Goldberg's Streak


[This Space for Rent]
After continuing through my Starrcade DVD, I noticed that in the story part of the DVD they really didn't like the fact that Goldberg's streak was ended at Starrcade.

Well, after thinking about this further, I'm going to take it a bit deeper. I'm wanting to know what everyone's opinions were of his streak, and whether it should've been ended.. in general.

1. Was Kevin Nash the right person to end his streak? In looking back in W.C.W., I think Kevin Nash could've quite possibly been the worst option outside of someone like Hulk Hogan or another top 'Legend'.

I think that if the streak was meant to come to an end, that it should've been given to someone that didn't already have a good enough legacy throughout his career. Kevin Nash wasn't ever a World Heavyweight Champion in W.C.W. before he defeated Goldberg, but he was a former Heavyweight Champion in general.

I personally think Goldberg's match with Diamond Dallas Page at Halloween Havoc could've easily went either way, and in my opinion I think that was Goldberg's all-time best match throughout his entire career. As a result, I would've rather seen D.D.P. (whom at that time, wasn't known for anything major) end the streak and take the spot in a respectful manner.

2. Was it ended in a fashion that was worthy to end such a credible streak? In the end, every type of major streak in today's generation of wrestling seems to have to end, in a controversial fashion. Apparently just "passing the torch" (so to speak) isn't good enough anymore, it has to look like it was taken unjustly.

Kevin Nash will forever be the first guy to defeat him, but in the end.. the taser gun will always be remembered as one of the worst ideas in Wrestling history, and that will be the only reason most would believe Nash could've beat him.

So to answer this question, No, it wasn't a worthy way to end it, especially such a credible and highly built streak. Goldberg defeated a nice list of highly known Wrestlers.. only to have all of that basically flushed down the shitter because of a fake child's toy? Stupid and lame.

3. Should it of been ended at their 'WrestleMania'? Going in connection with the Starrcade DVD, I would have to agree that his streak shouldn't of been ended on their version of WrestleMania.

Goldberg was the biggest draw since Hulk Hogan, and I believe even if he would've continued throughout his W.C.W. career as being undefeated it would've drew even more and more. The fans generally didn't seem to care. Goldberg, unlike Cena in today's industry, was a major draw and had more fans than enemies. You'd rather hear Goldberg being boo'd.

While I will say I believe all streaks must come to an end, and while I understand that they'd want it to take place on their highest stage.. I just think with as big of a name, and draw, as Goldberg became.. it was a mistake to end it, there, to whom, and how.

4. What was your overall thought on Goldberg's streak to begin with? I've never been a fan of streaks. Furthermore, in complete honesty I was never a fan of Bill Goldberg. I couldn't stand him, and thought that he was a worthless waste of a Main Event spot.

He got over because of intensity, and very little talent. In his credit, he did make the Spear and Suplex become powerful and very dangerous, but outside of that I believe he was nothing.

For well over half, if not a third of his streak, he defeated jobbers from the Power Plant and Cruiserweights. In the end, I was generally just not a fan of Goldberg. But that doesn't mean I don't respect what he became to W.C.W. toward the end.. and how much they ultimately didn't use him as much as I believe they truly could've.

Well, these would be my answers. Please try to answer each question and give the most in your views and opinions, instead of short replies. Thank You.
I agree it was a mistake to end it that way. I mean he lost the title to Nash just so he could lay down for Hogan 2 weeks later. I dont think Nash or Goldberg really benifited from it. I remember WCW really started to go down hill after he lost the strap.
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1. While at that age I remember talking to a buddy of mine and saying that Goldberg had fought no one and that Nash would be a great test for him, now looking back it was awful. Other than Hogan Goldberg had faced no one huge that I recall. By losing to Nash it seems to me that it made Goldberg look like the champion of the midcard. It's the same thing when Mark Henry beats up random jobber after random jobber and then gets beaten into the ground by Cena or HHH. He looks average. Losing to Nash just made Goldberg look like another midcarder for just a brief instant, but that instant was enough to kill his momentum dead in its tracks. Follow that up by just throwing the belt back to Hogan 15 days later and it almost reset the World Title picture back to before Goldberg won it in the first place, just minus Goldberg.

2. Agreed, the streak was ended badly. He kicked out of the powerbomb if I remember correctly, which makes it seem that Nash's best isn't good enough and therefore he shouldn't be able to beat Goldberg anyway. He loses to a bad looking stun gun to the chest used by Hall, thereby making it appear as if both men are taken to beat him, and not just Nash as it was supposed to be. At the end of it, there seemed to be no point at all to the match ending this way whatsoever.

3. I've always thought that Goldberg should have beaten Hogan at Starrcade instead. Think about it. It would have given them the chance to make up for the MAJOR fuck up the year before that. A huge star taking down Hogan to win the world title and put an end to his reign of terror. Instead they waste it on a free Nitro, and then they have Nash beat him in the main event of the biggest event of the year? Makes little sense when there was a bigger opportunity just a few months later.

4. He seemed to be a modern day Ultimate Warrior, just with a few more moves to his credit. The streak was a good storyline, but at the end of the day it would have to end eventually. When it ended it was going to be huge and someone was going to get a big rub. What's the point of a big run if the guy doesn't need it? Also throw in that the streak has admittedly been changed many times to suit whatever WCW needed at the time, and it wasn't as great as it is built up to be.
The point was NWO wanted the title on Hogan and Hogan heel couldn't beat anyone to save his life so they cheated. Plain and simple. WCW coudn't write a proper ending to save themselves

However it made Goldberg look like he was still unstoppable and the only way he could be beaten is if they double teamed him and used a foreign object aswell. How does that not benfit his character? If he was truly a huge hit he didn't need the title

Its no different than Andre taking the title off Hogan and giving it to Ted Dibiase. They couldn't beat Hogan for the title legitimately. It's a storyline thats old as rassling itself, heels cheat and concut ludricus plans which always backfire in the end.

Now was it a downhill spiral for WCW from that point on, well thats debateable IMO WCW was already failing with shit storylines, poor production values, endless WWF references.

10yrs later TNA *COUGH WCW2* is repeating the same thing. !SIGH!

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