Hardy broke the master lock. FACT.

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chris masters master lock lost it appeal after masters got busted for steroids or whatever it was that he was gone for a few months
I think it's pretty great that they've managed to make a Full nelson hold such a devastating maneuver, if you will. It's that they've built it up to be that devastating, not whether it actually is or not. Dusty Rhodes' finisher is a friggin elbow to the forehead, but people respect him for it because he was able to apply it in such a way that made it a good finisher. Same could be said about the masterlock.

Granted it's gotten kind of old as of late but that's because they haven't really done anything big with it since the old days of the challenge. But the fact that it's been able to last all this time is pretty impressive.

I agree that Masters needs a good feud to get him over and to bring him up from mid-carder/filler gimmick to a high mid carder/main-eventer. I think he has the capability to be a main eventer full time, but it's all about getting him over, which he isn't right now.

There was a point where they almost did it, around the time of the Elimination Chamber match he was in, but they kinda forgot about him after and then there was the whole drug scandal.

Anyway, props to WWE and Masters for being able to carry the angle for so long, but he needs something fresh.
they are going to continue building Bobby Lashley bigger and bigger and to do that before WM23 then he will have to squash something that hasnt been squashed and that is the Masterlock Challenge
OK, once again, SHAWN MICHAELS LEGITIMATELY BROKE THE DAMN HOLD!!!!! The camera was zoomed in on Dumbass's grip and you could clearly see HBK pull his hands apart and just about off of him. But that was supposedly "nearly broken" And for anyone who thinks the Masterlock/Full Nelson is so easy to break...try it sometime with someone who knows how to apply it.

And to immoralmionority...it's called the Masterlock because it is a "lock" performed by Chris "Masters". not to mention, Master Locks are supposed to be the toughest, hardest to break padlocks in the world. Get it now?
Master locks may be hard to break, but they aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer either... He is the quintessential brawn with no brain. Million dollar body, nickle brain as bobby the brain heenan would say. A real ham-and-egger if there ever was one. Please fire masters. Now. And take cena, batista, shnitzsky, and others with him...
Bobby Lashely Broke The Masterlock and they said it was legit as well. So The Master Lock has been broken before By loads of people.
I can't beleive people are still talking about this, seriously who cares?, it was a stupid segment for a somewhat piss-poor wrestler who is going nowhere with his career, now can we please let this thread die
i did not know that jeffhard brock the master lock he must have got the rops or something i have been watching the hardy they are gun
I don't like Masters but to have his lock go unbroken for so long and then have a wrestler with some of the worst mic skills I've ever seen for a pushed face was lame
Ok the master lock has been broken by lashley and this is an old topic that keeps being brought back to life this thread is done

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Actually many people have broken the Master Lock. Most notably Shawn Micheals. Not sue if anybody remembers the Master Lock challenge where Chris Maters had Shawn int he Master Lock and Shawn tried to use the corner turnbuckle to kick push them both back to the mat o not. But Masters broke the hold and quickly had to reapply it before it got caught on camera. Unfortunately, it was already seen at a very nice angle. lol
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