here we go again


Pre-Show Stalwart
most of u on raw saw michael coles segment with alex riley. after last week i was hoping tht this michael cole being involved in storylines wud end and he wud just be a heel commentator but nooooo. except for the feud with jerry lawler nothing has changed. hes still being involved in storylines. still doesnt do the announcing hes supposed to and still kisses mizs ass outside the commentary booth.

i think its time michael cole shud just pack up and leave the announcing team and be a manager instead.

ur thoughts
Well, I don't want to be rude but I think it's time you use spell check.

Anyway, I think Cole getting involved won't lead to him being in the storyline, or atleast be a dominate role in it. Who knows, maybe he'll turn face and be Riley's manager?

Whatever the case I think the day's of Michael Cole interuppting Diva matches and having those cold remark's about people's dead mother's are over. The only thing I can see now happening with Cole is he become's the GM, or stay's the tweener announcer for awhile before they find somethnig else to do with him.
Personally i don't like Coles commentary. he doesn't serve any purpose. what is needed is a commentator to call things down the middle not a heel and a face guy but a guy who will give praise where praise is due and bash when its required. hell even tho he was a face commentator praised HHH on the air when he was a heel.

Cole doesn't serve any role other than to antagonize the audience which he does well but not the way he is supposed to. He should make people hate him but he just ends up annoying and offensive.

What i mean by that is that when the king was a heel commentator people hatted him but he didn't offend anyone. Same with Paul Heyman and Bobby the Brain Heenan.

The audience didn't like them. But they weren't annoyed by them and they definitely weren't offended by them
Michael Cole has toned it down a lot and that's how I like it. Still a heel, but not as OTT.

Using Cole in this Miz/Riley storyline makes sense and is a good move. Having Riley push him around and telling him off will get him over really well, just like it did with Daniel Bryan on NXT.
i agree that cole doesn't call things down the middle but neither did monsoon, all he did was kiss the face's ass
Well, I don't want to be rude but I think it's time you use spell check.

Anyway, I think Cole getting involved won't lead to him being in the storyline, or atleast be a dominate role in it. Who knows, maybe he'll turn face and be Riley's manager?

Whatever the case I think the day's of Michael Cole interuppting Diva matches and having those cold remark's about people's dead mother's are over. The only thing I can see now happening with Cole is he become's the GM, or stay's the tweener announcer for awhile before they find somethnig else to do with him.

OK. One good shot deserves another. Speaking of spell check. :banghead: atleast vs at least. day's vs days. interuppting vs interrupting. remark's vs remarks. mother's vs mothers. become's vs becomes. stay's vs stays. somethnig vs something. OUCH!! LOL!! Just sayin'. LOL!!

Anyways, back to the topic on hand. Cole reminds me a great deal of Jimmy Cornette but without the tennis racket. So yes, move Cole out of the booth to a Managers role. The problem is that he would have made a perfect manager for Jack Swagger. But that possibility is now blown. I don't see Cole making a good manager for Miz. Miz is too outspoken to have a Manager. So, maybe have Cole get fired from the booth, disappear from WWE for a Month or so, and reappear with a new stable.
To me the only reason cole was out there for the a-ri segment was to make sure a-ri was the face in this storyline. Miz is at the point where he does get some good face pops and the only way to ensure that a-ri was face was to have cole, who has garnered a lot of heel heat to defend the miz and make sure the story progressed that way. If it was just a-ri and the miz in the ring, it could had gone either way, but by having cole demand an apology for the miz, it just puts a-ri in the face character for this feud.
Michael Cole is still one of the most over heels in wrestling. Bitch and moan about the guy all you want, but he's excelled in the role the WWE has put him in and there's a reason why it's still going on: it draws. I'm glad that they've definitely toned things down with Cole because it's what needed to happen. He was extremely arrogant over the past several months during his feud with Lawler but he's been humbled in the end of that feud and he's acting like someone humbled. I like that they haven't tried to make Cole an impartial commentator, he's far more interesting in this role.

Alex Riley's interraction with The Miz & Cole the past two weeks has already garnered him a strong positive face reaction. If they can help get Riley over as a face while keeping Miz looking like a main event level heel, then I've got no problem.
Would it really make sense if they had him just become a neutral in the case of The Miz? After everything hes done for The Miz, it would be a very unrealistic and foolish decision in all contexts, and therefore Michael Cole getting involved in the storyline was surely predictable once you heard his reaction to Riley beating down on The Miz last week.

Michael Cole is doing a good job of being a heel, why can't he just pull a Heenan and represent certain Superstars e.g. The Miz when he wants, to fill in the gaps within the actual storyline?

There is no reason for Michael Cole not to be involved in the storyline, no reason for Michael Cole to give up announcing and there is no reason as to why Michael Cole can't continue to praise the actions of one Mike Mizanin.
It's a shame that it's been allowed to get to the point where a commentator is the most over heel on Raw. Seriously, he's now the go-to face builder on Raw. Bloody Michael Cole, if they're going to keep him on the desk he needs to stop putting himself over the product.
i dont think he is a part of the feud now

Cole was used to purely to get Riley over as a face AND IT WORKED!

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