Here's an Idea..


The Machinist
With the recent uproar of admiration of the NXT Season 1 Invasion storyline on RAW, this got me thinking. WWE writers have struck gold with this idea and seems to be gaining steam over the weeks as the recent RAW produced a 3.5 rating which is the product of a gradual increase from 3.1-3.2.

Now that being said, does anyone else think that the NXT Season 2 Rookies will invade Smackdown? This may or may not be a good idea, hence proposing the question to you guys here..could this be a good idea?

If you look across the Season 2 Rookies, you may mention there may not be a more believable Heel faction, with the likes of Percy and Lucky, however who would've thought that Justin Gabriel would be 450 splashing Vince and Slater looking as believable as he does as a Heel.

The reason this idea came up is, with the influx of stars such as Alex Riley, Michael McGillicutty and Kaval, it doesn't seem to make sense that WWE would begin to push these guys as singles competitors, with guys like The Miz & Christian etc., still waiting on their main event pushes.

So, my question to you guys, do you think the NXT Season 2 Rookies will form a division of Nexus, essentially joining the first batch in creating havoc on SmackDown?
No. Why would the WWE recycle a storyline they are already using? That's just stupid booking. The original Nexus group would lose steam and would put all of the NXT season 2 rookies in a pickle because people will tune out. SmackDown doesn't use all of their talents week in, week out, so adding another 8 guys to the roster wouldn't be very productive. If the WWE were to make a second Nexus group, they'd have them go against the first Nexus group to teach them about respect... but that's still highly unlikely.

Re-doing this storyline would make people tune out of NXT season 3 as they would assume that the same thing will happen again. The WWE can't afford to lose ratings on this show, so they will be creating something else for the season 2 rookies once NXT has finished up. Hopefully, it's getting individual contracts.
Probably/hopefully not. It dilutes the initial impact of the original Nexus group if they expand it to include the much more hokey cast of NXT s2. It would simply be veering off far too close to nWo Red, White, Wolfpack, Elite, 2000, etc., territory for my tastes.
What would have been infinitely better would be to have the Nexus group run rough shot over the S2 guys, -- as well as the Smackdown roster-- to show that they wanted the entire WWE institution from the ground up to suffer and not just the pocket RAW universe.
Probably/hopefully not. It dilutes the initial impact of the original Nexus group if they expand it to include the much more hokey cast of NXT s2. It would simply be veering off far too close to nWo Red, White, Wolfpack, Elite, 2000, etc., territory for my tastes.
What would have been infinitely better would be to have the Nexus group run rough shot over the S2 guys, -- as well as the Smackdown roster-- to show that they wanted the entire WWE institution from the ground up to suffer and not just the pocket RAW universe.

I think you make a great point here

If nxt season 2 rookies attack smackdown it would be way too much like the nwo except it wouldnt be as entertaining, what needs to happen with season 2 is only one rookie gets a contract... wwe could find plenty of other ways to debut the rest of the rookies if they felt the need to
Definitely not.

The Nexus are their own stable and now that they have exactly what they wanted out of the show, please tell me why they would want to take on more rookies? To get more numbers? They don’t need any more numbers. There is seven of them already and that is seemingly enough to do some damage every week on Raw. The Nexus is a good angle and has really got people interested in the WWE again but they do not need to destroy the concept of NXT by continually giving the NXT guys contracts. The original idea of the show was so that one person would get a contract and they have taken away from the credibility of the show by giving them all contracts.

To remedy this, the WWE need to stand steadfast in the determination that only one person should be getting a contract this season. For me, this gives the show meaning again. I mean seriously, what is the point of competing through 16 weeks or so of competition when you can just form a stable and get a contract anyway? I have said before and I will say it again, the WWE may have set a dangerous precedent by allowing the Nexus to have contracts. If NXT is to continue after season 2, then the WWE needs to make it stick to its original premise and that is giving one person a contract.

Otherwise, WWE could end up with a severely bloated roster list and that is not good for any single person in the WWE. One person is not a big deal and they could really run with the idea of being the winner. The Nexus all see like winners right now and I certainly don’t see the WWE rehashing this angle once season 2 is complete… Or at least I hope not.
They had the idea of invading SmackDown going, if we're to believe the stories of Bryan Danielson's firing and Triple H's involvement, then Triple H stopped the invasion of Smackdown.

I don't think it's needed for the rookies to attack Smackdown, be it the 1st or the 2nd season, none of them should be reused for the sake of furthering a storyline, I think The Nexus are doing pretty good right now, and that will function even better if they're staying on RAW.

Personally I would love to see them on both shows, ironic you probably think seeing as I'm talking against it, but I do think that some people will loose interest quicker if we see them on both shows every week, they will become Chris Jericho from his time with The Big Show in Jeri-Show, while I loved both appearing on both shows, I can't guarantee that everybody did.

And because of that I think it will be a bad idea for WWE to follow through with it, they might have some temporary raises of ratings on both shows, but if people get bored quickly of them because of the constant appearing on both shows, it might eventually turn the other way.
I dont think they should do this as a rehash. Its pointless because the Raw invasion would lose its attraction and the smackdown 1 would look like a cheap imitation. I think Smackdown doesnt need it because they do freshen up their world title scene more than Raw, Smackdown have had Taker, Hardy, Punk, Edge, Swagger, Rey, Y2J all as champ within the past year or so whereas Raw have had Cena, Orton, Sheamus, Batistia, HHH but the Raw reigns, Sheamus and Batista aside all were repetitive and the feuds the same. Smackdown is where it is because it is seen/presented as a number 2 brand and is in a worse timeslot along with the fact that its network in USA is crap.
I don't see it happening..repeating a storyline that what happened in the same year???

I kinda wanted the Rookies to invade both shows..but when I found out it was just Raw..i was thinking..of course..Raw is the main show...and plus with spoilers the fans will know how the story will continue and might not what to see what happens....

So I don't think wwe creative team will repeat the idea especially in the same year...
I hope it doesn't happen. I would rather see the talented guys who don't win NXT take some time away for the wwe and let the show blow over. Then bring those chosen guys back and incorporate them into smackdown and maybe raw depending on the character.
It's my opinion that the reason that the NXT invasion is drawing the ratings and is getting such major reviews from fans is for the novelty value. It doesn't happen very often and I can't think of any time any gang of the sheer size of NXT has done this kind of invasion angle. It's different and when it happened the first time it was a big deal both among those who liked it and among those who didn't.

Unfortunately, the thing about novelty is that it wears off at a high rate of speed. We've already seen four invasions by NXT season one (three episodes of Raw and one PPV ending with a Raw match.) In my opinion, it's already starting to get stale, mostly because it's the same old stuff week after week. It has become predictable. This is largely, I think, due to the fact that WWE creative are formula writers. Once they get something that works, they tend to use it over and over and over again and this is what's happening with the NXT invasion.

I don't think it should happen on Smackdown. One of the reasons I tune in to Smackdown more often these days is that I might get a surprise at the end rather than another gang-bang...excuse me, jumbled up beat down on yet another person on Raw. However, sadly, I wouldn't put it past WWE creative to try it thinking that they might increase Smackdown ratings without needing anything creative to do it with. Unfortunately, by the time they do, it's likely we'll all have settled down in our raving about the NXT invasion as we'll have been subjected to the same beat down week after week long enough to get really sick of it.

The first time was the kind of shocker that got people talking, but each time it happens, the novelty diminishes exponentially.
Please not again. They're stalling enough with this storyline as it is.

You would think that all of the NXT S2 rookies will end up on Smackdown - now that The Nexus have ended up on Raw - to balance things up.

But please, no invasion - I don't think they're even sure where this feud is going, we don't need another one.
I can see your point. But the truth is a lot of WWE's talent is getting up in years and is pretty close (If not already there) to retirement. So the NXT Rookies that are coming up whether it be Raw's Nexus or the new class, will have to keep the show going for the fans. It will be worth watching to see what kind of feuds, rivalries, or alliances that the new class can bring.

Keep it Slammin'
No, because Vince hates to re-use ideas. Having Season 2 would make no difference to Smackdown because it doesnt get as many viewers as RAW does. Also, it's pre-taped so spoilers contribute to the fact that a fan goes, "Ok, this is going to happen, I dont need to watch Smackdown now."

Even if Smackdown were to go live, I feel it would be a bad idea. Why? Because we would be seeing the same 2 storylines on 2 different shows. That is definitely not the way to go because it would get boring very quickly. Also, it would steal the Season 1 invasion's momentum and that would quickly fizz out into "just another storyline."
No,I don't think the season 2 rookies will invade Smackdown because since the season 1 rookies are doing it on Raw,the storyline would get old and boring.Heck some people are already complaining that the Raw invasion storyline is getting old
i think that there will only be ONE winner out of season 2, Kaval, and he WILL go to smackdown. im only saying him, because yes, you do have a few good guys in that season, but he came from TNA, is known to a lot of the fans already, hell i loved him in TNA, the guys in ring skill is awesome, and he would be a great feud with rey. the rest they will either send back down to Florida, or bring them in at a diff time. but no, doing the invasion on smackdown of the season 2 rookies will NOT be a good idea.. but then again, vince HAS been known to do some really stupid things like that in the past..
No, this is a horrible idea. Just like veryone ese has said, I think that it will make the original Nexus lose it's credibility, also, alot of you guys shit on little things that are recycled, let alone invasion storylines. I think this time on NXT, they should earn their contracts, that would make television. Not saying Nexus isn't good, but that happening again wouldn't be very bright. So, no, they shouldn't do that again.
With the recent uproar of admiration of the NXT Season 1 Invasion storyline on RAW, this got me thinking. WWE writers have struck gold with this idea and seems to be gaining steam over the weeks as the recent RAW produced a 3.5 rating which is the product of a gradual increase from 3.1-3.2.

Now that being said, does anyone else think that the NXT Season 2 Rookies will invade Smackdown? This may or may not be a good idea, hence proposing the question to you guys here..could this be a good idea?

If you look across the Season 2 Rookies, you may mention there may not be a more believable Heel faction, with the likes of Percy and Lucky, however who would've thought that Justin Gabriel would be 450 splashing Vince and Slater looking as believable as he does as a Heel.

The reason this idea came up is, with the influx of stars such as Alex Riley, Michael McGillicutty and Kaval, it doesn't seem to make sense that WWE would begin to push these guys as singles competitors, with guys like The Miz & Christian etc., still waiting on their main event pushes.

So, my question to you guys, do you think the NXT Season 2 Rookies will form a division of Nexus, essentially joining the first batch in creating havoc on SmackDown?

I wouldn’t go as far to say that it is out of the question but as of right now, it is certainly an improbability.

The fact of the matter is that you can have too much of a good thing and this angle would be spoiled f the season 2 rookies were introduced into the fray. The Nexus is doing infinitely better than I ever thought they would and it is completely due to the fact that they have been made to look like animals that don’t care about the plight of anyone else. They have attacked people left and right and they have always gotten what they want thus far. The angle has been brilliantly successful and the WWE should be really proud of what they have accomplished with these guys. Taking them from WWE rookies to WWE stars in one angle is a great feat and they should be commended for that.

However, I am very wary of them spoiling this angle. Everything is already going pear-shaped as a supposed curse plagues the angle. However, I think the greatest danger to this angle failing is over exposure. The WWE have realised this and instead of having the Nexus on every single WWE show, they have left them on Raw exclusively and have had them be dominant there. It leaves the fans wanting more after each episode of Raw and that is the key to success with these things. You need to make sure that you are not flogging a dead horse and by having the season 2 rookies invade Smackdown, I have a feeling that people would grow disinterested.

I also think that if the season 2 rookies invade, then the WWE have essentially ruined the concept of NXT. It is supposedly to decide who the next breakout star will be with one person gaining a WWE contract. So far, we have 8 contracts and perhaps 14 if the same thing happens with the season 2 rookies. To me, the WWE are just asking for trouble if the don’t just have one winner.
I hope not. Because we would get the same thing twice a week and if there looking or the same thing why would there be two separate groups.There's also a chance it could make Smackdown look weak to by rehashing an angle already happening on RAW.If this does happen I will blow my top off. IMO this would just not be a good idea.
This is a one time deal,and they have really hit it big.Season 1 was a rare breed of tanlent relations.There was an air of tension since day 1 and only increased after each episode.It was a natural progression for these guys to become a disgruntled pack of wild dogs attacking what they could to gain a foothold in WWE.In stark contrast there is a sense of respect in NXT2(save for Husky Harris)and there's a lighter,more fun tone to the show now.I don't think these guys would have any reason to invade anything,in fact I'm surprised they haven't struck against Nexus because they've set a bad precedent.If they write another Invasion story so close to the current Invasion,they would be at the height of foolishness.
I dont think the wwe would have nxt 2 invade smackdown because that would just be rehashing the nxt 1 story and the reason the nxt story line is so popular right now is because its fresh and new i dont think they could duplicate and get the same kind of results even if they tried
If they did, it wouldn't be as interesting as the first time. It'd be pretty damn obvious that creative are on cruise-control hoping lightning (or thunder, I forget which) would strike twice. Besides, spoilers will ruin the element of surprise that Nexus had.

(Insert more rehashed statements everyone already pointed out here)

Learn to become a smart smark with logic. /bash
i think this is a horrible idea. not many "bad guys" in season 2 but maybe riley and husky harias so i dont think it would work with guys like kaval, mcgillicutty, and showtime watson. dont think this will very belivible
No way, why use the same idea twice, and right after the first time? I think the season 2 guys should be allowed to develop on their own, they are all very talented and a guy like Percy Watson or Kaval will do good right away I think. I'll be pretty disappointed if they do this again, I'm hoping they don't. No more invasions, it was good the first time, just like every storyline.
The way I see it is if the NXT Season 2 rookies team up with the season 1 rookies to perhaps try to take over the entire WWE, not just Raw, but Smackdown as well, but for now I just don't see this happening, although it would be interesting if this scenario happened of all the NXT guys teaming up to take on both Raw and Smackdown and then the feud would end at Bragging Rights or Survivor Series or something like that. If NXT Season 2 invaded Smackdown, it wouldn't be a good idea at all...It would be a complete rehash of the Raw invasion of NXT if Smackdown was invaded by season 2.
It's an interesting thought, to say the least. I don't see it happening though. You can't use the same story on both brands at the same time, unless you run them together, and to do that Season 2 would have to be over...right now.

I also don't think the Season 2 rookies are being treated with as much disrespect. The stupid games they have to play seem to be more few and far between, but they could just be getting started. A case could be made either way, but I really don't see it happening. Season 1 got the WWE in a hole, as they probably couldn't figure out how to actually use 8 guys when the show was supposed to produce on one victor with a contract. The Nexus invasion was brilliant, but I'm guessing on all 7 of the remaining guys will stick around forever.

Also, while I was surprised to see guys like Barrett really step and take hold of a heel faction, I just don't give the season 2 guys that same chance. Some of them are pretty decent, but I'm not nearly as excited as I was about the first season. No, I wouldn't count on a future for the NXT Season 2 rookies.

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