has been since she debuted, and at the same time WWE has ruined the credibilty of some of the other talented womens athletes in WWE, by jobbing them out to Candice and some of the other talentless divas.

O.k while i agree with you on the fact that they still promote candice has eye candy that does mean that she is talentless or the other divas are talentless. The fact is you, in the wwe you got Four categories of divas

the first group is those who are talented but are not use as eye candies. In this group you got Jillian, Beth Phoenix, Victoria and Mickie James.

The second group are thoses who are talented or are above average and are use has eye candy. In this group you got Melina, Candice, michelle mccool and Maria.

The third group are those that shouldn't be in the ring but are there to has eye candy. This group consist of Kelly KElly, Ashley, Torrie Wilson and Layla.

and finally there is a fourth group and that'S the one that they don'T know what to do with them. IT doesn'T mean that they aren't talented because some are but they don'T have a in ring role for them. In this group you got Katie LEa, Maryse, Eve, LEna and Cherry.

So yes i agree that they are using Candice has eye candy indirectly for now but before calling a talentless diva, please watch the WWE programming and you will see there are a lot of divas that are worst in the ring that Candice is.
O.k while i agree with you on the fact that they still promote candice has eye candy that does mean that she is talentless or the other divas are talentless. The fact is you, in the wwe you got Four categories of divas

the first group is those who are talented but are not use as eye candies. In this group you got Jillian, Beth Phoenix, Victoria and Mickie James.

The second group are thoses who are talented or are above average and are use has eye candy. In this group you got Melina, Candice, michelle mccool and Maria.

The third group are those that shouldn't be in the ring but are there to has eye candy. This group consist of Kelly KElly, Ashley, Torrie Wilson and Layla.

and finally there is a fourth group and that'S the one that they don'T know what to do with them. IT doesn'T mean that they aren't talented because some are but they don'T have a in ring role for them. In this group you got Katie LEa, Maryse, Eve, LEna and Cherry.

So yes i agree that they are using Candice has eye candy indirectly for now but before calling a talentless diva, please watch the WWE programming and you will see there are a lot of divas that are worst in the ring that Candice is.

Hey i enjoy watching kelly kelly and her bothed cartwheels, so don't knock on her. And Torrie Wilson should be with your second group as well. Mickie James as far as im concerned is great talent and eye candy because she does rock.
To your fourth group, I guarantee you Katie Lea is Talented, and eye candy. Your middle 3 I have no idea what they are capable of so i will not comment. And cherry is a manager so shes doing her role well as she should be.

Now onto what id rather talk about is you say their are plenty of worse wrestlers then candice. But let me tell you this, as much as candice is improving( Which isn't much) If you see her in the ring with one of those talentless divas as you call it, she will also look talentless since she cant be carried, and cant carry anyone. The only reason she may look like shes massively improving is because shes in the ring with women who know how to wrestle, and can cover botches better.
O.k while i agree with you on the fact that they still promote candice has eye candy that does mean that she is talentless or the other divas are talentless. The fact is you, in the wwe you got Four categories of divas

the first group is those who are talented but are not use as eye candies. In this group you got Jillian, Beth Phoenix, Victoria and Mickie James.

The second group are thoses who are talented or are above average and are use has eye candy. In this group you got Melina, Candice, michelle mccool and Maria.

The third group are those that shouldn't be in the ring but are there to has eye candy. This group consist of Kelly KElly, Ashley, Torrie Wilson and Layla.

and finally there is a fourth group and that'S the one that they don'T know what to do with them. IT doesn'T mean that they aren't talented because some are but they don'T have a in ring role for them. In this group you got Katie LEa, Maryse, Eve, LEna and Cherry.

So yes i agree that they are using Candice has eye candy indirectly for now but before calling a talentless diva, please watch the WWE programming and you will see there are a lot of divas that are worst in the ring that Candice is.

hold on...maria and candice in the same group as melina? i'm gonna play around with your groups a little

Can Wrestle: Melina, Mickie, Beth, Victoria, Jillian (why the never use her i don't know), Katie Lea
Average Eye Candy: Emmmm...Candice and Maria, Maryse (I'm going on words of Eternal Dragon here who claims she is decent in the ring), torrie wilson is ok in the ring, though she probably won't be back to wrestle, and miss mccool.
Pretty poor in the ring: Kelly, Layla, ashley and i'll go ahead and stick whatever backstage diva search people there are in here as well.

cherry and lilian are purely eye candy because cherry doesnt seem to ever go in the ring.

Now as for candice...yeah, there are worse, but that's not saying a lot. if you'd care to consult the women's division of a rival company, how do you think she'd do there. there are worse in wwe because they're there to model and train as wrestlers to make it credible. they're not trained wrestlers who look good. angel williams is a good wrestler and got fired because she wasn't attractive? how is that a way to market your female wrestlers?
hold on...maria and candice in the same group as melina? i'm gonna play around with your groups a little

Can Wrestle: Melina, Mickie, Beth, Victoria, Jillian (why the never use her i don't know), Katie Lea
Average Eye Candy: Emmmm...Candice and Maria, Maryse (I'm going on words of Eternal Dragon here who claims she is decent in the ring), torrie wilson is ok in the ring, though she probably won't be back to wrestle, and miss mccool.
Pretty poor in the ring: Kelly, Layla, ashley and i'll go ahead and stick whatever backstage diva search people there are in here as well.

cherry and lilian are purely eye candy because cherry doesnt seem to ever go in the ring.

Now as for candice...yeah, there are worse, but that's not saying a lot. if you'd care to consult the women's division of a rival company, how do you think she'd do there. there are worse in wwe because they're there to model and train as wrestlers to make it credible. they're not trained wrestlers who look good. angel williams is a good wrestler and got fired because she wasn't attractive? how is that a way to market your female wrestlers?

I think that she could do pretty well if she was in TNA because if Candice is able to give hang and give a 3 star match with talented wrestler like Beth phoenix and melina, imagine what she could do with a group a talented people like the group that they got in TNA.

HAs i explain before the reason i didn't but Melina and Katie Lea with the other divas is simply because Melina is use has eye candy more then has a talented wrestler and KAtie Lea has talented as she is hasn'T having been in match yet so that why they are in the group that i put them in.
how much of that is the other wrestler carrying it though. tna's wrestlers with the exception of christie hemme have all been doing it a LOT longer than candice michelle. and i dont see them wanting to job to her either.

youtube some of the wrestler's that appear in echelon's sigs and watch their matches. they are outstanding wrestlers and can make the majority of wwe's roster look amateur (not as in technical armdrags) in comparison.
Oh most definitely. Im agreeing with polly on this subject as well as echelon. Oh an psyco your prime is example with candice is she can only do good with actual WRESTLERS. Do you really think their is a point in bringing candice to TNA just so she can try and wrestle. If you havn't really seen Christie Hemme who I think is far prettier in TNA, Noone likes to watch her in the ring they only want the people who can wrestle, and actually prove their good wrestlers. Candice going to TNA would be a huge step down for their womens division.
As I posted in the bar room

As as her actual technique goes, I wouldn't doubt it. Candice could succeed in TNA, though I highly doubt she'd be in the main event as those women work at a much better rate than Candcie, but Candice could work the same level of matches as Talia Madison or Angel Williams. The problem with Candice is that, despite her improvements in her technique, she still can't cut a good promo, nor can she utilize proper ring psychology. Candice's matches are driven by the reaction that she gets from the fans that think she looks a certain way or meets a certain stereotypical norm. If Candcie were to move to TNA, she'd really have to break free of the stereotypical type WWE image that she has, or else she would probably be laughed out of the ring
i'm sorry to disagree but to me beth doesn't have any in ring skills just strength. i think that now that candice is back she is going to take back that women's championship that was rightfully hers in the first place.because she's the most dominant and beatiful diva there ever was in wrestling
i'm sorry to disagree but to me beth doesn't have any in ring skills just strength. i think that now that candice is back she is going to take back that women's championship that was rightfully hers in the first place.because she's the most dominant and beatiful diva there ever was in wrestling

Have you even watched wrestling outside of WWE? Judging by your response I'd say you haven't. You do understand that the WWE portrays Beth as a monster heel that brutalizes the competition with her power. WWE doesn't show even 1/ 10th of what Beth is truly capable of.To get an idea of what Beth is really all about, watch her matches in OVW, her matches against Trinity, and Katie Lea (particularly the ladder match they had together) her matches against Serena Deeb and OBD.
i'm sorry to disagree but to me beth doesn't have any in ring skills just strength. i think that now that candice is back she is going to take back that women's championship that was rightfully hers in the first place.because she's the most dominant and beatiful diva there ever was in wrestling

Has much as i like candice and how she did improve, i got to say that you're way off base with this statement. Beth Phoenix is one talented wrestler. Just go on Youtube and watch some of her matches from when she was OVW or just watch some of her matches on the Shimmer DVD and you would she that BEth Phoenix is really more then just a power wrestler.
Speaking of these divas WHERE IN THE WORLD is MICKIE JAMES????????? I havent seen that girl on Raw for WEEKS!!!!! And she is one woman who can wrestle? What happened? Why isnt she in Wrestlemania???? Anyone with any info would be awesome!!!

She's been stuck on Heat for the last month. Most of the time, she been jobbing to melina in some pretty good match and since she's not involve in anything right now, she will get stuck on HEAT until they decide to put her in some sort of program with another diva.
You wonder where Mickie is? She's being punished unfortunately. Once she listens to the agents, she'll get a good push. Until then, she's not going to be featured on television.
Let's just say yes to both! Some of them are just eye candy, others are Entertaining and then one or two are "DAMN" ugly. Mickie James, Melina, Beth Phoenix are the best as far as wrestling. Maria is unquestionably the eye candy. Ashley, Katie Lea and Jillian are the three that fall in the last catergory. As for poor Candice, who will not be ruling the division anytime soon, she is both and niether. Is she hot, yeah, but the whole making a little yelp when she makes a move is annoying and thus loses her appeal. Let's not get on her wrestling ablilty, it has spoke for it self.
unfortunately WWE Divas are seen as Eye-Candy..... why? because its entertainment. the WWE focuses on more eye candy segments then wrestling.... If you wanted to see wrestling watch SHIMMER matches or a few Joshi matches.

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