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Goldberg Says TNA Tried To Sign Him A Few Days Ago


Getting Noticed By Management
During a recent interview with the channelguidemagblog.com, former WWE star Bill Goldberg claims that he has not received any offers from WWE to come back. However, he did mention that TNA contacted him a few days go. Check it out here:

“When something supersedes your business sense, it has to be ego or something ridiculous. I surely am not going to miss a bit of sleep if I don’t get a phone call from them. I just got contacted by TNA a couple of days ago. I don’t know. They want to promote the movie since one of my adversaries in the film is Bram (Thomas Latimer), who works for them. I’m greatly appreciative they want to help the movie out. Now at the end of day promoting the movie is one thing, but getting a guy like Goldberg in your wrestling organization is a completely different story. We’ll see.”

You can read the entire interview here.

How would you guys like to see Goldberg in TNA? What are your thoughts on TNA attempting to sign him?
I said it in the wrestlezone post - it really isn't a winning situation for TNA. It would get them some attention but how do you use him? He isn't going to sign a long-term deal so what do you do? He won't get jobbed out and you can't let him run through your roster and then leave - makes you look like a fool. And him just showing up for no reason makes no sense - he really doesn't have any connection to anyone in TNA so why would he just appear? At this point, he has been away from wrestling for so long that him showing up anywhere - wwe, ROH, etc - makes no sense unless he is just there to promote something which makes the "Goldberg comes to (insert company here)" announcement that they will make nothing but a cheap publicity stunt. I can see why they contacted him but he will just be another Hogan in TNA - he just isn't that important or relevant anymore.
I think Goldberg would be a great fit in TNA and a much needed huge name after everyone who left in the past couple of years providing he's willing to also put some people over and not just have all the roster job to him so he can then leave, Theres enough potential Feuds he can have with Bram, Angle and EC3 for example but again only if he's willing to work with them and not just dominate everyone.
I think he would be good in TNA but much better in WWE..... so Bill Goldberg would obviously choose WWE over TNA so would I!
I said it in the wrestlezone post - it really isn't a winning situation for TNA. It would get them some attention but how do you use him? He isn't going to sign a long-term deal so what do you do? He won't get jobbed out and you can't let him run through your roster and then leave - makes you look like a fool. And him just showing up for no reason makes no sense - he really doesn't have any connection to anyone in TNA so why would he just appear? At this point, he has been away from wrestling for so long that him showing up anywhere - wwe, ROH, etc - makes no sense unless he is just there to promote something which makes the "Goldberg comes to (insert company here)" announcement that they will make nothing but a cheap publicity stunt. I can see why they contacted him but he will just be another Hogan in TNA - he just isn't that important or relevant anymore.

I hate that you see wrestling in such a black and white way.

"He's either jobbed out, or he buries your roster"

Or how about he either loses a meaningful feud in a meaningful way, putting over someone OR wins a meaningful feud in a meaningful way, putting over himself but making that other kid look great.

Kurt Angle has been losing graciously since he got to TNA. In fact, Kurt has also been winning a lot. He never got jobbed out, and he never buried anyone. Instead, he made the other guy look incredible regardless of the outcome.

Is Goldberg Kurt? Absolutely not. But with the proper booking and storyline development he can have the same effect. Actually, any big name can do that.

So the question is not whether Goldberg should go to TNA or not. The question is: does TNA have the creative and booking capability to use Goldberg's already established persona in order to bring up another talent?

As it stands, I don't think they can. I don't think WWE can either. I don't think anyone can. We are in the age of amazing wrestlers, but poor writers. 20 years ago it was the opposite.

Fun fact, Goldberg's part of that era. He became "Goldberg" based on great booking and fantastic storylines (up to one point). He needs that again. He didn't get it from the WWE when he went there, I doubt he'll get it from TNA.

Still, I'm curious to see him on TV again anywhere. Goldberg's awesome.
Before discussing, how he will be in the TNA we should retrospect, why he will be in TNA? TNA will be losing its TV deal and around the world many had stopped watching it, albeit there's been some exceptional matches in the TNA. It would be a roadkill for Goldberg to sign with TNA. He wouldn't and shouldn't do that. The movie promotion via TNA won't make much difference. Sorry for these comments on TNA it's not ranting seriously, it's just the verity of the facts.
Before discussing, how he will be in the TNA we should retrospect, why he will be in TNA? TNA will be losing its TV deal and around the world many had stopped watching it, albeit there's been some exceptional matches in the TNA. It would be a roadkill for Goldberg to sign with TNA. He wouldn't and shouldn't do that. The movie promotion via TNA won't make much difference. Sorry for these comments on TNA it's not ranting seriously, it's just the verity of the facts.

So according to you, exposing Goldberg (and therefore his project) to give or take 300k viewers on weekly, bi weekly or even monthly basis is nothing. A weekly, bi weekly or monthly advertisement for his movie for 300k people - is nothing.

Not to mention the coverage he'll get by dirt sheets and the interviews he's bound to spark through his signing. Not many, mind you, but enough.

You realize that Goldberg is not starring in Star Wars, right? It's a small movie, they likely don't have too much advertising budget.

Not only will Goldberg be exposed to 300k people on multiple occasions, he'll also GET PAID to do it. It won't cost him, or the movie producers, a damn cent.

Even if TNA's audience is a fraction of WWE's, according to you - 300k is better than 0.

You're a smart man.

All Goldberg cares about is pushing this movie. He doesn't care about TNA. Hell, he barely cared about WCW back in the day. He's in it to promote himself and further his movie career. Hey, all fine by me, and you'll bet TNA's fine with it too. That's his side of the deal. TNA's side of the deal is shedding some bucks on signing Goldberg and using him for something. Whether their investment will pay off is a different story. They think they will, just like any business thinks before they invest an x amount into anything. They hope they will. Will it? Who knows. But both sides have their gains. Goldberg's gain is safer than TNA's. He will definitely make more money than he spends and it'll help his movie. TNA's gain is risky but that's just how it is.

Goldberg wins with this, how could it possibly be a trainwreck for him. Even if he sucks balls in TNA and it's a complete joke (big chance), he doesn't give a fuck. TNA's just small enough to not put a dent in his image, and just big enough to help him sell his shitty movie.
I don't think TNA would get their moneys worth on Goldberg, he doesn't really have a passion for the sport, he's been gone for a bit too long, and left on a very sour note in a lot of peoples minds, He might generate a couple channel surfing buzz views, but TNA just reinforces it's "Rerun of the Fall of WCW" stereotype even more if they hire another WCW headliner pushing 50. That stereotype is probably pulling a lot of devoted fans away in the first place.

Goldberg can't lose with this, easy paycheck, doesn't need to pay any dues or work to get "over" because he'll get a standing ovation just for showing up, if he doesn't overstay the welcome, all it would cost him is time.

All that being said, I wouldn't be against seeing him work a couple month program then disappearing again, a shot of Nostalgia, in and out, do a couple spears and a jackhammer then move on to what's next.
I wonder how this would work out.

On one hand, it would give TNA a figurehead, albeit temporarily. They don't have Sting and Hogan to get eyeballs on the product, so they need someone that the wrestling world will talk about.

I wonder, though, how they can afford him. The reason people like Hogan, Sting, Bully Ray, A.J. Styles and Samoa Joe aren't in TNA, is because TNA couldn't afford them. Well, Goldberg is the "Mae West" of wrestling- he won't get out of bed unless there is a lot of money involved.

He doesn't need to run through the whole competition, since he won't be around long enough. I could see him working a program with Kurt Angle- Angle could bring a good match out of him, Angle won't be damaged by a loss, and it could sell. Having them over multiple PPVs, while keeping him away from the lesser lights, would make him credible, yet not hurt his opponent.

In fact, maybe TNA should sign Goldberg to a "Brock Lesnar" type contract- limited dates, a lot of money. Use him once in a while against the right opponent. This may appeal to Goldberg, since he can do movies and other things between stints.
This is really a non-issue. TNA can't offer him the kind of money he's looking for, and even if they did, he'd just come in a bulldozer over everyone. Bill Goldberg has been pretty adamant in the years since leaving the WWE about his huge demands and it's clear he's got a big ego so I honestly can't see him putting over other talent at the expense of himself. This is just a fantasy pipe dream and it will never happen, which really is best for all parties involved.
Goldberg was huge 15 years ago, it's time to move on.
Why TNA always try to sign some oldtimers well past their prime? I'd rather them go NXT way - bringing in best indy guys of today.
I don't see where Goldberg fits in TNA, even for a one off appearance, Bram isn't really in the reckoning at the moment so they don't need to break the bank on getting Goldberg in.
Goldberg probably could've made since serious noise for TNA ten years ago, maybe even five years ago. For me, I'm straight on the idea. I question how he would and could be used. I was underwhelmed with his WWE run, and when is the last time he's been in the ring? I'm not sold on this.
I don't see where Goldberg fits in TNA, even for a one off appearance, Bram isn't really in the reckoning at the moment so they don't need to break the bank on getting Goldberg in.

Its because of that Walmart bin movie that theyre both in.
But yeah, this might have been something maybe 10 years ago, but it would make so much more sense to have them get new, younger guys that would be a fraction of his price.
But both sides have their gains. Goldberg's gain is safer than TNA's. He will definitely make more money than he spends and it'll help his movie. TNA's gain is risky but that's just how it is.

Goldberg's possible gain is definitely safer than TNA's. Whether the company pays him a lot or a little, he gets 300,000 people to see him and hopefully be persuaded to watch his movie. If he commands a lot of money, it will surely hurt TNA, but I doubt he gives a damn about that.

Still, when TNA was spending money it didn't have in the Hogan era, it was foolish.....now, they'd presumably be spending money they really don't have to bring in a guy who will be around for a very short time.....and given their limited resources, I don't see how the Goldberg experiment could work in their favor in the long run.

Of course, there's also the possibility TNA hasn't contacted Goldberg at all, and he's just tossing this tidbit to the media to keep his name in the news since he's got the movie coming out.

Would you put that past him?
Bill worked for WCW and WWE and made a lot of money so after 15 years away I don't see him going to work for a company that has a hard time paying their talent and can't keep a tv contract. He hated his time in WWE but I'm sure he would go back if the paycheck was big enough but not TNA. Is Bill in anywhere near wrestling shape?
Goldberg couldn't survive in the WWE locker room, went to Wrestler's Court for fighting with Jericho, where that locker room immediately found him guilty of all charges, and then leaves a few months later. With that evidence alone, Goldberg would be eaten alive in the TNA locker room.
This is really a non-issue. TNA can't offer him the kind of money he's looking for, and even if they did, he'd just come in a bulldozer over everyone.

They shouldn't offer him the kind of money he would demand, but Dixie Carter, being the idiotic mark she is, would find the necessary cash. She would fire wrestlers, camera operators and hot dog men. She would sell the lights and the rings themselves. She would sell her vehicles and home if it got her Goldberg. Her idiocy knows no bounds.

Unfortunately it wouldn't mean much. Goldberg back to WWE in 2015 for Wrestlemania = big deal, sort of. Goldberg to TNA in 2015 would mean nothing. It may give them a minimal ratings bump for two or three weeks, but no matter what they do with him, it couldn't possibly be sustained. TNA moving networks every six months wouldn't help, either.
Goldberg's possible gain is definitely safer than TNA's. Whether the company pays him a lot or a little, he gets 300,000 people to see him and hopefully be persuaded to watch his movie. If he commands a lot of money, it will surely hurt TNA, but I doubt he gives a damn about that.

Still, when TNA was spending money it didn't have in the Hogan era, it was foolish.....now, they'd presumably be spending money they really don't have to bring in a guy who will be around for a very short time.....and given their limited resources, I don't see how the Goldberg experiment could work in their favor in the long run.

Of course, there's also the possibility TNA hasn't contacted Goldberg at all, and he's just tossing this tidbit to the media to keep his name in the news since he's got the movie coming out.

Would you put that past him?

Of course it's possible he's just drumming up goo-ga for the media outlets. I'm just commenting on what's reported.

Don't get me wrong, TNA signing Goldberg would be a bonehead move by all means. I'd love to see it as a fan, why not, but looking at it from a smarky standpoint - don't do it.
Don't get me wrong, TNA signing Goldberg would be a bonehead move by all means. I'd love to see it as a fan, why not, but looking at it from a smarky standpoint - don't do it.

This is a good point, regardless of the end result for TNA. Seeing that's none of my concern, I would like to see Goldberg on TV again. I know the matches wouldn't be great, but just watching him spear everyone in sight is enough for me. While I still wouldn't do it from a business standpoint, as a fan, Goldberg in TNA would be fun... for a short time.
Goldberg was huge 15 years ago, it's time to move on.
Why TNA always try to sign some oldtimers well past their prime? I'd rather them go NXT way - bringing in best indy guys of today.

Exactly. Signing every broken down old has-been that so much as had a cup of coffee during the Monday Night Wars is why they're in this mess to begin with. This is the last thing they need.
I'm gonna start by saying I haven't watched TNA in years.

That being said Bill Goldberg won't make me wanna watch again. I saw his run in WWE and was mildly impressed (probably because I missed him in WCW).

It's 2015 and the last thing they need is someone who won't work full time. For me personally what they need is homegrown stars that will be seen every week.

They can hire Goldberg if they want but it won't do any good and I still won't be watching
I'm gonna start by saying I haven't watched TNA in years.

That being said Bill Goldberg won't make me wanna watch again. I saw his run in WWE and was mildly impressed (probably because I missed him in WCW).

It's 2015 and the last thing they need is someone who won't work full time. For me personally what they need is homegrown stars that will be seen every week.

They can hire Goldberg if they want but it won't do any good and I still won't be watching

Agreed. In a case like this, Goldberg just isn't what they should be after. Bennett is. Taven is. Other indie stars are. People they can craft and mold and shape to be synonymous with their brand. Like EC3. Like Eli Drake. Like Bram. All came from elsewhere, but all will be known as "TNA guys", just like the AJ Styles', Samoa Joe's and Matt Morgan's of the past.

Quick sidebar, however — when you begin a conversation about people watching a program by declaring you haven't, and won't, for years, you undercut your own credibility. What you are figuratively saying is "I'm not qualified to speak on this matter, but here's my opinion I'm expecting you to read and respond to anyway".
Agreed. In a case like this, Goldberg just isn't what they should be after. Bennett is. Taven is. Other indie stars are. People they can craft and mold and shape to be synonymous with their brand. Like EC3. Like Eli Drake. Like Bram. All came from elsewhere, but all will be known as "TNA guys", just like the AJ Styles', Samoa Joe's and Matt Morgan's of the past.

Quick sidebar, however — when you begin a conversation about people watching a program by declaring you haven't, and won't, for years, you undercut your own credibility. What you are figuratively saying is "I'm not qualified to speak on this matter, but here's my opinion I'm expecting you to read and respond to anyway".

Yes, because using guys who starred in other companies have been a monumental failure.

Such as Hulk Hogan's WCW run, Kurt Angle joining TNA, Christian in TNA, or Ted DiBiase, Mr Perfect, Rick Rude and numerous others who went from another company to WWE. None of them worked out, did they? (sarcasm).

Also, WWE signing "Stunning" Steve Austin, Terra Ryzing and "Mean" Mark Callous from WCW didn't do anything for their careers or WWE either.

But if you would rather try to sell a wrestling show to a TV station and advertisers without one well-known name, then go ahead. Hell, I bet NXT wouldn't get TV time if it wasn't a WWE feeder league.
Yes, because using guys who starred in other companies have been a monumental failure.

Such as Hulk Hogan's WCW run, Kurt Angle joining TNA, Christian in TNA, or Ted DiBiase, Mr Perfect, Rick Rude and numerous others who went from another company to WWE. None of them worked out, did they? (sarcasm).

Also, WWE signing "Stunning" Steve Austin, Terra Ryzing and "Mean" Mark Callous from WCW didn't do anything for their careers or WWE either.

But if you would rather try to sell a wrestling show to a TV station and advertisers without one well-known name, then go ahead. Hell, I bet NXT wouldn't get TV time if it wasn't a WWE feeder league.
Why are you mentioning WWE & WCW? This is about Bill Goldberg going to TNA which as stated would do nothing for anyone.

Everyone you mentioned was jumping to and fro when there was competition and viewers wanted to see who would jump ship.

Today in 2016 Goldberg hasn't been relevant in at least a decade if not more and TNA is not competition.

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