Goldberg: I Am In Negotiations With The WWE

Goldberg won't be permitted on WWE television until celebrity apprentice has completed airing...It's why Maria couldn't be used on television before she was released...
I think he can still draw...and do i want to see him beat CM punk in 15 seconds...YES lol
I am going to be consistent with my anti-TNA signing old guys position, and apply it to the WWE too. When was the last time Goldberg wrestled? What can he bring to the WWE? He may be a brief ratings boost, but how would it be any different than TNA trying to drum up ratings by signing guys who were famous long before TNA ever got them? Goldberg was a huge success in WCW, built up mostly because of favorable booking, not because he actually had any skill, his WWE run was lackluster at best, so why should I, as a lifelong fan of the WWF/E give a damn if Goldberg signs or not? How does this make me more interested? If he were to sign with TNA, I would be ripping on them for signing yet another guy whose prime was over a decade ago, so I am going to be consistent, and rip the WWE if they sign him too.

Please WWE, don't bother. He doesn't really bring anything to the table.
I'd guess he'll be going to the rumored "Legends Deal" so he can be in Video Games, DVDs, and an eventual HOF induction. Mostly stuff where he can just sit at home and collect paychecks for nothing, because it's no secret that as far as his ego goes, he don't want to return, period.

Which sucks, I wouldn't mind a Goldberg return. I wouldn't expect anything huge out of it, maybe a Guest Host spot, he could have one match that night, and I'm sure that would scratch a few itchs out there. But as for "Goldberg: Full Time Wrestler", we can all forget it.

Side note, he claims TNA missed the boat. I'd say that's what he wanted. Goldberg in TNA would have involved wrestling, I doubt he'd want that.
I am going to be consistent with my anti-TNA signing old guys position, and apply it to the WWE too. When was the last time Goldberg wrestled?

2004. Wrestlemania XX. A match against Brock Lesnar.

What can he bring to the WWE?

His name recognition alone. He was one of the faces of late nineties WCW, if not THE face and shining light in that company as it started its descent. along with simply the extra fans, many of which have posted in this very thread, he will also lend his name to the HoF, and also to every video game, action figure line and DVD that they can find to put him in.

He may be a brief ratings boost, but how would it be any different than TNA trying to drum up ratings by signing guys who were famous long before TNA ever got them?

It wouldnt be. At all. But the WWE can afford it.

Goldberg was a huge success in WCW, built up mostly because of favorable booking, not because he actually had any skill, his WWE run was lackluster at best, so why should I, as a lifelong fan of the WWF/E give a damn if Goldberg signs or not?

Because even if he wrestles at best, one match, it would be an absolutely phenomenal event. It's not like he left because of a crippling injury, and he's still in his early 40's. Can you imagine John Cena vs Goldberg? That match is the wet dream of many fans, and the closest we've ever got was in the WZ tournament. That alone would be worth his paycheck. And Cena is not exactly going to "Lesnar" us out. In fact, many of your arguments could also be applied to Cena, and it would be a great contrast. Gosh I'm getting giddy just thinking about it.

How does this make me more interested? If he were to sign with TNA, I would be ripping on them for signing yet another guy whose prime was over a decade ago, so I am going to be consistent, and rip the WWE if they sign him too.

If goldberg signs a Legends deal, it builds WWE's prestige considerably, having a headlining star of the 90's in their pockets, with them hence making money off him whenever they please. Goldberg DVD probably first and foremost. TNA doesn't have the resources to be able to utilise Goldberg to the full extent WWE would.

Please WWE, don't bother. He doesn't really bring anything to the table.

Please WWE, ignore him. It'll be swell.
I was a big fan of Goldberg in the WCW era.I would defenitly watch if Goldberg decides to return to the ring or guest host RAW.But i think this is more for the Hall Of Fame and using his image for a video and videogames then for wrestling.
I think that he is negotiating to be a guest host, and probably WAY down the line, like the end of the year. They could then start a storyline where he plays an on-screen role but doesn't wrestle due to some sort of war of words with a cocky WWE talent (Jericho, Miz, hell, even Batista) that pisses all over his legacy. He could either wrestle the guy at Wrestlemania himself or manage somebody who does and when the ref is down hit a spear to help the guy win the match. This would tie in nicely with his Hall of Fame induction.

I think that would be a nice idea but to be honest even I think it's more likely he's negotiating a one-off guest host spot and accepting a Hall of Fame induction. Goldberg won't be wrestling anywhere but a one-shot PPV deal for huge money ever again in my humble opinion.
Please Vince, don't bring him back. Dude can't wrasle and has the personality similar to a rock (not the rock). If he does sign, hopefully it is in a back-stage role where I don't have to see him on tv at all.
Goldberg in his prime had a natural intensity about him that created an aura. Thing is though, at 43, I don't even think he has that anymore. His last WWE run kind of killed any interest I have in him. I think he was lighting in a bottle for a brief moment but that's it. Everything was just aligned for him to succeed at the time. It can't be replicated again. It wasn't replicated again. His WWE run was mediocre, in part because of questionable booking, but also because Goldberg just didn't have the it factor anymore.

His last match in the WWE was also a huge disappointed. Him and Brock both just mutually agreed to half-ass it at Wrestlemania of all places.
Sorry I love wrestling too much to enjoy watching a no-talent bum like Goldberg end the career of one of the greats. Its not entirely Goldberg's fault though; he was rushed to the main event without actually being able to wrestle, so its just as much WCW's fault. I'm just sick of seeing guys who cant even fucking run the ropes get top spots just because they look like they know how to eat lots of steroids and lift weights.

Nobody works for free? I bet you could take Flair's paycheck away and he'd still lace up the boots because he loves this business. quote
LMAO your writing on the internet calling a person who got a company starting a bum and you writing on the internet with a Bobby heenan pic lol...ur the real bum if u ask me...i dont see WWE giving u a contract so STFU and say it to Goldbergs face not on the internet and we will see what happens to you
Sorry I love wrestling too much to enjoy watching a no-talent bum like Goldberg end the career of one of the greats. Its not entirely Goldberg's fault though; he was rushed to the main event without actually being able to wrestle, so its just as much WCW's fault. I'm just sick of seeing guys who cant even fucking run the ropes get top spots just because they look like they know how to eat lots of steroids and lift weights.

Nobody works for free? I bet you could take Flair's paycheck away and he'd still lace up the boots because he loves this business. quote

LMAO your writing on the internet calling a person who got a company starting a bum and you writing on the internet with a Bobby heenan pic lol...ur the real bum if u ask me...i dont see WWE giving u a contract so STFU and say it to Goldbergs face not on the internet and we will see what happens to you
It would be great to re-sign big Bill.

Okay sure, he's past it blah blah blah, but come on, he was the Stone Cold Steve Austin of WCW, and even though his WWE tenure for that one year was a tad lackluster, and a little bit anti-climactic, its not something that most fans have really thought about or, for that matter even considered.

I do find it a little hypocritical to come out after such a bad year in the WWE and rip them a new one, and then after a few years of ripping them, talking about rejoining them. Its a great cue for the 'E' though, and will definitely bring in more fans. Bring on Goldberg Vs Jaahn Cena!
I would be far more interested to see Goldberg back than any other legends, save the Rock. I mean in a guest host type way. Stone Cold is back pretty much every six months and I just don't like the guy personally so I got nothing from him. Goldberg wouldn't be as good as Ventura, who was by far the best, but he would be good simply on nostalgia. When I first saw the tweet I thought he meant he'd do one of those legends deals where they make merchandise and put him in games to get ready for the hall of fame but that last line made me shout whoah! I've never had a problem with Goldberg, unlike some WWE/Vince McMahon marks, simply because he did what he did and it fit his character perfectly.

I just hope they use the real Goldberg theme and not the WWE's shitty one. Plus he could hopefully show Edge how a spear is done well.
I think the main problem Goldberg had with WWE was the way they booked his character. He came out and beat The Rock on his way out the door (in what was one of my favorite matches that year), but then he spent months being badmouthed by Chris Jericho, until he got to near kill him in the Elimination Chamber, before before punked out by Triple H for 6 weeks, he won the title, but only held it for like two months before he and Kane were both made to look like bitches by Evolution at Armageddon. Honestly, I don't blame him for half-assing it at Mania. Lesnar was the one who didn't wanna get injured, since he was going to the NFL, so Goldberg was doing him a favor. That, and obviously WWE was planning on having Austin give them both Stunners on the way out the door. Goldberg was severely mistreated while he was in the E.

But I think he knows a good business deal when he sees one. Those Legends contracts get those guys ALOT of money in royalties. All he has to do is allow WWE the exclusive rights to his name and likeness for merchandise, DVDs, video games, and then sit back and let the money roll in. He already said that he has no desire to wrestle again, so there's no conflict of interest, like with someone like Warrior or Honky Tonk Man, who still make money wrestling in other organizations.

Whether you like him or not, he's still easily one of the most recognizable faces in the history of professional wrestling. If you watch Celebrity Apprentice, you'll have seen on this past weeks episode just how many fans he still has. They did a photo session to market Kodak, and being in NYC, Daryl Strawberry was of course the biggest draw. But Goldberg was a close second. WWE wants a popular face to preserve its "tradition". And Goldberg wants to be able to give his son only the best in life. And if that means having to see Vince McMahon a couple more times than he'd ever planned to, I think he's fine with it. This is a win-win-win situation. The company wins, Goldberg wins, and most importantly, the fans win.
hoho .. Goldberg sucks ..
if u read bret book .. he had subject with name " watch the kick " and he talking about whole his injury thing ..
he said in his last match with goldberg .. he ( goldberg ) said watch the kick
" To give myself time to recuperate, I rolled Goldberg in and began fiercely working his leg—neither the crowd nor Goldberg had any idea that I was hurt. He snatched me by the throat and gave me a couple of punches as the third referee tried to break us up. I snapped a boot into his knee, fired him into the ropes and as he reversed me, I heard him call, “Watch the kick!” I had no idea what kind of a kick he meant and there wasn’t much room coming off the ropes. Goldberg was standing in the middle of the ring, standing sideways to me, and his right foot flew just under my right hand, which I’d thrown up in an attempt to shield my face " :disappointed:

so goldberg is nothing but just a stupid son of a b!tch ! i wish him the baddest thing in the world and realy glad to he not signed with TNA .. because TNA isn't the place for a stupid guys ..
he's jealousy to bret . i dunno maybe he think that he's the most powerfull man in thw world but in my oponion his the most awefull man in the world

the fact that i'm confuesd that in the backstage he and bret maybe gonna have fight .. i wish bret knouck him out :worship: .
I may rename this thread "where grammar goes to die." I love the scores of people who cannot spell 2nd grade words correctly calling professional wrestlers who have made millions in the business "stupid." I smell irony.

Anyway, this is a fair move for WWE. Not a great move, not a poor move - a fair move. I assume they probably want to negotiate with Bill for one or more of the following reasons:

1. Guest Hosting. He'd damn sure be a draw in that capacity.

2. Hall of Fame. WM next year is in Atlanta, and rumors of a WCW-centric HOF abound.

3. Film. WWE is making movies a few times each year now, and Goldberg actually has acting experience.

4. Stick it to TNA. And by TNA, I mean Bischoff, Hogan, and Flair. They're bringing in WWF's retreads from the 80's and 90's, so why can't WWF grab the 4th most important name in WCW's history? (behind Hogan, Flair, and Sting).

The idea that he'll be some kind of full time wrestler is a little premature, regardless of any rumors. THAT I won't believe until I see it. But I don't think this is the crisis situation some of you are making it sound like.
I was always a Goldberg fan since I was 5, I saw recent videos of him with Kimbo Slice, and Showtime MMA shows etc. This guy is still in shape. He keeps himself very healthy etc.
I think him coming to the WWE is a big deal for Goldberg fans like me, he was the "John Cena" of WCW. He was the man who had not so many moves, and squashed all his opponents, and the kids where crazy about.
I also saw a video of him explaining why he left WWE, and the reason was that WWE put on shows that were to much for kids. It wasn't PG then, and most of the fans were kids. The second he mentioned that, i realized: WWE is PG now, and Goldberg will deff .want to come back.

I think its all upto Bill Goldberg wether or not to return in to the ring, My opinion is it will be awsome to have a match with John Cena, Batista, or The Undertaker.
If there is another dreammatch I want to see it is: Undertaker vs. Goldberg, i think this match will be awsome!
Cena vs. Goldberg would be a classic main event.
Even WWE's Powerhouse Batista vs. WCW's Powerhouse Golberg...that would be awsome.

I agree that there is no better time to induct Goldberg into the Hall of Fame then Next Year.

Good Luck Goldberg, Hope you sign with WWE.
I am dying to see you come back into the WWE.

btw: I was a hardcore Goldberg fan when I was a kid!! Ill deff. mark out if he comes back!!!
Um, how in the hell are people possibly arguing against this move. Bill Freaking Goldberg, are you kidding me. I am no Goldberg fan by any stretch of the imagination, but you are taking a guy that is a legit draw in the business, and adding him to your roster, where is the negative in that.

The WWE is going to have the WCW-centric theme to next years Wrestlemania, what better way to showcase it then to have the last legit star that company made be a showcase at the event. If Sting isn't going to play ball, then build on Goldberg. In fact, I would rather watch Goldberg wrestle a match now as opposed to a 50 plus year old Sting.

I think today's fan has a hard time grasping how legit over Goldberg was in his prime. Goldberg was outdrawing Austin during his Attitude Era time.
Does anyone really think that by signing Goldberg he going to take up valuable time from some of the top guys? I mean if and I mean IF we see him on TV it will probably take uo Hornswoggle time, or Jillian, the bella twins. Does anyone really care about that?

Remember this isn't TNA. He's not going to on our screen for half the show or running things, main eventing all the time. This is probably for the HoF, games, and selling merchadise. No need to get up in arms over this.
If it was just for the Hall of Fame, then the "shame for TNA fans they didn't even try" line makes no sense as TNA would have no chance of getting him, this makes it sound like he was open to TNA.

I think Bill may be open to a comeback for the right money, and I also suspect he is trying to start a bidding war and I am sure by now Bischoff has called him.
I think Bill may be open to a comeback for the right money, and I also suspect he is trying to start a bidding war and I am sure by now Bischoff has called him.

There is no doubt that Bischoff already has called, he follows him on Twitter. Goldberg will probably turn down TNA's offer. There were rumors that TNA was in negotiations with Goldberg, Goldberg tweeted that it is bullcrap, and Hogan is full of crap. Goldberg also said it is very unlikely he wants to wrestle again, now that he has a son and wants to spend time with family. Although maybe, just maybe he will come back into the ring. Goldberg changed his mind I guess and is negotiating with TNA.
Kudos to WWE if they sign him. If TNA would sign him they would spend 30 minutes on Goldberg and he will be in every main event which would suck. I love Goldberg and he will make a great draw for WWE.
After all Goldberg loves the kiddie fans, as we were all kids watching WCW, WE were his biggest fans. The kids.
This is an interesting move for the E. If this is true it's a great move for Goldberg and WWE. Goldberg has a chance to make some extra money, and gives the E a chance to get him into the Hall of Fame, and to stick it to TNA. With them going all oldschool WCW as of late, it really makes sense for them to take arguably the biggest star from the monday night wars and add him to their roster.

I'm not sure if he'd wrestle, but he said the door is open so there is a possibility. I'd love to see a match between Goldberg and Cena, possibly him and Taker. Those matches would be great and would sell any ppv. If he did step into the ring you have the chance to see him as a heel which we've never seen. All of this is an option if he step in the squared circle again.
Anyone will come back for one more match if the money is right, Hogan is an obvious example of that, Warrior in his horrible run in WCW is another example, hell The Rock would come back and face Cena if the offer was good enough, so if Goldberg was coming back to wrestle I am not surprised, but seriously guys Goldberg while he was a draw in the 90's isn't as big of a draw now. It may spike ratings for a week or two, but really in the end unless it is done right Goldberg will look like a mid-card jackoff who will probably job to Sheamus.

I am not saying a final run in wrestling that Goldberg wouldn't be worth watching but Vince needs to remember that he can't create the same magic that WCW had with him, Goldberg had around 100 different wrestlers he could actually go through there where you can't recreate a streak gimmick with a roster of 28 on ur main brand. You also have to remember while Goldberg is a force he like Hogan can't dominate your entire roster. I honestly won't believe that in a 15 minute match he beat Shawn Michaels or that he beats a guy his size in Big Show or Sheamus in under 10 minutes because honestly it makes your show look weak and your competitiors.

So if he does come back, and this doesn't happen I say rock on let the war begin, and if its for the hall of fame or anything like that like I said on page one then hey Goldberg congratulations you swerved a community of over a million into believing you would wrestle again to keep your name fresh kudos.
I woud be carefull with this one. We are getting close to April after all and the TNA comment coming out of that seems a little fishy to me. I'm a huge Goldberg fan but part of me thinks this is fake. I would be jacked to see him near a ring again. No one speared like him. No one..NO ONE..showed raw vicious power like him. Those quick military press/catch slams still look brutal. I've just read too much negative vibe coming from him in regards to the WWE to see it happen. Unless they are setting up some sort of 'dream match' for the next WM, or Hosting, or inviting him to be in one of their cheesy movies I just don't see this happening.

Perhaps they figure with both Michaels and possibly Taker taking time off for a while after WM they need that one guy to fill in some roles for a while.
I think the thing thats interesting is when he mentions his son. It seems that he would wanna spend more time with him which wouldn't happen in WWE, so whats going on? I think maybe his son wants to see him wrestle, maybe egged him on to do it? I know hes young, maybe a few yrs old, but maybe its a chance to see his dad wrestle at least one more time?
I think his appearance in the Celebrity Apprentice would rule this out, but wouldn't it be something if Bill Goldberg returned at WM26 to assist Vince McMahon in his feud/match with Bret Hart? Bret has Vince in the Sharpshooter, waiting for Vince to tap, when Goldberg's music hits and out he comes.

With the obvious history between Goldberg and Hart, it would be interesting. They could even incorporate this history into a storyline; Goldberg attacks Hart and he suffers another stroke (kayfabe of course). Cena, the Hart Dynasty, or whoever comes out for assistance and/or revenge.

In actuality, I expect it's either Goldberg signing a Legend's deal and setting up the framework for a WM27 induction, or it's bullshit on Goldberg's part, posturing for a deal with TNA. Saying he's going to the WWE, but he comes to TNA in a "swerve." After all, isn't that what most WWE rejects or WCW former greats do, go to TNA in a shocking swerve, only to fade into obscurity once there.

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