Heartbroken in W.C.W


[This Space for Rent]
Shawn Michaels would NOT have made it, in W.C.W

While I could stop there and several people could and would agree and disagree, I'm going to (obviously) give my very detailed reasoning on why.

First and foremost, he would've been too slow to compete with the Cruiserweights, and too out of his league to compete with the likes of Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, Sting & Lex Luger. Back during the time that was, let's say - 1995 thru 1998, Shawn Michaels was truly one of the top guys in the W.W.F.. but if that would've been him in W.C.W, he would've never even sniffed the World Heavyweight Championship.. much less held one.

W.C.W was definitely the land of the Legends, for the longest time. It was tradition to W.W.F's Soap Opera.. but unlike W.W.E ****ing out Legends in this day and age, back then these Legends were still quite capable of going.

Guys like Ric Flair, Savage and Hogan all could go with the best of them in W.C.W and they had great reason to be in the Main Event. Meanwhile, Shawn Michaels was the constant underdog who overcame the bigger guys. The difference was the "bigger guys" he overcame.. had no business being in Main Events to begin with. (Vader was the only exception)

Shawn Michaels would've been lost in the shuffle that was the W.C.W ladder. He isn't as fast or agile as the Cruiserweights, so he wouldn't have been as flashy as guys like Malenko, Guerrero, Mysterio, Kidman or Guerrera. Yet he wasn't nearly the proper size to make a go of being a Main Eventer during those times.. when guy's like Big Show, Hogan & Luger reigned.

H.B.K's survival came off the fans loving gimmicks and soap operas. I loved H.B.K, and he's the main reason I became a Pro Wrestling fan.. but I couldn't of seen him becoming a major star in W.C.W, because those w/ his similar size, charisma & talent were all held down just the same. (Chris Jericho comes to mind.)

What are everyone's thoughts & opinions on this matter? Does anyone agree or disagree? If so, regardless of what.. WHY? Explain your opinions and thoughts on this situation. Do you feel H.B.K woud've survived in W.C.W..

Keep in mind, he wouldn't of been the Heartbreak Kid, he would've had to make it off another gimmick.. since the W.W.F would've copyrighted all over it. He would've had to survive on his pure talent, and an alternative gimmick, alone. However, if that's too hard for anyone.. let's say he would've still been the Heartbreak Kid, if you can't handle thinking of him as anything else..

I still say, even as H.B.K, the gimmick wouldn't have fit well in a Traditional style of Professional Wrestling, such as W.C.W - what are everyone's thoughts on this?
WCW was shit, Will. Shawn probably wouldn't have made it in WCW - but don't attempt blaming that on him. WCW and the people working in it were horrible. I mean, Shawn is just as talented as Bret Hart, maybe moreso, and Hart didn't make it. The worst thing he ever did was go there. That's the simple answer. Sure, you can make it as detailed as we all know you like doing, but at the end of the day WCW wouldn't have known what to do with him, as opposed to Shawn not being able to do something.
WCW was shit, Will. Shawn probably wouldn't have made it in WCW - but don't attempt blaming that on him.

Why? You do realize that the entire reign Shawn had as World Heavyweight Champion for the W.W.F, the Company you call "shit" was leading in the ratings war and had far better programming.. hmm, apparently thousands, if not millions of people love watching "shit".

WCW and the people working in it were horrible.

Depends who you're talking about. W.W.E tried their hardest to keep several talents that jumped ship to the W.C.W, talents like Lex Luger, Jeff Jarrett, Randy Savage, Ric Flair.. the list does indeed go on, as well.

So if W.C.W was horrible, why did the W.W.E hate losing their talent to them?

As for the people running the Main offices, yeah, I'd agree that they didn't know what they were doing. Ted Turner didn't have a passion for the business, he just saw a money cow and tried to cash it. Eric Bischoff was the true leader though.. and I firmly believe if it had even more pull, W.C.W wouldn't of been lead to going out of business.

I mean, Shawn is just as talented as Bret Hart, maybe moreso, and Hart didn't make it.

Hart didn't make it in an entirely different era. For entirely different reasons. That's another topic for another thread, but if you want to dispute it, fine by me..

Hart failed, in my opinion, because the Company in 1998/99 was changing ownership and Turner had lost complete care for what happened. Hart was lost in a big shuffle, and in all honesty, the Company truly began it's slide down the shitter right when Hart showed up.

1998 was still a good year, but would've been so much better if Hart was used differently. I agree. However, Hart wasn't a gimmick like Shawn Michaels was, so he'd have made it - if they used him.

The worst thing he ever did was go there. That's the simple answer.

Agreed. Hart's career ended and his life took a major turn for the worst, all because of some moron a lot of people on this forum love.. kicked him in the head. (Goldberg, that is)

Sure, you can make it as detailed as we all know you like doing, but at the end of the day WCW wouldn't have known what to do with him, as opposed to Shawn not being able to do something.

I love how you so easily push aside everything that could be easily pinned on Shawn not simply being less than great.. instead, throwing it all on W.C.W merely being crap.

W.C.W was mainly traditional wrestling for those of us who weren't still in diapers. :p I wouldn't have expected you to understand that.. I just would've hoped you'd give more reason(s) on why you felt Shawn COULD'VE made it.. shy of saying "W.C.W was ran by morons", which is completely ignoring whether Shawn was or wasn't talented enough.. and basically placing the blame on anyone but the guy who the spotlight's on.

In my opinion though, I'm not discounting that Shawn did or didn't have talent. I'm merely saying, he only had enough talent to be a forgettable mid-carder within the Company.

Shawn survived in the W.W.F because he had a great gimmick, that allowed him to be colorful and flashy, in a Company that didn't already have that in a Cruiserweight division. (which was, by many people's opinions, W.C.W's big savior during that period of time, second only to Hogan's heel turn)
I certainly hope you didn't steal this from the Jerry Lynn/Shawn Michaels thread where I argued this exact scenario, William. If you did, I am heavily, heavily disappointed in you.

Obviously, I agree. I forget why. Numerous reasons, really. His build, his style, his general lack of star power in comparison to people they tended to favour. You could even cite what became of Bret Hart in WCW. He wasn't dramatically unsuccessful, but he was much less successful than what he could have been.

I'm convinced the same would be said of HBK, if not worse.
I think Shawn wouldn't have made it in WCW just because they wouldn't know how to use him just as they did Bret Hart. I guess that explains why Eddie Guerrero, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko and Perry Saturn among others headed to WWE because the WCW guys were brain dead and also didn't know how to use them either. Shawn may have had a great gimmick and been flashy but in terms of pure wrestling abilty Shawn had way more than most of the main event guys including Hogan whom never defended the world title unlike Shawn who was a fighting champion.
There are dozens of reasons why WE could say Michael Hickenbottom (HKB to wrestling fans) would or wouldn't have made it in WCW, but ultimately, it would have been up to the WCW fans to decide.

If... and this is a big IF... HBK would have defected to WCW, there is no doubt in my mind that Russo & Bischoff would have tried to capitalize on the Montreal Screwjob. But... and this is a big BUT... if HBK jumps ship to WCW, does Bret Hart do the same ?? Would the Montreal Screwjob have even happened ?? My first instinct says no since the Montreal Screwjob took place because Bret Hart was going to WCW. If Hart and HBK's roles were reversed, both WCW and WWE(F at the time) would have taken completely different roads, but that's a discussion for another thread.

Secondly, we all have to consider the friendship that was formed between Kevin Nash and HBK. We all know (or should know) that they are really good friends in reality. Given the nature of their relationship and the type of control Nash held in WCW, I can't see a reason why HBK wouldn't have become great.

In addition, you have to consider the fact that HBK became a born again Christian. I know that won't make sense to the majority of posters on this forum, but Vince was willing to accept HBK's life altering change and work with it rather than against it. Would Russo or Bischoff have been as accommodating ?? God only knows (all pun intended) :)

BigWill - you said his physical stature would have held him down, but correct me if I'm wrong - isn't HBK bulit the same as Scott Hall, DDP, or J-e-double-f, j-a-double-r-e-double-t ?? Body size and build would have meant absolutely nothing. It all would of come down to who the fans wanted to see. The reason Hogan was able to control the company was because he knew the fans were buying tickets to see the legend, the icon, the Hulkster !! And based on the relationship Hogan and Bischoff now have, Bischoff believed the same exact thing. He still believes Hogan is the biggest draw in the wrestling world and who am I to say he's right or wrong. I know I'd mark the fuck out if Hogan walked out the curtain !!

Success of a wrestler is truly based on the reaction he receives from the fans. It doesn't matter whether he's a heel or face. Wrestling ability means absolutely nothing anymore to the majority of fans. Lets face it - Cena, Edge, Hogan, Goldberg, Sting, etc... - none of them can equal a Guerrero, Benoit, Angle, etc... when it comes to in-ring ability.

If HBK would have become a fan favorite in WCW, then he would have flourished. If not, he would traveled down the same road Bret Hart took. Isn't that ironic when you think about it ???
I think its all dependent on the timing of the move. Lets say he went at the same time Brett did then he probably would have been used in the same way. Kinda lost in the midst of Goldberg, a rising Booker T, Diamond Dallas Page, Scott Steiner, the list kinda goes on and on. Do I think he would have captured a world or us title along this time of course he would. I have no doubt that he would be a meaningless triple crown champion in WCW of the late years. I am through and through a Bret Hart fan and I hate Shawn but I realize that with the constant changing of titles and demeaning of what they meant that Shawn would have had his couple months on top of the mountain at some point. Now if he left when Nash and Hall left I think he would have been absolute shit. First off it would have thrown off the NWO formation from the start. Furthermore I think he would have just been another piece of the NWO puzzle. Kinda like Syxx, not a big guy, reasonable athleticism and good not great ring work. So overall I think based on timing he could have seen WCW gold or a lost piece of the NWO or wolfpac, or maybe just a complete miss
There are dozens of reasons why WE could say Michael Hickenbottom (HKB to wrestling fans) would or wouldn't have made it in WCW, but ultimately, it would have been up to the WCW fans to decide.

If... and this is a big IF... HBK would have defected to WCW, there is no doubt in my mind that Russo & Bischoff would have tried to capitalize on the Montreal Screwjob. But... and this is a big BUT... if HBK jumps ship to WCW, does Bret Hart do the same ?? Would the Montreal Screwjob have even happened ?? My first instinct says no since the Montreal Screwjob took place because Bret Hart was going to WCW. If Hart and HBK's roles were reversed, both WCW and WWE(F at the time) would have taken completely different roads, but that's a discussion for another thread.

I think the purpose of the thread was implying Shawn Michaels success in WCW if he had never become the star he was in WWE, and therefore hadn't become World champion, etc. If we go by Shawn Michaels coming into WCW around the time the Rockers ended as a tag team, before he became any sort of singles competitor (as I believe was the intention of the thread) then I definitely do not see Michaels becoming a success or making it in WCW beyond stuck in the mid-card like so many other similar talents like Jericho, Benoit, Guerrero, etc. He would not have been given a chance to reach the main event or become a player in a main event scene monopolized by old wrestlers such as Hogan, Flair, Savage, etc. He didn't have the size or the look to get noticed and be pushed like Sting and Luger did, and I don't think his ability or charisma would've stood out beyond so many other talents in WCW that were overlooked or held back. So no, in my opinion, he wouldn't have gone anywhere in WCW.

If you go by him jumping ship around the same time as Bret Hart had, then Michaels would've been a known name and a former world champion already and the scenario would've been much different. I still think WCW would've misused him and totally dropped the ball as they did countless others, such as Bret Hart. Even Raven comes to mind, who came from ECW and who could've been an asset at the time with his character in an era of 'attitude' and changing personas, but was relegated to mid-card because WCW had such a jam packed top tier of talent.

Secondly, we all have to consider the friendship that was formed between Kevin Nash and HBK. We all know (or should know) that they are really good friends in reality. Given the nature of their relationship and the type of control Nash held in WCW, I can't see a reason why HBK wouldn't have become great.

Once again it depends on the time frame. Before HBK became a star in WWE, if he had gone instead to WCW, this wouldn't have been a factor in any way.
BigWill - you said his physical stature would have held him down, but correct me if I'm wrong - isn't HBK bulit the same as Scott Hall, DDP, or J-e-double-f, j-a-double-r-e-double-t ?? Body size and build would have meant absolutely nothing. It all would of come down to who the fans wanted to see. The reason Hogan was able to control the company was because he knew the fans were buying tickets to see the legend, the icon, the Hulkster !! And based on the relationship Hogan and Bischoff now have, Bischoff believed the same exact thing. He still believes Hogan is the biggest draw in the wrestling world and who am I to say he's right or wrong. I know I'd mark the fuck out if Hogan walked out the curtain !!

Shawn Michaels is only 6 ft and is rather small in stature. I don't really know how you're comparing him to Scott Hall, because the two are nowhere near the same stature. Scott Hall's 6'6" and was very built in his size. He was far larger then Michaels in everyway. DDP is 6'5", so once again he's much larger then Michaels and he got over based on popularity and connection with the fans, as well as who he knew back stage (Hall and Nash who he helped back in their early careers in WCW). So both of these examples don't hold upto what you're implying since Michaels is far smaller then both of them and nowhere near the same size. The only one whose a valid comparison here to being the same size as Michaels is Jeff Jarrett, and the only reason he was given the chance he was was because WCW was in its dying days, the talent wasn't there like it was before, and Jarrett was IN with Russo who was the man behind things at the time. Otherwise, Jarrett would never have been in that position (nor should he have in my opinion).
He would have been successful, and more than Bret Hart. First of all, the fact that the whole Kliq, except fot HHH, would have been there, woulda helped in. Maybe there wouldn't have been a wolfpac, maybe they do their own thing. Everybody says WCW died because of the power of these guys. If thats true and they are buddy buddy with HBK, how does he not do well. They eventually gave both BEnoit anf Hart the title, 2 guys who are not that big.

Another thing. The reason he woulda been more successful than Bret was his attitude. Forget the born again Christian thing, that wasnt til way after he broke his back. He still woulda been the troublemaking, partying, DX guy he was, so his attitude and arrogance would have fit well with the NWO. But there def would been factions within the NWO that woulda caused trouble, but....who knows.
I think he would have made it still being the partyboy he was and fitting in with the NWO. The question there is would he still be alive if he jumped ship? He injured his back in a match that might never have happened if he did. HBK himself said he was on a collision course with death if he didn't change. So would he have become a born again christian and still been alive today without that back injury?
Shawn Michaels wouldn't have made it in WCW, because Shawn Michaels wouldn't have existed. Unless he would have been able to take his name with him (which he might have since it was his name in the AWA), he would have been known as Michael Hickenbottom, and that name don't sell.

It's the same reason why the Undertaker wouldn't have worked, here you have a familar face, that was already established in another company, yet you would have to repackage them with a new name, and people simply wouldn' thave bought into it. The Undertaker might have worked, if he went, and became the American Bad Ass in WCW, but Shawn Michaels wasn't a gimmicky name like Diesel, or Razor Ramon, it was close enough to a real name, and all of a sudden a new name attached to himw o uld have been silly.

Shawn Michaels wouldn't have worked in the main event scene. Simply put, tons of politics in WCW. Shawn Michaels however would have been successful on the under card. Sure, he mighht not have been as fast as the cruiserweights, but he could definenetly keep up with them. Guys like Jericho, Guerrero, Mysterio, Benoit, all did well in the undercard, and michaels is simply better hten all of those guys.

The problem would have been, could Shawn Michaels ego handle being a career midcarder. Realistically, the guy ouldn't have gotten anything above a US title reign, and maybe an outside shot at the big leagues. He might have went to the top in the twilight of the company after the bigger, older names retired, but it would have been well into his 30's.

I think Michaels could have succeeded, but not on the level he probably wanted to.
Ok Ive read a few posts and i believe i have something credible to put forth here, the fact is Will your reasoning is credible but you haven't stated when Shawn would have joined the Company so im going to put forth a couple of scenarios

Scenario A (ability based)

Pre NWO Basically If Shawn Michaels came into the company prior to Hogan being elevated I would have to say yes I agree, because he would have been lost in the shuffle like many others brought over from WWE and ECW, and Creative wouldn't know how to book the guy he would be the same as Stone Cold Steve Austin and the Triple H's (terrarizing) of that era who basically where used as fodder no matter how badly the fans wanted to see them get over.

NWO era If Shawn had come over the same way as Kevin Nash and Scott Hall i would have to believe that he would have been added as the third man to the NWO or involved some way in the gimmick, think about it, the guy is a former world champion of the competition, you want to crush them badly?, get him to bash the company that made him and become somewhat of a sucess, shawn would have excelled with his cheap tactics and unbelievable abilty to shine no matter who he was against, but the question is would he be as lazy as his two friends who only got over due to status not ability!.

The New Blood Era By this time Shawn would have already been injured during his casket match with the undertaker, WCW would have to have braught him in for at least one match or as a manager to an up and comer, either way Shawn would have been no use in the ring, only on the stick and his added drug addiction would have done WCW more harm then good, would he have suceeded in regards to his status in the WWE?, he would be used goods and truthfully would never of had a permanent stay in the sinking ship.

Result of Scenario A, Shawn would probably of had a World title run in Scenario A, but most results point to shawn either staying at midcard status or getting at least one uppermidcard push to the world title, the only part of the scenario that shawn would of been no use is in the new blood angle, he would have nothing left to give apart from his mic work and by the time he was healthy WCW would have been dead and buried in the process so all signs point to No

Now lets look at the second Scenario

Scenario B (Politics)

Pre NWO This would probably be after his run with the rockers so i would say here Shawn would be in the same boat as guys like Jericho, Benoit, and Austin once again being misuses and put in a position where he would never be elevated due to the fact there are so many people ahead of him, but i do believe once Bischoff came into power Shawn would have his ear just like he did with Vince, Shawn saw how the games where being played back in the WWE and decided to take his position because no one was giving him that opportunity, I do believe that shawn would have worked his way up moving from TV title, Us title all the way to world status maybe even main eventing against the likes of ric flair, and by the time nash and hall came into the company I would have seen the three quickly gelling, he may even have forced bischoff not to hire hogan as Shawn would have wanted to be the top dog and would never be able to work with a renound egomaniac who coveted his spot just like shawn had done in thie make believe WCW career.

NWO era If Shawn was braught in with his two other clique members I would have seen him being the third man in the Outsiders angle, it would be a coo for bischoff and a bigger ego boost for the leader of the NWO, yes i said leader, shawn would have taken the role that was given to hogan as it would have attracted fans attention and driven ratings seing three of the WWEs biggest stars of that era attempting to takeover WCW, the three individuals would have had Bischoffs ear once again doing as they please, Shawn would probably have had at least three to four title reigns feuding against the likes of Hogan, Sting, Flair and the rest of the WCW locker room, it would have been a huge shot in the foot for Vince Mcmahon seeing the one man he trusted moving up the ladder so quickly in WCW and Bischoff would have became an honorary member of the locker room clique hanging with shawn, nash and hall giving the WCW executive a real ego boost,

The New Blood EraThis time would have been no different, If shawn was braught into the new blood era there wouldnt of been as much for him to do as stated before, He would have just been centered in a role of General manager or chairman but would never actually wrestle due to the fact that he was retired due to his bad back, and he would have still had the major drug problem.

Result of Scenario B: Well shawn would have had a far better run, it has been stated in his biography hart break and triumph that he always had Vinces ear, and as a huge backstage political figure Shawn, Nash and Hall would have had an easier time with bischoff and would probably have taken the NWO angle to new heights, Shawn would have excelled in this scenario and would have main evented probably more then his time in the WWE (with exception of the new blood angle), his career would probably have lasted longer then his WWE tenure and would have climed the mountain quickly.

Thats my findings and i believe that Scenario B would have been the most logical, wrestling was not about ability in WCW it was about who had the biggest pull, once bischoff was in charge it was whomever he surrounded himself with and the stories have always been told with Eric hanging around Nash and Hall so imagine what he would have been like with the trio from the clique it would have been a huge Boost for Bischoffs ego and shawns career!.
I agree, for a lot of the same reasons Sam does. Him and I had a lot of the same points in the Lynn/HBK match...Odd...Becca's response of "WCW was run by morons", further proves my point, that HBK was made by his booking. He was lucky to have the people writing his matches that he did. He would only have succeeded in WWE, and he did. While WWE was going in the shitter, and suffering compared to WCW's gaudy numbers.

I like Shawn, and think he is a great wrestler, but he was definitely aided by the decision-makers. In the long run though, I do think he'd succeed. Why? Who was doing the booking for WCW in 98-99? Kevin Nash. Who was Shawn really good friends with? Kevin Nash, and Nash's good buddy, Scott Hall.

For all we know, he would've missed 4 or 5 Sweet Chin Music attempts, before ending Goldberg's win streak.
If WCW was so great, why does it not exist anymore? I might be new to the wrestling world (not really), but I havent heard of WCW in oh, 7 years or so. If it were HBK instead of Brett, probably same shit would have happened. He may get a US title reign, maybe a short World Title, but thats all. The WHC was passed around like a doob at a frat party. Come on now. WCW failed because they tried too hard to steal talent and not use them...kinda like TNA is doing. So if anyone wants to talk about "what ifs" in Dubya-Cee-Dubya, talk about what if it was still around. Distant memory. TNA will probably suffer the same fate.

HBK would have made it in WCW only because Nash was a booker. Case closed
HBK would have easily translated to WCW -

1) Because he is one of the best performers on the mic over the past 20 years. WCW relied heavily on this. Obviously he would have joined the rest of the Kliq in the NWO and they spent years talking in the middle of the ring.

2) Because he is a great wrestler. When you think of classic workers in the ring, and classic matches - you have to think of HBK.

3) HBK was not Bret Hart. Bret Hart was overrated - I still believe a lot of people switched to WCW because they were tired of Bret Hart. A lot of marks out there might not appreciate me bad mouthing Bret, but its pretty obvious due to his failure in WCW (and they tried desperately to push him) Once Bret was in WCW they started losing viewers to WWE. HBK would have drew in viewers. He is an all time fan favorite.

4) WCW valued great wrestlers - thats why they had so many technical wrestlers and Luchadors. Fans loved the underdog - not just the NWO - look at Jericho.

~Savage Legacy............... the real champion of Wrestlezone.
HBK would have easily translated to WCW -

1) Because he is one of the best performers on the mic over the past 20 years. WCW relied heavily on this. Obviously he would have joined the rest of the Kliq in the NWO and they spent years talking in the middle of the ring.

2) Because he is a great wrestler. When you think of classic workers in the ring, and classic matches - you have to think of HBK.

3) HBK was not Bret Hart. Bret Hart was overrated - I still believe a lot of people switched to WCW because they were tired of Bret Hart. A lot of marks out there might not appreciate me bad mouthing Bret, but its pretty obvious due to his failure in WCW (and they tried desperately to push him) Once Bret was in WCW they started losing viewers to WWE. HBK would have drew in viewers. He is an all time fan favorite.

4) WCW valued great wrestlers - thats why they had so many technical wrestlers and Luchadors. Fans loved the underdog - not just the NWO - look at Jericho.

~Savage Legacy............... the real champion of Wrestlezone.

How skewered is your logic and misinformed are you? Shawn Michaels didn't draw in the main event as champion any better then Bret Hart.. ever. Simple as that. Say what you will about Hart, but Michaels didn't draw anything more then him and certainly not as a FACE. Michaels wasn't a loved face back in the day when they were trying to force feed him to fans as one, a great deal rejected him. Bret Hart did draw as a face, and people can attack him all they want about his drawing ability in the US in a time where wrestling was in a downturn.. but the fact is he was one of the best international draws of all time. Simple as that. If anything, in my opinion, Shawn Michaels is highly overrated and will always be in history.

If you go by Michaels coming into WCW when he was already made and already a star, then yes, he definitely would've made it based on knowing the Clique and being in with people behind the scenes who were running the show, basically. But if you go by Michaels coming into WCW before he ever got the chance to be a star or show his potential then no, he wouldn't have done anything more then the likes of Jericho, Benoit, Guerrero did in WCW. He wouldn't have known the Cliq, he wouldn't have had any stroke backstage, he would've struggled and gone nowhere. Simple as that.

Oh, and to correct you.. WCW didn't love great wrestlers. They buried great wrestlers. Everyone in the main event during the time of the Monday Night Wars were bad wrestlers, and everyone who could go in the ring were stuck in the mid or under card. So where would Michaels have been?
Had the whole steriod scandle not happened and hogan didnt jump ship because of Vinces hate for older wrestlers.... then Shawn would of stayed a less then mid card player and thats the end of his story. Shawn was lucky to be in the right place at the right time..... Like Ric Flair said in one of his interviews " Shawn who..... U mean the ROCKER?" thats exactly what he would have been.... If Vince kept the main roster he had ( Guys that still wrestled strong into the late 90's... then guys like bret hart and shawn wouldnt of even exisited in the main roster..... In my opinion Shawn is S@&t... However he was very lucky that he is able to be where he is 2day.

Hogan...Savage.... Perfect....Flair..... Slaughter....Snuka..... Roberts.... Earthquake..... Road Warriors....Million Dollar man.... ect...

Lucky they left

Lucky Lucky Luck Shawn......

And even in the future...once again lucky the rock jumped ship and stone cold got injured....

Man what a lucky guy..... lets just hope Cena,Orton and the Big Show last long enough that he doesnt get lucky again where WWE has no choice but to rely on him

Shawn U suck..... but u r one lucky bastard and Ric Fliar took pity on u.. 2 let u beat him

Hogan had the right idea when he faced u.... he treated u like a mid card player cause thats what u will always be
Had the whole steriod scandle not happened and hogan didnt jump ship because of Vinces hate for older wrestlers.... then Shawn would of stayed a less then mid card player and thats the end of his story. Shawn was lucky to be in the right place at the right time..... Like Ric Flair said in one of his interviews " Shawn who..... U mean the ROCKER?" thats exactly what he would have been.... If Vince kept the main roster he had ( Guys that still wrestled strong into the late 90's... then guys like bret hart and shawn wouldnt of even exisited in the main roster..... In my opinion Shawn is S@&t... However he was very lucky that he is able to be where he is 2day.

Hogan...Savage.... Perfect....Flair..... Slaughter....Snuka..... Roberts.... Earthquake..... Road Warriors....Million Dollar man.... ect...

Lucky they left

Lucky Lucky Luck Shawn......

And even in the future...once again lucky the rock jumped ship and stone cold got injured....

Man what a lucky guy..... lets just hope Cena,Orton and the Big Show last long enough that he doesnt get lucky again where WWE has no choice but to rely on him

Shawn U suck..... but u r one lucky bastard and Ric Fliar took pity on u.. 2 let u beat him

Hogan had the right idea when he faced u.... he treated u like a mid card player cause thats what u will always be

Are you ABSOLUTELY kidding me? That is the only thing I can think makes any sense when explaining this horrible post. Shawn has had some of the best matches of the last 20 years, and even people who hate him, yes I'm talking about Bret Hart, admit that fact. Stop being such a blind Shawn hater and look at his skill. You don't have to like him, but saying he's shit, and that he sucks is going WAY too far.

Shawn could have broke WCW if they knew how to book him. Why? Because he is that damn good. Argued by many as being one of the best all-round wrestlers of all time. Argued to have the best Wrestlemania matches anyone has ever had by many. Need I continue? How does 'luck' have anything to do with that?

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