Does this piss you off?

Just remember ladies and gentlemen: Women (who do not watch wrestling) have Soap Operas. Those people are not real. The rest of people have 'Reality Shows' which also are not real. The rest read Fiction of Fantasy books. There again, yep, you guessed it... not real.

Everyone has an outlet, and everyone likes to complain about it to people with similar interests. This sort of action does not limit itself to television, but to religion, socioeconomic status,. hell even underwear color after Labor Day.

We all live with it, and the majority of us are okay. You'll be okay too.
My friends just s******, and claim that I like to watch men in pants fake fight with each other. I basically tell them to eat shit. So what if I like wrestling, it's the same as someone enjoying dance, it's whatever floats your boat, and theres nothing wrong with liking what you like.

I'm never embassesed to display my passion for wrestling. Building up to WrestleMania this year, my Facebook page was littered with WrestleMania related status updates, almost all of which were filled with comments such as "wrestlings fake" etc etc. Do I care? No!

I even featured The Rock's "it dosen't matter what you think" catchphrase in a performance I had to do at College. It got a number of laughs. I say don't be ashamed of your love for wrestling. If anything, be more public about it. That's my opinion. :D

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