Goldberg's "one last match".


According to the news section, Goldberg wants one last match to show his son how he was in the ring more than ever before. Goldberg's the kind of guy who could go up against ANYONE, yet I can't pick an opponent for him, nor can I imagine if he would return to the WWE or try out TNA for a one night only thing.

The main contenders in WWE I'd like to see Goldberg face would be:
John Cena (Just to see Cena get destroyed)
Randy Orton
Triple H
The Big Show
possibly Bret Hart, because Goldberg ended Hart's in-ring career. (It seems very unlikely, but Hart's come back a few times now)
or even all members of The Nexus in an elimination handicap tag match? (That would be pretty big)

Now, due to Goldbergs BETTER run in WCW, I think he'd be more likely to go to TNA and face either:
Kevin Nash
Jeff Jarrett
or Hulk Hogan (but realistically, the chances of that are very unlikely)

Which company do you think he would choose and who would he face?
It's obvious if Goldberg had one last match it would be in the WWE. I'd want it, and I'm sure he'd want it as well. Personally my dream match between the guys mentioned would be Randy Orton, as I would love to see him try and kill the legend of Goldberg. But I'm not against seeing John Cena face Goldberg either. The Shit of the past meets The Shit of the present
Wow thats pretty BIG news..and you know that VKM will bring Goldberg in if he is willing...Id love o see Cena vs. Goldberg..and thats more than likley what we would see..I am not a cena fan but hes the biggest thing today... Id love to see goldberg aginst any of the TNA stars but i hate TNAs low budget...Goldberg vs hogan, sting, any of them would be AWSOME...
Undertaker at WM 27, hands down.

Besides that while I'd like to see The Miz or Jack Swagger defeat Goldberg there is no way he would come back and face them at their current status. Only guys at the level he would face are Undertaker, HHH, Cena, and Orton. HHH has been done, Cena would be odd, Orton would be my personal favorite (Goldberg comes back at RR 27, wins it, Orton wins the title at EC, they face for the title at WM 27, Orton wins it with an RKO outta the jackhammer, and then defeats Goldberg at Backlash in a Loser Leaves Town match)
storyline purposes it would make sense for him to fight undertaker

if he wants one last match it has to be special and he could come out on wwe tv saying he wants one last match and he wants to end the streak

undertaker could drag that match out of him and make it half decent.

start the build up before christmas with goldberg teasing a last match then have him enter the royal rumble as a surprise entrant eliminating taker with a clothesline that eliminates him too (cant have him winning)

then carry on the buildup to wm27

storyline purposes it would make sense for him to fight undertaker

if he wants one last match it has to be special and he could come out on wwe tv saying he wants one last match and he wants to end the streak

undertaker could drag that match out of him and make it half decent.

start the build up before christmas with goldberg teasing a last match then have him enter the royal rumble as a surprise entrant eliminating taker with a clothesline that eliminates him too (cant have him winning)

then carry on the buildup to wm27


Why on earth would that make sense? 'Taker only has a couple of Mania's left. Why on earth would you waste it on Goldberg? Goldberg has never been that good in the ring. He's a power guy that can't wrestle. He doesn't deserve a match with 'Taker, and we all know who would win that match. Over the past couple of years anything with 'Taker at mania has been about the streak and who could end it. Goldberg wouldn't and everyone knows that. It would be a waste.

If Goldberg want one last match, give it to him. It would most likely be in WWE on one of the for big ppv's. Most likely Mania. Who he would face? I have no idea. Orton? It could work, ending the legend of Goldberg, but Orton is past his legend killer days. To me you would be waste someone who should be in the main event. However, he would be the most likely candidate to face Goldberg, because I can't see anyone else facing him.
First off the idea of him wrestling Bret Hart is just awful. One hasnt been in the ring for 6 years and the other hasnt had a decent match in nearly 10 years, plus he is very limited!!!

Second off, Goldberg comes back for 1 fight, it has to be huge, TNA simply cannot make this match huge, only WWE can. And that has to be Wrestlemania.

Thirdly it's gotta be Taker. Next year at WM 27. They play off the fact it's in WCW territory, Goldberg is a legend up there and he wants to end Takers streak. Taker wins obviously but Goldberg comes close and loses via the roll up or something. They shake...Goldberg signs off his career with a classic.
Well I think he can have a good match in either company, when obviously taking into account that WWE would have a production advantage over TNA. I'd like to see Goldberg vs Sheamus mainly for the power game they can both bring. Or for TNA Goldberg vs Morgan or Hernandez.
I am not that big on Goldberg returning as he stated 'if the money was right', get over yourself, it should be if anyone would have me. If he has to come back, I would like to see him face Shemus at Wrestlemania, that way I will have a spare half hour in the middle of WM to go have a shower without missing anything decent.
I would love to see Goldberg face Taker at wrestlemania, after he made a surprise return and won the RR, going on to face the Deadman for the title at Mania....

As we all know Undertaker is an absolute pro, and would help carry Goldberg to a great match....


Is Goldberg really going to be willing to lose in his last match ever? As there is no way Undertaker should lose his streak, especially to a guy returning for a 1 off match.. would Goldberg want to lay down as his whole deal is Spear- Jackhammer- Pin

What do u guys think?
the obvious answer is WWE, he just like Macho Man has now, signed a merchandising contract with the "E", and WWE will be making action figures, using his image in games etc.. So since he has that particular contract with the "E", I think he will more likely be having his one last match there...and why woudln't he!!

WWE whether its a ppv or Raqw/Smackdown, more people will likely see him on TV other than TNA which their ppv gets like 8,000 buys...
As everyone has said, WWE and Wrestlemania would be his return stage. I mean Goldberg made a huge impact when he came into the WWE. Now of course there is a few candidates. Orton, HHH, Cena, Taker and maybe Sheamus.

Now I can see them making a decent storyline of Sheamus/Goldberg seeing as they both won a world title very early in their careers. But another huge one would be HHH (if he's a heel by that time) and Goldberg. It'd be like a vicious grudge match from all those years ago. That would bring a lot of history into it and make sence.
As people have said, Orton/Goldberg would be a terrific match and I wouldn't mind seeing that.
Cena, well he's the biggest star in the buisness. Not much else you could say. Also, if they can't get The Rock for Wrestlemania, i suppose Plan B would be Cena/Goldberg.

Also, one last thing. For all those who dislike the idea of Goldberg returning, like him or not, but Goldberg would be a massive draw for Wrestlemania. And seeing as they could possibly be getting The Rock (seeing as they couldn't get him this year, it's just my guess so don't hold me to that) that would be massive. The biggest Wrestlemania in a long time.
the most obvious choice for a return promotion would be the WWE. that's for the following reasons:

1. Goldberg has fought most of the big names in TNA already in Hogan, Nash, Sting, etc. and i highly doubt that Goldberg would come back just to be lay down to a rising star in TNA, a la Styles, Joe, etc and it wouldn't be as big of a deal if he beat them either. the only possible good match i could see with Goldberg in TNA would be against Samoa Joe or Kurt Angle, but that's not because of Goldberg's involvement.

2. WWE is hosting WrestleMania in Atlanta this upcoming year, the old WCW stomping grounds and it would just make good sense to bring Goldberg in for his one last match then.

that said, if Goldberg were to have one last match at WrestleMania, who would he face and who would be a good opponent?
not Triple H. been done before. not Jericho, though i'd love to see that again, but also because it's been done before.
Randy Orton could be okay, but to do the storyline of the Legend of the Goldberg Streak vs. the Legend Killer has been done before (a la Undertaker and Orton for the WrestleMania Streak) and Orton isn't the Legend Killer anymore. he's the viper. plus, why have Orton job to Goldberg at Mania?
Cena would be a pretty good match i think actually. plus it wouldn't hurt Cena or Goldberg if either did the job to the other.
Taker would not be a good choice. why everyone wants to see this is beyond me. with probably 2 last Mania matches in him, Taker needs 2 great performances to at least come close to matching his last 2 with HBK and Goldberg cannot do this.

my choice for a final Goldberg match might actually be against Edge. Spear vs. Spear. Goldberg has even gone on Twitter and said how much he hates other superstars using his finisher and so there is a legit foundation for an angle right there.
Undertaker at WM 27, hands down.

Besides that while I'd like to see The Miz or Jack Swagger defeat Goldberg there is no way he would come back and face them at their current status. Only guys at the level he would face are Undertaker, HHH, Cena, and Orton. HHH has been done, Cena would be odd, Orton would be my personal favorite (Goldberg comes back at RR 27, wins it, Orton wins the title at EC, they face for the title at WM 27, Orton wins it with an RKO outta the jackhammer, and then defeats Goldberg at Backlash in a Loser Leaves Town match)

It would never be for this, on the sheer fact that if Goldberg came back im sure he'd want to win. And if they didnt let HBK beat him @ wrestlemania I doubt they'd let Goldberg beat him for one night only. It's just not logical especially how Goldberg always bashes vince i doubt very highly they would allow undertaker to loose to him at WM27
the most obvious choice for a return promotion would be the WWE. that's for the following reasons:

1. Goldberg has fought most of the big names in TNA already in Hogan, Nash, Sting, etc. and i highly doubt that Goldberg would come back just to be lay down to a rising star in TNA, a la Styles, Joe, etc and it wouldn't be as big of a deal if he beat them either. the only possible good match i could see with Goldberg in TNA would be against Samoa Joe or Kurt Angle, but that's not because of Goldberg's involvement.

2. WWE is hosting WrestleMania in Atlanta this upcoming year, the old WCW stomping grounds and it would just make good sense to bring Goldberg in for his one last match then.

that said, if Goldberg were to have one last match at WrestleMania, who would he face and who would be a good opponent?
not Triple H. been done before. not Jericho, though i'd love to see that again, but also because it's been done before.
Randy Orton could be okay, but to do the storyline of the Legend of the Goldberg Streak vs. the Legend Killer has been done before (a la Undertaker and Orton for the WrestleMania Streak) and Orton isn't the Legend Killer anymore. he's the viper. plus, why have Orton job to Goldberg at Mania?
Cena would be a pretty good match i think actually. plus it wouldn't hurt Cena or Goldberg if either did the job to the other.
Taker would not be a good choice. why everyone wants to see this is beyond me. with probably 2 last Mania matches in him, Taker needs 2 great performances to at least come close to matching his last 2 with HBK and Goldberg cannot do this.

my choice for a final Goldberg match might actually be against Edge. Spear vs. Spear. Goldberg has even gone on Twitter and said how much he hates other superstars using his finisher and so there is a legit foundation for an angle right there.

I agree, Taker shouldn't face Goldberg for it would be a boring match. I think Goldberg should go against Sheamus using his son's dream to see him one last time in the ring as a storyline!
There are really, so many routes for Goldberg's Mania match to take. The rumour going around is that Goldberg will be a part of the HoF ceremony, perhaps even being inducted due to the fact that it will be held in Atlanta, WCW territory. Then he will have his final match the following night at Wrestlemania. One has to believe that Goldberg would find this situation much more preferable. He is getting a bigger stage here compared to TNA (let's face it, he's not going to wrestle his final match in front of 1000 people in Florida) and a bigger payday.

I doubt they would put Goldberg/HHH on Mania. They have already faced each other, and whilst they might have a "rivalry", rehashing the not so distant past isn't going to sell tickets like some other match ups would. Orton vs goldberg would be an excellent match, simply given the run that Orton has been on lately. Two massive stars colliding is obviously going to sell tickets. However, I do believe the two may have faced each other during the Evolution days, and although it may be an exciting prospect, it isn't the absolute best scenario they could have.

They might also choose to match him up against a new young dominant force. I would be referring to of course, Sheamus. A rookie that has been booked into a dominant position all year. If this were to continue all the way to Atlanta, this match up could be massive and give Sheamus a massive rub. No other rookie or younster on the roster would have the presence to stand in the ring opposite Bill Goldberg and make it seem like a fair fight. Wade Barrett, Drew McIntyre, The Miz. None of those guys have the ring presence to draw people into a Clash of the Titans bout like this could possibly be.

Another choice to be bandied around would be Taker. Although he is aging rapidly, he could still turn it on like he usually does around this time of year and give a great performance. The issue of course with predictability and Taker walking out 19-0 is obviously going to come up, but it would be a spectacle nevertheless. Undertaker vs Goldberg on the Wrestlemania poster would quell any of that IWC bitching due to the sheer "kick assery" of the match, one that probably can't be outdone.

That is of course, unless they put John Cena up against Goldberg. This would be my choice for his opponent. Out of the entire WWE roster, nothing else speaks Dream Match like this. Super Czena in his run from 05 to 07 was unstoppable, just as Goldberg was in the late nineties. Why am I bothering to type this out? If you aren't salivating at the thought of this on the Wrestlemania Card, you aren't a wrestling fan. Immovable Object vs Unstoppable Force. What Lesnar vs Goldberg should have been, 7 years later. This is what they should go with. It would blow the roof off of the Georgia Dome
I agree, Taker shouldn't face Goldberg for it would be a boring match. I think Goldberg should go against Sheamus using his son's dream to see him one last time in the ring as a storyline!

I also agree that Goldberg should not be facing undertaker. Let's face it Goldberg is not going to loose his last match in front of his wife and kid. Not only that but undertaker is probably going to retire at WM 28 when he gets 20-0 which will be a milestone he might even miss a couple WM to get 20 at 30 which would be huge. So that undertaker goldberg fight not going to happen. Id prefer them to bring stone cold back and have that fight. Or if they could bring HBK back for one match that would be HUGE
I also agree that Goldberg should not be facing undertaker. Let's face it Goldberg is not going to loose his last match in front of his wife and kid. Not only that but undertaker is probably going to retire at WM 28 when he gets 20-0 which will be a milestone he might even miss a couple WM to get 20 at 30 which would be huge. So that undertaker goldberg fight not going to happen. Id prefer them to bring stone cold back and have that fight. Or if they could bring HBK back for one match that would be HUGE

True, as much as his fans dislike this fact, Goldberg got no talent to make a legendary match with The Undertaker. Mind you, whenever The Undertaker faced someone with zero talent in wrestling, (not to mention 6 years of not wrestling in case of Goldberg) The Undertaker always to experience the worst. His match with Giant Gonzales is widely considered as his worst match ever despite Vince's hope for it to be a classic. His match with King Kong Bundy flopped in every way possible despite Vince's hope to revive Bundy's career. His match with Big Boss Man remains his only Wrestlemania match to receive 'boring' chants from the fans and is largely reckoned as the worst Hell In A Cell match in existence despite Vince's wish to revive Boss Man's career. A-Train destroyed every quality Taker and Big Show could have provided with his undeniable slow paced work for whatever reason Vince picked him to accompany Big Show instead of picking RVD or Benoit. And the last but definitely the least, we saw how his match with Mark Henry became not only the worst casket match ever held, but also one of the worst matches in the history of Wrestlemania regardless Vince's hope for The Undertaker to carry Henry into a legendary match. Enough is enough, the last two Wrestlemania matches of The Undertaker need to have a 'surefire' legendary match like Taker vs Y2J or Taker vs Cena, not a 'possible' decent match like Taker vs Goldberg or Taker vs Goldberg.

And also, Taker can't afford to lose at Mania and Goldberg can't afford to lose his last match either. Taker better faces new opponents like Jericho or Cena while Goldberg could have Sheamus. I agree with Rodeo Clown, this match will not only give Sheamus a big credibility but also one last hurrah for Goldberg in front of his wife and kid as he wins the match. The match quality won't be legendary, but the hype will. And at least fans we'll have something good to remember about Goldberg. Let's just hope the match won't flop like Lesnar vs Goldberg at WM XX, the worst Wrestlemania match of all time.
the whole goldberg vs taker thing, goldberg def doesnt deserve the match, but did mark henry? anyways it could be played out well storyline wise, everyone would be wondering since its his return and last match if he could end takers streak, they could bill it out as (no pun intended) as goldberg hasd the better streak, and taker only had 18 wins while goldberg had over a hundred or so, could be a good idea
Well, I for one think that if Goldberg gets a final match he should win it. Now, whether he deserves to win is certainly up for debate, but thats for another thread. Anyway, if he's going to win then he really only has two options Orton or Cena. Of those two, Cena is definitely the better pick in my book, plus in Atlanta you'd get a nice split crowd between the older fans and fans of WCW who still remember Goldberg, and the new generation who want Cena, so there doesn't have to be a clear face or heel in the match. Orton is so over right now, I worry that it would turn Goldberg heel by default (and he shouldn't be for his last match in ATL)

Personally, I'd wouldn't mind seeing him go against Taker, but unless the ending is really pitiful on Taker's part (small package, DQ, etc.) to let Goldberg save face then there just isn't much point in Goldberg facing him. Why come back just to get punked out like that? However, and not to thread derail here...but what big names are left for Taker to face that haven't already been done a thousand times at this point? There aren't many guys believably sized to take him on left, so having someone like Goldberg come back is a good opportunity if they decide to go that route (at least on paper).

I really like him having the story line of coming back to show his son he's still got it, kind of like a "Rocky" type deal, they could show vignettes of him training, talking about how WCW is dead but "this Sunday I'm gonna resurrect the streak/WCW" whatever. I don't think he should win the RR, or be involved in the title though, that spot should be reserved for rising stars like Miz, Morrison, DiBiase, etc.
Long-time lurker, first-time poster, but I wanted to chime in here.

If Goldberg were to come back, he'd definitely face a heel in his final match, and he would obviously win that match. That being said, the only logical choices I can come up with would be Goldberg vs. Edge (spear vs. spear), Goldberg vs. Jericho (similar angle to the Mickey Rourke angle last year), or Goldberg vs. CM Punk (he's the only heel worth a damn on Smackdown). They could run an angle where Cena turned heel and Goldberg fought him, but I think Vince would rather do this type of angle with Cena vs. The Rock, not Cena vs. Goldberg.

Therefore, I think the best bet would be Goldberg vs. Edge. Goldberg could come back as a guest host and Edge could interrupt him and do the whole "my Spear-Spear-Spear is better than your Spear ever was" routine. The show could end with Edge spearing Goldberg and standing over him. In the weeks leading up to Wrestlemania, Goldberg could sign a deal to get his revenge on Edge. It's a pretty simple story, but I really can't see him coming back and fighting Sheamus, who is too new, and certainly not coming back and losing to the Undertaker. I can't imagine anyone on these boards would honestly think Bill Goldberg would agree to one more match, only to lose it.
There's only one man who could go toe to toe with Goldberg. There's only one enigma who has the power, the speed, the spear, the jackhammer that can match that of Goldberg. One man whose entrance music would hit to the delight of millions around the world, all sat in anticipation of seeing his incredible physique and undeniable force. One man who is fitting to headline Wrestlemania alongside Bill Goldberg. And that man's name is.........

Goldberg returns claiming he was never beat legetly and wants the loses removed. Takes out s bunch of people til they remove the loses. Then streak vs steak loser leaves wwe forever.
just thought of a couple more possibilities...

first one i stated was against Edge and i think that angle could work; spear vs. spear.
another possibility, albeit a long shot, would be against Cena. i'm just not sure that Cena will job much more at Mania, especially if it's just a throw off match for one night only.
i've seen Sheamus as a possible opponent and that could work. just another big rookie looking to solidify his "legend" status and so he goes against Goldberg that just wants to have one last match to prove to his family that he still can.

the other two thoughts that i haven't seen listed on this forum at all are:
1. Kane -- this guy is certainly not above laying down for someone else to give them the next or final push. and he can still work well in the ring, so this match wouldn't just be too terrible to watch.
2. Gilberg -- this is, of course, a joke. but it'd still be semi-funny to destroy the gimmick that was created solely to mock his WCW character. just be a huge squash, and i doubt it's the final match that Goldberg wants, but maybe as a tune-up match before Mania...?

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