Hardyz-Hall worthy or not

Will they get in?

  • Matt only

  • Jeff only

  • Both

  • Nethier

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Dark Match Jobber
In this thread we debate if the Hardyz should be inducted into the hall of fame.Do you think only one will get in or do you think both will get in here are there title historys.

Jeff-NDW Light Heavyweight title;
NCW (National Championship Wrestling) Light Heavyweight title defeating Kid Dynamo (July 24, 1997);
OMEGA New Frontiers title defeating ??????? (August 2, 1997);
NWA 2000 Tag Team titles w/Matt Hardy Awarded (March 7, 1998);
UWA (Universal Wrestling Association) World Middleweight title defeating Ikuto Hidaka for vacant title (June 14, 1998);
OMEGA Tag Team titles w/Matt Hardy defeating Mike Maverick & Shane Helms (July 24, 1998);
WWF World Tag Team titles w/Matt Hardy defeating Bradshaw & Faarqq (June 29, 1999);
WWF World Tag Team titles w/Matt Hardy defeating Christian & Edge (September 24, 2000);
WWF World Tag Team titles w/Matt Hardy defeating Christian & Edge (October 23, 2000);
WWF World Tag Team titles w/Matt Hardy defeating D-Von & Bubba Ray Dudley (March 5, 2001);
WWF Intercontinental Heavyweight title defeating Triple H (April 10, 2001);
WWF World Light Heavyweight title defeating Jerry Lynn (June 5, 2001);
WWF Hardcore title defeating Mike Awesome (July 10, 2001);
WWF Hardcore title defeating Rob Van Dam (August 13, 2001);
WCW World Tag Team titles w/Matt Hardy defeating Test & Booker T. (October 8, 2001);
WWF World Tag Team titles w/Matt Hardy defeating Test & Booker T. (November 12, 2001);
WWE European Heavyweight title defeating William Regal (July 8, 2002);
WWE Hardcore title defeating Bradshaw (July 29, 2002);
WWE Intercontinental Heavyweight title defeating Johnny Nitro (October 2, 2006);
WWE Intercontinental Heavyweight title defeating Johnny Nitro (November 13, 2006);
WWE (Raw) World Tag Team titles w/Matt Hardy won a 10 team Battle Royal (April 2, 2007);
WWE Intercontinental Heavyweight title defeating Umaga (September 3, 2007);
WWE Heavyweight title defeating Edge (c) and Triple H in a 3-WAY (December 14, 2008);

Matt-NEWA Heavyweight title defeating The Willow (Jeff Hardy) (April 8, 1995);
NFWA Tag Team titles w/Venom (Joey Abs) (March 1995);
NCW Heavyweight title defeating Venom (Joey Abs) (July 24, 1997);
OMEGA Heavyweight title defeating Rick Michaels (December 5, 1997);
NDW Light Heavyweight title defeating The Willow (Jeff Hardy) (July 17, 1998);
Omega Tag Team titles w/Jeff Hardy defeating Shane Helms & Mike Maverick (July 24, 1998);
NWA 2000 Tag Team title;
NCW Light Heavyweight title (2);
WWF Tag Team titles w/Jeff Hardy defeating The Acolytes (June 29, 1999);
WWF Hardcore title defeating Crash Holly (April 24, 2000);
WWF Tag Team titles w/Jeff Hardy defeating Edge & Christian (September 24, 2000);
WWF Tag Team titles w/Jeff Hardy defeating Edge & Christian (October 23, 2000);
WWF Tag Team titles w/Jeff Hardy defeating The Dudley Boyz (March 5, 2001);
WWF European title defeating Eddie Guerrero (April 26, 2001);
WCW Tag Team titles w/Jeff Hardy defeating Booker T & Test (October 8, 2001);
WWF Tag Team titles w/Jeff Hardy defeating Booker T & Test (November 12, 2001);
WWE Cruiserweight title defeating Billy Kidman (February 23, 2003);
(WWE) World Tag Team titles w/Jeff Hardy by winning a 10-Team Battle Royal (April 2, 2007);
WWE Tag Team titles w/Montel Vontavious Porter defeating Deuce & Domino w/Cherry (August 31, 2007);
WWE United States title defeating Montel Vontavious Porter (April 27, 2008--Backlash);
(WWE) ECW World title by winning a Championship Scramble match (September 7, 2008--Unforgiven);
Not too sure about The Hardyz. I think that they will but if they do, you might as well induct the Dudleys and Edge and Christian in as well since all three teams contributed equally to the tag scene a few years ago.

The OMEGA titles mean jack shit, that was the stupid thing they ran in their back yard, wasn't it? If it is, then don't count those titles. I think they will get in, not because of their singles careers but because of their involvement as a team with E&C and The Dudleys with all their TLC matches and what not. If they were to get inducted, it won't be for a long, long time as there are more worthy people who will get in before Matt and Jeff.
There's a good chance that both might eventually get into the WWE Hall of Fame, though there's also a decent chance that it might never happen.

Jeff's personal problems are well known and have dogged him for years. This has, at times, made him both unreliable and an embarassment to the company. If he fails another drug test, he'll automatically be fired. Also, when he failed his last drug test, he was in the middle of a huge push that very well could have lead to him winning the WWE Championship and having a lengthy run with it. He's been accused of being selfish, immature and just plain unreliable at times. However, he seems to have a grasp on things now but only time will tell. In terms of his matches, however, they do seem to be more exciting on average than Matt's and that's mostly because Jeff does some high risk stuff.

Matt's problem is that he doesn't have the charisma that his brother has. He doesn't have that "It" factor to nearly the same degree that Jeff does and, while Jeff's skills with the mic aren't anything to brag about, Matt's are much worse. While Jeff has a more high risk style, Matt is the overall superior worker in terms of technique and his just overall ability to perform. while he doesn't do much high risk stuff, I think if he incorporated some of it into his usual arsenal, he really could be better than Jeff. Matt's also won just about every WWE championship that the company has used for most of the decade.

Since Jeff can claim a WWE Championshp reign to his credit, the odds are almost impossible for him not to be inducted if he can keep himself clean. Matt's run as a singles wrestler is also pretty impressive considering the only male oriented titles he hasn't held in WWE are the WWE and World Championships. When it's all said and done, however, there's a good chance they'll be remembered mostly for working as a team and their accomplishments as a team.

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