Goldberg: I Am In Negotiations With The WWE

Turd Ferguson

Straight from his twitter...

TheRealGoldberg said:
YES.. I am in negotiations with the WWE. Looks like 'ole Hogan and TNA missed the boat. Shame for the fans they didn't even try..

Anyone got any issues on the TNA side I suggest you bring it up with them.

Truth is I never thought I'd even consider it........then came my son

No one said I'd wrestle but the door is open again

Also.... If I ever did step in the ring again, I have a new tag partner. He goes by the name of "Lights Out!!!!"

...the one and only Shawn Merriman.....updating the old Goldberg/Kevin Greene duo

Very interesting considering that Goldberg has tried like hell to separate himself from the WWE and being a professional wrestler in general. Don't forget that he also seemingly left the WWE on very bad terms. It was widely believed that he'd be more likely to go to TNA than the WWE, but here we are now with Goldberg saying that "TNA missed the boat". At least he admits that he needs the money.

What exactly do you see coming from this if Goldberg does indeed re-sign with the WWE? I think there are definitely some feuds out there, such as against John Cena, Batista, and The Undertaker that would be solid main event programs. The fact that he's talking about bringing Shawne Merriman aboard seems like that negotiations are very far along, and Merriman's personality is pretty much that of a professional wrestler.

I'm going to admit that I always liked Goldberg. I thought he was awesome for what he was, and that time when Regal decided to shoot on him and drag a wrestling match out of him, he showed he really was a decent wrestler. I think that the WWE is trying to secure Goldberg as a Hall of Fame inductee for next year as well. Wrestlemania is taking place in Atlanta after all, and there would be no better time than to induct someone like Goldberg then. I even think that Goldberg coming out and trying to be the one to break The Undertaker's streak would be very interesting as well. is reporting that former world heavyweight champion Goldberg is negotiating a possible return with wwe. On his twitter account Goldberg quote saying " Yes I am in negotiations with wwe." 'Looks like ole Hogan and Tna missed the boat. Shame for the fans they didn't even try." Now I don't know about you guys but I think this is huge news. Although Goldberg is 43 he would work a limited schedule. Think of the fueds Goldberg vs Taker, Goldberg vs Cena. Your thoughts. How would you feel if Goldberg returned to wwe.

Oh looks like you beat me to the punch compton. But like I stated earlier I would enjoy a goldberg taker fued and hell even a cena goldberg fued.
I wasn't big on Goldberg, but that doesn't mean I didn't like him. The guy was pretty badass and I'd like to see him comeback. I'm not sure if he'd wrestle, but I'm thinking this is for HOF and maybe merchandise/video game more than anything. Maybe a guest host that could potentially turn into a match of sorts. Either way I'm interested in seeing Goldberg back in the E.
Goldberg saying this could just be meaning the Hall of Fame thing, but I honestly love regardless why they are negotiating that word is buzzing, I mean seriously this is just like the Monday night wars where anyone could show up anywhere at any time and thats the way I like it, and maybe Goldberg is just using twitter to make the fans think or maybe he wants someone to take notice and bring him in. TNA doesn't need Goldberg, and really neither does WWE. I think we may be overthinking all this because really what does Goldberg have to offer I mean the guy sat out the last month or two of his contract, and really brought nothing special to the table the wrestling world hadn't seen.

Now don't get me wrong I was a huge Goldberg mark back before his WWE run, but your golden goose only draws for so long, and this isn't someone that I think fans will pay to see now IMO.
from what i have read about this subject it is not for an in ring return. it is for the rights to use him in video games and possibley a hall of fame bid. goldberg has said that as of right now he has no interest in returning to in ring competition as he is not in wrestling shape and he doesnt want to end up like a flair or hogan. he also said never say never though it is extremely unlikely he will ever actually wrestle again
This is no surprise, because as I've been saying and reading for the past few weeks, Goldberg looks like he may be the big inductee for the 2011 Hall of Fame class. I was under the impression that he had zero interest in getting back into the ring to wrestle, but if he does I'd certainly tune in to see it, as Goldberg was one of the few reasons I would sometimes watch Nitro over Raw back in the day. I'd bet my bottom dollar that this is going to be your standard WWE Legends contract, so that they can include Goldberg as a legend in future WWE video games and sell action figures of him. Shit, may even lead to a DVD release in the future, that wouldn't shock me in the least.

If, however, he does return to the ring, well I'll be tuning in like I said. Goldberg may not have been the best worker, but damnit if he wasn't a thrill to watch absolutely destroy and plow through people.
i serioulsy doubt that was the real goldberg bc he had an interview not that long ago where he said he wud never wrestle for the wwe again bc he hates vince mcmahons guts and that if he was to wrestle tna wud be where he wud go bc he wudnt have to travel that much. so if that is goldberg saying that now then that makes him a liar and i never thought id see goldberg as a liar and i do believe that goldberg never said that and its probably just sum wwe fan trying to start a wishful rumor about goldberg going to wwe and that just wont happen.
on another side note, as a tna impact maniac even if what i read is true i still wudnt tune in to wwe to watch goldberg bc my loyalties lye with tna and i wont even record wwe bc yes goldberg was the man in wcw but in wwe goldberg was just a whipping post for hhh and stone cold so to me wwe dropped the bomb, back when we cud have seen stone cold vs goldberg and goldberg vs taker was what 10 years ago when they wud have put on a hellavu match worth actually watching, now it wudnt be the same bc undertaker rarely ever fights, hhh gets what he wants bc he is son in law to vince, stone cold is way past his prime and so is goldberg. now as for needing money and maybe hall of fame ok maybe thats possible but still not worth watching.
Going for one last run is he? I guess it is possible. I sort of figured he was like Bret Hart in terms of he was bitter at the company and there was no chance in hell he would return. I know he said some bad things about the WWE way back in the day. Can't really remember what he said exactly, but I do know it was very negative. A few Youtube videos about it I do know. But, seeing how Bret shockingly came back. Never say never.
I hate Goldberg. Always have. All he ever had was a good look so he got pushed to the moon. If I ever see the guy on the streets, I might just have to mule kick him in the head for what he did to Bret. The guy is a talentless hack and doesnt deserve to be on any TV station, let alone one that airs wrestling. Oldberg could care less about the business or the fans. He only ever did it for the money. He'd only ever return for the money. The guy is a joke and I'd rather have the TV time go to low card midget jobbers than him. If he ever comes back to the ring, the only person he should feud with is the Great Kali. They can fight for a new title called, "Worst Wrestler in the World."
Big News. Will there actually be a Big Payoff? 1st Question has to be "Will he be returning to actually Wrestle, or Just the Legends contract?" If he is just doing Legends then all that means is Toys, merchandise, DVDs, HOF, and maybe show up in WWE from time to time as a special guest host or so like Steve Austin. If he would actually Wrestle then the second question has to be "How Much?" will he be full time or part time? Will he only wrestle a select few guys on big cards? Third Question "What kinda of shape will he be in and how is his wrestling?" I'm a huge Goldberg mark from back in WCW and I'll admit that I'm happy he did eventually have a run in WWE, but it was no where near as good as his WCW stuff. Part of it was WWE not knowing what to do with him and the other Part was Goldbergs limited ability. Also if he did make a return to the Ring he can't DOMINATE the same way he was in WCW. Sure he can plow through the usual jobbers and crusierweight, but he'd couldn't destroy the other main eventers. He's not young enough or deserving of that kind of push. So how would I use him? LIke I said, Dominate the crusierweight Jobber and maybe some of the midcards guys stuck in limbo "we have nothing for you" hell. That establishes some of his credibility quick again without hurting anyone elses push. Don't feed him guys like kofi Kingston or Christian because they are on decent runs right now and shouldn't be used as stepping stones. So he destroys a few jobber and then has to wrestle another Main Eventer who can work their ass off. Goldberg Vs Batista would suck cause neither is a great Worker. Even Goldberg Vs Triple H sounds like it could be bad(Yes I know they wrestled in the past!). Goldberg would have limited opponents. Meaning guys would could carry his ass through a decent match. Now I may Catch hell for this but darnett John Cena CAN WORK! John Cena CAN Wrestle. So a Goldberg/Cena match be nice. HBK can carry anyone so there is another guy. Undertaker could probabily carry him too. After that it gets risky. Possibly Edge and Randy Orton. Also I'd use Goldberg to put these Guys Over. Goldberg wont be aroung long so no sense having him beat everybody. Have him put over Cena and Orton. But then again he does have to win some of his high profile matches otherwise Goldberg starts to look weak. So have goldberg win 35-40% of his main event matches to keep credibility(MAybe he Beats Cena first and then Cena beats him in the rematch) but lose the other 65-60% of matches to put the younger guys over.

I hope he does decided to wrestle again and I hope WWE is SMART with how they use him. Bring him in as a Face, but if the Fans boo him then turn him heel qucik. I am excited by this news and await further information!
I hate Goldberg. Always have. All he ever had was a good look so he got pushed to the moon. If I ever see the guy on the streets, I might just have to mule kick him in the head for what he did to Bret.

LMAO, I'd like to see you try!!!

Bret never held any ill will toward Bill, so get over it.

As for him only being in it for the money and not caring about the fans. Nobody works for free!
I agree with those saying it is more than likely the WCW Hall of Fame theme that all of this is based around. However, I would love to see him do one very interesting and physical feud before he rides off into the sunset. I personally really enjoyed him in the WWE the last time, and his star power would be very welcome now that there are so few "big" names in the WWE right now. I am also very worried what could end up happening if he does do something other than simply become inducted into the HoF. I would love for a young star to call him out and have a nice little feud, but nothing embarassing, please!
on another side note, as a tna impact maniac even if what i read is true i still wudnt tune in to wwe to watch goldberg bc my loyalties lye with tna and i wont even record wwe bc yes goldberg was the man in wcw but in wwe goldberg was just a whipping post for hhh and stone cold so to me wwe dropped the bomb, back when we cud have seen stone cold vs goldberg and goldberg vs taker was what 10 years ago when they wud have put on a hellavu match worth actually watching, now it wudnt be the same bc undertaker rarely ever fights, hhh gets what he wants bc he is son in law to vince, stone cold is way past his prime and so is goldberg. now as for needing money and maybe hall of fame ok maybe thats possible but still not worth watching.

This may have been one of the worst posts I've ever read. No punctuation or anything. And if your so loyal to TNA they why are you even posting here? Just terrible all around.

Back on topic. It seems that this would be more about the HoF than wrestling, although that could be it as well. But with the rumor of a WCW themed HoF, and the fact that things weren't on the best of terms when he left, I could see this happen. And if it does I have no problem with it. I'm sure he wouldn't be full time or try to be the man, and I don't think Vince would let him either. So if its a done right then I would like to see him back.
I doubt it's anything in ring competition related. More that likely, as others here have stated, something to do with the WCW themed '11 HOF as well as merchandising, etc. Goldberg's stated he has too much on his plate to wrestle again, but, he has said never say never. Maybe he said that because he was already flirting with WWE?

But, if this happens, then yeah TNA has missed the boat... as usual. I mean Russo, Dixie, and Eric arent stupid, they know Goldberg would be a bigger draw than Dixie's pet A.J. "Ride Those Legends Coattails" Styles. Well, Russo and Eric may know Goldberg would be a bigger draw, but Dixie may not.

There's alot of Goldberg fans out there, myself especially included. Hell, I watch Bull Run too. If Goldberg shows up at WWE even as a guest host or temporary GM I'll be glued to the TV watching.
There was a report recently that they`re negotiating so that WWE can use his name for stuffs like games and other merchandise as well as inducting him into hall of fame.
LMAO, I'd like to see you try!!!

Bret never held any ill will toward Bill, so get over it.

As for him only being in it for the money and not caring about the fans. Nobody works for free!

Sorry I love wrestling too much to enjoy watching a no-talent bum like Goldberg end the career of one of the greats. Its not entirely Goldberg's fault though; he was rushed to the main event without actually being able to wrestle, so its just as much WCW's fault. I'm just sick of seeing guys who cant even fucking run the ropes get top spots just because they look like they know how to eat lots of steroids and lift weights. I prefer to watch people who actually know what theyre doing when it comes to wrestling.

Bill Goldberg is overrated. His work ethic sucks. His in-ring work sucks. His mic skills suck. He is no longer relevant and was only ever relevant to 12 year olds who have grown up now to become Cena haters. Funny how that works.

Nobody works for free? I bet you could take Flair's paycheck away and he'd still lace up the boots because he loves this business. There was never any passion like that with Goldberg. He just stumbled into the business. He should stumble back out because he's not needed.

If he's really having money issues, I'm sure he can find another low budget cable series that he can host for a season before it gets canceled. Thats about all the schmuck is good for.

All you Oldberg marks really need a hot tub time machine so you can go back to when the guy was even remotely relevant just so you can see how much he sucked compared to everyone else.
Most likely it'll go Guest Host, One Off Match, Hall Of Fame/Wrestlemania Match next year... It'd make sense to have Goldberg host RAW and get into someones face (Jericho?) leading to a "one off Summerslam return", then over the remaining year making odd appearances to build to a last Mania match.

Interesting... Not sure Vince will be too happy he tweeted tho, this smells like it was gonna be a surprise.
With politics aside I wouldnt mind seeing Goldberg step in the ring again, I just hope that the guy trains to become an all round athlete instead of the monster face that he was, his whole streak storyline wont work as it did not back in his first stint.

Goldberg will need some training and hopefully work off the rust, Goldberg is not short for cash by anymeans i believe this is more about Goldberg wishing to get back into the limelight once again, I will pay to see him just like everyone else, Goldberg hasnt got any injuries, hes healthier then most his age and still has the look to make his gimmick work.

If it is just a legends deal it means that the WWE will have a good shot at making something interesting and inducting the big man who was an important part of the WWE/WCW monday night wars being inducted Along side steve Austin who was more or less his competitor and the guy who put goldberg over big before he left.

I just hope he works his ass off before leaving erasing that god aweful match between himself and brock lesner, it was one of the worst matches ive seen on the ppv in its history.
Really, the WWE doesn't need him at all, he left on bad terms for let's face it ridiculous reasons and now the WWE had at least 10 legit main eventers and I don't see where a guy dominating everyone and having a stale reign really fits in anymore.

As a fan, does anyone want to see him come in and squash CM Punk in 15 seconds?
I really dont think that Goldberg wll return to wrestling again. i think these negotiations are more for the wwe to use him in video-games and stuffs. but if he does come back i'd be very excited. i am a big Goldberg fan. and i think wwe can have him in a lot of fueds maybe even turn him heel.
Hmm, anyone else think that his comeback will be this years post Wrestlemania/first raw after, surprise return/debut or 'thing?

You know, like in previous years, Brock Lesnar & Goldberg's 1st debut, Ric Flairs bye bye party, for example..

Or are negotiations not quite that far along?

I can see him doing another one year contract type deal, limited schedule, culminating in one last WM match next year with him and a load of the other WCW guys being inducted into the hall of fame. Perhaps I'm just dreaming hehe.

Guess we'll just have to see how it pans out, much like every other rumour :p

Bret came back, so why cant Goldberg? Anyway I see what WWE are trying to do here. The "old" WCW fanbase will probably be tied in with TNA right now given that they have Sting, Hall, Nash, Flair and of course Hogan. Bringing Goldberg to WWE will hopefully (for them) drag a few fans back.

As for fueds - Batista would be pretty good, and they could build Goldberg up to end Takers streak next year.
LMAO, I'd like to see you try!!!

Bret never held any ill will toward Bill, so get over it.

As for him only being in it for the money and not caring about the fans. Nobody works for free!

Well, I have been on Wrestlezone for a while but I have never joined the forums, but as for the "nobody works for free" I am actually a Australian wrestler, I have never been paid for the work I do cause I have passion for the business and I agree with Depakote with if you take Ric Flairs pay check off him he will still go at it, due to the passion he holds for the business as for the whole Goldberg rumor/confirmation of a rumor, I say it will just be, Induction into '11 HOF and maybe a match at wrestlemania against someone like Cena or something, maybe if brought in as a Heel team with Batista as a powerhouse tag team but not win a tag team title.
I wonder what Goldberg meant by "Shame for the fans they didnt even try" I guess he was mentioning the TNA fans?

Besides needing the money and perhaps having one more small little run I think he feels comfortable coming back while this PG Era is going on. He's criticized in the past about wrestling shouldnt have silly skits, bras and panties stuff like that. So better come in now while its safe.

WWE obtaining Goldberg back, at least for a while, should remind TNA who is, and will always be, the dominant Lion.

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