Here We Go Again....

In less than a month, yet another dooms day 'prophecy' will either come to pass, or fall flat on its face. On December 21, 2012 the Mayan calender is supposed to end, supposedly signifying the end of the world as we know it. We even have television shows now about people getting ready for this supposed dooms day as well as people speculating what will/could happen. Samuel Jackson made a pretty good host for one of these shows. Do you believe that finally, humanity finally got the date right? Or are you laughing your ass off at the mere thought that an ancient civilization that supposedly could read the future in the stars but yet couldn't predict their own demise, predicted the end of the world? Does the Mayan calender ending signify the end of all things? Or is it simply an calender that ran out of dates? Should we have Christmas early? Or go on life as usual?

I personally think I'll wake up on December 22, 2012, and everything will be the same. I'll most likely have to go to work that day. What do you guys think?
I'm expecting some hubub of sorts, though not on my end.

Day after I've got an essay due... Man, would I feel like an awful idiot if the sun exploded and killed us all.

I prefer the mythological/religious style of apocalypse myself to all ths sciency planety nonsense.
This is fucking stupid. Even the Mayans (whats left of them) don't believe the apocalypse is coming, any more than the Western world believe the end of the world is coming on New Years Eve. It's the end of their calendar, that's all.
I believe in every end of the world prophecy, as such I live everyday as my last. Streaming hours of hardcore pornography and *********ing until I see double, then pushing through the barrier and *********ing some more.
There have been 514 leap years, none of which were accounted for by the Mayan calendar. If the world was going to end, it would have done so last year.
It's my girlfriend's birthday on the 21st, we're having a huge party for it - if the world does end I'll be too drunk to notice

(The world will not end - their calendar was a fucking circle anyway...)
The Mayan calendar simply represents one full cycle. December 21, 2012 will just mark the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. December 22, 2012 will be business as usual. Remember Y2K?

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