The future of the NXT rookies


Wrestling Historian
Season 1 of NXT offered some interesting characters and a few clearly break out stars in the future, most notably Wade Barrett. Since then the Nexus has been a clear success as a group on RAW. But what happens when the inevitable end of the group happens and where will the members of Nexus go from there?

I've really enjoyed Season 2 of NXT and the potential of a lot of the rookies on it, even more then I was for the rookies on Season 1. Alex Riley, Michael McGillicutty, Kaval, Husky Harris, even Percy Watson seem to have a ton of potential and I can see them all having a future in the WWE years and years from now. When Season 2's over, where to people think these rookies will go and how with their directions be different then the Nexus members were?

Personally, I think Wade Barrett is a future World champion and I won't be surprised if it happens sometime relatively soon. He really has the whole package and he's been built up very well since his first appearance on NXT. I have no doubt he'll be one of the true break out stars of NXT.

I also though see a lot of potential in guys like Alex Riley, Michael McGillicutty, Kaval and of course Bryan Danielson if/when he comes back as singles stars of the future. Some of these guys may not be pushed so quickly up the ranks but I can see them having bright futures on their own.

I really think, though, that NXT has a lot of potential to make some really interesting tag teams in the near future. When the Nexus is over I could totally see some of those involved being tag team wrestlers and revitalizing the tag team division. More so I really think Season 2 has even more possibility when it comes to tag teams. Look at MVP and Percy Watson; what if they continued from NXT and actually became a tag team for a while together? They do have a certain interesting chemistry between them. Better yet I would actually really like to see Cody Rhodes and Husky Harris become a tag team. These two really have fit well together on NXT and I could totally see them together for a while in the tag team division as a solid future team.

So I'm curious; where do others see the NXT rookies from both Seasons going in the next year and beyond? What roles would you like to see them play on either of the main brands?
Heres what I think will happen to the Nexus and NXT 2 rookies
Wade Barrett- I agree with you when you say he will be a future World Champ, he has the size, mic skills and the look of a champ, but he cannot be in a world title match for about another two months since of his suspension Bret gave him.
David Otunga- For the last fricking time I do not want to GOOGLE DAVID OTUNGA! He is boring in the ring with no wrestling skills, the only reason he is there is because of J-Hud and sadly he will remain there for a while and play of the A-List gimmick that he had in NXT 1.
Justin Gabriel- I see a bright future for him, I hope he will become face and team with Evan Bourne, like so many others in the IWC hope.
Skip Sheffield- He will probably go to SmackDown and try to get over, but it won't work out, he will be on Smackdown for a few months before getting released.
Micheal Tarver, Heath Slater and Darren Young- Going to get lost in the mix and released so after Nexus disbands.
Now the NXT rookies from season 2
Alex Riley- Other than Michael McWhat ever the fuck it is, he looks like he will win NXT. He is big, pretty good on the mic and will probably go onto to be a top heel on SD or Raw.
Husky Harris- WWE Management seems to be really high on him, but he keeps getting down to the bottom of the polls every time. If he dosen't do something to get noticed, he will probably get voted off soon, WWE may bring him back, but he doesn't seem like he is getting enough heat.
Kaval- I really want him to stay, but I don't think he will win, I saw a thread when someone said he could go to SmackDown with Layla as her valet and I hope that will happen.
Lucky Cannon- Well it looks like Lucky Cannon won't be so
*puts on sunglasses*
Sorry for the lame joke, but he will lose soon and slowly fade away
Michaels McGillicutty- Even if he doesn't win NXT, he will stick around, although he needs to develop some charisma or else he won't get over enough
Percy Watson- OH YEAH!! Oh no, Percy, you will not win NXT and even if you do get a WWE contract you will not stick around for long.
Heres what I think

NXT 1:

Wade Barrett: He will stay on Raw and stay in the main event picture with Cena and Orton. He will also be a WWE champion.

David Otunga: Stay on Raw in the midcard to work on his ring work, maybe a US title run. If he gets better in the ring he may get a ME push in the next 3-5 years.

Justin Gabriel: Will be sent to SD where he will form a tag team (perhaps with Hardy)

Sheffield: Will get a midcard title on Raw and if he has a good run with it maybe a ME push

Tarver: Same as Sheffield only on SD

Young: Released


Titus O'niel(?): Released

Hennig: Will hold a mid card title and then get a ME push sooner than later.

Riley: Will win NXT and get a main event push on SD

Kaval: Sent to SD to fued with the likes of Rey Rey and Swager, he will be Upper Mid Card

Percy: Will be a comedy figure on Raw

Eli: Released

Husky Harris: Midcarder on SD

Lucky Cannon: Released
Future of Season 1 :

Wade Barett- Main eventer on Raw. Future WWE Champ

Daniel Bryan- Will return. Go on Raw to be an upper mid card or ME guy. Definate US title run. Possibly world title run.

David Otunga- Mid carder on Raw

Heath Slater- Low Smackdown mid carder. Will get lost in the shuffle

Justin Gabriel- Midcard tag team on either Raw(Evan Bourne) or Smackdown(Matt Hardy)

Skip Sheffield- Will get a main event push on Smackdown, but will fall to the midcard and/or get lost in the shuffle

Michael Tarver- Same as Sheffield but maybe on Raw?

Darren Young- Lost in the Raw midcard. Will become released eventually.

Future of Season 2:

Alex Riley- Will be in the high midcard or main event of Raw at some point.

Kaval- High Smackdown midcarder

Husky Harris- I personally see him fueding with Cody Rhodes, only to fall down the midcard

Lucky Cannon- Low Midcard. Will get released.

Percy Watson- Comedy jobber on Raw with Santino, but will put on decent matches

Michael McGillicutty(whatever)- Midcarder on Smackdown

Titus 'O Neil- Not coming back.

Eli Cottonwood- Not coming back.

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