He lies. He Cheats. He steals. Who is he?


A gimmick made famous by Eddie Guerrerro, making him one of the most popular wrestlers in the last ten years.

I believe WWE could re-use this gimmick to help push someone, but who?

I don't think it would be to difficult for Santino to adopt this gimmick, as it would mesh well with his comedy standing, while also making him a more believable singles wrestler.
Another candidate could be JTG. He's not really doing much right now, and, again, it would be a comfortable fit, due to his past in Cryme Time.

The best thing about this gimmick is that it would suit not only a face, but also a cowardly heel. I think that Drew McIntyre or possibly Zack Ryder would be able to carry out this role, and make people care about them. This could add a whole new dimension to Drew, and I think he would be good enough to run with it.

So, over to you. Do you think anyone on the WWE roster could use a gimmick similar to Eddie's 'Lie, cheat and steal' persona? And if so, who?
It was a good gimmick for Eddie and Chavo because they developed it into perfection. Eddie (I'm going to focus on him because he's obviously the better of the two) worked on it and adopted the persona perfectly. He had the natural charm to pull off the good guy that would steal candy from a baby. None of the guys you listed have that natural charm.

Right off the bat you can knock McIntyre off the list. Guys who are as big as he is don't need to do serious cheating or stealing to get wins, they can get by on power and a few dirty moves if need be.

JTG already did the good guy thief gimmick and he played it pretty well. I honestly think he could work the gimmick as a singles competitor, but he could never do it as well as Eddie. He could put his own "hood" spin on the gimmick, but he'll never be able to replicate Eddie's success with it.

Zack Ryder's current gimmick is much better suited for him than the lie, cheat, and steal gimmick. I kind of like the idiot-party boy-guido thing he has going on and I think he could carry that into the midcard with him.

Finally, Santino's gimmick is totally different than Eddie's lie, cheat, and steal gimmick, but I think it works for him better. Why change him from a goofball face into a thieving but funny face? It's just an unnecessary transition.

I think it's best to just let this gimmick be along with Eddie Guerrero. I wouldn't put it past the WWE to try to capitalize on Eddie's living success (they do with Vickie), but leaving Eddie's legacy be will never hurt the WWE. Nobody will ever be able to pull of the gimmick like Eddie could, and the WWE shouldn't even bother trying to find someone who can.
no never ever ever should anyone else Lie, cheat and steal because it will only ever be a cheap rip off of Eddie. I would hate to see it onlyEeddie could do it or should do it there no way in hell any one could come close to being good enough to pull it off and make us forget about Eddie.
Um...Chavo? How easy would it be to slap Eddie's gimmick on Chavo in order to put him over as a face. It would make total sense. And Chavo is the only one that needs this currently. Chavo has been put on Superstars way too long and he is often burried by the huge WWE roster whether on Smackdown or RAW. If they were to actually take time and build Chavo as a solid face with the lie, cheat, steal gimmick, he would possibly be a very successful midcarder, perhaps even holding the United States or Intercontinental Championships before his career's over. God knows he deserves it. He's a Guererro dammit, am I right? And what a better way to pay tribute to his Uncle Eddie Guererro then by using the gimmick that made Eddie famous?
Dont be absurd. FAR too recent, FAR too beloved, and Eddie is FAR too iconic within the gimmick.

No way it would work, with anyone trying to live up to it, and the fact that people would see right through it.
There are two things that are neccesary to play the "Lie, Cheat, Steal" gimmick that Eddie played. Firstly the wrestler needs to be a small one so that his lying, cheating and stealing can be justified due to his underdog status. If a huge guy lies, cheats and steals he is going to be looked upon as a heel no matter what. Lying, cheating and stealing is supposed to be a way to overcome your physical disadvantages. Do you think anyone is going to cheer if Drew McIntyre lies, cheats and steals his way to a victory over Kofi Kingston.

The second thing that you need is charisma...actually buttloads of it. Getting the crowd to cheer for you when you are doing what is generally considered unnacceptable behavior is a difficult thing to do otherwise.

So you need the correct size and the charisma and I am sorry to say there is no one in the WWE who fits the bill. Most of the charismatic guys in wrestling today are the well built one while the small ones, to use an Eric Bischoff term, are vanilla midgets.

Also there is no saying what repercussions the wrestler might have to face if he adopts the lie, cheat, steal gimmick. It is an iconic gimmick and the crowd may not accept the wrestler who will try to make a name by ripping off the gimmick.
I love to see Chavo, JTG , Yoshi & Ryder form a stable & use the lie, cheat & steal gimmick. Here you would have 4 guys that can wrestle not doing anything from 4 different nationality, this could be more then a comedy act and help elevate 1 or 2 of these guys.
I dont want to see ANYONE try to copy Eddies gimmck. Only he could do it as good as he did. No one will be able to hold a candle to Eddie.
The only man that could do that is Chavo. In fact, he DID lie, cheat, and steal years ago. The original song said "WE lie, WE cheat, WE steal!"

But I wouldn't support it. It's Eddie's legacy, and I think Chavo knows it.
i think Eddie and Vickie's daughter that is fcw should use the gimmick and bring it to the diva's division. She could do it with Vickie or Chavo, with both or just by herself.
Nah... It's a bad idea. Some things are better left alone. Eddie should be able to have it. That is his.

Everything in wrestling does not need to be recreated. This is one of those things for me. The gimmick itself was classic, but it was also because it was Eddie doing it.

No one would be able to do justice to the gimmick or do justice to Eddie. So, letting it "live" with Eddie's legacy is probably better for him and also WWE in general.

The only person that it doesn't bother me if they were to use it, is Chavo. He has done it before, and if anyone does have the right to do it, it would be Chavito.

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