Haha! Republicans are such hypocrites


Excellence of Execution
Preface: I'm watching the Republican debate.

All we've heard for the last three years is how Obama's administration has spent too much money. Now, Obama is cutting spending from an over inflated defense budget, and the Republicans are criticizing him for it. "You mean we can't fight two wars at the same time?"

Republicans are such hypocrites. They don't give a fuck about cutting spending, they just want to make sure the class system continues to exist.
And now Santorum is saying he doesn't believe the Constitution grants the right to kill human beings (on the topic of Roe v Wade). This from the guy who was upset we can't fight two wars at the same time.

It's amazing. I'm literally watching these Republicans justify prejudice against homosexuals. This not long after justify prejudice against women doing what they want with their own bodies.

Why in the world does anybody vote for these guys?
It's amazing. I'm literally watching these Republicans justify prejudice against homosexuals. This not long after justify prejudice against women doing what they want with their own bodies.

Why in the world does anybody vote for these guys?

Because they're white?
What's sad is that Ron Paul has seemed the most reasonable person tonight, showing the most common sense. That's a scary indictment of the Republican candidates.
White Bible-thumping, gun-toting males.

And don't you forget it. I mean, God has personally spoken to all of them and told them to be president. Now I certainly believe God speaks to people, but that comes off as a bit odd doesn't it?
In what way can Santorum ever call himself a conservative? He's been the absolute opposite of that the entire night. Paul correctly called him out on that earlier.
As long as Ron Paul is pointing out the problems in everyone else's position, without talking about his own plans, he's doing great.
In what way can Santorum ever call himself a conservative? He's been the absolute opposite of that the entire night. Paul correctly called him out on that earlier.

Yeah see, you're uneducated in this field it seems. When they say they want "proper conservatism" and "small government", they mean stuff like REALLY FREAKING HUGE government that will do whatever they deem fit to keep things the same as they previously were. You know, like when I think Santorum wanted to ban any and all contraceptives because all children come from God and using a condom could prevent a baby from being born and no one wants that....right?
Now, apparently, a civil war in Iraq or Afghanistan is a threat to the United States.

Well duh. I mean, they might use their evil Muslim powers and mind control all of us into Sharia Law because no one here is capable of saying no on their own. You know, which is why we need the GOP to save us from it. We're just too stupid.
Yeah see, you're uneducated in this field it seems. When they say they want "proper conservatism" and "small government", they mean stuff like REALLY FREAKING HUGE government that will do whatever they deem fit to keep things the same as they previously were. You know, like when I think Santorum wanted to ban any and all contraceptives because all children come from God and using a condom could prevent a baby from being born and no one wants that....right?

And keep our military budget greater than the combined budget of the next five countries combined, invade Iraq, Iran, Syria, Saudia Arabia, and whomever else we get the itch to invade, prevent loving homosexuals from marrying through the use of a constitutional amendment, etc.

This is what conservatism means, apparently.
And keep our military budget greater than the combined budget of the next five countries combined, invade Iraq, Iran, Syria, Saudia Arabia, and whomever else we get the itch to invade, prevent loving homosexuals from marrying through the use of a constitutional amendment, etc.

This is what conservatism means, apparently.

Yep, because clearly Gingrich (the man who says he kept us from being turned into Auschwitz) cheating on two wives and now being married to a third is what marriage is about.
Honestly did not know this was going on until I saw Doug Benson tweet this earlier tonight

@DougBenson via twitter said:
I find it weird that we live in a country that schedules a Presidential debate at a time when most people are watching football. #GOPDebate
I've given up on the debates. They're all running so far to the right that they're killing themselves of any hope of a general election.
Oh dear God, the working-man republican just told a story about "Jamie" the small motorcycle repairman. Where is this top-secret diner that all these blue-collar douchebags are chilling out at? Was Joe the Plumber there?
"There are no classes in America...that's not the language I'll use as the president!"


Oh Santorum. Your bullshit is adorable.

Also, did Romney just talk about how we need to be nothing like the UK, and then mention how we need to be more like the UK? :suspic:
Does God hate me if I wank? I mean, that's wasted baby making juice. And How come God always seems to talk to republican people running for office and sports teams?
[Heel] Green Ranger;3631454 said:
"There are no classes in America...that's not the language I'll use as the president!"


Oh Santorum. Your bullshit is adorable.

Also, did Romney just talk about how we need to be nothing like the UK, and then mention how we need to be more like the UK? :suspic:

Hypocrites...I've said it multiple times.

I also liked the time Romney said "We as Americans have the right to pursue whatever makes us happy." Unless you're gay right, Mitt?
Mitt Romney is a used car salesman. I can understand why he's winning the Republican nomination right now.

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