Gunner Rants on the IWC

This is one of the most moronic post's I have ever seen on this forum. WTF is a real wrestling fan? I'm pretty sure as a wrestling fan they are entitled to enjoy/praise/criticize the product in any manner they choose. wrestling is a subjective experience, some people will like certain decisions and some people will hate it. u sound like a goof saying one group should learn how to be "real" wrestling fans. It's also ironic that you criticize wrestling fans for criticizing wrestling. stop being a hypocritical jackass.

anyways, I think the OP and many others who criticize the IWC about not knowing what they want have made 2 big mistakes

1. just because people want something done doesn't mean they don't want it done right. yes many wanted TNA to push new talent, doesn't mean they wanted to see 2 shitty guys get pushed. they wanted fresh faces but they wanted them to have some skill, not brutal crimson. It's like criticizing a football fan who wanted his team to draft a quarterback but is pissed when his team takes one in the last round. yeah he got his quarterback, doesn't mean his quarterback is good

2. your lumping the IWC liek they are one brain. of course they will come off as hypocritical, everyone within the group has INDIVIDUAL opinions. any argument against the IWC falls apart when you realize that

What is moronic is people who sit in front of their TV's with note pads and stops watches.

What is moronic is the same fucking people on every message board complaining over and over and over and over and over and over and over every single day about the state of wrestling and how all the products are crap yet they tune in every week.

That is the biggest pile of shit I have ever seen. If you don't like it don't fucking watch. Don't go onto message boards our YouTube or what ever other source of media is out there to shit on the product that you haven't been a fan of in over 5 years.

You know what normal thinking people do when they don't like a show or product? They stop watching or using said show or product.

If you honestly think 90 percent of what goes on in the IWC is OK than you obviously are lost. So much misinformation and people who think they know it all. So many people who write weekly reviews for wrestling shows who I wouldn't even trust to properly color a coloring book try to pass of their reviews as fact and how the show should be written.

Maybe when you haven't been a fan of a certain show for multiple years it is time to move on. Why watch and continue to review if you know you won't like it? Makes no fucking sense and just makes those people look like brainless piles of shit.
He's right and wrong. On the one hand, he has to be able to see that what some people complain about is legit. Like all complaints.

Nonetheless, the internet is filled with mainly douche bags that happen to think up something they want to happen. Then, they watch something else play out and they complain about it happening in a different way.

They know what doesn't work, but don't have a clue what actually works. IWC is mainly for no-hopers who wish they could do what they watch. Either write it, or perform. They can do neither, so they do what sports writers or movie critiques do; they critique it.

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