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Goodnight Sweet Prince: Batista Leaving The WWE?

Turd Ferguson

PWInsider said:
The word making the rounds in Baltimore, where the WWE crew has already arrived for tomorrow's Extreme Rules PPV, is that Batista is finishing up with the company this week. He's challenging John Cena in a Last Man Standing bout on the PPV. Batista has made noises about leaving dating back to this January, so we'll see whether this is really it or not for him soon enough.

Currently, Batista is not listed on either the Raw or Smackdown roster pages on the WWE website.

I reported the following on 4/20 in the PWInsider.com Elite section:

"Batista's contract has either expired or will be expiring later this summer, depending on who the source is. I can't see the company pushing him so hard if his deal had expired, so I believe it's the latter. I was told Batista was informed he might not be starring in Killing Karma right around Wrestlemania weekend but the official decision wasn't made until about 7-10 days before the never-ending European trip. One of the reasons for the change is that WWE didn't want to release a film with him down the line if he wasn't under their employ."

Putting this in general WWE Discussion, as he's technically not on a roster.

If this is true, it's really a shame as for the last 6 or so months, Batista's been on fire. He's been a tremendous heel, and I've really found myself enjoying his work for the first time since he was a heel six or so years ago. He's been a lot more exciting to watch. You can tell he loves being in the heel role, as he's been doing the one thing excellently that he's never been good at: cutting promos.

However, he's been at a point where he's a problem for the WWE internally. He complains if he's not in the title picture. He's a complete egotist. He's constantly injured, and up until the last part of 2009, he was turning in lazy performances for years. He also doesn't have to work house shows either. I think that if he's leaving, he's at the very least going out on top. When people talk about Batista and the legacy he left, at least people can say that he went out strong, putting in a great performances in feuds against Rey Mysterio and John Cena. Of course, people are going to point out the laziness and him only giving a shit when he wanted to, but against top talent like Cena, Mysterio, and even CM Punk (in the midst of his first title run), it was a pleasure to watch a Batista match. I really wanted to see another Punk/Batista feud at some point, but oh well.

And as good as he's been lately, fact of the matter is that it was probably only a matter of time before he grew complacent and unhappy, and started turning in performances that went from good to great to his boring, plodding self that we all know.

So where do you think Batista goes from here? Is he going to stay retired and go into acting, like he apparently really wants to? Does he make infrequent appearances for the WWE? Or, does he jump to TNA? Batista's the type of guy who would enjoy the relaxed schedule that TNA provides. Again, I don't think he would jump to TNA, because he's a complete egomaniac who whines and complains if he's not in the title picture, TNA might be seen as being too small for him. Then again, his mentor, Ric Flair is there.

Who knows... it should be interesting to see how the year unfolds for Batista.
Batista is on the wwe webpage he is on the Smackdown superstar page. I really hope he doesn't leave. But we will see. Vince already messed up by firing Shelton Benjamin and Mickie james. So why wouldn't mess this up.
Well he is whiny and egotistical and he wants everything a top guy gets. Does he deserve it? No, for starring in a WWE movie, but if Ted Dibiese did then he also deserves too. He also deserves to get pissed because it was his name and then it was changed.

Hell move to TNA? If they won't give him the belt in two months he'll quit for sure, he shouldn't go there unless TNA becomes 2 brands.

Dont ever forget even if you think he had deecent matches etc... never forget one day he was in Evolution, one of the best 3 factions in wrestling history (beside DX and nWo)
This is actually news to me that Batista is possibly leaving this soon. But if he leaves tonight, next month, next year, my reaction will still be, "good riddance". I've never been a fan of Batista. He can't put on a good match to save his life, he's injured far too often, and he's simply never made me care about him. I've never been a big fan of big guys like Vince creams himself over. If you're a big guy, who can't work a good match, then you're just as much of a loser as Shannon Moore.

I'll never respect Batista as a wrestler because you can tell he never really wanted to be a part of the company until he was fucking 31 years old. He was setting himself up for a short career from the get go. It wasn't until about half a year ago that I realized he's now in his 40's. So he wants to be a big shot actor. Great, let's see how many cookie cutter bad ass flicks he makes before he gets bored with that one. I honestly think when he leaves WWE it'll be for good. He'll do a couple of movies, but then he's gonna miss the business and he might actually come in to TNA for a one-off. Then he'll get booed out of the fucking building and we'll probably never hear from him again after that.
I think the biggest key in his career is he is a PERFORMER not a WRESTLER. Batista is and personaifies how McMahon has a hard on for guys you are simply to big to wrestle. I can't think of a match in recent history of his that I thought to be exceptional. And aside from him powerbombing the hell out of Kofi a couple months back he has even gotten more lack luster with his moves. He never looks like he is enjoying himself any more, and I think it's time for him to move on. Unfortunately, his moving on will involve more crappy movies from a crappy actor who never should have tried acting.......
I think the biggest key in his career is he is a PERFORMER not a WRESTLER.
None of them are "wrestlers." Nobody is a pure grappler. They're all performers.

On one hand, this is a loss. Batista has been a major part of the WWE over the last five years, has drawn good money for the company, been involved in some memorable moments and matches, beaten every big name he's come in contact with, and just recently had a great heel turn. He's a significant part of his era and will leave a hole when he's gone. However, this might not be the huge loss it appears to be at first glance. Batista, being injury prone, has taken a good deal of time off over the last few years, and the WWE didn't feel his loss like they've felt the loss of Cena when he was last injured. I'm certain in three weeks time, it'll be just like one of our semi-annual Batista injuries and we'll forget he was even there at all.

Where will he go? I know not. What I'm more interested in is where the company goes from here. Knowing he won't be coming back to assume the top heel spot, there's a great opportunity for an up and comer to make his way to the top, or for a lower level top guy to make it to the next level and have someone take his spot as a lower level top guy. CM Punk, for example, could really become a big deal on Raw if the chips fall the right way, while a guy like McIntyre steps to the next level to take Punk's old place. The way things change in the wake of Batista's departure should be something to see.

Anyway, before I go, I have one small request: Don't speak to Batista's passion about wrestling. You aren't him. You have no clue. It's insulting. Just because you don't like him, doesn't mean your opinion is informed in any way.
I'm certain in three weeks time, it'll be just like one of our semi-annual Batista injuries and we'll forget he was even there at all.

I think this sums it up.

I don't like Batista very much, but I can appreciate some of his work. The OP mentioned that lately he's been on fire and extremely entertaining, but I disagree, he's playing the exact same heel as Jericho and Swagger, an arrogant heel in a suit.

That said, he'll be missed by the WWE in the long run. He is sort of like Warrior, he gets by a lot on just his menacing appearance and his in-ring intensity. Now, some fans might think this is bullshit, but a lot of people can appreciate this role. Fuck, I know I would pop a little every now and then when Batista gave his opponent the thumbs down.

As for his passion for the business? Who am I to question it? I don't know the guy, but from what I read about him he's always seemed like a guy who is in it for the lifestyle first, and the industry second. I haven't read his auto-biography, but I remember hearing that it's basically a detailed description of his relationship with Melina and other women he's fucked. This is of course, totally based on second hand information, and a lot of it is probably conjecture, this is just the impression I have been given.

Furthermore, doesn't this happen like, every year? Batista says this is his last stand with the WWE? This article makes it seem a little more definite, but who knows, he could decide to take a a few months off and then he'll be back, and like Coco said, we won't have even realized he's gone.

If the WWE loses Batista, it'll be sort of weird, but I'm sure they'll find another guy to push in his place. It'll be nice to see a new face on the main event scene in place of him, but at the same time, it'll be weird not having the animal around.
When I think "Dave Batista" I think of those number of botches, and I think of him banging every diva ever in the back.

He's become a GOOD heel since turn on Mysterio, and it's the right move. He was awkward as a face, and couldn't cut a face promo. Now, with no pyro, and a spotlight, he goes from kid favorite with his "Machine gun" to pure evil, animal.

We know he didn't like the business at first, but, how else do you expect a HUGE man like that, with little brain, to make a living? He chose an easy was, by picking the WWE, and I don't think he expected how things were going to be.

So he wants to act now... Good luck? Don't do "The Marine 4"
If he left, I really would be thrilled. I have never been a fan of him and always found him to be extremely boring. As a face, he's hard to get behind and actually cheer for him, and as a heel, I feel embarrassed for him due to what he was wearing and the way he was acting so I couldn't actually cheer against him (also I don't really cheer or boo anyone anymore, I kind of just watch and hope something interesting happens).

For his future, I see him retiring. If this is true, I see him leaving and just ending. He may make an appearance once in awhile, but I DO NOT see him going to TNA. I remember reading awhile back him saying he wants to retire with his body in decent shape and going to TNA will not help that case. Sure it is more laid back than WWE, but it still will take a toll on your body especially if you're at an age like Batista.
You know what? If he leaves, then good riddance. Someone else can get into the spotlight and maybe become a star and maybe even help change the face of wrestling.

We don't know what can happen if he leaves, but what we can say with a fair amount of certainty is that if he doesn't leave and stay in the WWE, hogging the spotlight despite mediocre in-ring and entertainment skills, that potential young new star, that's just waiting for an opportunity, may not get it.

I don't hate Batista, not really, but I don't mark out for him either. When he finally turned heel it was somewhat refreshing, because he did something new. But then he doesn't keep adding new stuff - he just gets into a routine and keeps dialing it in every damn time he's on TV. He doesn't evolve, he just gets to where he wants to be and then stops and rides that wave of momentum that he created with his change for as long as he can, loses steam and then becomes stale and boring again.

Even Cena adjusts his mindset from feud to feud and makes some appropriate changes to his approach, but Batista just changes from Point A to Point B and then freezes. He doesn't capitalize on his overness by adding new, fresh stuff.

I mean, yes, his egomaniac shtick was great at first, but it just becomes paper-thin when you realize that all that has REALLY happened is he got a new entrance and talks about a new subject in a new way. That's it. That's not a character, that's the outlines, the draft, of a character. He's an egomaniac that wants to be in the spotlight, we get it. But is that it? Is that really all there is to it? Why has his character got so little depth?

One of the reasons why I'm hardcore into Orton is because you know his character's got depth and multiple layers of personality. It's not just "I do this because I can", we've seen the evolution of the stuck-up kid that went against HHH, into the Legend Killer, into the psychopath that kicked the McMahons in the head, into the Viper that does whatever he wants, to whomever he wants.

Batista went from The Animal that beats people up because he wants to be the best, to The Egomaniac that beats people up because he thinks he's the best.

Not a huge leap of deduction is necessary to see where his character is kind of failing.

Regardless, I think it will a good thing for the WWE if he chose to leave the company and good luck to him in his future endeavors. I never cared for him, I probably never will, but hopefully his departure can lead to someone else getting the proverbial spotlight and maybe we will see the next evolutionary step of the WWE as well.
Add me to the "good riddance" catagory. Batista is practically useless. He is horrible on the mic, can't wrestle worth a damn, and is a whiny bitch in general. He is the kind of guy you buy for what he is worth, and then sell for what he thinks he is worth.

I almost want to bet that within a month of his "retiring", he blasts the WWE for not giving him the same kind of send off that Flair and HBK got. Batista is egotistical enough to believes he would deserve it.

If Batista quits, he won't be missed. He is a cancer.
To begin with I was prepared to rip some one apart on this thread because of what the title insinuated lol. Batista IS a performer. He is in no way, shape, or form a wrestler. He isn't creative. For Odin's sake his finishers are the same recycled bullshit every big guy does. Powerbomb. Spear. And his spear is total bullshit. At least Edge put momentum behind it (and the cool hair pulling, insane corner ''tuning up the band'' that only Edge can do) and Big Show can sell a shitty spear because of his size. Big Show would knock you out of all he did was fall into you...oh wait...that kinda is his spear. But with Batista's spear....no, not good enough. He hasn't been worth a shit since Evolution. He's the age of Taker and HBK but he hasn't been around 1/2 as long as they have (in the WWE). He has no legacy like they do, he has no drive to compete, just earn money.

I seriously do not expect to see him in TNA ever. He isn't what they want, or even care for. If any thing they will hire him just to piss on Vince, which still isn't a valid reason.

As for the comment some one made on Batista being the same hell as Swagger and Y2J....EVERY heel in WWE will ALWAYS be a cowardly, cheating, arrogant person. WWE tries to market the bad guy as the weaker coward. TNA on the other hand has the regular, good assholes....like Kennedy, Beer Money, etc.

Another note, I agree with what some one said, Dave's ego is too big for TNA. I seriously doubt he even knows who they are or that Flair is even there
While I believe that his recent heel turn has been incredibly entertaining, and so have his matches, I won't miss him. I've never been a huge Batista fan (though I don't mind him) and all the other times he's been gone I've barely even cared. If he stays, great. If he doesn't, that's OK too.

I will say one thing though, I like that he's going out with a bang. I'm sure he'll deliver in this match with Cena tonight and send himself out on a very high note. His previous two matches have been good so the final one should be great if done well.
i just checked WWE.com and his superstar page is no longer there.the icon is still there for him,but if you click it the page cannot be found.

i think it was time for him to go anyway,he's getting a little old,he hogs the spotlight(onstage and backstage) and he's not that special to watch in the ring.Seems like there's alot of space being freed up in the E these days.
Good riddance I've never been a fan of his he lives not far from me in Tampa. I seen him once in a Sprint store buying a phone for his daughter I didn't approach him. He was a total dick to the employees at the store cause he felt he shouldn't have to wait and to the poor kid that wanted his autograph.

People always say Sheamus is only where his at cause his friendship with HHH. I'm sure that has a lot to do with Batista as well. He's been talking about retiring for a few years now. So If he goes it's all him not Vince's fault as some people say it is.
If this is the case, then I wish him the best of luck in whatever he does. I mean that.

Whether you like the man or not, he's been a major part of the WWE for the last five years. He's feuded with some of the biggest names in the WWE and can deliver a great match when he's needed to. It'll be a big loss because he's been a major player for the WWE now but, now that Shawn Michaels has retired and the Undertaker looks like he only has one good year left, the time is right for the likes of Morrison, Miz, DiBiase and McIntyre to step up.

Personally, I enjoyed his run as a face. It was necessary for him because he was feuding with Triple, who at the time was the biggest heel in the WWE, and it allowed him to become a major player. Although I do think the face run did get stale around 2007, the face Batista worked at the time.

As far as going to TNA, I doubt it. TNA appeals mostly to the IWC, and the IWC has been critical of someone like Batista for years now. TNA and its audience won't accept Batista, even if he is a former WWE Superstar.

I'm not Batista and I don't know the guy so I'm not going to question the man's passion. But this is the same man who cried when he won his first World Championship at WrestleMania 21, cried when Eddie Guerrero died, cried when he was forced to surrender the World Championship and returned with intensity in 2006. The man may not have a die-hard passion for the business, but he must have respect for it.

But whether you're a fan or not, he will be missed.
I'll start off by saying that I have never been a big Batista fan. IMO, he's really only had two memorable periods to his career: Evolution and his current heel run. The rest of his career can really be broken down into time spent nursing injuries and a boring face push aimed at the younger audience. It's also been well documented that he is egotistical and self-centered.

On a side note though, if I knew VKM creamed his pants everytime he looked at me I would probably use that to my advantage and bitch my way into the ME scene too.

But anyways, I have really liked his heel push since his program started with Rey, and I feel that it suits him better than it does most WWE Superstars with a similar gimmick due to the fact that he is a roided up freak and could legitamely destroy people in the ring. I also think his program with Cena leading up to WM was outstanding even though IMO it has cooled down a little going into Extreme Rules tonight.

As has already been stated, his in-ring work is sloppy most of the time, but I will have to say that I personally like his spinebuster (granted it's not a Double A spinebuster though), especially when he was planting Rey on that chair during their feud. And I have to say that I prefer his sitout powerbomb to someone like Nash's where he just seems to drop them.

With all that being said, I have to agree with Coco that if and when he goes, he will not be sorely missed. There are plenty of juiced-up athletes out there that could easily fill his place, and the WWE lockeroom already has enough underused talent as it stands. Hopefully, he will not go TNA and crowd their already jam-packed roster either.

I see him pursuing the film thing for awhile and he either makes it or he dosen't. I watched 'Wrong Side of Town' and I have to say that his acting was the only good part of the movie.

Long story short, Dave Bautista had a decent run in professional wrestling, but he's not someone that will be sorely missed.
The only time I ever really liked Batista is when he was in Evolution, and that's mainly because I'm such a huge fan of Triple H. Other than that, I've never been too crazy about this guy. I don't think he's as horrible as some people make him out to be, and he did have a couple of good feuds over the years.

Batista won't be missed by fans. Three of four months after he's gone, people will most likely forget about him. I've been a huge fan of Batista's heel turn because he's been doing such an awesome job at playing the bad guy. That's why I find this whole thing kind of odd. To me, it doesn't make sense for Batista to leave because he's been on such a hot streak ever since his heel turn.

Unless WWE plans on pushing CM Punk to the main event again, then Smackdown will be in dire need of another main event heel. I know Swagger's the champion, but I just don't see him hanging on to the belt that long.

I don't see Batista going to TNA as another option. TNA's roster is stacked enough as it as. Unless he's put into the main event right away, I would say there's no chance in hell Batista goes to TNA.

Batista has had a great run in WWE. He's won multiple world titles, and he has been a main eventer for years. Still, if he's planning on leaving, I don't think fans will miss him in the long run.
His recent run has been the best thing he's done followed by his face turn on Triple H back in 2005, but outside of that, I really haven't been that fond of Big Dave. he's your basic big man who CAN have some good matches but is going to fall under a lot of criticism such as, 'He can't wrestle'. It will be sad to see him leave (if he is) due to his recent good run of form but if he wants to leave, it's up to him. I wish him luck if he is leaving.
Suddenly Swagger's push makes a lot of sense on a few levels... A message to Dave that he is replaceable, an insult? There could even be a link to the Wellness Programme...

Batista leaving is no shocker, he is part of a new generation of guys who are able to get in and get out of wrestling within a decade, relatively intact but with more belts and money than those who came before them. He and Goldberg are very similar, came in to monster pushes, made hay while their sun shined and got out to tell the tale...

I don't hate Batistas work, I just never cared, much like I never cared for Goldberg, Brock or The Warrior... Batista as an actor, I care even less... It hasn't worked for Goldberg... he is no Austin or Rock either...

Batista will leave now, come back for a Rumble appearance, maybe a Mania referee slot... but he will be a long time waiting for the HOF...
Another tally on the "good riddance" list. I liked him okay as Deacon Batista, but have pretty much disliked him ever since he joined Evolution and hated him for most of the past five years.

I understand the mentality of not talking bad about somebody personally if you don't know them. But I know plenty of people who have met the guy and none of them have EVER had a nice thing to say about him; and HE HIMSELF wrote a book that contained some parts that construe him as the type of person who treats women like objects. He is apparently a huge fan of Christian, so in at least some context he understands a world outside of himself.

I'm gonna hope he's gone, but won't hold my breath. The timing is good at any rate; this time a year ago I'd get my hopes up that it would mean others who've been patiently waiting for main event slots like Matt Hardy and Christian would get bumped up, but now I know they're going to fill those slots with no-name noobs like Sheamus, Swagger, and McIntyre, so it doesn't really matter a whole lot to me either which way.

I doubt TNA would go for Batista or vice versa for that matter. The amount of fans Batista would bring in would at best be directly proportional to the fans who'd abandon TNA for bringing Batista in, and it'd cost them an arm and a leg on top of that. Batista wants to focus on his acting and I support him a hundred percent. Good or bad, I HAVE to watch wrestling; it's ingrained in me. I don't have to watch direct-to-dvd action films; so by all means, Dave, go for it. Go join Goldberg on SpeedTV; whatever you gotta do, man; I've never even accidentally flipped through that channel.
If it's true that he's leaving, that sucks. I've always liked him as a heel and I think he plays that badass heel role well. This sucks for WWE too because whether the internet likes him or not, he is a big star and right now WWE doesn't have many of those; especially not many on Batista's level.
Is this a big loss for WWE? Sure it is. He's one of their biggests names/draws. He's been a top-tier main eventer for quite a few years now, and losing him will sting. Do I care? No. Not at all.

I have never liked Batista. In the ring, I have always found him to be overrated. He's a big, strong guy, with a powerful moveset, but his intensity always seemed manufactured. He never seemed like a naturally aggressive guy (like Goldberg, for example). He has always seemed sloppy and non-caring in the ring, IMO. He just looks like he doesn't care. It always seemed as though he was just there for a paycheck, and nothing more. The wrestling business was just a means of income. He would have jumped ship to Hollywood a long time ago, if they would have had him.

I will say, in the past few months, during his feud with Cena, he became much more entertaining (as a heel). Because he was playing a character which I would guess is a lot like himself (I could be wrong). "Kissin' babies, and huggin' fat girls" was one of the greatest lines in wrestling over the past few years. After he said that, I hated him a little less. But all of his improvement came on the microphone. I didn't think he improved one bit in the ring. Why? Because I don't believe he cares about actual wrestling. He likes being a celebrity, who gets a fat check.

Do I see him going to Hollywood, like the Rock or even Cena? No. The man is a god awful actor, and there's nothign likable about him. The Rock had appeal, mass appeal as an actor. Cena kind of does too. Batista doesn't have that. Sure, I can see him doing a bunch of straight-to-DVD action films. But do I see him up ending up on the BIG screen? No. He might see that, but I don't.

I think sooner or later, he will end up in TNA. Based upon drawing power alone, TNA will take him without question. And seeing I don't believe he cares about anything besides money, he will have no problem going to the "lesser" company..as long as the price is right.

I don't bag on wrestlers for wanting money, that's not my beef with Batista. My problem is the fact that I look at the guy, and I don't think he gives two shits about professional wrestling. He might as well wear dollar-sign eye contacts. So many guys in pro wrestling care, and he's been given all the breaks because he's a big, muscular guy who has appeal with some wrestling fans. I don't even have a problem with that. But will I be sad to see him go? Absolutely not.
...some one posted on here that Golberg came in on a huge push....do you not realise he was a BEAST in WCW? People didn't want to wrestle him because he...you know...actually wrestled. People said back then that he didn't ''work'' with them, he just hurt them. He was a REAL wrestlers. No story lines, no bull shit. When he walked through the hall way, through the Tron, and down the ramp his opponent knew they were in for a real match. Goldberg never took bumps, never gave half asses jackhammers on purpose and NEVER planned the match. He delivered pure, REAL wrestling that died with his career IMO
Personally I like batista. Yea all the negative things people say about him are pretty much true but I enjoy his intesity. When he wants to work he can put on a great program. His current heel run has been a thing of beauty. That being said if he leaves its not a big deal someone else will slide up te totum pole and take his main event spot. After his upset of swagger this week Id venture to guess it will finally be john morrison. So altho I dont really want to see batista go if he does I wont be to broken up life goes on as they say

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