Has CM Punk ever had a memorable match?

The problem here is, there really haven't been many "memorable" or jaw-dropping matches from anyone in WWE in recent times. There are a few exceptions, but matches today rarely stick out.
I disagree. I can name several memorable matches. :shrug:

HBK vs. Undertaker 1 & 2
HHH vs. Undertaker
Cena vs. HBK
Cena vs. RVD
Steamboat vs. Jericho
Cena vs. Edge TLC
Edge vs. Undertaker
Batista vs. Undertaker
Cena vs. HHH
Hardy vs. Umaga
Angle vs. Undertaker
Angle vs. Michaels
The last few Royal Rumble matches

I thought of those within a couple of minutes. There most certainly have been memorable matches. Wrestling fans just tend to have incredibly short attention spans.
Size is totally irrelevant in wrestling today for the most part. Gone are the days when being a roid freak went hand in hand with being at the top of the card.

Good point.

Like everybody has said, I too think that CM Punk is a phenomenal wrestler, and has had amazing matches but at least to me he hasn't had a memorable match!....WM 27 against Orton? Reall?... Good match but I will forget it by next year, against JoMo? He was overshadowed by the Benoit..... Samoa Joe? I've seen it and its truly phenomenal but to have a phenomenal match you need to have on the biggest stage of them all (WWF,WCW, NWA) and ROH and worst of all. Back then is not the showcase of memorable matches.... The closet thing he's got is his match against Hardy at Summerslam, and that was Hardy's last match on ppv and I've seen better ladder matches... So NO PUNK DOESNT HAVE A MEMORABLE MATCH!!
I will give credit where credit is due. CM punk has had one of the most memorable months in the past few years for the WWE. His mic skills are amazing, and he's pretty much the reason to watch right now.

That being said, I think he is being glorified too much and is still extremely overrated. I honestly can't think of one match I saw him in and said, "Wow that was a classic." He's not as he proclaims "the best wrestler in the world," and he's too small to be able to do a lot of moves to bigger people (for example he would never be able to do a gts to someone like mason ryan).

I love what he's been doing the past few weeks, but lets not go too crazy, he's never been much in the ring. So I'm asking the IWC to tell me a match to watch or something cause I want to buy in on it, I just have never been that impressed. That's just my opinion

Bro, you serious?

All of his matches with Orton this year, for starters. Then of course you have the Rey and Jeff matches.
Good point.


John Cena is a bruiser, no doubt, but let's not forget that guys like Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, Shawn Micheals, Rey Mysterio and yes even CM Punk have all been main eventers AND World Champions. What do they have in common? None of them are humongous guys.

AJ Styles, RVD, Ken Anderson and Sting aren't humongous either, and they've all been main eventers AND World Champions.

I could go on...
WWE isn't built for "memorable matches" anymore.

Tell me a memorable match Cena had (with someone not named Shawn Michaels) or Randy Orton has had (With someone not named Triple H).

Exactly. they haven't had them.

I can name plenty of John Cena's memorable matches that don't include HHH or Shawn Michaels such as:

vs JBL in an I Quit match - Judgement Day 05
vs Batista - SumemrSlam 2008 and Wrestlemania 26
vs Randy Orton in a 1 Hour Iron Man Match - Bragging Rights 09
vs Edge in a TLC Match - Unforgiven 06

Here are some memorable Orton matches that also don't include HHH or Shawn Michaels:

vs Mick Foley in a No Hold barred Match - Backlash 04
vs Chris Benoit - SummerSlam 04
vs Undertaker in HIAC - Armageddon 04
vs John Cena in a 1 Hour Iron Man match - Bragging Rights 09
vs Christian - SmackDown and Over The Limit

Now keep in mind, those are ALL off the top of my head, so your argument is clearly BS.

For Punk, his fued with Rey Mysterio was memorable, as was his feud with Jeff Hardy. Pick any of those matches.

Just because the fued was memorable doesn't mean every single match during the fued isn't.

Also, don't be a shut in. Google and Youtube are wonderful devices. Please use the keywords CM PUNK ROH SAMOA JOE. Seriously, his matches with joe were a-fuckin-mazing. Also, his match with Super Dragon in PWG was excellent.

Nothing to argue with here, aside from the fact that not every single match with Joe was memorable. Some were, yes, but not all of them.

Punk is an awesome wrestler, but if you're name isn't shawn Michaels or Triple H, apparently you can't have memorable matches.

Once again, proven as bullshit.
Punk vs. Hardy - NOC 09

Punk vs. Hardy - Summerslam 09

Punk vs. Raven - ROH

Punk vs Joe Trilogy - ROH

Punk vs. Orton - WM 27

Punk vs. Morrison - Sumerslam 07

Punk vs. Morrison - Smackdown 09

Punk vs. Morrison - ECW 07, ECW Championship

MitB - WM 24

MitB - WM 25

Punk vs. Mysterio - Extreme Rules 09

Punk vs. Mysterio - Over the Limit 09

Punk vs. Undertaker - Breaking Point 09

Should I keep going on?
John Cena is a bruiser, no doubt, but let's not forget that guys like Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, Shawn Micheals, Rey Mysterio and yes even CM Punk have all been main eventers AND World Champions. What do they have in common? None of them are humongous guys.

AJ Styles, RVD, Ken Anderson and Sting aren't humongous either, and they've all been main eventers AND World Champions.

I could go on...

Yes, and include Batista, Triple H, Undertaker, Khali, Orton, Guerrero, Benoit, and Sheamus when you do.
Like everybody has said, I too think that CM Punk is a phenomenal wrestler, and has had amazing matches but at least to me he hasn't had a memorable match!....WM 27 against Orton? Reall?... Good match but I will forget it by next year, against JoMo? He was overshadowed by the Benoit..... Samoa Joe? I've seen it and its truly phenomenal but to have a phenomenal match you need to have on the biggest stage of them all (WWF,WCW, NWA) and ROH and worst of all. Back then is not the showcase of memorable matches.... The closet thing he's got is his match against Hardy at Summerslam, and that was Hardy's last match on ppv and I've seen better ladder matches... So NO PUNK DOESNT HAVE A MEMORABLE MATCH!!

CM Punk is phenominal and has had amazing matches....but not memorable matches? Hmmmm. That makes sense. Wait, no it doesn't.

People in this thread have listed quite a few memorable matches that included CM Punk. Just because you may forget them in a year doesn't mean everyone will.

The CM Punk/Johnny Nitro match for the ECW Championship was an extremely high quality performance by both men. It doesn't matter if Benoit "overshadows" it or not, because neither man can be held accountable for what happened with Chris Benoit.

Ya see, things like the back and forth I just had with you can be chalked up to opinion.

- You think Punk is phenomenal and has had amazing matches....but no memorable ones.

- I think Punk is a phenominal talent who has had memorable matches...but he could use a few more amazing ones to catapult him further up that short list of the world's best wrestlers...
Like everybody has said, I too think that CM Punk is a phenomenal wrestler, and has had amazing matches but at least to me he hasn't had a memorable match!....WM 27 against Orton? Reall?... Good match but I will forget it by next year, against JoMo? He was overshadowed by the Benoit..... Samoa Joe? I've seen it and its truly phenomenal but to have a phenomenal match you need to have on the biggest stage of them all (WWF,WCW, NWA) and ROH and worst of all. Back then is not the showcase of memorable matches.... The closet thing he's got is his match against Hardy at Summerslam, and that was Hardy's last match on ppv and I've seen better ladder matches... So NO PUNK DOESNT HAVE A MEMORABLE MATCH!!

That makes no sense at all. Why in the world would you need to be in the past wwf, wcw or nwa to have a great match?
I disagree. I can name several memorable matches. :shrug:

HBK vs. Undertaker 1 & 2
HHH vs. Undertaker
Cena vs. HBK
Cena vs. RVD
Steamboat vs. Jericho
Cena vs. Edge TLC
Edge vs. Undertaker
Batista vs. Undertaker
Cena vs. HHH
Hardy vs. Umaga
Angle vs. Undertaker
Angle vs. Michaels
The last few Royal Rumble matches

I thought of those within a couple of minutes. There most certainly have been memorable matches. Wrestling fans just tend to have incredibly short attention spans.

The thing about most of those matches you listed is that the guys that competed in those matches(especially the one on ones) were mostly from a different time than today. When HBK fights the Undertaker, Vince knows and trusts them enough to give them some freedoms that the WWE might not willingly give to Ziggler or Cody Rhodes. So while your point was made, I guess I wasn't clear, because I really meant with the current crop of guys that are on the roster. While most of them are young and we have to give them time, not many of them have delivered a 4 or 5 star match as of yet.
Yes, and include Batista, Triple H, Undertaker, Khali, Orton, Guerrero, Benoit, and Sheamus when you do.

Did I say there are no big guys in the main event scene? No.

Did I say every guy in the main event scene is of average build? No.

I said that wrestlers don't have to be roid freaks in order to be main eventers in this day and age. ...And it's a fact. In years past, the roid freak guys were the norm and guys with the build of a Ricky Steamboat rarely became champion. These days, guys with the build of a Ricky Steamboat become champion regularly.

My point was as valid as can be....and you know it. If CM Punk's size was an issue, AT ALL, he wouldn't be a multiple time champion or 2 time money in the bank winner. He wouldn't be able to move freely in and out of the main event picture either.
Did I say there are no big guys in the main event scene? No.

Did I say every guy in the main event scene is of average build? No.

I said that wrestlers don't have to be roid freaks in order to be main eventers in this day and age. ...And it's a fact. In years past, the roid freak guys were the norm and guys with the build of a Ricky Steamboat rarely became champion. These days, guys with the build of a Ricky Steamboat become champion regularly.
And what are these "years past", that you refer to?
No, I'm genuinely curious. You see, I have this "bullshit detector", and it went off loud and clear while reading your post.

By saying "in years past", I'm referring to, hold onto your hat here......the past. The phrase is pretty common actually. Maybe your "bullshit detector" is broken.

...and what exactly did I say that was anything close to bullshit anyway? All I said was size isn't nearly as important in the world of professional wrestling as it used to be. The statement is true....and you as well as anyone else with half a brain knows that.

Sure, smaller guys with a build like Punk did occasionally win world titles back in the day, but it wasn't nearly as commonplace as it is now. Take a look back at most of the hugely successful main event guys from the 80's & early 90's (guys like Hogan, Warrior, Luger, etc...even Randy Savage got pretty big at one point). Most, but not all, main eventers from the period were bigger guys. Sure, there were a few exceptions (Flair & Bob Backlund come to mind immediately), but for the most part pro wrestling was a big man's game. That simply isn't the case anymore. Guys with smaller builds can and do become successful more often these days.

I honestly have no idea why you chose to single out what I said. The point is valid, and it in no way was meant to be taken as condescending....in the slightest.
Did I say there are no big guys in the main event scene? No.

Did I say every guy in the main event scene is of average build? No.

I said that wrestlers don't have to be roid freaks in order to be main eventers in this day and age. ...And it's a fact. In years past, the roid freak guys were the norm and guys with the build of a Ricky Steamboat rarely became champion. These days, guys with the build of a Ricky Steamboat become champion regularly.

My point was as valid as can be....and you know it. If CM Punk's size was an issue, AT ALL, he wouldn't be a multiple time champion or 2 time money in the bank winner. He wouldn't be able to move freely in and out of the main event picture either.

I'm not going to say that size is a big issue, I mean hell if Rey can win a world title then anyone can. The fact is, Vince still loves the big body-builder type physique. Which in my mind gives guys like Cena a distinct advantage over guys like Punk. I truly believe that guys with Punk and Miz's size have to work harder to get to the top(not that I'm discrediting Cena because I'm not blind to his entertaining qualities).

As for the specific example of Steamboat. Let's not forget he was an NWA world champion and an I.C. Champ during the Hulkamania days. One of the main reasons he never reached main event WWF/E back in the day was mainly because Hogan was THE guy and you have to remember Hogan beat Sheik for the title in '83 and didn't surrender it until '88 and the guy who held it(Savage) wasn't anywhere near Hogan's size. Which basically tells you that the small-ish guy could have had success even in those days.
I disagree. I can name several memorable matches. :shrug:

HBK vs. Undertaker 1 & 2
HHH vs. Undertaker
Cena vs. HBK
Cena vs. RVD
Steamboat vs. Jericho
Cena vs. Edge TLC
Edge vs. Undertaker
Batista vs. Undertaker
Cena vs. HHH
Hardy vs. Umaga
Angle vs. Undertaker
Angle vs. Michaels
The last few Royal Rumble matches

I thought of those within a couple of minutes. There most certainly have been memorable matches. Wrestling fans just tend to have incredibly short attention spans.

anything with shawn michaels name was memorable.

but back to punk. he has had plenty of memoable matches, but thats neither here not there. he has had more great matches then most of the active wrestler[remember bryan, mysterio, and christian are active.]. thats the important thing, when people leave they say thats great, or damn i want to see that again.
By saying "in years past", I'm referring to, hold onto your hat here......the past. The phrase is pretty common actually.
Indeed, and quite extensive. Were you referring to the past as in 1437? No?

Then perhaps you could be a bit more specific? I know it's difficult and all, trying to cover up when someone calls you on bullshit, but at least take a shot.

...and what exactly did I say that was anything close to bullshit anyway? All I said was size isn't nearly as important in the world of professional wrestling as it used to be.
And I'm asking when that "used to be" was. Which you still hadn't answered.

Sure, smaller guys with a build like Punk did occasionally win world titles back in the day, but it wasn't nearly as commonplace as it is now. Take a look back at most of the hugely successful main event guys from the 80's & early 90's (guys like Hogan, Warrior, Luger, etc...even Randy Savage got pretty big at one point). Most, but not all, main eventers from the period were bigger guys. Sure, there were a few exceptions (Flair & Bob Backlund come to mind immediately), but for the most part pro wrestling was a big man's game. That simply isn't the case anymore. Guys with smaller builds can and do become successful more often these days.
Piper, Steamboat, DiBiase, Martel, Perfect, Slaughter and his gut back in '91, the Horsemen, Funk, Rhodes, Race, Bockwinkel...

Now you see why my bullshit detector went off?

I honestly have no idea why you chose to single out what I said. The point is valid, and it in no way was meant to be taken as condescending....in the slightest.
I told you, bullshit detector.

The thing about most of those matches you listed is that the guys that competed in those matches(especially the one on ones) were mostly from a different time than today. When HBK fights the Undertaker, Vince knows and trusts them enough to give them some freedoms that the WWE might not willingly give to Ziggler or Cody Rhodes. So while your point was made, I guess I wasn't clear, because I really meant with the current crop of guys that are on the roster. While most of them are young and we have to give them time, not many of them have delivered a 4 or 5 star match as of yet.
So...you're looking for memorable matches from guys who are in the midcard, with less than 5 years of TV experience.

Is that what you're telling me?
I'm not going to say that size is a big issue, I mean hell if Rey can win a world title then anyone can. The fact is, Vince still loves the big body-builder type physique. Which in my mind gives guys like Cena a distinct advantage over guys like Punk. I truly believe that guys with Punk and Miz's size have to work harder to get to the top(not that I'm discrediting Cena because I'm not blind to his entertaining qualities).

As for the specific example of Steamboat. Let's not forget he was an NWA world champion and an I.C. Champ during the Hulkamania days. One of the main reasons he never reached main event WWF/E back in the day was mainly because Hogan was THE guy and you have to remember Hogan beat Sheik for the title in '83 and didn't surrender it until '88 and the guy who held it(Savage) wasn't anywhere near Hogan's size. Which basically tells you that the small-ish guy could have had success even in those days.

I'm not going to flat out disagree with any of that, but I can make a few points.

- Savage's popularity was off the charts when he finally took the title from Hogan. ...and you're right, he wasn't humongous at that time. However, he did progressively get bigger after his first world title run. Maybe he did that because he truly wanted to be a bigger man, but maybe he was told to get bigger. McMahon did get into hot water over steroids at one point, right?

- Ricky Steamboat was hugely successful. I can't take any of that away from him. NWA was a big time promotion at one point, and he was a big time player there. However, I didn't say it was impossible for the smaller guys in the business to attain success during this period. I simply said it was more common for the larger than life wresters to become successes.

- I too agree that Vince likes the muscle bound types. However, he does seemingly give the smaller guys more opportunities these days.

I'm really glad that you mentioned Rey. Do you think he would've stood a snowball's chance in hell of becoming a world champion in, let's say, 1986? How about 1996? I don't think so....but he did it in 2006. Why? Because the smaller guys are given more opportunities to be at the top of the card these days.

And please don't think I'm trying to argue with anything you said, man. I think you left a pretty solid post there and I agree with a whole lot of it...
I'm really glad that you mentioned Rey. Do you think he would've stood a snowball's chance in hell of becoming a world champion in, let's say, 1986?
Not in the WWF, but not because of his size. Because of Hulk Hogan.

How about 1996?
Sure, in '96, if he had the credibility he has now. I mean, they let HBK have the title for half a year despite drawing so poorly.
My favorite two matches of Punk in WWE have been his TLC match against Jeff Hardy and his match against John Cena on Raw in 2009 which went for around 12-15 minutes. The match with Hardy and possibly all the matches of that feud are memorable ones but apart from that I would be hard pressed to find a memorable match for Punk.

You know why? Because Punk's matches have never been promoted heavily. What makes a match memorable is if it is a part of an great feud which is promoted often as the most important thing of the show and if it main events PPV's. Punk has had good matches with Mysterio and Orton but those feuds were never given a main event billing and hence those matches are not exactly as memorable as some of the matches on Slyfox's list despite those matches being very good. The same could be said about Punk's match with Cena. Seriously which matches have been Cena's most memorable matches in the past three years? Maybe his match against Batista at WM26 was memorable or maybe you could even talk of his match with Barrett at HIAC last year. Punk's mtch with Cena on Raw in 2009 was better than both those matches but yet people remember these two matches more because these two matches main evented PPV's while the match with Punk was a part of some nondescript Raw episode.

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