Would you leave the IWC?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I like coming on this site and having discussions about wrestling and even going you youtube and hearing people talk about wrestling but to be honest I think the IWC has made wrestling less enjoyable than it could be. I mean dont get me wrong. WWE and TNA are not at their best and that is a reason why it is not that good but at the same time I feel like I am watching the shows just to pick at them more than watching them because i want to be entertained. I dont know if i will leave this when wrestling gets good again or i will leave it just so i can feel more like a fan than a critic.
What do you think about the IWC and whould you ever leave it?
I remember a couple of weeks back; I took a short break from the forums. During that time, wrestling became more enjoyable for me. Even the shitty matches had a bit of excitement to them. I don't exactly know why, but wrestling seemed like a better product during that short time. But here's the thing, I enjoy posting here. It's a fun little habit that I don't intend on giving up just yet. There’s really no reason for me to leave it. The shows are still entertaining and I come here and discuss the product. Without the forums, who do you suppose I discuss wrestling with? My girlfriend who sits and rates a wrestler on how hot they are from 1-10? My friends who adore the UFC and mock me for still enjoying a fake sport? Nah, I like my WZ buddies a little too much. I don't plan on quitting the IWC just yet.
Yeah I am the same way. I really don't have much people to talk about wrestling so its nice to come on here and share thoughts about the shows and ideas. I just think I might take a short break and see how things go
Without the forums I don't think I'd watch wrestling, especially TNA/WWE.

WWE/TNA frustrate me often with the way they do things. The forums offer alternative perspectives that that sometimes help me understand what the point of something was.

Other times, it's fun to have others agree with you that what just happened on the show or PPV was complete crap.
The IWC is not a group. It is a shorthand that technically means "people who discuss professional wrestling on the internet", but is typically used by one internet user to another to deride their opinions without actually commenting on them. You cannot "leave" the IWC.

You're making something completely undramatic- turning off the fucking computer and doing something else instead- into this story about giving up and loss. If you don't want to participate for a while, then don't. I do it all the time here, I just don't feel the need to announce to people that I'm doing it.
If by IWC you mean the sorts of people/a person that regularly go on sites like WrestleZone and the forums to discuss the fine art that is Professional Wrestling, then yeah, i could leave the IWC.
I quit watching (and therefore reading these sorts of sites) for a year and a half at one point, there just wasn't any real incentive for me to become an active member of the IWC (now i've come crawling back :p)
right now i barely watch the shows, but i do keep up to date by reading the results, and watching anything that sounded interesting later (a benefit of being aussie)

The whole online community is great, and is actually the only reason i choose to keep up with this stuff, reading all your opinions on wrestling topics really does help improve your scope on the quality of the product, and i applaud you all for doing that, even if a few of you need to be re educated in some areas.
I don't see myself leaving the IWC anytime soon. Even if wrestling enters another boom period, it would be all the more reason to stick around at sites like this because there'd be more people to discuss our favorite hobby with. I enjoy the debating, analysis, predictions, and discussions that come with being a part of the IWC. It has its negatives such as occassional rudeness from others and people who constantly complain, but those negatives are outweighed by the positives of being involved in the IWC. It's an environment where you can discuss something you enjoy with other fans of it. Why anyone would ever leave is beyond me unless they no longer have time due to real life priorities.
Not only sometimes do I think about leaving the IWC, but sometimes I wish that I could go back to a time when I thought everything was real and got into it as much as I did (I still mark out for stuff, but not like that).

However, I'm glad I "know" the business and am part of the IWC, because it makes me totally and completely appreciate what these guys and girls go through on a daily basis just to entertain all of us.
Women aren't "supposed" to join wrestling forums. I joined because I don't give a damn what people are "supposed" to do. Yes, it's true that people live to fit in with other people, but if a girl participating in a wrestling board is going to upset the balance and harmony in the world, then there's not much of a chance for the world, anyway.

Meanwhile, this is a great place to indulge my passion for pro wrestling. I enjoy reading people's predictions and opinions and like matching up their (and my) input with what really winds up happening.

As to the notion that this is no place for a woman because many of you guys behave like bad-tempered third graders and fill this forum with a constant flow of misogynistic ramblings.....I say, go ahead and have your fun; I've heard worse.

Leave IWC?.....No need to do that.:)
Doubt it, unless I lose interest in wrestling itself. As long as I am a fan, I will more than likely use the internet to chat with other fans. Most of my friends do not like wrestling, so a site such as this is a good outlet for me to talk about a passion of mine with other people who share that interest, which is great.

Simple as that really.
I highly doubt it. Up until a couple months ago I took a couple year break from these forums because I wasn't following much of the current product, but even during then i would still check wrestling sites from time to time to see how things were going and what some of the current storylines were. So if I wouldn't give it up completely despite the fact that I didn't watch the product I don't think I ever will.
I did that for a while,stayed away from the forums a bit and I'm loving what I love that is wrestling.I was getting tired of all the ignorant smarks but at the same I missed hearing opinions and laughing at the really interesting and awesome threads!(Wrestlings Urban Legends a personal favorite).I'll still come here and listen to what's on others mind,and not give a flying fuck if someones talking shit about a wrestler I like because there haters and that's what they do.

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