Hell In A Cell 2015: WWE World Heavyweight Championship - Seth Rollins (c) VS Kane


Well, the match we all knew was coming is official: Seth Rollins defends the WWE WHC against Kane, or rather the Demon Kane, at HIAC. One positive that could come out of this, at least in the eyes of many, is that it could be the end of Corporate Kane; if Demon Kane doesn't win at HIAC then Corporate Kane will no longer be Director of Operations.

Maybe this was all supposed to be a somewhat elaborate way to end the Corporate Kane character while putting a new focus on the masked, demonic Kane that most people seem to have wanted Kane to revert to for quite a while. It could all simply be that Vince felt that a "supernatural" and demonic foe for Rollins is appropriate since Halloween is at the end of October; that wouldn't surprise me in the least because it just sounds like Vince's line of thinking.

At any rate, there's very little chance of Kane walking away as WWE World Heavyweight Champion. With the exception of Big Show or Mark Henry, Kane is probably the least interesting idea for champion at this point and it'd be very anti-climactic for Kane to be the one to end Rollins' first run as champ.
my hope is that this is a one off feud to set up the an upcoming match with Triple H vs. Seth Rollins for the World Heavyweight Championship at Survivor Series....as for the match itself, it really serves no purpose, but to get the Kane and Rollins feud going or over (hopefully over) and to get Kane out of the Authority. my hope is that after this match with Kane, Kane moves on to someone else (maybe Sheamus) while Rollins moves on to Triple H and then set up the Rollins face turn by having Rollins beat Triple H cleanly only to lose to Sheamus via cash in (after Triple H tricks Rollins into shaking his hand, then pedigrees him).
I'm just hoping for a clean, decisive finish--although I doubt we'll get one. Looking at the last couple PPVs, we see a shortened roll-up finish to Sting/Rollins due to injury, a controversial finish to Lesnar/Taker, before that we saw Taker interfere in Rollins/Lesnar, and before that we saw Rollins/Ambrose crash down from the ladder co-possessing the belt.

For the sake of Rollins' character, he really should win clean. If they want HHH/Rollins at WM, they should also start planting the seeds soon too. They only have this and 2 other PPVs before Royal Rumble. And I would think the turn happens definitively at Royal Rumble, which means there should be some hint or "accident" in one of these next 3 events, in order to create drama/anticipation.
The stipulation makes me think we are not going to get a clean finish. I'm guessing Rollins will lose by DQ or count out.

What I would like to see is Rollins dominate for a while and then Kane find a way to lower the cell and turn it in to a Cell match. Remember that time Rollins almost got impaled by the lowering cell? After the cell lowers Kane gets a chance to be brutal. But ultimately Rollins gets a clean win. Doubt it would happen but who knows?

Then again, the big question is who cares?
Hopefully we get Rollins with a clean win at HiaC to give him some sort of momentum before a more serious challenge comes up. With all the Face turn rumours going around, it would be better if WWE went about it in a smart manner and try to make it as epic as they did Seth's Heel turn in his betrayal of the SHIELD.
I don't really have an issue with it. HIAC is a transitional show, it doesn't serve much of a purpose. I'm interested in seeing what Rollins can get out of Kane.
I think Rollins will win, maybe with the help of the returning J & J Security. I think Rollins will catch good heel heat on the RAW after HIAC once WWE fires Corporate Kane. However, since Corporate Kane is fired, Kane returns and makes Rollins life a living hell, leading to a possible Survivor Series match between Rollins' team and Kane's team. If Kane's team wins, Corporate Kane gets his job back, if Rollins team wins, Kane's whole team is fired including his wrestler alter ego.
At any rate, there's very little chance of Kane walking away as WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

And even as 'Anything can happen in WWE' I can't envision a scenario in which Kane wins it. Don't talk to me about rewarding Glenn Jacobs for all his years of great service; the world heavyweight title is something they don't want to trivialize..... especially with the cowardly manner they've depicted Seth Rollins to this point.

I'm hoping for a swerve......maybe even a wacky one, like Rollins and Kane ending the evening's festivities by uniting and attacking the Authority. Yes, this would mean taking a giant step toward turning Rollins face.....but if there's going to be a swerve, they might as well make it a big one. Just watching Rollins beat demon Kane and seeing his alter-ego fired doesn't sound like much of a main event to me.
Anyone else paranoid Vince is sabotaging Rollin's reign so he can use the low ratings as an excuse to shoehorn Cena as the champ again?

We already have Cena being the main event slot of Raw once again :-/

Yes yes I know, Rollins gets plenty of air time, but even I am tired of his same ol' same ol'. The highlight of his reign has been that he was U.S & WHC at same time and that lasted all of a month.

Kane doing the Joseph Parks/Abyss angle isn't exactly a barn burner for me in 2015 either.

Prediction: Rollins wins, corporate Kane is gone and Demon Kane is here to stay.

So far HiaC looks like a show I'll just wait for the replay to be available on the Network and watch maybe 2 of the matches as opposed to the 3 hour affair.
The match itself is pretty self explanatory. Kane will smash Rollins before Rollins gains the momentum back, Kane will then look like a demon fighting off probably a million chair shots and so forth and look to almost win it only for Rollins to escape luckily somehow. Not exactly the match I was expecting but I like Kane and Rollins and both work good so I'm still going to find it enjoyable.

The thing I am most interested about is if this will play into the Rollins and HHH potential feud by Steph and HHH telling Kane To take out Seth only to vacate the title or anything that lets me know HHH and Steph are the reason Kane attacked Rollins. I mean, just for me it seems stupid that Stephanie would put Kane's job on the line for practically no reason. If it's because Kane attacked Rollins it seems stupid as The Authority just put him in 2 matches at NoC and constantly put Rollins in a situation he has to get out of himself which usually means danger. Even so Kane is also apart of the Authority and hasn't jeopardised anything that's "best for business" since being back. So why would they put his job on the line?

Obviously I know the real reason as it gets Kane back to the character everyone loves but as a storyline I just can't make any sense of why Kane just gets thrown out of the Authority when if they wanted him out they could of done it while he was injured. I know what I'm thinking probably hasn't even crossed the minds of the creative staff but that's the only way to justify the stipulation to me.
I'm surprised no-one else has thought of this outcome, but I think that Seth will unmask Demon Kane when he goes to set up the Tombstone, and Kane reverts back to Corporate Kane, and Seth wins.
I'm surprised no-one else has thought of this outcome, but I think that Seth will unmask Demon Kane when he goes to set up the Tombstone, and Kane reverts back to Corporate Kane, and Seth wins.

Hmm...good one, I'd hate the ending and internet backlash if Rollins was to do that. Win with another roll up pin. I could see something like that happening though.
If WWE decides to keep Rollins heel until past Mania then the Rock would be the perfect opponent for him to face for the WWE title as you could generate so much heat for Rollins by him winning because Rock got screwed. Could be by HHH setting up a potential Mania match between them, or for Rollins sake it could be just him that does it. Imagine how pissed people would get because the people's champ got screwed over. If WWE decides to go down a HHH and Rollins road for Mania then I think it's likely we will see him team up with Reigns in some traditional Survivor Series match maybe against the New Day and some others. Can only dream if you added Brock to New Days team setting up Brock vs Rock 2.

As for Taker it's hard to put him anywhere that I like. Wouldn't mind against Rollins but then again Rollins should be taking on full timers now. Atleast with Rock you get that mega draw and potential chance of him taking it wink wink. He can't go back to the Wyatts and surely not Kane. Does he go for the authority? He could send a challenge to Sting. Not really sure at this time.
I'm surprised no-one else has thought of this outcome, but I think that Seth will unmask Demon Kane when he goes to set up the Tombstone, and Kane reverts back to Corporate Kane, and Seth wins.

Oh God, I hope not. That would likely keep this damn thing going while also forcing me to watch another shitty swerve ending. Also, does anybody even know what's going on with Corporate/Demon Kane? Does he legitimately not know that he's playing two people? He acts all sarcastic when talking about "Demon Kane" as if he's just screwing with Seth, but people on this site seem to think that he actually has multiple personalities. So what the fooks the deal?

As for the match, I actually see Seth dominating the majority of it. After some sort of swerve, Kane will gain momentum back, brutalize Seth for 5-10 minutes, before funny business gives Seth the win. I would like to see Seth win this match clean, but I also kind of want to see some story progression come out of this as well. I feel like something big should happen during the match to set up the next Seth or Kane storyline, as I see a straight one-on-one match leaving me underwhelmed by the end of it all.
My gut says:

Rollins wins. Corporate Kane is done. However, due to typical WWE loopholes, this leaves Demon Kane to roam free, and he comes after Rollins again at Survivor Series, and maybe even TLC.

What I want to happen:

Rollins wins. Corporate Kane is done. Rollins moves on to someone else at Survivor Series.

I doubt I'll get what I want, but regardless, Rollins wins, and it doesn't matter how. This isn't going to be the main event, so even if they do pull some, "unmask Kane and he reverts to Corporate Kane" shenanigans, it won't be the last thing on the card.
This match should have been in the cell because why the fuck not leave the cell down for 2 hours. Here is why Seth needs to keep the title and he needs to keep the title till TLC. Number one is some people want Monster Kane/Diluded Kane to win but if he wins it will just wash away the character. Kane wouldn't have the drive of redemption which his whole character is based off of redemption. Number two Seth needs to keep it to show his invincibility/luckiness that will eventually lead to his downfall. Number 3, his downfall must come with a slow start and it will start at TLC. It will start with a tweak of a knee during his title match against who ever WWE puts him up against for the TLC-Royal Rumble stretch. The downfall part is that Triple H won't tell him his opponent until the night of the pay per view. The opponent can be Dean Ambrose. But he will beat Dean Ambrose at TLC with his tweaked knee but will have to get a rematch against Dean following a loss against him at the New Year Raw/Christmas Raw because we all know they will make a title match that Raw. Dean wins via DQ/countout as it is not a brawl because Kane was put into a Christmas brawl with Mr. Money in the Bank Sheamus (he should not cash in untill Wrestlemania- the explanation is my post in the John Cena vs ??? thread). Anyways we go to the Royal Rumble and Dean wins the title like every WWE fan wants him too(we all know you want it even if your affection is not showing). He does so with a little help though. The help comes in the form of Triple H when he turns against Seth Rollins. The next night on Raw following the Rumble, Rollins takes the rematch ability but is taken out by the recruited new Authority man Adam Rose and Triple H comes out laughing at the top of the ramp laughing at the "pathetic" look on Seth Rollins face. This would set up a onslaught of the former champ Seth Rollins and the Authority just bashes the fuck out of him. Seth starts to go crazy losing all his matches and except for his qualifying match for the 6 man gauntlet match at WWE Fastlane. Two of the people that qualify are the Authority members Triple H (who puts himself in the match just to fuck with Seth) and Adam Rose who fought for his spot in the match. The Authority then just targets Seth during the match by fixing the drawing selection. Seth is set up to first verse Adam Rose and the next person in is, you guessed it Triple H. Now they just demolish Seth to the point where they just leave him there with pinning him so they can take him out last. In comes Cesaro FIVE MINUTES LATER!(because there are "complications in finding the competitor." when in reality it was the Authority just wasting time to ultimately just beat the crap out of Seth). Cesaro comes in fuming that he couldn't get out of his own locker room since it was barricaded and he just unloads on the Authority and beats Adam Rose to a pulp(this leads to a new feud between the two). Adam Rose pinned One. Two. Three. Then Triple H and Cesaro start take hits to each other. Since Triple H took some time off from the match he had the upperhand at the worn-down Cesaro. Cesaro get laid-out by the pedigree. One. Two. Thre....In comes Dean's arrival but Cesaro still gets eliminated. In comes the return of Daniel Bryan a pent up return of Daniel Bryan. Daniel goes in and attacks Dean and everyone is looking confused. Then Seth regains composure as he regroups just five feet from the man who just took a battering by Daniel Bryan in the no dq match. Seth then wakes up Dean and they go into the fight together. They brawl for a good 2 minutes with some crazy spots including a jumping finisher coming from the top rope that Dean delivers to Daniel Bryan and the move has been practiced in order to insure that it would not re-injure Daniel. While Daniel is laid out so is Seth Rollins after three devastating pedigrees on the exposed concrete from Triple H, guaranteed they aren't the best from the returning old guy. Seth is rolled back into the ring he is pinned and eliminated. Now down to Dean and Triple H but dean is all like 'SURPRISE MOTHER FUCKER' to Triple H and hits him with the belt. One. Two. Three! Dean keeps the title but remembers he still has to conquer Wrestlemania. And now Seth is set on to take on Triple H at the grandest stage of them all.

If you want me to continue the storyline feel free to let me know. I would love to do so!:)
I just find it hard to believe that Kane is main eventing a PPV for the WHC title in 2015. This guy has been in almost every main event on every PPV for the past year, in some form or other. Not to mention the bullshit on RAW each week.

I like Kane, have no problem with him at all, but I hate the fact that Rollins whole run has been spent sparring and now feuding with Kane. It's almost like there is no one else on the roster that the WWE seems content to hold the title.

Now that being said, Rollins will most likely win, there will be some shenanigans and everyone will be pissed off when it's over. Just like most of Rollins matches since he won the title. It's a shame because he is so much better than that. Anyway this will be interesting but I'm not really looking forward to it.
I hope Seth Rollins wins the match clean to validate his championship reign..... Let him prove by winning that he can win on his own and also he can brag & boast about it too.... further increasing the heat

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