Gunner Rants on the IWC


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On Twitter.


WWE and Impact both have promos and in ring segs for a BUILD to a match! Oh I got it, let's just have random ass matches for no reason

Wrestling is a whole new world than it used to be!! How about learning to cut a promo or do backstage SHIT before u shoot on a company

I know everyone has opinions but don't be an idiot!!

If ya shoot why don't u realize first "wrestling matter" is the whole package! Promo's, matches and everything!! It takes stories to build to good matches

He's absolutely right. The IWC which now stands for Internet Wrestling Critics have the idea they know it all and it's getting pretty annoying. Simply because you get mad over passionate promos and short matches when things like that are what makes the Wrestling world go round. You think airing 2 hours full of wrestling is gonna help a company gain buyrates?

I've seen people complain about lack of wrestling with "Wrestling Doesn't Matter" graphics and comments but then complain when TNA books Joe vs. RVD in a TV match.

the IWC complained 1 and 2 years ago, TNA doesn't push new talent, they don't push homegrown talent and they only sign people from WWE.
Well, they are pushing the hell out of Gunner who is homegrown and never stepped foot in WWE. And that's a problem.

Crimson who is 26 and was found by TNA's Gutcheck workshop and began getting a huge push as a undefeated wrestler and nobody has yet to give them any sort of credit for pushing those two into homegrown stars.

People say TNA isn't giving the X-Division enough focus but they get their own PPV. They pick out Kendrick and a few others to represent it in a feud against Bischoff and people complain Kendrick is a jobber. At some point everyone should just admit the IWC is ruining wrestling and pretty much TNA.

Dirtsheets included. It's beyond ridiculous now.
I've been saying it for years... the majority of posters on these forums know jack shit about wrestling. They rant and rave and act as if they know what they're talking about when they're doing nothing more than repeating the same tired bullshit that they've read in other places. A few bad apples complain and the bunch gets spoiled and complains with them.

Poster A: "I'm sick of Cena. He's boring and not a great wrestler."
Poster B: "Yeah! John Cena only knows five moves!"
Poster C: "I agree! Cena is bland and he needs to turn heel!"
Poster D: "Yeah, a heel turn would be great and Zack Ryder should be world champion instead because we all like saying WOO WOO WOO YOU KNOW IT!!"

See the trend?

I'm glad that someone like Gunner finally decided to stop ignoring us all. Like it or not, we're here and this bitching and moaning will never change. We all think we know what's best for the product and all act like we can run billion dollar companies when the fact of the matter is that we're as useless to the business as tits on a bull. Internet posters and critics will never understand this point, and quite frankly, it's ruining the business and entertainment factor for many of us. But don't hold your breath if you think anything will change anytime soon.
It strikes me as ironic that Gunner is complaining about people being critical of TNA and the product that they're producing, when the "Wrestling Matters" campaign is basically a criticism/big shot at WWE for their product.

The idea that the IWC is ruining wrestling or is the cause of most of wrestling problems is absurd. I can't stress this enough: the vast majority of fans aren't on the internet talking about wrestling like we are and flat out do not care. Look at WWE, where the primary audience is kids. Do you think there are a lot of 9 year olds in the IWC? Do you think a lot of their parents go online and look up stuff about wrestling? I highly doubt it.

This comes off as yet another excuse as to why TNA is stuck in the exact same place that it's been in forever. I have yet to see the internet determine how a wrestling company is run. If it did, Joe would be world champion, Hogan and Bischoff would have been fired a year ago and half of the roster would have been fired. Their influence is far smaller than it's being given credit for.

Finally regarding Gunner's comments, he can complain all he wants but at the end of the day it's the fans that matter more than anyone else. The fans seemingly don't like the really short matches, the constant backstage segments and all the talking. Also, the idea that the "Wrestling Matters" campaign is about talking and in ring stuff and the whole product combined comes off as really cheap. Basically they're asking fans to think far too hard about their slogan. I don't know about you, but when I think wrestling, I don't think of talking as part of it.
Whoa, wait a minute. Gunner has a point. You do need promos to build the matches and stuff. There's just a few issues here.

1) The promo issue in TNA is due to lack of organization. Not execution. Most Impact broadcasts go 40 minutes with promos before a match. Last week's Impact is a good example for a how a show should be presented if it's pretaped. Ordered with a good balance.

2) What the hell is Gunner doing talking about cutting promos? Last week was the first time he ever spoke to a mic!
gunner has just said what everyone here needs to hear promos make better heels/faces and interviews also, when i go to a show i admit i cheer for the GOOD heels but i also cheer for GOOD faces i also dont like cena but thats ok anyway cena does devere respect and i dont like him in the ring but i can put up with it unlike most people on here.
Let's be honest, backstage skits = a couple of things. One, they serve as a great time to go and take a piss. Two, they sell more popcorn then Paul Roma.

Backstage skits have jumped the shark, let's be honest. Who really cares about backstage skits anymore? What true purpose do they even serve? Sorry, don't care to see someone walk to the ring backstage, or some stupid verbal interaction between Corre members. Or anyone else for that matter.

In ring promos. Watch tapes of some of Mick Foley's in ring promos, Watch CM Punk's promo he cut last night. That's how in ring promos should be done. I don't have an issue with in ring promos, unless you pile in 20 guys, and it begins a clusterfuck.

Or if you really want to make in ring promos interesting (and help build mic skills of the Alex Rileys, Mizs, etc). Have Piper Pit style shows. I'd rather watch the Cutting Edge then two guys standing in the ring talking to each other.
Pro wrestling is about more than what happens in the ring. It's not a sport-it's entertainment. It's theater. I'm sorry if many in the IWC don't want to accept that, but it's the truth. The reason the ratings & PPV buys are low in general for wrestling is that the product is mediocre at best. The talent pool is thin and expecially weak at the top, and the creative departments are unimaginative. If you want to see a TV show that is nothing but a full hour of in-ring action, go watch ROH. Oh, that's right, they don't have a TV deal. Yeah, I know they'll be back on TV soon, but most of the country still won't see them. The IWC is just like fans of anything else-not nearly as smart as they think they are.
Tweet #1 - actually as athletes there is a reason to have to have random matches, athletic competition. Prove who is better at their sport. Regardless, I have never heard anyone say that promos should disappear completely, only that they shouldn't be so boring, tiredsome and monopolize so much of the show.

Tweet #2 - next time before I criticize BP I will learn how to safely drill a deep sea oil well. I don't have to know what you ate in order to tell you took a smelly dump.

Tweet #3 - Gunner is correct, people should not be idiots.

Tweet #4 - I am assuming he is referring to "storylines" as opposed to telling a "story" in the ring. It does not take storylines to have good matches. Guys like Angle and AJ prove that all the time. It can help but it is not necessary.

They need to take social media away from these guys or give them classes on how to use social media.
I think he is right but I also think he doesn't really have an opposition. I don't think there's anyone (except maybe some stupid person) who think that the show should be 2 hours of wrestling, that's PPV.

And I don't think there's anything wrong lately with Impact, they have been giving us some pretty solid matches (but why the hell did RVD won.... I thought they were finally rebuilding Joe but that's a subject for another topic I guess).

But I don't need ODB and Jackie attacking Velvet for 10 minutes and then have Velvet jump them backstage again for another 2-3 minutes. That's my ONLY (well except Joe losing) gripe with TNA they don't know how to pace things or how they should last. 2 on 1 on Velvet, knock her out and go next took 2-3 minutes and we got it they are back, they are serious and they don't like Velvet. Same thing when RVD ambushed Anderson in the rafter a while back for 10 minutes, don't need to be that long.

So yeah Impact need wrestling and they've been giving us solid wrestling but they can still improve on the time of their segment and the number of it.

So Gunner has a point but I don't think there's someone who think there should be 0 segments either.
Tweet #1 - actually as athletes there is a reason to have to have random matches, athletic competition. Prove who is better at their sport. Regardless, I have never heard anyone say that promos should disappear completely, only that they shouldn't be so boring, tiredsome and monopolize so much of the show.

Tweet #2 - next time before I criticize BP I will learn how to safely drill a deep sea oil well. I don't have to know what you ate in order to tell you took a smelly dump.

Tweet #3 - Gunner is correct, people should not be idiots.

Tweet #4 - I am assuming he is referring to "storylines" as opposed to telling a "story" in the ring. It does not take storylines to have good matches. Guys like Angle and AJ prove that all the time. It can help but it is not necessary.

They need to take social media away from these guys or give them classes on how to use social media.

Maybe they should give classes to the majority of the IWC on how to be real wrestling fans? Just a thought.
I think he is right but I also think he doesn't really have an opposition. I don't think there's anyone (except maybe some stupid person) who think that the show should be 2 hours of wrestling, that's PPV.

And I don't think there's anything wrong lately with Impact, they have been giving us some pretty solid matches (but why the hell did RVD won.... I thought they were finally rebuilding Joe but that's a subject for another topic I guess).

But I don't need ODB and Jackie attacking Velvet for 10 minutes and then have Velvet jump them backstage again for another 2-3 minutes. That's my ONLY (well except Joe losing) gripe with TNA they don't know how to pace things or how they should last. 2 on 1 on Velvet, knock her out and go next took 2-3 minutes and we got it they are back, they are serious and they don't like Velvet. Same thing when RVD ambushed Anderson in the rafter a while back for 10 minutes, don't need to be that long.

So yeah Impact need wrestling and they've been giving us solid wrestling but they can still improve on the time of their segment and the number of it.

So Gunner has a point but I don't think there's someone who think there should be 0 segments either.

That I agree with as well about gripe I have too with TNA. Them doing these beatdowns Backstage that go on for 10 minutes like what RVD did to Anderson or listening to ODB & Jackie beat someone up while they are bleeped out every 5 seconds. Just do it one time and move on we don't need to see 10-20 minute segments of it.

I do agree with Gunner about the IWC though,he is mostly right about that except for the no segments part however.
I totally agree with gunner. Wrestling is a full package, not only "random ass matches for no reason" that many people from ICW seem to want. Im my case, if there is a match that doesn't tell any story or doesn't have any consequence, it is not very interesting and I usually fast forward it. TNA needs to find balance of all promos, matches, backstage segments etc.
Didn't Eric Bischoff say that the IWC is irrelevant? Man...between he and Gunner they sure are spending a LOT of time talking about the 10%.

This bantering against the IWC, TNA has been doing lately just show's you that they can't take constructive critism.

I admit, I haven't watched Impact the last 2 week's, or the PPV. But, when I watch a wrestling show, be it WWE or TNA, if something's good I'll say it's good, if something's bad I'll say it's bad. The stuff like having Bischoff and Hogan having a 20 minute promo every week that lead's to nothing, tha'ts bad. Bringing guy's back to use for the Destination X PPV, and haivng Samoa Joe as a more dominate factor in TNA, that's good.

This kind of thing they have against the IWC is just making TNA look like a bunch of whining babies who can't take cristism. Not everybody is gonna love your show, just like how not eveybody is gonna love WWE, but I raraley ever see a WWE superstar's have a rant against the IWC becuase WWE is above that, they understand the critism, but don't pay attention to it becuase most of it is from the Attitude Era smark's, or ROH fan's. Anyway, just becuase someone doesn't like what your doing, if your a respective person, you ignore them, and just don't care, not bash them.

Imagine if a baseball player in a postgame interview. A reporter say's something to the affect of " alot of people's perception of you is you really didn't play to you potential?" The baseball player than said "it does'nt matter, how about they learn to swing a bat, or hit a ball, then they can talk." It's the same type thing, TNA has to learn to take critism becuase if they keep making themselve's out to be people who can't take people's opinion's, it's not gonna turn ot to well for them.
Gunner said:
Wrestling is a whole new world than it used to be!! How about learning to cut a promo or do backstage SHIT before u shoot on a company

cool story, bro. Maybe you should learn how to do a promo though or has the pins over Sting and Mr. Anderson Anderson already went to your head?
First off, Eric Bischoff didn't just suddenly go off about the IWC losers. He was asked a question about them and he gave his answer. How dare he answer a direct question to him. Secondly, hearing constructive criticism coming from the great IWC usually means the complete opposite is going on in the company. So take your Drew McIntire, Zach Rider, Dolph Ziggler and/or Daniel Bryan loving asses back to the WWE boards and have your verbal masterbation party on how great these guys are there. Gunnar, keep fighting the good fight man!
At some point everyone should just admit the IWC is ruining wrestling and pretty much TNA.
This is just asinine.

I can see why someone would complain about dirtsheets, because they pretend to be "news." But forumgoers, message board frequenters, and other fans who give their opinions online (no matter how immaturely or angrily they do so) are by NO means ruining TNA or pro wrestling. From what I can tell, both are going steady despite it all.
Any issues pro wrestling has come from a higher number of alternative sources of entertainment or from within the industry itself, and any problems TNA or any other pro wrestling company is facing are its own damn fault. Period. If internet dirtsheets or wrestling forums are ruining wrestling for you, stop visiting them. It's as simple as that.

From what I've seen, the biggest complaints with TNA are lack of balance and pacing, and storylines that were either boring, poorly executed, anticlimatic or had no ending. Few people complain about storylines/segments they find good taking some airtime. What people seem to want is a viable proportion of decent matches and non-match portions (including brawls) that are decently executed and worth the time given them. If non-match portions are good and compelling, you generally get fewer complaints about how much time they take up on the show.
This is just asinine.

I can see why someone would complain about dirtsheets, because they pretend to be "news."

TNA has been losing money and their locker room has been full of a low morale for the last 3 years. Yes, it is dirtsheets as well.

Jesse Neal on food stamps and he goes rant about how they create lies for stories.

Angelina Love was allegedly gaining weight and was gonna be fired cause of it. Yet, months later she is still here.

These are things that RUIN a company's perception.
But forumgoers, message board frequenters, and other fans who give their opinions online (no matter how immaturely or angrily they do so) are by NO means ruining TNA or pro wrestling. From what I can tell, both are going steady despite it all.
Of course, 10%ers don't have an impact but they make wrestling look, sound and any joy and thrill out of it. There is a big big difference between the WCW-WWF era and not because of the stories. It was unpredictable. Nowadays, everything is debated picked apart and pretty much shitted on before it happens to death.
Any issues pro wrestling has come from a higher number of alternative sources of entertainment or from within the industry itself, and any problems TNA or any other pro wrestling company is facing are its own damn fault. Period. If internet dirtsheets or wrestling forums are ruining wrestling for you, stop visiting them. It's as simple as that.

I'd agree with that but it's deeper than that.
From what I've seen, the biggest complaints with TNA are lack of balance and pacing, and storylines that were either boring, poorly executed, anticlimatic or had no ending. Few people complain about storylines/segments they find good taking some airtime. What people seem to want is a viable proportion of decent matches and non-match portions (including brawls) that are decently executed and worth the time given them. If non-match portions are good and compelling, you generally get fewer complaints about how much time they take up on the show.

Yes but when those things are corrected or whatever they beg for is done, they will find ways to complain about it.

"TNA isn't using the x-division!"

*TNA puts together a X-Division PPV with a David vs Goliath storyline.*

"tna is buring x-division!"

"TNA doesn't push new talent. They don't create their own stars!"

*They begin pushing Gunner and Crimson. Begin to push Roode as a singles wrestler.*

"why are they pushing gunner and crimson!!"

You see my point here? There is no balance between criticism and just straight up being ignorant and annoying.

If TNA signs a nice talent like Crimson who has a WWE look. A typcial fan would go "He's an nice talent. WWE will grab him up eventually."

Why is that? Why does WWE have to create stars? If TNA signs a guy then why is it that the company simply can't use him just like WWE would? Forget storylines or any flaws. It's simply ignorant.
Maybe they should give classes to the majority of the IWC on how to be real wrestling fans? Just a thought.

On Twitter.

He's absolutely right. The IWC which now stands for Internet Wrestling Critics have the idea they know it all and it's getting pretty annoying. Simply because you get mad over passionate promos and short matches when things like that are what makes the Wrestling world go round. You think airing 2 hours full of wrestling is gonna help a company gain buyrates?

I've seen people complain about lack of wrestling with "Wrestling Doesn't Matter" graphics and comments but then complain when TNA books Joe vs. RVD in a TV match.

the IWC complained 1 and 2 years ago, TNA doesn't push new talent, they don't push homegrown talent and they only sign people from WWE.
Well, they are pushing the hell out of Gunner who is homegrown and never stepped foot in WWE. And that's a problem.

Crimson who is 26 and was found by TNA's Gutcheck workshop and began getting a huge push as a undefeated wrestler and nobody has yet to give them any sort of credit for pushing those two into homegrown stars.

People say TNA isn't giving the X-Division enough focus but they get their own PPV. They pick out Kendrick and a few others to represent it in a feud against Bischoff and people complain Kendrick is a jobber. At some point everyone should just admit the IWC is ruining wrestling and pretty much TNA.

Dirtsheets included. It's beyond ridiculous now.

Ooooh it's soooo fuckin' cute! The IWC has become the company's shortcomings! Right? As for those who bitched about the Joe vs RVD match, those people downright stink up the place because it was a downright great match. As for TNA not pushing the fresh talent, I would believe Gunner got quite enough of a fresh push even if he's going to be a goddamn hypocrite! Last I have seen, the IWC was pushing for somebody new, and Gunner just happened to be there! And we pushed for him! Is he jealous of Crimson, actually?!? He actually gets a bit more pop than Crimson coming in!

As for the X-Division... You're pushing it! Again! I'll give you that one: the new tournament/old competitors thing kicks actual ass, so far...

Any moron who would like/try/dare to say the IWC is ruining wrestling should fuckin' look around them and ask themselves... Are we not the complete corporate screwups?

Last time I checked, business is run and absolutely run by those who would consume. And not those who would presume and imagine. Who pays the big people's salary? The people's still... Which means the "little people's" salary!
You fuckers depend on us little people much more than us little people depend on you. Ahem! In other words: We can exist without you but I just don't believe you people can believe without us... Just a sad thing, really...
I've been saying it for years... the majority of posters on these forums know jack shit about wrestling. They rant and rave and act as if they know what they're talking about when they're doing nothing more than repeating the same tired bullshit that they've read in other places. A few bad apples complain and the bunch gets spoiled and complains with them.

Poster A: "I'm sick of Cena. He's boring and not a great wrestler."
Poster B: "Yeah! John Cena only knows five moves!"
Poster C: "I agree! Cena is bland and he needs to turn heel!"
Poster D: "Yeah, a heel turn would be great and Zack Ryder should be world champion instead because we all like saying WOO WOO WOO YOU KNOW IT!!"

First of all, I agree with you.

Second of all, I find your statement about the IWC saying the same things over and over again kind of ironic. I think you should add this...

Poster E: "The IWC doesn't know anything about wrestling and they always say the same stupid bullshit over and over again."

I just love it, because the majority of people in the IWC are just random people posting random opinions. Yeah, a lot of them are really dumb... I'm not saying my opinions have any more or less merit, but I've read some REALLY stupid things on here. It's just funny that what I see more often than the stupid posts are people talking about how the majority of the IWC doesn't know anything. Still, I agree. I think everyone that sticks around the forums long enough develops their own trends. Mine are usually...

A: You may hate John Cena because he "can't wrestle", but if you think the product and the company would be better off without him you're a complete moron.
B: Why do so many people want gimmick changes!?! They don't need a new even more stupid gimmick, they need a damn personality!
C: WHY is Zack Ryder the biggest thing since Jesus...?
D: Screw Booker T, Josh Matthews is AWESOME.
E: CM Punk is God.
Of course, 10%ers don't have an impact but they make wrestling look, sound and any joy and thrill out of it. There is a big big difference between the WCW-WWF era and not because of the stories. It was unpredictable. Nowadays, everything is debated picked apart and pretty much shitted on before it happens to death.

I am sorry to disagree Dizzy but when I was in school we were already wondering how they would book a Goldberg vs Austin match because no company would want his top star to lose and we were analyzing a lot of the feud back then. The only problem is that to me it was more entertainning back then, say what you want but the business is shifting. When I was younger the midcarder where The Rock and Triple H and to the top you had Austin, Taker, Kane and McMhaon which is a big difference. Sure we were still blasting some of the stories but on a general level we had less reason to do so imo.

The problem is that the fact that the WC became the IWC made it more mainstream and easier for to voice his opinion no matter how dumb the said opinion is. In my circle of friend you were not saying stupid shit and it was probably the same for you, but the Internet has no filter or requirement to post.

Mike "The Kid" Killam;3204180 said:
A: You may hate John Cena because he "can't wrestle", but if you think the product and the company would be better off without him you're a complete moron.

Then call me a moron. I wouldn't say the product would be better without him completly, but he could take time off or turn heel. People say Cena is the biggest thing but he is the biggest thing in an era who can barely score low 3s on the rating scales while the Austin and Rock were scoring low 6s in the golden age of wrestling, so something may be not clicking anymore.

It's easy to blame the IWC because there's a lot of idiots on the Internet and that's why I lot of people want to exclude themselves from the IWC because of the negativity surrounding the term, but even the general public isn't into wrestling that much anymore despite all their efforts to do cross mainstream promotion and the IWC is a small reflection of that.

I mean get me off Internet and I am still "smartened" up on the business even if I am no longer part of the IWC. They got it all wrong because to be honest almost 100% of the fans are now on the Internet so to blame the so called IWC is just dumb.

I will use another example to illustrate that point. When I go at which is an entertainement site mostly based on video games, some people will be dumb and bitch in the comment section. The guys and girls who work on the site will then answer when they are asked if it's frustrating that what is considered a "bad" review on their site will get 800 comments but the site is getting 1 000 000 hits.

So every wrestling fan is now part of the IWC imo, what they should say is that the people who complain and bitch to them are the vocal minority as people who are happy with the product usually don't got a complain about it.

So basically to them the IWC is the negative person who is vocal and don't like all or part of the product, but to be honest the twitters and facebook of WWE stars have way more than just the smart fans. I don't follow Cena on the Internet to be kaybafe and called Cenation and other things he could say and I should be part of the IWC.

The Internet is growing bigger then Vince, Bischoff or Hogan will ever admit but they need to realise that almost everyone is on the Internet now so they need to stop fighting against the person who use the Internet.
When these guys go on rants regarding the IWC, I often wonder who they're really criticizing. Would it be us? Fans who post on a forum? Or, is he criticizing those who write articles (Madden, Kelly, etc.)? If he's criticizing the writers, fine. However, if he is indeed bitching about the fans..fuck off, Gunner.

We pay, just like everyone else. Not sure how many times I need to point this out. I apologize for not liking a green as grass Security Guard. Seriously, accept my apology :disappointed:

Writers/reporters/whoever gets paid to take part in this Dirt Sheet business -- those guys are fair game. But fans? Seriously, Gunner -- go away.
Maybe they should give classes to the majority of the IWC on how to be real wrestling fans? Just a thought.

This is one of the most moronic post's I have ever seen on this forum. WTF is a real wrestling fan? I'm pretty sure as a wrestling fan they are entitled to enjoy/praise/criticize the product in any manner they choose. wrestling is a subjective experience, some people will like certain decisions and some people will hate it. u sound like a goof saying one group should learn how to be "real" wrestling fans. It's also ironic that you criticize wrestling fans for criticizing wrestling. stop being a hypocritical jackass.

anyways, I think the OP and many others who criticize the IWC about not knowing what they want have made 2 big mistakes

1. just because people want something done doesn't mean they don't want it done right. yes many wanted TNA to push new talent, doesn't mean they wanted to see 2 shitty guys get pushed. they wanted fresh faces but they wanted them to have some skill, not brutal crimson. It's like criticizing a football fan who wanted his team to draft a quarterback but is pissed when his team takes one in the last round. yeah he got his quarterback, doesn't mean his quarterback is good

2. your lumping the IWC liek they are one brain. of course they will come off as hypocritical, everyone within the group has INDIVIDUAL opinions. any argument against the IWC falls apart when you realize that
The fans of any sport don't know everything about the inner working of their beloved sport. They have a good idea, some may have a better, clearer idea, but it's just daft if anyone says 'I could do better than Russo' NO you couldn't, not even better than Russo.

At the same time everyone does have their opinion and what they like and don't like about their followed promotion. Gunner has every right to speak but honestly I don't know where this is coming from. Nothing what he's saying is that insightful, it's basic knowledge and I guess the fans get it. Impact has made a good change to their federation and it can get only better if they steer clear of asinine story telling of the past, and learn from their and WWE's mistakes.

But, coming back, I don't find Gunner's remarks anything worthy of intellectual dissection.

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