Happiest Moment in Wrestling


Dark Match Winner
Okay we have a thread about the saddest storyline, i wanna hear your thoughts on your happiest storyline ever in Wrestling History... Mine is when i was 7 yrs old Watching Wrestlemania 9... I was so mad when Hulk Hogan and Beefake didn't win the tag titles against Money Inc. and i knew the main even was Bret vs Yoko so i knew Hulk Hogan wouldn't be seen again at the event after his match... But then, the most happiest moment ever in my wrestling life happened, Hulk came out after the Bret/Yoko match and made my night, and won the WWF Title!!! I still get chills when i watch it... Heres the link to the short 30 sec match that made me the happiest person alive that night!

i would have 2 say that the happiest moment was this past monday... the fact that i was flippin' channels (couldnt dvr both shows cause i was also recordin' "heroes") it felt good 2 kick off a new decade of wrestlin'... noone even mentions roh... arent they on on monday's as well, poor jim cornette.
my favorite moment was when the undertaker defeated sycho sid for the wwf title in chicago... i didnt watch until the yoko/taker casket match, so i wasnt around for the 1st reign... i never thought they would ever let him get a shot...
This is kinda bitter sweet and fits both threads...

Ric Flairs retirment... It could be the saddest because it was the closing of the career the man who is arguably the best in history

However it was also the happist because seeing all the tributes and the send off that the WWE and its stars gave him showed just how special someone who gave so much could be appreciated
For me there are two moments,

The first happened mid 2003, at the age of 12 years old.. Like many at the time, I was sick of Triple H's huge title reign at the time (though I respect how great a heel he was now), and I wanted to see it end, when Shawn Michaels was to take him on in a main event on a random RAW, I didnt think Shawn would win, I expected him to get screwed out of it as always.

I remember all the same, getting so excited about how close the match got, and then Shawn knocked Triple H down with his finisher, and fell on top of him for the 3 count. I remember jumping out of my seat with so much excitement, one of my favourite wrestlers had defeated the Game out of nowhere when I wanted it so much. That was such a happy minute before of course... Shawn got screwed out of the win :) But the bliss and sheer delight I felt before Bischoff came out was one of my happiest moments personally.

The other moment was Wrestlemania XX, finally watching my other favourite Chris Benoit, make it to the top and win the title.
Probably Eddie's win over Lesnar for the strap. One of the few moments when you could truly feel the sigh of relief when the 3rd hand hit the floor and you knee it was o dr and done with. Eddie's passion along with the thousands of people in the Cow Palace truly made that moment special
Benoit winning the world title and Eddie celebrating with him was really special.
Bret Hart returning is also among my happiest wrestling moments.
Tons of others like Eddie winning WWE title,Stone Cold returns in 2000 and so on.
My second would be 2009 Royal Rumble Orton getting the win.

But my happiest moment would be Matt hitting Jeff in the head with the chair.And Edge winning the title.
for me its no contest the happiest moment in wrestling for me is 2002 summerslam the return of the heartbreak kid shawn Michaels and watching him beat triple h in a street fight.
The day the Ultimate Warrior took the belt from Hogan, I was about 12, and sick of the Hulkster, and wanted anyone to pin him for the belt.
Bret Hart's Frist IC Title win. I was always more of a mark for the mid card in those days and the build and that amazing match made it for me. Eddie winning the title from Brock is a close 2nd.
One of them would definately be when Edge came back at Survivor Series 2008 and became WWE Champion. I never get sick of watching that. Another was when Shawn Michaels kicked Triple H at the Elimnation Chamber 2002 to win the world title. I would also say when Shawn Michaels superkicked Undertaker at Wrestlemania but he eventually lost that match so I'm not counting it.
I'm going to get a LOT of heat for this, but Benoit's surprise return at No Mercy 2006. I'm a huge Regal Fan, and a full out Benoit mark. Regal's standing in the ring and Benoit's music hit. I sat up so fast I somehow knocked a drink over on the coffee table.
It's probably not that big a moment, but in survivor series 2003 when the dudleys re-united. I always have been a giant dudleys fan and I could only watch smackdown in the UK, so i got to see D-von's reverend gimmick, and just to see them back together...wow.
The day Jeff Hardy won his first WWE title. After years of trying and coming up short, I was literally screaming when he won cause I was a big Hardys fan since 98 and the fact that he finally made it to the top was just incredible for me.
Taker winning the 2007 Royal Rumble is probably the best moment for me. I remember a friend of mine had taped it for us because we couldn't get the internet to stream it live, so about an hour after the show finished at 4am UK time, our little group started watching the PPV from the beginning. So, imagine, it's now 7.45 am, we've been up all night, drinking etc, we're watching the Rumble, and the last 2 guys are Taker and HBK. Now Taker's entered #30 loads of times and been one of the last thrown out probably even more times, but we didn't think they'd have HBK get a 3rd Royal Rumble win so we really didn't know which way it would go, and we were all on the edge of our seats, drunk out of our minds, (watching a PPV that we could have easily googled the results for), and when Taker ducked SCM and backdropped HBK over the top rope, we were all screaming and cheering as if England had won the World Cup again, and not one person in the room said 'Awww, i wish HBK had won'

For me, being the die hard Taker mark that i am, it was an awesome moment to see Taker:

A) make history by becoming the first man to ever win the Rumble entering last (i thought he'd be the only one to ever do it, but ******* Cena had to go and do the exact same thing the next year, didn't he?)


B) earn a World Title match, which would have been either Cena or Batista, which was win/win either way, not because i thought Taker could have a great match with either of them, but because i knew the streak would win out, and one of those douche lords would drop a world title to the Deadman.
my happiest moment would be watching chris benoit win the title at wrestlemania XX. i was 9 at the time so i still watched and belived wrestling was completely real. i didnt get to watch it live becuase i had to go to school that day, i live in australia so the times for a live ppv are at liek 10am on a monday. i was so bummed because i didnt get to see if benoit won until wednesday on raw unless something extraordinary happened. i got home from school stll bummed and at about 8pm my older brothers best friend came with the tape of wrestlemania. i was soo ecstatic that day, i didnt sleep until liek 3am. so i watched all the matches and saw eddie win the wwe title. i was happy but still wanted to see my favorite benoit win. so i watched d match and then saw benoit go through the anoouncers table, at that instant i thought it was over for him and broke out into tears, so i continued to watch with my hands over my eyes half the time knowing i was in over my head. then i saw benoit run into the ring and made the save like he got an energy boost pumped straight into his main vain. i jumped out of my seat and the popcorn went everywhere then i saw benoit put the crippler crossface onto triple h and he won then eddie came out. and that was the happiest day in wrestling, i cried from joy that day
When RVD won the title at One Night Stand. It was so nice to see him win the big belt. Also the Paul Heyman's promo during the 1st One night Stand. I could not stop smiling.
My happiest moment in wrestling is Wrestlemania 7.

Macho man just lost to the ultimate Warrior, and Scary Sherri turned on Macho. Elizabeth rushed to the ring to save him, and Macho and Elizabeth were together again. He hoisted her up on his shoulders and it just made you feel good
I think mine would be at Backlash in 2000 when The Rock beat HHH and the McMahons for the belt. I had started watching wrestling when channel 4 in the UK showed the Royal Rumble (a close second that moment) and the match at Backlash was just so intense. When Stone Cold eventually came out and laid out just about everyone had my hairs standing on end and it was just a great moment
At Starrcade '98, after Scott Hall used a taser on Goldberg, Nash Powerbombed and pinned him, becoming the first man to defeat Goldberg.. for the title. I wouldn't have cared who did it since he sucked but I was especially happy it was Nash
My saddest day in wrestling was easy to pick... but happiest??? I couldn't pick 1 out, so here are my top 3 in no particular order:

- The return of Shawn Michaels. That summer when he returned and HHH turned on him, everyone knew he was returning to the ring. Seeing him in the street fight was amazing and to go along with this is when he won the World Title at Survivor Series 2002. These moments were awesome (except for those brown tights).

- The return of ECW... I live in Pittsburgh and this crappy city was one of the original ECW's strongest fan bases. Some old ECW shows I saw live were incredible. Anyhow, they go out of business and then McMahon brings them back. All of the events kinda lead to my happiest day because they had the One Night Stand PPV and IMO I thought it was amazing. The next year they do it again and RVD won the WWE title from Cena and rechristened the ECW title. That right there was my happiest day. Then of course, they signed all the old guys, and had ECW tour on their own. Thankfully I was able to catch one of those shows. We all thought ECW was back and didn't lose a beat. I proudly started "You f*ck sheep" chants at the Amish Roadkill and I did not feel bad that there were little kids near me because I recessed and became a teenager again because ECW was back and a lot of their fans were hardcore assholes, so I felt like ha, this shows you to bring kids to an ECW show..... now a few years later ECW is nothing like it was. Which makes me sad...

- For my last happiest day, was in July of 1997, I was at my first live event, a Monday Night Raw, where The Patriot Del Wilkes defeated Bret "The Hitman" Hart. This was a great storyline with the Hart Foundation being extremely anti-US. I love Bret Hart, always did, but I thought it was incredible that Hart, the WWF Champ was defeated in a non title match to this masked superstar who is American as they get. It was a great win for our country again the Harts and Canada. Well, I was 11, and it was special to me hahah.
Wrestling has brought so much joy to my life that there is no way that I could pick just one. So here goes...

1) HBK wins his first World Title: It was a long time coming and unquestionably Shawn was the best in the biz @ that time. It's sweet to see somebody realize their full potential and @ WM XII HBK got to.

2) Ric Flairs retirement: It was absolutley exactly what it should have been. It was great that Ric got that acknowledgement and respect. The whole crowd chanting 'Thank You Ric' really made me tear up.

3) HBK returns after 4 years: His career had ended at the worst possible time, when the attitude era peaked. I could only imagine how Shawn would have contributed to 98- 2001. Better late than never and when he redebuted he looked as if he hadn't lost a step.

4) RVD beats John Cena in ECW: Definately one of my proudest moments for RVD but also for us ECW fans. The crowd made this match amazing, pretty much booing Cena out of the building. Vince and the IWC (who don't know) can trash ECW all they want but it was special, it was a community and a family and if you weren't watching or weren't there, then you'll never really know.

5) Chris Benoit becomes Champion: Great wrestler, great match and finally vindication for years of being held back. He really earned that belt.
Okay we have a thread about the saddest storyline, i wanna hear your thoughts on your happiest storyline ever in Wrestling History... Mine is when i was 7 yrs old Watching Wrestlemania 9... I was so mad when Hulk Hogan and Beefake didn't win the tag titles against Money Inc. and i knew the main even was Bret vs Yoko so i knew Hulk Hogan wouldn't be seen again at the event after his match... But then, the most happiest moment ever in my wrestling life happened, Hulk came out after the Bret/Yoko match and made my night, and won the WWF Title!!! I still get chills when i watch it... Heres the link to the short 30 sec match that made me the happiest person alive that night!


This was actually my saddest moment.

My happiest was when Bret won the title at Wrestlemania X. Before I thought it was going to be Lex's night. Bret was my hero and seeing him victorious at the end of the night on Razor's and Lex's shoulders made me so happy.
Great topics. This opens for great debate and a trip down memory lane!

For me, the greatest moment was the Monday Night Wars. I remember every Monday being full of excitement and energy to watch another Monday Night Nitro. Loved every bit of the Monday Night Wars, as we all did. But the feeling of coming home from school, and getting friends together and wrestle on the trampoline before 8:00 hit was truly an exciting time for me.

1.4.'10 brought that feeling back to life and I thank TNA for giving us hope for another battle!

As far as wrestling, wow there are MANY upon MANY. The one that sticks out to me was the "new" WCW and "new beginning" for WCW and Nitro on April 10th, 2000. Russo promised us things would change and that WCW will be heading in the right direction and scrapping things and starting from scratch. I remember being thrilled about this and anticipated it as big as WCW hyped it up. Too bad the product GOT EVEN WORSE THAN IT WAS after that and the Russo era was possibly the worst era and played a major rule in the Death of WCW, as well as Nash.

Another moment is when Goldberg beat Hollywood Hogan in his hometown at the Georgia Dome. I'll never forget the pop that night when Goldberg pinned Hogan. The place was literally going to snap from its roots at the moment and it was special. Too bad WCW missed out because this could of been a HUGE PPV buyout and instead, showed it all free on a edition on Monday Nitro. Still, great moment.

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