Has the WWE given up on William Regal?


Getting Noticed By Management
At first the guy had it all. He won the King Of The Ring, was the centerpiece of Raw and was in the biggest push of his live... that is untill he screwed himself out of it all. When he returned he won the IC title, but he lost it against the man he defeated to win the KOTR CM Punk. I'm kinda dissapointed that Cole and King dont mention a lot that he won the KOTR or that he came back with his old music. I think the WWE has nothing left for him anymore and that they lost faith in him. They aren't even trying to push him decently. So with that being said do you think the WWE has given up on Regal?? Feel free to discuss!
I think it is far too early to say that they have given up on him, he lost the belt a week ago and since then has had a WHC qualifying match, which he lost. Punk also lost his match, so I can see an IC match happening at NWO between the two.

His KOTR win wasn't that big, though I loved him as GM, his IC reign was a bit of a disappointment to say the least, but they have built up him v Punk so I think they will continue with that. It's far too early to say they've given up on him.
I think it is fair to say he has been given up on to some degree. Plus doesn't the winne of King of The Ring traditionally get a WWE/WHC title shot?? Or did I imagine that when Booker won last time, or does King of The Ring just mean you call yourself "King...whoever" Regal is the only UK export to have done well in recent memory in the WWE, followed by Finlay who has been US champion and had a run for the ECW title. Personally, I think Finlay should go back to Smackdown and Regal should jump to ECW and be a top heel, where I believe he could be a legitamate ECW Champion. But Regal is his own worst enemy, he ruins it for himself like after he won King of the Ring and was OWNING Raw, turning lights out etc. then he had to go and fail the Wellness Test. To be honest, us guys here in the UK need someone from here that we can rally behind, people from the UK seem to be traditionally Heel's; Finlay (for a long while), Regal, Burchill's. We need a new British Bulldog type figure, someone that is cheered all the time not just at the UK shows.
I must admit I love when Regal comes back here and we all cheer him, must be nice for him, considering he has never really had a good run as a Face character. His speech after he won the IC title in the UK was not only unexpected but spoke a lot about how he feels wrestling with the WWE. Would it be too much to ask for someone from the UK to have a reasonable run as WWE/WH Champion? Even ECW, will Finlay actually be ECW Champion or not? Certainly not in a Wrestlemania match, it seems ECW is building Swagger/Boogeyman for the event??
I don't understand how the WWE has given up on William Regal? At last I remember, I don't remember the man ever being involved in ap rogram for any of the world titles. Since his return, he faced CM Punk as world champion, has won the Intercontinental title, and has been a main staple on raw in a mid card heel role. Exactly how is this any different, if not better then the sum of William Regal and his career in the WWE to date?

He's been involved mainly with CM Punk, who is arguably the WWE's biggest mid card star on the roster. He's not the fatherly figure of Eugene or the Real Man's man, he's a pretty bad ass heel on Raw that gets put into matches with good wrestlers and gets good matches out of said guys.

William Regal is a career mid card wrestler at best. Yes on a technical level and a move for move level, the man is outstanding and one of my favorites, but htat's my smarky perspective of things. In reality, he has never been anythign more then what he is now. In actuality, he maybe getting the biggest push of his career at this point. I don't see how the WWE has given up on him, when they could have just as easily let him go for failing yet another drug test.
I was thinking that myself, was actually going to post a thread about Regal.

He is a career midcarder at best. Sadly, he is getting on a bit and will probabaly never hold the gold on either of the big 2 brands. He was good when he won the KOTR, but then he screwed himself out of it for doing so. Oh well.

But he can put over guys huge in matches, he is one of the old school(like Benoit) who could have a match with anyone and make them look a million pounds stiring(not Dollars or Euros, as Cryme Tyme thinks)

I feel he would be in the same boat as Venis, crusty vets who are still popular, but were never given the chance to shine at the top+
Regal is a good wrestler, so I think that he will be in the IC hunt for a while, maybe winning it a few more times in the next little while. He is good in fueds because he plays the heel well. He's good on the mic and was good as General Manager. The suspension thing ticked me off though. I seriously thought he would be fired or come back only to be a jobber. He came back and he stuck around and then beat Santino, who was pretty over at the time. He had the first real intercontinental fued in a while, and also has Layla, who doesn't do crap but makes him look good. I think Regal will be a mid-carder and here for a while.
I wouldn't say they've given up on Regal at all. If anything, he's had two big pushes recently. King of the ring last year, and IC title this year. If anything Regal messed himself up, getting suspended fresh after winning KOTR killing any momentum he could have gained from that win. It might be a little too soon to say whether or not WWE has forgotten him because he just lost the title, lets see where he goes from here before we decide.
I don't understand how someone so experienced, an upper mid-card card veteran like William Regal who probably wouldn't make a very marketable champion on your top two brands can't be tearing it up with Finlay in the ECW title picture. Think about the current ECW title picture... it's Swagger, Finlay... who else? Mark Henry? He's been done to death. John Morrison? He appears more on RAW and SmackDown than he does ECW and he's one half of the tag champs.

I don't think Tito Ortiz, The Boogeyman or Paul Burchill will be ready for an ECW title run any time soon so why not throw guys who are sitting around doing nothing worth mentioning like Regal and Helms into ECW to main event there? Who knows, maybe they'll make a decent champion.
I don't think they have given up on him at all. He won the KOR, and became IC champion and they talked about the IC DVD at nasseum whenever he was around. They obviously see him in that class. Like it was said here already Regal could have a good match with anybody. I remember Goldberg going on his crazy undefeated streak going into a match with Regal and Regal didn't finish as quickly as Goldberg's prior opponents. Regal wrestled almost stiff with Goldberg to prove a point about paying your dues in the business which Gioldberg had obviously not done. He knows the business very well and he would be a great asset to WWE in any manner. I wouldn't doubt it if it was Regal's idea to do the IC #1 contender for the title tournament and loosing to Punk for the title. I highly doubt the WWE has given up on him.
Plus, Regal always get a huge pop when he comes "home" and the Uk being the second biggest market for the WWe for the past 20 od years, he probabaly sells a bucketload of merch each time.

If they got rid of him, we would be left with Burchill, who really shouldnt have left that pirate gimmick.
The guy has had a long and sometimes tainted career, but his recent pushed in winning the KOTR and the IC title suggest the WWE realise he still has talent.
His recent ongoing program with Punk has been one of the best feuds surrounding the IC for many years and has given the strap some prestige back which was desperately needed.
Hopefully when (if?) RVD comes back full-time he can enter the feud giving the IC even more hype and prestige.

Regal is still a talented wrestler who can work a good match, gets good pops (especially in UK) and still has a few years left in him.
The guy has had a long and sometimes tainted career, but his recent pushed in winning the KOTR and the IC title suggest the WWE realise he still has talent.
His recent ongoing program with Punk has been one of the best feuds surrounding the IC for many years and has given the strap some prestige back which was desperately needed.
Hopefully when (if?) RVD comes back full-time he can enter the feud giving the IC even more hype and prestige.

Regal is still a talented wrestler who can work a good match, gets good pops (especially in UK) and still has a few years left in him.
I don't think they gave up on him. At times he can be interesting, and then their are times when he is just dull. I always found Regal best when he was constantly insulting people. That is what makes him such a quality heel. His feud with Punk was ok, but nothing spectacular. Regal is a legend in the ring, as he is one of the bset technical wrestlers in the WWE today. I don't think he makes a great GM, or manager either. I wouldn't mind seeing Regal move on, and start a meaningful feud with either Finaly or DH Smith.

Perhaps we can see Regal explain, and publicly humiliate DH Smith for not appreciating the fact that Regal is the finest wrestler out of all of England, even better than his father once was. I think Regal cold show DH Smith a ton in the ring, and it would be a solid experience for Smith.
At first the guy had it all. He won the King Of The Ring

Not exactly a huge crowning (no pun intended) achievement. He defeated a midget in one of the matches, then a crippled Wrestler in Finlay, and finally a worn down C.M. Punk.

was the centerpiece of Raw

Again, not exactly. He was the General Manager, and he unofficially "put" himself in a mid-card storyline feud with Mr. Kennedy. If he was the centerpiece, he would've instantly shoved himself into a Championship match against the Heavyweight Champion.

and was in the biggest push of his live...

Agreed. William Regal's biggest push was what would've been that storyline. Or so we're left to assume, since it never panned out.

that is untill he screwed himself out of it all.

This is the major key factor to your entire thread question. Regal, a great technical Wrestler and a middle-aged man, finally gets his big break.. and what's he do? Blows it in the worst way possible. Would you be eager to repeat taking a chance on that.. again?

When he returned he won the IC title, but he lost it against the man he defeated to win the KOTR CM Punk.

Winning the Intercontinental Championship is still a major feat. There are numerous Wrestlers in the company right now, that haven't even gotten a crack at that title. And Regal returned, then WON it.

While he lost to the guy he defeated for the King of the Ring tournament, that's just how it happens. Sooner or later, everyone loses to everyone else.

I'm kinda dissapointed that Cole and King dont mention a lot that he won the KOTR

It's only just his HD tron signature when he comes out. There's only a huge crown in the opening part of his tron video that states he's the King of the Ring. :doh:

I don't really think King and Cole could make it any clearer than the company already has.

or that he came back with his old music.

When the day comes that a person's theme music gets them a Main Event spot.. let me know. (The Ultimate Warrior & Hulk Hogan aren't acceptable)

I think the WWE has nothing left for him anymore and that they lost faith in him.

If they didn't have anything left for him, I doubt they would've stuck Layla on a sinking ship, or wasted the time to continue having him wrestle in meaningful matches on Raw.

Just because he isn't a Champion, or in the Main Event scene, doesn't mean he isn't still a major component to the Raw Brand.

They aren't even trying to push him decently. So with that being said do you think the WWE has given up on Regal?? Feel free to discuss!

Well, like I said earlier.

William Regal is a middle-aged man, who's never truly gotten a pop in his life. (outside of his Home country) As a heel, he hasn't truly set any standards for being dispised or hated. The closest he came was last year, but he himself screwed that over by the steroids.

So, I ask you again. If you were the owner of a multi-billion dollar industry, would you wanna take another risk on a middle-aged, uninteresting man.. to attempt carrying part of your company? Much less on your flagship show.

William Regal is still a major part of the Brand, as a mid-card heel. He'll never be a Main Eventer, and that is thanks to two things. The first is last summer's attempted and failed push. And the second is the fact that unfortunately, while he's one of the greatest technical Wrestlers in the industry.. most people just don't give a shit about watching a great match.. if they could trade that in, to watch a great storyline. And Regal can't give them that. Not the way a Cena, H.B.K., J.B.L., or Rey Mysterio can anyways.
Have they given up on him?? Far from it my friend.

Obviously we know what happened last year with the KoTR win and what looked like a big push with him being GM, beginning a feud with Kennedy, etc. before the drug test.
But let's look at what has happened since he came back. He had a small feud with Jamie Noble and got a valet out of the deal which is not as common as it used to be, but many of the stars in the 90s had one. Then he wins the IC title. That makes the second time he won what is the biggest title he has ever won. Then he is in a prominent role on Raw during the IC title tournament and then a solid midcard feud with C.M. Punk who is arguably the main midcard guy in the company right now. And after using heelish tactics to beat him a couple times, he ultimately loses the title.
Now that they have both lost Elimination Chamber qualifying matches, I look for this feud to continue and hope it does. This is the first time in quite some time that we have a real rivalry over the IC title which is a travesty as some of the better rivalries and matches of all time have been for the IC title (i.e., Steamboat/Savage, Michaels/Razor, Benoit/Jericho, Rock/HHH), but I digress.

Point being is I think they are testing the waters with Regal after his drug problems last year and he will continue to be in the midcard picture for a while to come. They did very similar things with Orton and Jeff Hardy, who both went on to win the WWE title a few months later. Now I don't believe Regal will ever win one of the two big titles, as he just doesnt strike me as a guy that could hold it. But I could definitely see more IC title reigns, a move over to ECW and winning the ECW title, or maybe even that British stable formed around him.
Regal Regal Regal, I really dont get this guy. Most of you guys seem to have posted that he is a great technical wrestler but i disagree. When there is a match with him in it i cringe as soon as i hear his stupid entrance music and see his ugly mug coming down the ramp with hot as Layla.

He was so much better as a heel GM for Raw rather than a wrestler. Did anyone notice in that IC Title match with Punk when i think he tried a belly to back suplex and dropped Punk on his head, that looked so bad!!

I don't know, i could see him going for something like the ECW Title in a fued with someone like Finlay. Or even forming a stable on ECW with Finlay and the Burchills. I love the IC belt and hate it on Regal, I wanna see a Punk v Jericho feud for the IC as we all know Y2J has a good relationship with that title and him and Punk work awesome together.

Sorry, forgot about the actual question, WWE hasnt given up on Regal (unfortunatly) as others have already mentioned, KOTR, IC Title and a midcard feud are not things given to the guys WWE is giving up on. Look at D-Lo Brown, Snitsky etc they are guys the WWE gave up on, you start seeing them less and less and then BAM, released. Regal is on every Raw, WWE still wants him....
Then he is in a prominent role on Raw during the IC title tournament and then a solid midcard feud with C.M. Punk who is arguably the main midcard guy in the company right now. And after using heelish tactics to beat him a couple times, he ultimately loses the title.

Erm, the second match ended with Punk getting DQ'd for punching Regal in the balls (from the ref's perspective)

In the first match, he was disqualified for grabbing the ref's shirt to avoid the GTS, which if it had happened anytime BEFORE late 2008, it wouldn't have been a DQ. Unfortunately the ref's have gone DQ crazy now, leading to awful finishes to most matches. You've only got to look at a steel chair to get DQ'd these days.

This is the first time in quite some time that we have a real rivalry over the IC title

It's a little early to be calling this a 'real rivalry' isn't it? The only reason there was more than one match was because Stephanie forced Regal to defend it again and again. It was pretty stupid really. Punk was DQ'd the second time, so how does that mean he deserves another title shot? She'll give him a do over due to bad officiationg, but when Kane gets beat when his shoulder's aren't even down, she does nothing. Anyway, my point is, that these two guys haven't been talking trash at each other or attacking one another backstage, so how is this a rivalry? I'd be surprised if they actually have a match together next week.

Now I don't believe Regal will ever win one of the two big titles, as he just doesnt strike me as a guy that could hold it.

Anyone can hold a whatever title is available. This is a promotion where a man has won the Women's title, and the 60 yr old owner has been both The World Heavyweight Champ and the ECW champ. Regal won't get the belt unless they think he'll draw, which sadly, he probably wouldn't. He'd draw because people would want to see him lose, but i bet more people would just tune out entirely until someone told them he was no longer champ and then start watching again. I mean, i didn't watch SD! once during the Jeff Hardy title reign.

Did anyone notice in that IC Title match with Punk when i think he tried a belly to back suplex and dropped Punk on his head, that looked so bad!!

That was actually a Half-Nelson suplex, and that's EXACTLY how it's supposed to be executed.

I'll say this as well. Did anyone ever think that WWE had 'given up' on Booker T? Another guy in his 40's that lost the WCW title and never regained it in 2001, and then had approximately 4 World title shots between 2001 and 2006 when he finally won the title.
Regal doesn't botch. He makes it look awesome. Regal's one of few who have a real wrestling move set. He executes moves to perfection, his moves are one of the few things that makes him a top mid-carder and not just a jobber any more. I think he is much more talented in terms of moves, but I think that he has move to give and he is being suppressed by the writers because he isn't muscularly built and/or terrific on the mic.

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