Haha! Republicans are such hypocrites


If Newt Gingrich wasn't at the debate, he'd be at home watching the championship college basketball game. He was corrected to mean football game. Santorum and Romney agreed.

Too bad the game is on Monday, you dumb fucks.

If Newt Gingrich wasn't at the debate, he'd be at home watching the championship college basketball game. He was corrected to mean football game. Santorum and Romney agreed.

Too bad the game is on Monday, you dumb fucks.

But remember, he's on the pulse of the American people.
My analysis:

Huntsman: I was consistently most impressed with him. I didn't listen to him speak and think to myself he's the stupidest mother fucker alive. That's an improvement over most Republican rhetoric.

Paul: Perhaps the only true conservative on stage, he basically disappeared the last half of the debate. Like I said earlier, as long as he's pointing out the flaws in the others' plans, he was great. Just don't get him started on his own, that's where he loses everyone.

Romney: He's a used car salesman. He'll tell you what he thinks you want to hear. He's supposedly the most moderate of the group (from what I hear), but he came off as a snake in the grass to me tonight.

Santorum: Easily the dullest spoon in the drawer tonight. Well, except for Perry, but no one actually thinks he counts. Whereas Romney is a snake in the grass, Santorum didn't have nearly the amount of subtlety, he just said a ton of stupid and offensive things.

Gingrich: Not sure why he was there. Contributed nothing.

Rick Perry: The only time he scored a point tonight is when he was honest about what he'd be doing tonight...out at the shooting range. He was honest and sincere, and the others didn't know what the fuck they were talking about. Other than shooting his gun...he doesn't matter. Do everyone a favor and just drop out already.
This is probably the worst election I've ever been alive for. At this point, Ron Paul is my favorite Rep candidate, and that is truly saying something. Everyone else either scares the crap out of me, or they're a complete moron. Honestly, if Romney couldn't overcome John McCain, what in the hell is he doing as the front-runner? The only reason I like RP thus far is the way he has held himself throughout his time in politics. He is, for the most part, trying to win the election on his own merit, not by throwing up a smokescreen, ignoring the actual questions, and substituting his bullshit in instead...
[Heel] Green Ranger;3631504 said:
The only reason I like RP thus far is the way he has held himself throughout his time in politics. He is, for the most part, trying to win the election on his own merit, not by throwing up a smokescreen, ignoring the actual questions, and substituting his bullshit in instead...
I also think he's the only option which would actually give us a true choice in the next election.

Let's face it. Anyone else, it will be business as usual this time next year, regardless of who wins the Presidential election. I think only Paul gives Americans a true choice.
So is the football game if you're a Lions fan.
Who the fuck is a Lions fan? I've never given out red rep before, but I hadn't realized Lions fans were coming back from the brink of extinction...

Also, Imma post this Ron Paul video here. Pretty interesting stuff, even if I'm not a huge RP supporter... [YOUTUBE]zGDisyWkIBM[/YOUTUBE]
I've only not voted once, and the person who won has been doing a pretty great job. If I don't vote again, then maybe the same thing will happen.

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