Goldberg: I Am In Negotiations With The WWE

Well, I'm excited.

Though I was not watching wrestling while Goldberg was wrestling in his prime, I've always been captivated by him when I watch videos of WCW. He had some crazy intensity, and looked like he could and would kill you in an instant. Everything from his look to his music radiated intensity and awesome. Even learning that he was a major reason behind Hart's forced retirement didn't do much to stop me from liking him.

I remember reading an interview that he would never want to work with Vince McMahon again, which was disappointing. Thankfully this new news has come out. I would LOVE to see Goldberg return, have a few feuds and a better Wrestlemania match than the one he was sent out on.

Goldberg is a draw. He was one of the biggest stars WCW had. He's been in movies. There are no real drawbacks to the WWE for signing him in any capacity.

I can't wait to see him again.
It would be awesome to see Goldberg make a return. As a kid, I use to go nuts for this guy, and he was pretty much the main reason I would watch WCW over WWF sometimes. Goldberg's return would be huge, and I'm sure live crowds would STILL do the "Goldberg" chant. This guy was as hot as anybody when he was on top in WCW.

I don't see Goldberg doing to much upon his return to the WWE. He'll probably have some what of a light schedule, and do a limited amount of house shows. Either way, it'll be great to see him back in a wrestling ring again.
If Goldberg does indeed return to the ring in the WWE. Than yeah this will be the second biggest come back (only pissed on by Bret's return) of the year.

Lets face it, Hogan's return was big at first. And people were dying to see how it would turn out but now it's just like "Ohh it's just Hogan on TNA, what ever...." well atleast thats what I say.

Now if Goldberg came back sure the same thing might happen, but the thing is there isn't as much hype and Goldberg actually has many evened out feuds in the "E" waiting for him, such as ones with Undertaker, John Cena, etc, etc.

Plus I'm a huge fan of Goldberg anyways. So even if he's only there for one night or what ever. It would kick ass.
I think the thing thats interesting is when he mentions his son. It seems that he would wanna spend more time with him which wouldn't happen in WWE, so whats going on? I think maybe his son wants to see him wrestle, maybe egged him on to do it? I know hes young, maybe a few yrs old, but maybe its a chance to see his dad wrestle at least one more time?

BIll Goldberg has posted the following on his Twitter account: "Is it out of the question for me to have 1 more match? Answer is son has never seen me wrestle and I'd love to see his reaction."

Did I call that one, or what? Anyways, since the possibility is there, I am kind of excited. I was never a huge fan, but anytime nowadays when you can make a splash by bringing in a u huge free agent from the past when there aren't that many, its always exciting.
When I first heard this news I was very excited! I was under the impression that he would possibly start off at Summerslam and finish off at Mania by being inducted into the HOF and also having his last match. However, it now seems that all this will be is a Legends contract. He will probably do nothing more than have a match at Mania and get inducted. Will still be awesome to see but would like to see him wrestle a little bit more. Ahh guess we will have to wait and see.
What exactly do you see coming from this if Goldberg does indeed re-sign with the WWE?

I like some of the ideas that others have already mentioned and i think a good number of them could be happening if Goldberg comes back to WWE. They will ultimately want to involve him in the WCW theme of next year's Hall of Fame and likely induct him. He could be put in interesting feuds leading up to that. I'm probably the last person who anyone on this forum would expect to say the following 12 words in this order.... I would like to see him guest host an episode of Raw.

I see him being brought in as a guest host first because fans haven't seen him on Raw for such a long time. Then he could announce that he will be sticking around for a while, and he'll be put in some actual angles after that. I don't really know what feuds I'd want to see.... he was cool back in the day so I'm sure it would be interesting.... His streak in WCW will inevitably get brought up and I bet that will tie into what he'd be doing during Wrestlemania and the Hall of Fame, whether he's an inductee next year or not. It's too early to tell now. The main thing I expect to see though is him being involved with that even if it's a year from now because he was such a huge name in WCW and there's talk of next year's HOF having a WCW theme.
This is something that I would certainly like to see happen at some point. I know that Goldberg has had a turbulent career but I would certainly welcome him back into a WWE ring. He has always had a quality to be entertaining and I have followed Goldberg since I was very young. I recall seeing him in WCW when I was first addicted to wrestling and the streak he went on was an amazing feat. He was an interesting character and I have always loved the way he went about his business.

That being said, I have no idea how good he would be if he started wrestling again. To my mind, he has no business in the WWE if he is only going to be taking a non-wrestling part. He has never been that good on the mic, if my memory serves me right. His persona and character was what got him over in the 90s and early 2000's and that is where his bread and butter is. I can't see him coming back but as has been suggested, Goldberg may just be coming back for the Hall Of Fame. I would welcome that too but I feel that he would need to do some wrestling to remind people of his character.

All in all though, this is good news.
This could be cool as hell. I really hope it's not for just rights to his name for video games. If this is for an active wrestling contract I will be glued to the tv on Mondays more than I am already. At the very least I really want one more match at Wrestlemania next year to make up for the "match" he and Lesnar had at Mania XX, especially since it is in Georgia next year with the whole WCW theme.
Oh boy I'm loving all the negative rep I'm getting from the internet wanna-be tough guy Oldberg marks in this thread. Seriously, stop acting like Goldberg is a god among men. You guys do know that wrestling is fake, right? and that this guy you call Goldberg portrays a tough, invincible guy on television, right? In wrestling, its called kayfabe. Go look it up. Oh and I dont care if youre 6'4" and close to 300 lbs; a crushed windpipe means you cant breathe and therefore you die. A small child can apply the amount of pressure required to crush the windpipe of a grown man. So no human is really as tough as they look because of common weaknesses that all humans share. In the end, Goldberg is just another human, no matter how much all his marks want to please him in bed.

He ended Bret Hart's career thanks to a bad spot. Bad spots happen often in the business. However, when a bad spot occurs due to lack of proper training, its more than just an accident. This complete lack of skill is how people get permanently injured or worse. The individual has to take responsibility for not knowing how to fucking wrestle, instead of just blaming the business saying that bad spots happen. Yeah, bad spots happen, but they happen less frequently when both people in the ring know what theyre fucking doing. Goldberg spent less than a month in WCW's Power Plant training. He was rushed to the main event just because of his look. WCW didnt care that he couldnt wrestle because they just wanted him to squash everyone with the same move set every night. When someone tried to get an actual match out of him, like Hart, they get injured because Goldberg cant wrestle.

So please. Keep giving me negative rep and comments like, "lol goldberg kick ur ass hurrrr derrrpa derrrr." It really makes me laugh.

The WWE will make their money off Goldberg's likeness while they can, and once the cash cow has been milked dry, Goldberg will fade back into doing crappy cable shows that nobody watches. If he's going to do one more match, it should be against Batista. With any luck, we'll see the match end with both of them mule kicking each other in the head. Two no-talent wrestlers out of the business for the price of one. I'd pay good money to see that.
Oh boy I'm loving all the negative rep I'm getting from the internet wanna-be tough guy Oldberg marks in this thread. Seriously, stop acting like Goldberg is a god among men. You guys do know that wrestling is fake, right? and that this guy you call Goldberg portrays a tough, invincible guy on television, right? In wrestling, its called kayfabe. Go look it up. Oh and I dont care if youre 6'4" and close to 300 lbs; a crushed windpipe means you cant breathe and therefore you die. A small child can apply the amount of pressure required to crush the windpipe of a grown man. So no human is really as tough as they look because of common weaknesses that all humans share. In the end, Goldberg is just another human, no matter how much all his marks want to please him in bed.

You mean that it isn't real? Golly gee willikers mister, you ruined my day. You are a bad man. Fuckin' idiot, we all know it isn't real. Doesn't change the fact that quite a few people enjoyed what he did, entertaining the fans. Also, quit acting like you would kick Goldberg in the throat if you saw him on the streets. You say the others are all internet tough guys, you are the same you fucking hypocrite. You would probably piss yourself and run the other way if you saw him.

He ended Bret Hart's career thanks to a bad spot. Bad spots happen often in the business. However, when a bad spot occurs due to lack of proper training, its more than just an accident. This complete lack of skill is how people get permanently injured or worse. The individual has to take responsibility for not knowing how to fucking wrestle, instead of just blaming the business saying that bad spots happen. Yeah, bad spots happen, but they happen less frequently when both people in the ring know what theyre fucking doing. Goldberg spent less than a month in WCW's Power Plant training. He was rushed to the main event just because of his look. WCW didnt care that he couldnt wrestle because they just wanted him to squash everyone with the same move set every night. When someone tried to get an actual match out of him, like Hart, they get injured because Goldberg cant wrestle.

Then you know what, fucking blame WCW. It wasn't Goldberg's fault he was brought up. He had the size and look WCW wanted, so they rushed him, not he rushed up to the roster. Injuries happen, no matter how unfortunate they are. Droz got injured by a bad spot in a match with D-Lo, and is a quadriplegic. Should we blame D-Lo for that? Quit with the haterade.

So please. Keep giving me negative rep and comments like, "lol goldberg kick ur ass hurrrr derrrpa derrrr." It really makes me laugh.

I'm not going to waste rep on you.

The WWE will make their money off Goldberg's likeness while they can, and once the cash cow has been milked dry, Goldberg will fade back into doing crappy cable shows that nobody watches. If he's going to do one more match, it should be against Batista. With any luck, we'll see the match end with both of them mule kicking each other in the head. Two no-talent wrestlers out of the business for the price of one. I'd pay good money to see that.

You are a sad person to wish two people would get injured like that. Goldberg will continue making money off of royalties if he signs a Legend's Contract. Video games, action figures, DVDs, most likely going to make quite a bit of money. He won't need to get in the ring much, if at all, to wrestle.
Blame WCW? Blame the business for the individual not taking responsibility? So by that logic, wrestlers arent to blame for the steroids they take. Its the company's fault. WCW forced Goldberg to kick Hart in the head. They forced him to not consider actually getting the right amount of training. Wow. If Goldberg's will power is really that weak, he wouldnt be able to defend himself from an angry wrestling fan. However, you are right. If I saw Goldberg walking down the street, I would piss myself, but not out of fear. I'd piss myself from laughing so hard at a fat, old, has-been, talentless hack that gets all these kids to mark out for him on the internet. Thats about the extent of entertainment that I get from seeing Goldberg.

As far as your Droz argument goes, I'll let wiki do the talking. "Drozdov, in an interview, states he was wearing a loose shirt during the match. When Brown went for his signature running powerbomb, he wasn't able to gain a proper grip on Droz while Droz wasn't able to execute a proper jump to aid in the lifting of the powerbomb. As a result, the move was botched." There you have it. Bad wrestler not in proper gear gets injured. Shocking. I feel for Droz, but it wasnt D-Lo's fault. There's nothing D-Lo couldve done to prevent it. Do you know what Goldberg couldve done to prevent ending Hart's career? Train for more than a fucking month. Maybe that wouldve helped.

As far as actually wishing ill will towards anyone no matter how little I like them, I dont actually mean it. Just being cynical. If Goldberg makes himself alot of money without ever getting back in the ring again, great for him. He'll get alot of money and nobody will have to suffer through one of his matches. Its a win/win situation.
It amazes me how he says TNA missed the ball, yet the first time he was in wwe...well, they fucked that up.
Blame WCW? Blame the business for the individual not taking responsibility? So by that logic, wrestlers arent to blame for the steroids they take. Its the company's fault. WCW forced Goldberg to kick Hart in the head. They forced him to not consider actually getting the right amount of training. Wow.

Fine, you can't blame the company, but fuckin' a. It was a bad spot. For fucks sake you are making it sound like he is the worst wrestler to ever exist. Besides, it's not like one concussion ruined Bret's career. He racked up the wear and tear, and this was the last straw for him to retire.

If Goldberg's will power is really that weak, he wouldnt be able to defend himself from an angry wrestling fan. However, you are right. If I saw Goldberg walking down the street, I would piss myself, but not out of fear. I'd piss myself from laughing so hard at a fat, old, has-been, talentless hack that gets all these kids to mark out for him on the internet. Thats about the extent of entertainment that I get from seeing Goldberg.

You really are just a Goldberg hater.

As far as your Droz argument goes, I'll let wiki do the talking. "Drozdov, in an interview, states he was wearing a loose shirt during the match. When Brown went for his signature running powerbomb, he wasn't able to gain a proper grip on Droz while Droz wasn't able to execute a proper jump to aid in the lifting of the powerbomb. As a result, the move was botched." There you have it. Bad wrestler not in proper gear gets injured. Shocking. I feel for Droz, but it wasnt D-Lo's fault. There's nothing D-Lo couldve done to prevent it. Do you know what Goldberg couldve done to prevent ending Hart's career? Train for more than a fucking month. Maybe that wouldve helped.

I wasn't saying it was D-Lo's fault at all. I'm just pointing out even wrestlers with proper training can botch a move, and this actually cost Droz the ability to walk, which is worse than the kick to Bret. You just have some unnecessary hatred of Goldberg.
You really are just a Goldberg hater.

Just when I was beginning to think that you werent getting my point at all, you pulled through with flying colors. Yes I hate Goldberg. I thought I made that obvious in my first post in this thread. Do I think he is the worst wrestler ever? No, that title goes to this guy:

Goldberg is the Batista of WCW. A big guy to get a big push for no other discernible reason other than his look. Wrestlers do get alot of nagging injuries, but Hart still had plenty of gas left in his tank until he got in the ring with Goldberg. Yes, injuries still happen regardless of the amount of training. I do believe I said as much in a previous post. I also said that injuries are alot less likely to occur after having gone through enough training. Goldberg didnt go through enough training. He was horrible at selling and he worked stiff. Take away his look and the monster push he got from creative and all he is, is just a mediocre wrestler at best with no charisma. He believes in his own hype and gimmick too much. He just wants to be booked to look like a god and when he isnt, he gets emo like a little bitch and sits out for the rest of his contract. He denounced Hogan's backstage politics but he was just as big of a politician himself once he got into the spotlight. He wants to be catered to and pampered and have all his demands met when he doesnt deserve it at all. Not in the least. There's a reason Bischoff didnt even bother to call him.
So does this mean Goldberg was brought in to take out his clone? *cough* Bashitsa*cough* lol

I am glad that he is coming back, he is an impact wrestler.
Goldberg probably won't be getting back in the ring. It'd be a good thing from a drawing point of view, but there isn't really a logical way to book his character. He's unbeatable, but you can't continuously rerun the streak, which is the only thing that makes any real sense with his character. Still though, it would be worth having him around semi permanently. However, I think this is more about keeping him out of TNA, and will probably lead to a DVD, a few action figures and a spot in a WWE game and maybe the HOF.
Having him wrestle one more match would be pointless and not worthwhile for anyone involved. If his son wants to see him wrestle, he should pop in his WCW highlight reel where he squashed over 100 jobbers before actually squaring off with someone with any credibility in the industry. I'm pretty sure he could just string together every spear and jackhammer he ever did and that would pretty much sum things up. Goldberg wouldnt want to do one more match at Wrestlemania just to lose. So who would he win against? Who on the roster has absolutely no future and wouldnt suffer from doing the job to a guy who is on his way out for good? And would that match still be marketable? Not at all. He'll end up just going for the royalty checks from merchandise.

What I find odd though is his comment about TNA missing out or something like that. If Goldberg was really just coming back to make a few appearances and some easy money with merchandise, why would he even bring up TNA? Can TNA put out Goldberg merchandise without WWE's consent? When WWE bought out WCW, did they also buy the Goldberg license? He's already appeared in the WWE so its likely that they got the rights to his name then. Maybe they cant do anything with his likeness without Goldberg's permission due to some creative control clause or something, but I dont think WWE would let TNA have Goldberg. All they would have to do is throw more money at him. So TNA never had the chance really. What good could Goldberg do in TNA if he didnt plan on wrestling or even sticking around for more than a few appearances? Thats why his comment doesnt make any sense. Then he says something about his kid wanting to watch him wrestle.

Is Goldberg teasing an in-ring return just to generate internet buzz? It would help with his merchandise sales, so its logical. Or is he actually planning a return to the ring and is working with WWE to come up with an angle?
I still remember Goldberg getting the giant/paul white/the bigshow up for the jackhammer, when he weighed about 550lbs. That was an incredible sight and the pop was unreal. Goldberg was a huge part of the monday night war, the wrestling biz so misses. I welcome his return and would be interested to see what shape hes in and if he learned anything from his short but impressive run in WCW. His squash matches were a good watch.
I doubt he's gonna come back to the ring, this is strictly a business deal that relates to merchandise etc. I would love Goldberg to come back for abit though, WWE needs freshening up and Goldberg could do that.
i don't understand how goldberg could be a WWE hall of famer. He made his name and was at his best in WCW. I know they bought it and all that, but it still would be weird to me.

It would be cool to see him in the ring tho. I use to love seeing him walking out to the ring and hear everybody screaming "GOLDBERG, GOLDBERG!!!". That shit always gave me the chills
Bill Goldberg is a cocky arrogant bitch. He thinks hes the baddest dude alive which is a joke. The dude honestly has no balls and is not a good wrestler. He just wanted to be famous and make money. He doesnt deserve another run in wwe at all. He is so pathetic how he thinks his old ass is credible in the world of entertainment. Look at him , his whole gimmick was bullshit , wrestling is all a work and he thinks hes the toughest guy alive. His 1 year run in wwe was crap because he doesnt even like the buisness. He doesnt belong in any hall of fame, he couldnt make it in pro football.
Goldberg, no matter what his attitude is outside of the ring, gives WWE a lot to work with if he decides to go to that company one more time. Just about everyone who has watched wrestling knows who he is. Popularity will play out and The Jackhammer himself (if he does go to WWE) will most likely get some air-time. Whether or not he wrestles...which I am sure he will eventually, he will definitely start bringing back some old fans of the sport.

This is a smart move for WWE to do in my opinion.

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