Greatest Entertainer of All Time?

Who is the best entertainer?

  • The Rock

  • Stone Cold Steve Austin

  • Chris Jericho

  • Edge and Christian

  • DX

  • John Cena

  • Eddie Guerrero

  • Other (sorry if I left out)

Results are only viewable after voting.


Layeth The Smackdown!
I am truly sorry if something like this has been made, but I could not find it. Well, what I want to know is who is the greatest entertainer of all time? The answer should pertain to the person's ability to get the crowd laughing, his/her ability to cut numerous promos without get boring, and her/she must be able to draw a huge reaction fro the crowd.

This one is quite simple to me. I have to go with The Rock. I grew up watching The Rock and he was always able to make me laugh no matter what the occasion was. The Rock was always funny and was never in blue hell boring. He has numerous catch phrases that were always able to the draw a reaction from the crowd and me. He is known all around the world for his time in WWE. Also The Rock made his own promos because he came up with the stuff alone and that is another reason why The Rock was so funny. His backstage promos with Cole and Coach were hysterical and his in-ring promos were hilarious. The Rock really defined what it is to be an entertainer and let me just say that The Rock is and will always be the candy ass beating, pie eating, jabroni beating, most electrifying man in sports entertainment.
That's a hard question to answer really. Especially considering there's a lot of names that have been able to do all those things, in various ways.

But the primary attribute of them all is that they could get the crowd behind them no matter what the fuck they did. Guerrero had his lying cheating and stealing, Shawn had his microphone skills and in-ring ability, The Rock had his promos etc.

There's really none of these that are the specific greatest entertainer of all time. Because they all are the greatest entertainer in one way or another, there's really nothing of being superior in any of the names mentioned in the poll.

But if I had to go with one specific person, it would have to be Shawn Michaels. No matter what the fuck this guy did, you were cheering or booing the fuck out of him. He was the guy who practically had the crowd weeping with his "Lost my smile" promo. As well as he was the guy that had the crowd chanting his name during his retirement speech this year. He is in my opinion one of, if not the greatest overall wrestler, in a league where very very few people reside.

So for the sake of one vote in the poll, Shawn Michaels it is (Other).
DX. DX was so controversial. They were great as heels or faces & you never new what to expect. Thier constant pranks on the McMahon's, The Rock, Bret Hart & even Michael Cole are legendary. The funniest shit ever in wrestling. Their raid on WCW is 1 of the most memoriable moments in wrestling history & I still laugh when I watch it & HHH & X-Pac are yelling in reference to Hall & Nash being under contract & unable to get out of it with WCW "LET MY PEOPLE GO, LET MY PEOPLE GO". Without DX thier would be no Rock, thats for sure!!!
I agree. HBK. This man can entertain no matter what form he's in. Anything he does, the fans will listen to him, they care, they want to hear/see what he will say/do next. He has been a born performer from the get go. You see him at the lowest of lows, the highest of highs, you see him fighting for his career, fighting for his family, fighting for friends, fighting for faith. He always has the crowd support. Whether in the form of DX (v1), HBK, DX (v2) or Mr Wrestlemania, or seeking out Undertaker for a redux of WM rematch and thereby in the process coming unglued, we all watched him do what he does best, and that is, love his job, and love his fans by entertaining. I admit, I still do tear up seeing the "Lost My Smile" speech, and seeing his farewell after his loss to Undertaker, I know that this industry will be without a great person like that for a long time. We will have to rely on YouTube and clips. He is one that many will be compared to,but none can surpass, at least in my honest opinion. :)
The Rock, absolutely no contest. His promos were amazing, he never cut one bad promo that I've seen. He could make you love him he could make you hate him while secretly loving him. Even as a heel he owned every face on the mic. He really held the audience in the palm of his hand. Now quiet, because they are chanting The Rock's name. Rocky! Rocky! I'd love to see Cena do that.

Shawn Michaels, I would classify as the greatest performer, but since this thread focuses more on entertainment it goes to the Rock.
Of course it's The Rock!. You may have guys like Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, and Stone Cold who were good at entertaining, but The Rock was the best. He was very original, funny, and different with what he came up with. He wasn't too corny or cliché with his jokes, like some guys (Cena, Triple H). He was inventive and innovative with his stuff. The Rock Concert? Brilliant. The Rock's impressions? Hilarious. The Rock's charisma? Awesome.
As much as I hate the Rock, I think he was a pretty good entertainer. Stone Cold in his prime was even better. But if you want to go old school, look no further than the Four Horsemen in the old NWA. They told you what they were going to do and then went to the ring and did it, all in a very entertaining manner. As for today's talent: Jericho has no peer. He insults the crowd and everyone within ear shot and most of them don't even know it.:thumbsup:
The Rock by far... Nobody brought excitement like the The Rock heel or face he was always entertaining... His interview promos like insulting Michael Cole, Kevin Kelly, and the Coach or teasing Lilean Garcia were classic... Plus he always got the people to chant his name... The Rock is The greatest entertainer of all time..
Sure Rock was great, but I don't think anybody was as entertaining and gave the fans as much of a laugh as Booker T and Goldust during the era they were together. OBI BOOKANOBI SUCKAAAA!
IMO Austin and its not even close. Think of all the great mometns we had with him. I was always dying to see what he was going to do next and I cant say that about any other entertainer!!!:worship::worship::worship:
It's got to be DX, but The Rock comes in close second. What DX did to the McMahons and The Spirit Squad was probably the funniest thing I've seen in WWE that's the reason I put them infront of The Rock.
I have to go with Jericho. Rock, SCSA et al were fantastic on the mic but didn't have the diversity of Y2J. Just look at the current character - the dull monotone voice and compare that with the Rock N Roll Y2J screech or the WCW cry baby. For the fact that he has been able to adapt with his character arcs, it's Y2J for me.
The rock came to mind. I also was thinking booker t with golddust. People were getting tired of the rock after a while. You know it when they started booing him but they did not want him to leave. Who knew wrestling would be like this when he and stone cold left. Stone cold had some funny moments with vince and kurt angle. It is kind of hard to say. what I would like for someone to do is talk about if the rock deserves to be in the hall of fame or not in the future and I will tell you why not.
I like the choices u gave in the poll. I liked all of them for different reasons, dX antics and tomfoolery was always fun to watch, Jericho has always been able to keep my attention no matter what. I actually would have added 2 more to the mix, Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan. Because Flair had the best talk show ever and Hogan has been a great entertainer in and out of the wrestling world. but I had to vote The Rock because of his humor. He had the best catchphrases and was always able to Electrify in the ring. Also The Rock has been able to entertain outside of the wrestling world with some decent movies with Scorpion King and Walking Tall.
If this were best athlete I'd go with Kurt Angle. If it were best all-around I'd go with Chris Jericho or Shawn Michaels. But since the question specifically calls for the greatest ENTERTAINER of all the times (thank you Santino) I'm gonna have to go with the Jabroni beating, pie eating, People's Champ...the Rock. If the Rock had never happened though...I'd go with Santino Marella. I'm not sure anybody has made me laugh more than that guy...
Its the Rock no doubt about it, this isn't even fair i don't see how somebody can even compare to the stuff he pulled off in and out of the ring. His promo's were the best and sometimes he cut them mid match at the announce table. He used to get his assed kicked alot and still not lose any steam. I remember he gave a promo after losing the IC belt to triple h in the lockeroom all bloodied and he was still talking shit. He stole people moves and taunts he could work with anybody and it was exciting. I like all the guys on the list but it should be only a two horse race between him and austin mabe dx if they would have died in the 90's.
I find it very interesting that Hulk Hogan's name hasn't even come up in this discussion yet??? You are talking about the man who is the Icon of Pro Wrestling because he was an entertainer, played to the crowds, and definitely was all about the sizzle, and not so much on the steak.

Now with that said, I have to also go with The Rock as the greatest entertainer. Stone Cold was more the gimmick than the entertainer that the Rock was. Close second is Jericho, cause after all, he is the Best in the World at what he does.
The Greatest Entertainer Ever has to be..... Michael Jackson. He could sing, dance, act, write. oh. You mean wrestlers. My bad

Shawn Michaels. Sure the Rock was great on the mic, but his matches were okay. I give rocks mic skills a 10, in ring a 6. Austin, a 10 on the mic, a 7 in the ring. Bret Hart was a 10 in the ring and 5 on the mic. But HBK, a 9 across the board. Look at his montreal promos and his August of 97 promos. Classic.
Hulk Hogan everyone waited for his music to hit and him to come out and do his promos side stage in the early 90s. He was the man and kept me glued to the television. My vote is for other.
There were some guys who wre funny for an amount of time..But there was one wrestler who entertained us his whole career, short it may have been but its The Rock!..Why else is he 'Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment'..he got the name for a reason, his promos, in-ring work everything about him, impressions etc. they were gold, no one could do what he did and it was why he was unique...he made his matches fun to watch e.g. cutting a promo while hitting opponents or even going on commentary!

The Rock is the greatest entertainer of all time! IMO!
OHHH KID you left the best of them all out, RIC FLAIR! he's the greatest wrestler ever! and the greatest entertainer too.

Promos are gold, the best ever, in ring skills second to NONE and world champion for a decade, starrcade headliner, men he's just the best.
Um, it really depends on the persons. There is no 'greatest entertainer of all time.' Simply because, everyone has their own best abilities.

But if I had to choose, it would be Shawn Michaels. Which you left out. I grew up watching him. He was my favourite no matter what. Even in DX when he made fun of Canada, I still laughed.

1. HBK (DX, whatever)
2. The Rock
3. Stone Cold Steve Austin
4. Chris Jericho
5. Edge and Christian
6. Eddie Guerrero
7. John Cena

That's your list, in my order. ;)
To generic a question
Entertainer have to be able to do it all to be classified the greatest

The Rock - best backstage promo's
Austin - Best crowd involvement
HBK - best wrestler
E&C - best comedians in that stint with Team E&C and the 5 second pose
Jericho/Eddie - good allrounders but not great at anything
Cena - not a great entertainer period. He's a great promotional tool to kids
DX - the original 3 (HBK, HHH, Chyna) was great in the day, but it was short lived
and was just one part of the Autin/Attitude era

but what about Hogan. sure he's a twat, but in the Hulkamania era noone garnered as much attention as him and for 6 straight years he was the number 1 thing in wrestling, even when he was absent for movies, the wrestling world still revolved around his return, all this with nothing more than super charisma.

Cena Nation is a shell of what Hulkamania was.

Personally from this group, it's a tie between Austin/The Rock both had the crowd in there hands and could work a decent match and when they were teamed up in segments it was classic entertainment. Gonna have to give the nudge to The Rock purely on the grounds of more entertaining mic moments

And yeah if WCW was involved, the Four Hoursemen (Flair, Blanchard, Anderson, Whindam) did alot of great stuff between them
I'm going to have to take the question for what it is and just add my 2 cents. The Rock managed to change his game over the years. Despite being the overall same character, he stayed fresh, especially after they turned him heel his last run. He really capitalized on the whole Hollywood vs. Wrestling thing that was going on with the fans. Rocky never got old, he was always funny, always had something new to say, despite the catchphrases and managed to get the loudest pops of the time, even in backstage promos. Best and most versatile entertainer - The Rock!
Hmmm...your post is confusing: The title is "Who is the Greatest?" but the Poll question is "Who is the Best?".


To me, those are 2 different questions, as are the answers.

I answered 'The Rock' for the Best, as noone has entertained so thoroughly as both face and heel. His ring work in some of his memorable matches is as outstanding as his infamous mic work.

But I think Ric Flair was the Greatest entertainer of all time. Noone did it that well for that damn long.

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