Goldust push?


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I hope so. It looked like Goldust was sent to ECW to be a jobber to put over the new guys but that seems to have changed with his attack on Sheamus last night. Could WWE really have listened to fan reaction for once? Last week Goldy was over big with the crowd getting "let's go Goldust" chants and this week actually seems to have been put in an actual feud. I'm amazed but glad. Goldust is one of the most charismatic superstars WWE has and can still "go" in the ring. He definitely shouldn't be a glorified jobber. I'd love to see him get his edge back instead of just being comic relief. I'd like to see him go back to more of his "Artist Formally Known As" persona during the Attitude days where he had a darker, androgenes Marilyn Manson-esque character.

So what do you think, was this a start of a push or just a way to get another match out of he and Sheamus before going on to job to someone else?
I dont think it will be a push, but I like this feud as he can teach Sheamus a lot around the ring. It is smart to have the veterans work with the new talent in ECW. Goldust, Helms (when he finally gets to wrestle), and Dreamer all can teach these guys a lot.
He is doing exactly what he should be doing on the show, and it's good to see he is still over somewhat. As far as a push, he doesn't need one.
I would love to see Goldust get some sort of a push. I don't mean a huge push towards the ECW Championship, but a few wins here and there wouldn't hurt. I didn't watch ECW yet, so I don't know the whole deal with Sheamus this week, bit I will. Goldust can still move in the ring pretty well at 40 years old, so I don't understand why WWE makes him job so much.
Goldust is a jobber because he is a gimmick wrestler that is passed his prime, granted he could do much beter than he has been I don't think anything big but maybe an IC, US or ECW title in his future don't get me wrong he's a great wrestler and he's good on the mic but in ECW they tend to focus on new superstars, and 3 veterans at a time the good news is Goldust seems to be getting in a feud with Sheamus which should be great.
well i like the feud he's starting with sheamus and when he attacked sheamus after the match it really added to the intensity between the two
I certainly hope this means a push for a slightly more serious Goldust. I'm a huge fan of Goldust. He can still go, he's unique, good on the mic, and is over. I'd love it if this culminates in a short title run, or at least a Finlay/Tommy Dreamer-of-old spot where he gets title shots from time to time and puts young guys over. His screaming at Sheamus really helped his more serious turn, and I sincerely hope that he continues on this path. He's a very interesting character and fun to watch, and his entrance is badass.
I like Goldust, but he doesn't need a push. Right now he is doing exactly what he needs to do, putting over members of the superstar initiative. The feud he is in with Sheamus is good for the newcomer, and Sheamus will eventually go over. Goldust is a great performer with loads of experience, and is an ideal teacher on ECW.
Golddust needs a push down the shitter. I had him as a character, and I hate Dustin Runnels/Rhodes as a wrestler. He is one of the few wrestlers that I will actually tell people I switch the channel for. He hasnt had a good character since years ago when it was actually relative to the society at large. Come on, Scotty 2 Hotty was a better jobber than Golddust. I say fire him for once and for all.
Goldust is doing exactly what he is supposed to be doing, teaching the younger guys their craft and putting them over so they can continue up the card. Simple as that and I think he is doing a fine job of it. The attack on Seamus after the bell was a nice way for them to extend their program so that the big guy can spend more time in the ring with a seasoned veteran. As long as he continues to do this I think 'Dust will have a job in ECW.

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