Gold Rush Discussion: Cerberus (c) vs. Hard Metal Penetration [Ladder] (Tag Titles)

FlexAmerican Dynamite


It has been nothing short of an absolute war between the first two heads of Cerberus & Hard Metal Penetration, two teams who have fought to within an inch of their lives just for the glory of becoming the best Tag Team in the World. After all the championship matches, I Quit matches, ambushes by Cerberus, antics by Hard Metal Penetration and the personal hatred for one another, these two teams collide for the last chapter: the Final Battle of this epic feud in a Ladder match

Can Cerberus walk away with the titles still around their waist or will Hard Metal Penetration become the two-time Tag Team champions of the World? But the biggest question: will either team survive after the dust has settled?​
Cerberus have come a long way as a team. Dynamite & Spidey took their over-the-top characters who've had some success and moulded their RP's into some really riveting stuff. You can see the changes over time. Flex has been doing slightly better than Ramparte but as unit, they're pretty good.

Hard Metal Penetration are exactly what you expect. When they are on point, nothing stops Red Skull or Miko. Otherwise, it's pure camaraderie. Same thing here: S.H.I.T.'s been doing slightly better than Alhazred but as a unit, they're pretty good.

It's the tie-breaker here. Last match between these two. They're about to throw the kitchen sink at each other here, looking to go outside the box. My bias tells me to go Cerberus but HMP can very easily take this one. No team is better than the other here. Whoever brings it, wins it. 50/50
I've truly enjoyed the entirety of the Cerberus VS Hard Metal Penetration feud. Now we will know once and for all who the better team was. Cerberus are my pick going in, although both members of Hard Metal Penetration are capable of producing brilliant RP's so I am rooting for them both in-character and out of character. The fact that it's a Ladder Match doubles my interest, and would have with or without Theron and Eve's initial inclusion in this match. May the best team win!

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