HBK needed one more title reign

HBk is without a doubt a future hall of famer. He has done bassically everything that can be done in the business. As for another title reign. I personally would have loved to see that considering I saw his whole career. Arguably one of the greatest of all time and only 4 title regins? Maybe thats the way he wanted it maybe it wasn't. No matter what the situation was he took it like a man. He didn't complain he didn't quit. He worked like everyone else. I would love to see him have had another few titles reigns before his career ended. You can't change the past. All i know is, if Flair can still get in there and do it. Why couldn't Shawn come back at the Rumble next year?
HBk is without a doubt a future hall of famer. He has done bassically everything that can be done in the business. As for another title reign. I personally would have loved to see that considering I saw his whole career. Arguably one of the greatest of all time and only 4 title regins? Maybe thats the way he wanted it maybe it wasn't. No matter what the situation was he took it like a man. He didn't complain he didn't quit. He worked like everyone else. I would love to see him have had another few titles reigns before his career ended. You can't change the past. All i know is, if Flair can still get in there and do it. Why couldn't Shawn come back at the Rumble next year?

Have you WATCHED TNA? Flair has no business wrestling anymore. Cutting a promo? fine, but actually having a match? Hell no. Same for Hogan, and all those other guys over the age of 50.

HBK is done, finished, retired. Give up hope that he will come back for "one more match" because him, The Rock, and Steve Austin are done. I am very proud of Shawn for saying what he has about never getting back in the ring, and about him being one of the few to NOT go back on his word about it. His body could not handle it anymore, and I would rather HBK go out on top of the world, then to be getting in the ring week after week when he's lost it, and is not quite the "Heartbreak Kid" we knew and loved.

Did he need any more title runs? Nope. HBK and Undertaker are a special breed of superstar. they could have had only 2 titles, and yet would have still been as big as they are today. Would 11 world titles have changed anything? Nope. For me Shawn was always better chasing the title, then being the champ. Same with 'Taker.
No 4 is enough for HBK, people forget his last run in 2002 was his last he never planned on sticking around to long, but his match quality was the hook BUT HBK was very injury prone, I believe every year since 2004-2009 he's taken time off for injuries, I could be wrong but HBK was always better chasing the belt, he was a champion in the time little guys just weren't top draws and he had some good matches but HBK's best matches seemed to come in Non title affairs, so no 4 title runs was enough plus HBK seemed to have a problem of dropping belts he holds the record for forfitting the most titles (World, IC, Tag and you could say the European in his job to HHH) but whatever HBK isn't a Flair who's remembered for his Steamboat, Dusty feuds and his 16+ world titles HBK is instantly remembered for his consitstantly had amazing quality matches title runs didn't do anything for him after his return he didn't need to the hassle of being a World champion and doing house shows ect, HBK is a rare breed that people won't remember his shambles of title jobs or lack of, they'll remember his willingness to put 4-5 star matches on a regular basis.
I honestly think Shawn deserved more than 4 reigns.

Mainly because of all he did for Vinnie Mac back in the day when all other stars were leaving for WCW, also for all the great matches he has had.

Also all the talent he has put over in his time was astronomical.But the thing I remember him most for was all the carrying he has done and how many superstars he has made look better than they are, like his matches with John Cena, Chris Masters , Sid etc.
He didn't need one more title reign, but it damn sure wouldn't have hurt! The man was easily the most over face in the company and the sheer quality of his promo's and matches would have made for quite the entertaining title reign. I would have tuned in every week for sure with him as champ.

But then again, he didn't need it so. HBK was just so over without a championship it was unreal.
Well I have to say your world title reign list is off quite a bit.

Hogan held the title 6 times in WWE and another 6 in WCW.

Bret held the title 5 times in WWE and another 2 times in WCW.

I'm pretty sure Jericho is indeed a 6 time world champion.

I counted only their title reigns in WWE, as Shawn Michaels never worked for WCW.
But where the hell am I missing a Jericho title reign? Its buggung the hell out of me.

1. 1st ever undisputed champ- lost at WM18 to HHH
2. Championship Scramble Unforgiven `08- lost to Batista at Cyber Sunday w/ Stone Cold as guest ref.
3. Took WHC back from The Animal in Steel Cage just 8 days later(800th Raw)- lost that to Cena at SSeries
4. Elimination Chamber 2010

Does his WCW Championship during the Invasion Angle count? What am I missing here?
No not really. Shawn was above championship reigns, he build his legacy on great matches, not a great resume. Not that he didn't have a great resume, but I'm sure he'd be more than remembered had he only held the championship once. Shawn, no matter the title reigns will be above a lot of people in terms of legacy.

Shawn didn't even want more out of it. Sure he wanted championship reigns and all that shit prior to his back injury, but he got as many as it was warranted without throwing the championship left and right. After that, Shawn didn't even want to be champion anymore, he could very well have been I'm sure of that, but he didn't want to work the schedule.

So really, would you say that he needed a championship reign extra if it wasn't something for him? Especially considering his legacy wouldn't have changed jack shit with, or without the championship reign added to his resume.
Really, it should be quality, not quantity. I mean, having 7, 9, 16 title reigns sounds great, but it also means you lost that many, and that in all likelihood a few of those were very short-lived. After a while, the meaning behind the title is just gone. I never liked Michaels, but I think he did have a couple of quality title reigns, so simply ringing up the numbers wouldn't do a thing for him.
You are right dude.Shawn Michaels is probably my favourite wrestler ever.He should have beat Cena at WM 23.He could have winning the WWE title in 2009 for WM 25 against Taker.
HBK is one of the very few wrestlers who transcend the world title. It was Shawn Michaels and the guaranteed best match of the night, indeed the Showstopper, with or without the belt. His 4 titles could be 0 or 40 for all I care, really. But one last short reign on his way out would have been a nice gesture.
I counted only their title reigns in WWE, as Shawn Michaels never worked for WCW.
But where the hell am I missing a Jericho title reign? Its buggung the hell out of me.

1. 1st ever undisputed champ- lost at WM18 to HHH
2. Championship Scramble Unforgiven `08- lost to Batista at Cyber Sunday w/ Stone Cold as guest ref.
3. Took WHC back from The Animal in Steel Cage just 8 days later(800th Raw)- lost that to Cena at SSeries
4. Elimination Chamber 2010

Does his WCW Championship during the Invasion Angle count? What am I missing here?

Well if you were only counting WWE title reigns then Ric Flair only held it 2 times.

Jericho won the WCW title at No Mercy in 2001 and then lost it to the Rock a few weeks later on Raw only to regain it at Vengeance the night he unified the titles. Then you have the other 3 reigns
I cant believe JB Blazn thinks HBK is over rated. He is the showstopper/ Mr Wrestlemania because he has the best match of the night EVER!!!! Shawn Michaels is amazing and all of the people posting (cept JB Blazn) have reaffirmed what I know if true, he will never be forgotten and will be loved and respected for ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

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