Hello Heel Morrison!


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok. Hopefully you all saw Raw. One of my favorite raws from the summer, because Miz, my favorite wrestler, and alex riley, beat daniel bryan and John Morrison! I loved that, great way to start. Then, my 2nd and 3rd favorite wrestlers, Mcintyre and Rhodes, beat the team i hate, the hart dynasty. Then, we see the dynasty may break up!
Anyway, After the tag team match with miz riley morrison and bryan, miz and bryan fought. Then, bryan landed on morrsion. then punched morrison, and morrison erupted! I am really looking forward to this match! My favorite wrestler, miz, vs John Morrisonn, maybe heel, vs Bryan! But, do you guys think this is the turn of Morrison? Ive seen hundreds of people post about morrison, saying he will never get anywhere as a face. So, could we be seeing him heel?
This thread should be on Raw dood, But anyway, Morrison wasn't acting as a heel when he attacked JoMo, if anything it's Daniel Bryan who was the heel in that situation. Daniel Bryan suicide dived both Miz and Morrison and when Morrison pushed Bryan off of The Miz, Bryan struck Morrison again. This will not be the thing that turns him heel, they just wanted him in the title match so they played this angle.
I was shocked at first, I thought this was his heel turn aswell. Sadly, it isn't.

They aren't going to make John Morrison heel just yet. I can see it happening in the future, but not right now. It was just a filler so he could be in the match. It should make some good competiton for Bryan aswell, we might actually be able to see how he fairs against multiple opponents. I'm not really sure who I want to win this match.. after all, it's a submission match and I don't think I've ever seen Miz or Morrison do a submission. This match obviously favours Bryan with his LeBell lock.

I'm really looking forward to Hell in a Cell though. It's deffenitly a step up from last years card, that wasn't so good.
Well SOMEONE is gonna have to turn heel very soon.. with the hiatus of Chris Jericho raw has Sheamus, The Miz, Edge and Wade Barrett as legit heels for the belt... Ted Dibiase has only Maryse going for him at the moment and the fact that he wears the Million Dollar Belt and every other heel on Raw is nowhere close to getting main event pushes

if not Morrison or Cena if not both are turning heel in the very near future.. Seems like raw is in much need of some heels at the moment
Well ever since I've seen him grow that beard out I've expected him to turn heel.His attitude seems to be changing slowly as well too_Only time will tell though.
Ok. Hopefully you all saw Raw.

Damn right I did.

One of my favorite raws from the summer, because Miz, my favorite wrestler, and alex riley, beat daniel bryan and John Morrison! I loved that, great way to start.

Good taste in having Miz as your favourite wrestler.

Then, my 2nd and 3rd favorite wrestlers, Mcintyre and Rhodes, beat the team i hate, the hart dynasty.

You do realise wrestling isn't real? And that wins mean nothing?

Then, we see the dynasty may break up!

Really? I didn't notice that, and I cannot see it happening either. Simply because what on earth are they going to do as singles wrestlers?

Anyway, After the tag team match with miz riley morrison and bryan, miz and bryan fought. Then, bryan landed on morrsion. then punched morrison, and morrison erupted! I am really looking forward to this match! My favorite wrestler, miz, vs John Morrisonn, maybe heel, vs Bryan! But, do you guys think this is the turn of Morrison? Ive seen hundreds of people post about morrison, saying he will never get anywhere as a face. So, could we be seeing him heel?

John Morrison as a face is horrible, he needs to be heel, end of. It's the same for MVP, awful face, but a decent heel. Christian would possibly be higher up the card as a heel too.

The problem a lot of these mid card faces have is that they don't get much of a reaction as the fans don't really care about them. They either need to get a proper push, or get put into a proper feud with a legit heel to get them over else they will continue to get buried in the midcard.
okay first off the dude suicide dove onto two guys, one heel, one face, secondly when they do that its not im being a heel or a face its im doing it to take you both out........so no john morrison is not being a heel for fighting back, was he being a heel if he fought another face? no, he's just doing it for the money, in this case it was trying to protect himself from further punishment
I've got one thing to say really to this thread. Don't jump to conclusion. John Morrison had one moment of what really seemed more like one big mess-up from all 3 guys, rather than an actual heel turn from John Morrison, or for that sake it could've just as well have been a Bryan Danielson heel turn considering he engaged in the whole thing from the start.

Overall, I don't think John should turn heel, or would even benefit from turning heel. He's been somewhat on a move as of late, but it's definitely not in the direction of a heel turn. If he's turning in any way, it's into some kind of bear with that beard, which by the way looks awful.
Well SOMEONE is gonna have to turn heel very soon.. with the hiatus of Chris Jericho raw has Sheamus, The Miz, Edge and Wade Barrett as legit heels for the belt... Ted Dibiase has only Maryse going for him at the moment and the fact that he wears the Million Dollar Belt and every other heel on Raw is nowhere close to getting main event pushes

if not Morrison or Cena if not both are turning heel in the very near future.. Seems like raw is in much need of some heels at the moment

RAW has way too many heels as it is with the names you listed and don't forget about Alex Riley and Nexus as well. Morrison does not need to turn heel because he was awful at it the first time around and I don't see him completely changing his in-ring style to fit a heel because that was his criticism earlier and the fact he sucks on the mic. Morrison could be that next main event face and he needs to stay where he is.
Well SOMEONE is gonna have to turn heel very soon.. with the hiatus of Chris Jericho raw has Sheamus, The Miz, Edge and Wade Barrett as legit heels for the belt... Ted Dibiase has only Maryse going for him at the moment and the fact that he wears the Million Dollar Belt and every other heel on Raw is nowhere close to getting main event pushes

Okay, you just named five heels, and then insinuated that there are more heels waiting in the wings. Let's add Nexus, William Regal, and The Usos for heels that compete on a semi-regular basis.

Now lets look at faces that compete regularly: John Cena, Randy Orton (we're counting him here because he is a fan favorite, though he is really a tweener, not a face), R-Truth, The Hart Dynasty, Daniel Bryan, and Evan Bourne/Mark Henry... and then Morrison.

So if we count tag teams as one person (which we are), that means you have 8 heels, and 7 faces. The disparity right now is pretty good.

As for Morrison making a heel turn; as Ferb said, don't jump to conclusions. Remember when we all thought Bourne was going to get a main even push following his brief feud with Jericho? You can't judge what the WWE is going to do by the events that transpire within one week, or even one month. Morrison may wind up playing a tweener role, similar to Orton.

Quite frankly, I know people are sick of Morrison as a face, but I like it. I think he is simply too cool to be a heel. He's got that unique training style, the laid back rocker look, and his in ring style is pretty outstanding. He needs to work on his skills a little bit, but I think Morrison has what it takes to make a solid face.
i for one do not wanna see a morrison heel turn. he is getting pushed big time in the past few weeks. his bout with sheamus two weeks ago was really good. i wish that y2j didnt go on leave because fued with him and morrison would have been good. i hope they keep him face and hopefullly soon he will be main eventer on smackdown
Damn right I did.

Good taste in having Miz as your favourite wrestler.

You do realise wrestling isn't real? And that wins mean nothing?

Really? I didn't notice that, and I cannot see it happening either. Simply because what on earth are they going to do as singles wrestlers?

John Morrison as a face is horrible, he needs to be heel, end of. It's the same for MVP, awful face, but a decent heel. Christian would possibly be higher up the card as a heel too.

The problem a lot of these mid card faces have is that they don't get much of a reaction as the fans don't really care about them. They either need to get a proper push, or get put into a proper feud with a legit heel to get them over else they will continue to get buried in the midcard.

1) I like Morrison more than Miz and yeh him as a heel may work but Raw don't need any more heels
2) Agree with the MVP thing... he's pretty much standing around doing nothing make him go for the United States Championship again but as a heel (after HIAC ofc... ¬.¬)
3) Christian as face or heel will never go up in the cards because McMahon don't like his accomplishments in TNA

Another thing on Morrison, he may not even be in the same universe when it comes to his mic-skills compared with The Miz but his in ring ability is MUCH better. It just looks like McMahon is going for the bigger money option in The Miz (think of the number of kids shouting "I'm _______ and I'm AWESOME!) if he turns face lol.
This doesn't seem as crazy as everyone seems to make it out to be. IMO, I can see Morrison tapping to Bryan on Sunday. Then on Raw Monday night, they have the tag rematch from this week with the typical "Its ok I understand" backstage segment with Morrison and Bryan, and then in that match, Morrison turns on Bryan. Its obvious Miz is headed to bigger things so Bryan vs Morrison is a very good US Title Feud. Morrison's time to turn has been coming so why not have it be now. Morrison can feud with Bryan, and along the way have the typical ex partner feud with R-Truth to solidify his heel turn, and go from there. I'm a fan of Morrison and would not mind this one bit.
Morrison is a solid worker whether heel or face. He's held the Intercontinental title as both. If the WWE hadn't been pushing Drew McIntyre so fast and hard its no telling where JoMo would be now. He was having a great feud on SmackDown with McIntyre over the IC strap. After it was over they moved him to RAW where he mostly got lost in the shuffle. Lets not forget that Morrison was nearly an upper midcarder BEFORE ever teaming with Miz, as he had singles success in his first run on RAW with the Intercontinental belt when he was still Johnny Nitro.

Morrison is well on his way to being a step below Shawn Michaels in terms of entertainment. He isn't able to fully unleash his mic skills in this new PG Era. Does anybody remember the promos from ECW when Morrison was the ECW champion?

Morrison is by far the most talented between himself and Miz, who everyone seems to want to dry hump nowadays, and is the only one out of the two whoI can see ever being worthy of a World Championship.

Miz can't carry anyone's boots in the ring except for maybe Cena, and thats not saying much. Morrison can have a great match with anyone because of his style and ability to make his opponent look good.

In closing, whether heel or face Morrison is a future multiple time World Champion, not like Swagger where the WWE doesn't try to mention him being a former champ too often on broadcasts, but one remembered for the value and quality of matches he brings to the belt.
I believe the main reason Morrison was added to this match Sunday was so that Miz can cash later in the night without looking weak by losing to Bryan earlier in the evening. That's part of the reason that Miz got the SCF on Bryan for the win last night. I wouldn't be surprised to see Morrison go over in this match, and then we see a Bryan v. Morrison feud for the U.S. title. I'm not sure Morrison will be the heel in that feud, though.
I didn't think that one action would turn him heel, but maybe he will start climbing to being a heel? Doing things like that every week? Bottom line, sorry if i jumped to conclusions, just speculating.
Well SOMEONE is gonna have to turn heel very soon.. with the hiatus of Chris Jericho raw has Sheamus, The Miz, Edge and Wade Barrett as legit heels for the belt... Ted Dibiase has only Maryse going for him at the moment and the fact that he wears the Million Dollar Belt and every other heel on Raw is nowhere close to getting main event pushes

if not Morrison or Cena if not both are turning heel in the very near future.. Seems like raw is in much need of some heels at the moment

There doesn't necessarily have to be a heel turn, someone from Nexus can step up and take charge of the midcard heel scene fairly soon regardless of the outcome of the Cena/Barrett match at HIAC. The way I see it if Nexus is forced to break up then it has 5 heels to use as they see fit in various feuds and any one of them could easily be thrown into the midcard after the high profile feuds that they have had during Nexus and if they aren't then Nexus can elect people from the group to go after various titles so that they can attempt to make themselves as as groundbreaking as they were when they first started with Tarver or Otunga going for the US title and Slater/Gabriel for the tag titles and that would eliminate the need for any unnecessary heel turns. If this does not happen then I would welcome a heel turn for Morrison because ANYTHING is more interesting than his stale jokes, promos that only involve him running and jumping throughout the back, and failed attempts at getting pops by trying too hard to act like the "cool" good guy. Should he turn back to a similar style that he was during his time tagging with Miz and removes a great deal of his flips and shit from his repertoire that basically forced the face turn in the first place then he could be a legit heel.
They could turn him this way but i think that would be stupid. He's just finally getting his parkour gimmick over which gives him something to get behind as a face, turning him heel would ruin that. His match on raw with sheamus a week or so ago was great, that showed me he could be main event quality and what really helped it was the inclusion of the parkour to his gimmick.
They could turn him this way but i think that would be stupid. He's just finally getting his parkour gimmick over which gives him something to get behind as a face, turning him heel would ruin that. His match on raw with sheamus a week or so ago was great, that showed me he could be main event quality and what really helped it was the inclusion of the parkour to his gimmick.

I agree. He would've won if not for Jericho. and whoever said where will the hart dynasty go as singles, i do not think david will go anywhere because he is stale, bad on the mike, and i don't like his ring skills.
tyson is a excellent high flyer. i think he may get in a program with bryan.
people say that JoMo is the next HBK. i agree with this because of hi career. During his old days he had Melina and HBK had Chyna and HHH, There was Miz & Mrriosn and there was the heel DX. When HBK was heel he won tag titles and IC titles. Which is what Morriosn did as Nitro. Morrison like HBK goes face and gets some more pushes. Hell after Hell in a Cell i want him in the WWE title picture. His career just seems to be going like HBk's went. Started out as a heel with gold then went with the fans and eventually became world champ Morriosn will not go heel. His attitude has changed sure but the guy recently has made some great moves. His matches for the past 3 weeks have been worth at least 3-4 stars maybe evn more. To make him a heel would drop the ratings because a guy who has so much talent is gonna be hated. Bryan was the big heel there i just dont see why they put morrison in the match guess he needs one more big push before he and Miz start going for the main event.
Who cares about JOMO heel turn. WWE never gave him a chance to be a contender for the WWE title. Heel or face, he will never get pushed. I don't understand why WWE is pushing The Miz for the title. He is so overrated and that guy can't wrestle. He has a stupid finisher and he is so boring in the ring. If he wins the title, that will be the biggest mistake of the WWE and I will stop watching. There are better programming out there than Raw. WWE is fake anyway. It should it's name to WWE Soap Opera because that's what it is.
Who cares about JOMO heel turn. WWE never gave him a chance to be a contender for the WWE title. Heel or face, he will never get pushed. I don't understand why WWE is pushing The Miz for the title. He is so overrated and that guy can't wrestle. He has a stupid finisher and he is so boring in the ring. If he wins the title, that will be the biggest mistake of the WWE and I will stop watching. There are better programming out there than Raw. WWE is fake anyway. It should it's name to WWE Soap Opera because that's what it is.

I agree with you on everything except for saying that Morrison can't wrestle, I mean sure he is a spot monkey that only got over because he did flips and shit in the ring but he has been known to show a glimpse of greatness every now and then but it is usually few and far between aside from a few of his latest matches against Jericho and Sheamus that he gave great performances in. Basically this guy could be the heel if he focused on using those kicks of his instead of the shitty Starship Pain that looks about as painful as getting chopped by Scotty 2 Hotty and did promos that didn't involve flashkicks or horribly stereotyped jokes such as the French don't bathe, I wish I had skipped over that horrendous JoMO/Ted/Maryse promo, or simply ripped into people like he used to. Ripping into people, if done right, wouldn't even call for him to turn heel as long as he either ripped into everyone as a tweener or focused on the heels and doesn't go into the Cena levels of calling Slater the girl from Wendys and painstakingly pointing out how white Sheamus is. Also I wouldn't worry too much about Morrison winning any title, it would appear that the only reason he's in the US title match on Sunday is so that Bryan will be able to retain without making the Miz look like a bitch at 2 consecutive ppvs while adding next to nothing to the overall story.
I do not think that Morrison should turn heel. He has great potential to become a top/mega face on Raw. If WWE does indeed end up turning Cena heel, John Morrison would be a great candidate to fill those boots, as the top babyface in the company and a role model for WWE's younger audience (I've noticed they've been kind of pushing him that way).
I dont think this is a heel turn for Morrison, and I dont think he needs to turn.

Kayfabe, I think it was just a matter of Morrison retaliating for DB hitting him with the dive. I'm not sure why he needed to be put in this match. I can only assume that after the match at HIAC, one of the other two guys, most likely Miz, will no longer be in the US title picture and it will be DB and Morrison.

I guess if it does become DB and Jomo after HIAC, Morrison might turn heel, but its not needed. I say keep him as a face. There is no urgency to turn him.
I would be very disappointed if they turned JoMo back into a heel. Yes his mic skills are better as a heel, but he has been REALLY impressive the past couple of weeks. If he keeps up the way he has been, I could see him as World Champ in the next 4 months or so, especially if Miz cashes in successfully. I think a new finisher is in order, with the ability he has shown I have no doubt he could come up with something just as flashy that looks a lot more devastating.....the SuperKick would be a nice choice since everyone keeps comparing him to HBK. I think it would be a mistake to make him a HBK clone, but I'm sure WWE has no such concerns.

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