Greatest Tag-Team.....PERIOD!

Greatest Tag-Team......PERIOD!

  • The Nasty Boys

  • The Road Warriors

  • Harlem Heat

  • The Dudley Boyz

  • The Steiner Brothers

  • The Rock 'n' Roll Express

  • Other

Results are only viewable after voting.
From the list given, I'd choose the Steiner Brothers. They had some fantastic matches back in the early 90's in WCW, and some fantastic, stiff as hell matches in Japan.

No Arn/Ole Anderson? For shame. They were by far one of the greatest.
I honestly think the greatest, or one of the greatest tag teams are the dudley boys. I also think that they should leave tna, go to wwe and have one more good run with the tag team titles before they retier
The WWE's Top Ten List is Bullshit. How in the blue hell are the Hardy Boys Number 2? They were the third best tag team at the time they were in their primes, and it's arguable that they weren't the fourth best team. Edge and Christian and the Dudleyz easily are better then the Hardys, and I would almost make an argument that the APA were at least more enjoyable to watch.

As far as my top ten list, I'm sure it won't do justice and Im sure I'll second guess myself.
10. America's Most Wanted: For me, they are the tag team of the decade. They made tag team wrestling fun to watch again this decade. They are what a tag team should be in my opinion. Outside of AMW, tag wrestling the last 6+ years has been meaningless. They finally restored some glory to the NWA tag titles.

9. The Outsiders: Hall and Nash were simply dominate. Now I know I kind of go against my own rule of throwing two superstars together to make a team, but these two together simply worked. Hogan was the attention getter, but Nash and Hall were the guys that made the n.W.o. work. They were just about as dominate with the tag titles as Hogan was with the world title. The two just worked together so damn well, such a natural fit.

8. Harlem Heat: A damn solid tag team unit of WCW. Booker T was the workhorse while Stevie Ray was the power house. A nice combination to make any tag team work. I enjoyed their matches very much, and was glad to see them get rid of the stupid hats.

7. Minnesota Wrecking Crew: These guys were before my time, but I know enough about them to know they justify being on anyones list. Pretty much, they are the reason why we have tag team wrestling. Ole and Gene were terrific and dominated the NWA tag team titles like no other unit has ever done. These guys realistically should be number one.

6. The Brainbusters: Again, another solid tag team. Arn and Tully were fucking great and were enjoyable to watch both in the WWE and NWA. Tully was the smart ass technical wrestler that you jsut wanted to see get the shit kicked out of him, and Arn was the great, no nonsense kick your ass bruiser.

5. Edge and Christian: A great tag team that resurged otherwise worthless WWE tag team titles. The Tag titles were dead and buried by teams like (Sorry X) the New Age Outlaws, Headbangers, Godwinns. Edge and Christian came along, got some mic time, and delivered every single time they were asked to. Promos, matches, anything you name, these guys did, and did well.

4. The British Bulldogs: The Greatest wrestler pound for pound and one of the more under rated wrestlers on the same tag team. Dynamite was the intesity of the team and the veteran that made the team go, and a green Bulldog was the pure power house. Sure, they got stuck with a dumb dog, but hey, it was the 80's.

3. The Hart Foundation: Pink and Black attack. Almost any Hart Foundation match was a solid match. Neidhart and a young Bret Hart worked so damn well and flawlessly together. They were cocky and cool, and had the power and technical ability to beat anyone.

2. Demolition: Personally, AX and Smash are my favorite tag team ever. They took the Road Warrior gimmick and actually breathed life into it. They have the longest reign out of any WWE tag team in history, yet get no credit for it whatsoever. Bullshit politics will keep the WWE's greatest tag team out of the Hall of Fame,and it's a fuckign shame.

1. Steiner Brothers: No question, the greatest tag team ever. Hell, I could make an argument that the 90's Steiners should be on the top ten list, and Rick had lost more then a step by that time. I can't recall a Steiner Brothers match pre-97 that was terrible. These guys won titles everywhere they went, and were over every where they went. A brother unit that is actually worthy of being in the top ten.

As far as the WWEs list and why they didn't make it.

The Rockers: Over rated, to say the least. Ew, we're two young small guys that do all of our moves in sync, please. Everything Shawn Michaels touches doesn't turn to gold, and why the Rockers get the undeserving amount of love they get is beyond me. They had an okay feud at best with Rose and Somers, but that was in the AWA. They did zip to impress me in the WWE guys. Sorry Rocker fans, but over rated is the word of the day to describe your team.

The Fabulous Freebirds: So a three man team is worthy of being a tag team? Seriously, these guys represent everything to me that is wrong with the business. Sex, Drugs and Rock N Roll, these guys lived that lifestyle, ask Michael Hayes since he's probably the only one left alive. These guys are the king of cheap heat in my estimation, need to get a pop, how about show off that confederate flag robe you're wearing. Hayes is terrible, and to this day he ruins the business with his Charisma first, in ring ability second mentality.

The Wild Samoans: Granted I don't have a problem witht he Samoans. However, they only reason they're on the list is because they are WWE guys, plain and simple. They never did anything for me that said, oh wow, top ten tag team.

The Hardys: If you really, really want me to go on my Hardy Boy diatribe, just let me know.

The Road Warriors: Simply put, talentless hacks. They ripped their gimmick off from an 80's movie with the same name then bitch when someone takes that gimmick and makes it better. the Road Warriors are terrible. Their philosophy, beat up jobbers, because it's cool.
The WWE's Top Ten List is Bullshit. How in the blue hell are the Hardy Boys Number 2? They were the third best tag team at the time they were in their primes, and it's arguable that they weren't the fourth best team. Edge and Christian and the Dudleyz easily are better then the Hardys, and I would almost make an argument that the APA were at least more enjoyable to watch.

As far as my top ten list, I'm sure it won't do justice and Im sure I'll second guess myself.
10. America's Most Wanted: For me, they are the tag team of the decade. They made tag team wrestling fun to watch again this decade. They are what a tag team should be in my opinion. Outside of AMW, tag wrestling the last 6+ years has been meaningless. They finally restored some glory to the NWA tag titles.

9. The Outsiders: Hall and Nash were simply dominate. Now I know I kind of go against my own rule of throwing two superstars together to make a team, but these two together simply worked. Hogan was the attention getter, but Nash and Hall were the guys that made the n.W.o. work. They were just about as dominate with the tag titles as Hogan was with the world title. The two just worked together so damn well, such a natural fit.

8. Harlem Heat: A damn solid tag team unit of WCW. Booker T was the workhorse while Stevie Ray was the power house. A nice combination to make any tag team work. I enjoyed their matches very much, and was glad to see them get rid of the stupid hats.

7. Minnesota Wrecking Crew: These guys were before my time, but I know enough about them to know they justify being on anyones list. Pretty much, they are the reason why we have tag team wrestling. Ole and Gene were terrific and dominated the NWA tag team titles like no other unit has ever done. These guys realistically should be number one.

6. The Brainbusters: Again, another solid tag team. Arn and Tully were fucking great and were enjoyable to watch both in the WWE and NWA. Tully was the smart ass technical wrestler that you jsut wanted to see get the shit kicked out of him, and Arn was the great, no nonsense kick your ass bruiser.

5. Edge and Christian: A great tag team that resurged otherwise worthless WWE tag team titles. The Tag titles were dead and buried by teams like (Sorry X) the New Age Outlaws, Headbangers, Godwinns. Edge and Christian came along, got some mic time, and delivered every single time they were asked to. Promos, matches, anything you name, these guys did, and did well.

4. The British Bulldogs: The Greatest wrestler pound for pound and one of the more under rated wrestlers on the same tag team. Dynamite was the intesity of the team and the veteran that made the team go, and a green Bulldog was the pure power house. Sure, they got stuck with a dumb dog, but hey, it was the 80's.

3. The Hart Foundation: Pink and Black attack. Almost any Hart Foundation match was a solid match. Neidhart and a young Bret Hart worked so damn well and flawlessly together. They were cocky and cool, and had the power and technical ability to beat anyone.

2. Demolition: Personally, AX and Smash are my favorite tag team ever. They took the Road Warrior gimmick and actually breathed life into it. They have the longest reign out of any WWE tag team in history, yet get no credit for it whatsoever. Bullshit politics will keep the WWE's greatest tag team out of the Hall of Fame,and it's a fuckign shame.

1. Steiner Brothers: No question, the greatest tag team ever. Hell, I could make an argument that the 90's Steiners should be on the top ten list, and Rick had lost more then a step by that time. I can't recall a Steiner Brothers match pre-97 that was terrible. These guys won titles everywhere they went, and were over every where they went. A brother unit that is actually worthy of being in the top ten.

As far as the WWEs list and why they didn't make it.

The Rockers: Over rated, to say the least. Ew, we're two young small guys that do all of our moves in sync, please. Everything Shawn Michaels touches doesn't turn to gold, and why the Rockers get the undeserving amount of love they get is beyond me. They had an okay feud at best with Rose and Somers, but that was in the AWA. They did zip to impress me in the WWE guys. Sorry Rocker fans, but over rated is the word of the day to describe your team.

The Fabulous Freebirds: So a three man team is worthy of being a tag team? Seriously, these guys represent everything to me that is wrong with the business. Sex, Drugs and Rock N Roll, these guys lived that lifestyle, ask Michael Hayes since he's probably the only one left alive. These guys are the king of cheap heat in my estimation, need to get a pop, how about show off that confederate flag robe you're wearing. Hayes is terrible, and to this day he ruins the business with his Charisma first, in ring ability second mentality.

The Wild Samoans: Granted I don't have a problem witht he Samoans. However, they only reason they're on the list is because they are WWE guys, plain and simple. They never did anything for me that said, oh wow, top ten tag team.

The Hardys: If you really, really want me to go on my Hardy Boy diatribe, just let me know.

The Road Warriors: Simply put, talentless hacks. They ripped their gimmick off from an 80's movie with the same name then bitch when someone takes that gimmick and makes it better. the Road Warriors are terrible. Their philosophy, beat up jobbers, because it's cool.

Like the list Shockmaster. I do agree with the Road Warriors being talentless, I mean come on, 7 Power moves doesn't really make you great. But I must say, as over as they were, the fact the held gold in WWE, NWA, and AWA has to say something. I know alot of people don't like them because of there movesets and crap, but they were on top for 3 big companys, and had a great fan base for a long time. As a tag team they were pretty good. On my list I just changed the Steiners and the Road Warriors, I believe the Steiners were better. But the road warriors need to be mentioned Talentless or not.

And I don't believe I saw the Dudleyz on your list? Did you forget about them?

But any way Green Rep for you sir. Great post.
I like the Dudleyz, but I don't think they warrant being top ten of all time. I know it's hard to do that to the team that's won the most tag team gold ever, but I just feel they did it in a down time. They won most of their ECW gold after most of the established teams in ECW were gone. The Eliminators, Gangsta's, Pitbulls were all gone. Sure, they fought against teams like RVD and Sabu, and Dreamer and Raven, but they weren't really teams. They were two stars thrown together. Pretty much, the Dudleyz were the best tag team in ECW because they were the only tag team in ECW.

They weren't bad in the WWE, but in my opinion, outside of Edge and Christian, those titles were worthless. Like I said, the mid 90's killed them. Outside of a few good title runs with Bulldog and Owen, those belts were tossed around between *insert two superstars names here* and the true teams were all gone. Sure, Michaels and Austin, Rock and Sock, Brothers of Destruction, Kane and X-Pac, all cool, but hardly tag team wrestlers. Plus, I really can't remember any great feuds taht the Dudley boyz had durign the WWE that didn't involve the Undertaker or the crappy inVasion angle, or the aformentioned Edge and Christian or Hardly Boyzzzz.

By the time they got to TNA, they were an after thought.
I like the Dudleyz, but I don't think they warrant being top ten of all time. I know it's hard to do that to the team that's won the most tag team gold ever, but I just feel they did it in a down time. They won most of their ECW gold after most of the established teams in ECW were gone. The Eliminators, Gangsta's, Pitbulls were all gone. Sure, they fought against teams like RVD and Sabu, and Dreamer and Raven, but they weren't really teams. They were two stars thrown together. Pretty much, the Dudleyz were the best tag team in ECW because they were the only tag team in ECW.

They weren't bad in the WWE, but in my opinion, outside of Edge and Christian, those titles were worthless. Like I said, the mid 90's killed them. Outside of a few good title runs with Bulldog and Owen, those belts were tossed around between *insert two superstars names here* and the true teams were all gone. Sure, Michaels and Austin, Rock and Sock, Brothers of Destruction, Kane and X-Pac, all cool, but hardly tag team wrestlers. Plus, I really can't remember any great feuds taht the Dudley boyz had durign the WWE that didn't involve the Undertaker or the crappy inVasion angle, or the aformentioned Edge and Christian or Hardly Boyzzzz.

By the time they got to TNA, they were an after thought.

TNA is a REALLY bad example to talk about the Dudleyz. Mostly cuz, TNA isn't that great.
In ECW, what makes them great was not only the fact that they were a Multi-time Tag-Champion, But they were the most Dominate. The beat the Eliminators for there first 2 title reigns, then beat RVD and Sabu twice for there 4th and 5th title reign. They were great in ECW for putting on great matches with who ever they faced. They made great storys with Balls Mahoney and Spike, and lets not forget, they were SUPER GREAT on the mic, something most tag-teams can't say. They started freakin riots with the mic!

Then they go to WWE, and right away make an impact. Without the Dudleyz, E&C and the Hardyz would not be half as good as they were. Dudleyz made them! Just like Piper to Hogan, No Dudleyz, no E&C/Hardyz. There feuds were great! TLC, Ladder, Tables matches, they made thos matchs look great. Now someone in the beginning of this thread said the Dudleys only had good matches in gimmick matches, maybe, but that wa there styles!

I don't believe any team was as dominate in the ring, on the mic, in there promos, or anywhere else, as the DUDLEYZ! All around great.
TNA is a REALLY bad example to talk about the Dudleyz. Mostly cuz, TNA isn't that great.
In ECW, what makes them great was not only the fact that they were a Multi-time Tag-Champion, But they were the most Dominate. The beat the Eliminators for there first 2 title reigns, then beat RVD and Sabu twice for there 4th and 5th title reign. They were great in ECW for putting on great matches with who ever they faced. They made great storys with Balls Mahoney and Spike, and lets not forget, they were SUPER GREAT on the mic, something most tag-teams can't say. They started freakin riots with the mic!

I'm sick of people talking about how great the Dudleys are on the Mic, and using how they riled up an ECW crowd. Who didn't start a riot in ECW. All the Dudleys did in ECW was walk out, tell the crowd something like "you suck, I had sex with your mom" and the crowd would act like they were gonna hop the guardrail and fight them. The fact is the ECW crowd was always roudy, because they were mainly idiots, and people credit the Dudleys and a few others (Shane Douglas comes to mind) as being promo masters because of it.

I think Shocky's list is pretty solid. If I were to take out the Outsiders (which is the only team I don't really agree with being on there) I'd probably add The Rock and Roll Express or The Fabulous Freebirds.
I was hesitant on the Outsiders as well, but I figured with as much an impact that the NWO had on the business, it warranted them. I think Hogan turning heel would have been one thing but it would have faded quickly if he didn't have Hall and Nash behind him, and vice versa, those two would never have been as good without Hogan. I wouldn't have minded putting in the Rock N Roll Express either, I thought they were damn good.

As far as the Dudleys, like Slim said, the ECW crowd was a riot waiting to happen to begin with. I loved ECW don't get me wrong, but I think the Dudleys rise to the top wouldn't have happened if guys like Raven or Douglas (Much better on the mic) hadn't ran for the green hills of WCW. The Dudleys rose to the top in ECW simply because there were no dominant heels left.
i have to dissagree with all of ya i think the midnight express was the greatest tag-team of all time look at all the titles they have one and no one gives them any credit. the dudley's take the first three letters of their name and add an s and thats what i think about the dudley's
I don't think you can put any tag team of the last 8 years into this discussion. When people think of tag team wrestling from 2000 to 2008, they're going to think about tables, ladders, and chairs, not the teams. If you want tag team greatness, look at the Hart Foundation, Demolition, the Road Warriors, the Steiners, the Midnight and Rock-and-Roll Express, the Bulldogs, and the Freebirds. Real teams that got over on their talent and ability to connect with the fans. And don't short the Road Warriors/LOD on their talent. These guys held titles everywhere they went, and basically ruled in the 80's. You can't go to Japan and have their success without talent. They take their wrestling seriously over there.
I think that rather often, it is easy to look at the power tag team of today and yesterday and see how they get the spotlight. I mean when you talk about The LOD, there are so many teams that were just like them in the Blade Runners and The Powers of Pain. The same thing with the Rock and Roll Express in the Rockers, The ROck and Lightening Express, and several other rip off teams. When you talk about The Nasty Boys, they were original, but were still a part of the era of power teams. While the Steiner Brothers were more techincal, they were still more of a power team than anything else. The Dudleys were good, but a part of a different era and would have been looked at to job to many of the teams of old by the bookers. The same thing with Harlem Heat.

It is so hard to overlook the teams that were, in my mind, day in and day out great and could work a match from beginning to end as either a face or a heel and back again. And those teams would be:

1. The Fabolous Freebirds-
The only team that i could ever picture coming down the isle to the theme "Badstreet USA". No matter where this three man team went, they were feared as a tag team. They were feared in WCCW. The were feared in the NWA. They were feared all over. And not because they came in and beat people up, but because they were able to come in day in and day out and work a building. If they wanted to be the team cheered, they worked it. If they wanted to be the team booed, they could work that as well. If it were not for the legendary fueds with the Von Erich brothers, The Von Erichs would probably be no more on the level as The Armstrong Family.

2. The Midnight Express- Every incarnation of the Midnight Express was a team to be reconned with, but the one that I remember the most is Sweet Stan Lane and Beautiful Bobby Eaton. This team reaked havoc on the NWA with their main mouthpiece, Jame E. Cornette, by their side. He stood outside the ring, wearing gawdy suits and carrying a tennis racket, while his two men worked over opponents until it was time for Eaton and Lane to end it all and hit The Rocket Launcher, The Double Goozle, The Flapjack, and the ever so dangerous top rop leg drop known as The Veg-o-matic. Damn, I still get goosebumps picturing them doing that one. They were undersized and underutilized, but still champions to the core.

3. The Hart Foundation- The day that two men who had nothing more in common than to have some form of spelling of the word "Heart" in their names was a day that will forever go down in history. One half power and one half speed and technical expertise, this team should have been the face of the 80's in the WWE. They had the look, they had the skill, and they had The Mouth of The South Jimmy Hart behind them. They were such a good team that WWE eventually started trying create more teams with this mold in Power and Glory and several others. Man, I can still see those best 2 oout of 3 matches that they used to have with The British Bulldogs where it would come down to the wire and they would still stand victorious in the end. By the time that this team received their proper main event push, it was time for the Hitman to go shine on his own. Such a shame. Such a shame.

Honorable Mention: Edge & Christian, Doom, RVD & Sabu, The Four Horsemen, The Dangerous Alliance, Strike Force, The Diamond Connection(aka Orient Express), and Brutus Beefcake & Greg "The Hammer" Valentine.
For the recent era, I have to go with Edge & Christian. I know that's a crazy pick but you have to understand that they were great wrestlers, they both knew how to work the mics and they ALWAYS won the big matches. That's including the Ladder match at WX 2000, TLC 1 & 2. They made you love to hate them but were great as faces too. They always had the Dudleys and the Hardy's numbers in matches and that's where it matters. When the battle went on and who comes out on top. They would have beaten the New Age Outlaws and the Outsiders and Harlem Heat. That's why they're at the top of their game now in different companies. Edge is the current World Champion and Christian Cage has held the NWA World Title on a couple occasions. So I'm riding with Edge & Christian.

As for the greatest tag team of all-time, its the Steiner Brothers. Let me tell you all something. Unless you were watching wrestling back in the early 90's, you can't really have a say on who's the greatest tag team back then. I mean the Steiners defeated every tag team there was to defeat. They had one of the greatest tag team matches at Starrcade 92 (which is my favorite PPV of all-time) when they fought Great Muta and someone else. They had great chemistry and no one was stopping Scott Steiner and that Frankensteiner that put out every opponent. Then, the bulldog off the top rope. You couldn't stop them, including the 4 Horsemen couldn't hang with them. And there's no modern team after 1996 that can battle with the Steiners and that's including the Dudley Boyz, Hardy Boyz, Edge & Christian, New Age Outlaws, The Outsiders or anyone else, including the Road Warriors.

Watch some old Steiner Brothers matches. I'm actually about to do that right now.
Well, I was reading "List This!" on tonight, and I was highly disappointed with their choices for "the greatest tag teams ever." The major snubs? The Dudley Boys and The New Age Outlaws. What a joke. It's obvious that they are leaving teams out because of their reps with the E. Lists like these make me scratch my head and wonder why they even bother making them (other than the fact that people like me are going to go on the site, read the list, and then go complain about it in the IWC).

The Road Warriors were a good selection at #1, and I think the Hardys were a good #2 choice. However, I think Edge and Christian were picked a little high, as well as the British Bulldogs. Anybody else see this?
I'm sick of people talking about how great the Dudleys are on the Mic, and using how they riled up an ECW crowd. Who didn't start a riot in ECW. All the Dudleys did in ECW was walk out, tell the crowd something like "you suck, I had sex with your mom" and the crowd would act like they were gonna hop the guardrail and fight them. The fact is the ECW crowd was always roudy, because they were mainly idiots, and people credit the Dudleys and a few others (Shane Douglas comes to mind) as being promo masters because of it.

The Shockmaster: As far as the Dudleys, like Slim said, the ECW crowd was a riot waiting to happen to begin with. I loved ECW don't get me wrong, but I think the Dudleys rise to the top wouldn't have happened if guys like Raven or Douglas (Much better on the mic) hadn't ran for the green hills of WCW. The Dudleys rose to the top in ECW simply because there were no dominant heels left.

Where is RVDGurl when you need her?
The Dudleyz ARE one of the best mic workers (mostly Buh-Buh). If the ECW fans were such "Idiots" and just "Ready to riot" then anyone on the mic would have started a riot. I don't remember Big Stevie Cool Stevie Richards starting a riot. There mic skills made fans go so crazy, they had to shut shows down to restore order, thats how good they were. The truth is, they were great on the mic. They knew how to get under the skin of the fans, and how to cut down talent in there promos. The Dudleyz were great in the ring, could sell moves like no other team in the history of wrestling, made sub-par opponents and sub-par feuds look great and mainevent worthy, became the only team to hold Tag-Gold in ECW, WWE and the WCW titles on more then just a few occasions, and WORKED THE MIC like no other team could. And there rise to the top went threw the Eliminators and RVD ans Sabu. RVD and Sabu were always on the top and the Dudleyz worked threw them. And Douglas Came back to ECW and was a great heel, And prob the top heel EVER in ECW. But Dudleyz were up there not because there weren't any other heels, but because they were that great. Put on Great matchs and had great feuds. Dudleyz deserve more credit, the are the Greatest.
In my opinion The greatest tag Team Has To Go to (Bod) Brothers of Destruction even though they didn't last that long they had the dominance and the chemistry even the moves so i have to go with (BOD)
Today WWE posted a list of their top ten tag teams:

10. The British Bulldogs
9. The Rockers
8. The Wild Samoans
7. Harlem Heat
6. Demolition
5. The Freebirds
4. Edge and Christian
3. The Hart Foundation
2. The Hardy Boyz
1. The Road Warriors

Note the obvious political reason as to why the Dudley's aren't mentioned (TNA), and the clear lack of credit given to ECW as there's no Public Enemy.

I have just a few (small) things to say about this list.

1. Clearly this is a piece of shit list, as they don't want to use any note-worthy teams that aren't with the company. I understand why, but for the most part its bogus. Why not just acknowledge what the rest of the world already knows? This is another prime example of the Chris Benoit situation.

Everyone with the exception of the W.W.E. remembers that Chris Benoit was in Professional Wrestling. Everyone, except the W.W.E., remembers how great of a Professional Athlete he was.

2. Harlem Heat are below Demolition and the Fabulous Freebirds. Why? What did either of those teams do, that jumped over Harlem Heat's outlandishly unreal double digit title reign? Outside of competed in the W.W.E., when the Heat won their gold in W.C.W. :disappointed:

3. The Hardy Boyz are at number 2, when Edge and Christian are at number 4. This is the most outrageous piece of crap yet. Just because of the stupid DVD coming out with the Hardyz, they have to prop them up as the 2nd greatest Tag Team, ever? Bullshit.

Edge and Christian MADE the Hardyz. Yeah, I said it, and noone can contest it. Look at the records. E&C owned the Hardyz throughout their entire feud, minus one or two matches here and there. The Hardyz won the first "big memory" moment between the two with the No Mercy 1999 Ladder match.. but Edge and Christian set the bar with multiple T.L.C. victories over the Hardyz, including a few at Wrestlemania.

The Hardyz have NEVER defeated Edge and Christian when it mattered the most. And the Hardyz have NEVER done anything to proclaim themselves as anything better than E&C.

I could seriously go on forever. There is nothing that stands out, that makes the Hardyz better than Edge and Christian, or the Hart Foundation for that matter.
I don't see what is wrong with this list. First of all, the person who put the story up on Wrestlezone is an idiot, if he/she really thinks Public Enemy belongs on this list of tag teams. That's one thing I can't stand about the news on the site. They put their own personal biases and opinions in articles, and many times do so at the expense of looking foolish. Public Enemy couldn't hold a candle to those teams, in any form or fashion.

As far as the list goes, it's pretty right on.

1. Clearly this is a piece of shit list, as they don't want to use any note-worthy teams that aren't with the company. I understand why, but for the most part its bogus. Why not just acknowledge what the rest of the world already knows? This is another prime example of the Chris Benoit situation.

Everyone with the exception of the W.W.E. remembers that Chris Benoit was in Professional Wrestling. Everyone, except the W.W.E., remembers how great of a Professional Athlete he was.
Chris Benoit was not in a memorable tag team, what are you talking about?

2. Harlem Heat are below Demolition and the Fabulous Freebirds. Why? What did either of those teams do, that jumped over Harlem Heat's outlandishly unreal double digit title reign? Outside of competed in the W.W.E., when the Heat won their gold in W.C.W. :disappointed:
The Fabulous Freebirds were a much more important tag team in wrestling history and a much bigger draw than Harlem Heat ever thought about being. Yeah, Harlem Heat won 10 Tag Team titles, but come on. The tag team division in WCW was worse than what it currently is in the WWE. I mean, 4 of those title reigns were between December 8, 1994 and September 27, 1995. They won the belts four separate times in 9 months. Seriously. Their 5th and 6th title runs came within a month of each other, and their 7th came a whole 3 months after their sixth. So, for those keeping track at home, Harlem Heat won the belts 7 times in less than 2 years. The Tag Titles were passed around like the WWE's Hardcore title. It was meaningless.

So, to base Harlem Heat's greatness on 10 title reigns, 7 of which occurred in less than a 2 year period is silly.

As for Demolition? Meh. They were pretty over for several years, and were every bit as over as Harlem Heat ever was. I haven't done the total math, but Demolitions three reigns lasted approximately as long as Harlem Heats 10 reigns.

3. The Hardy Boyz are at number 2, when Edge and Christian are at number 4. This is the most outrageous piece of crap yet. Just because of the stupid DVD coming out with the Hardyz, they have to prop them up as the 2nd greatest Tag Team, ever? Bullshit.

Edge and Christian MADE the Hardyz. Yeah, I said it, and noone can contest it. Look at the records. E&C owned the Hardyz throughout their entire feud, minus one or two matches here and there. The Hardyz won the first "big memory" moment between the two with the No Mercy 1999 Ladder match.. but Edge and Christian set the bar with multiple T.L.C. victories over the Hardyz, including a few at Wrestlemania.

The Hardyz have NEVER defeated Edge and Christian when it mattered the most. And the Hardyz have NEVER done anything to proclaim themselves as anything better than E&C.
The Hardyz were a better tag team than Edge and Christian. Edge and Christian are better singles wrestlers, but Hardyz were better tag team.
Personally, I think the WWE list is a load of crap. The Hardy Boyz the second greatest tag team of all time? No. God knows why Edge & Christian are in the top ten. Hell, if they're going to list them two, they could at least put in a teag team who have generally been more entertaining, been around as a tag team much longer and are more decorated than them both put together, the Dudleyz.

I also don't think Demolition should be in the top 10, and neither should the Rockers.

As for my list, it would look something like:

1) The Road Warriors
2) The Steiner Brothers
3) The Wild Samoans
4) The Fabulous Freebirds
5) The Minnesota Wrecking Crew
6) The Rock 'N Roll Express
7) The British Bulldogs
8) The Hart Foundation
9) The Funks
10) The Dudleys

Honorable mentions would go to The Hardy Boyz, The Nasty Boyz, Demolition and Harlem Heat.

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