Gold Rush: Cerberus (c) vs. Hard Metal Penetration [Ladder] (World Tag Team Titles)

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW

It has been nothing short of an absolute war between the first two heads of Cerberus & Hard Metal Penetration, two teams who have fought to within an inch of their lives just for the glory of becoming the best Tag Team in the World. After all the championship matches, I Quit matches, ambushes by Cerberus, antics by Hard Metal Penetration and the personal hatred for one another, these two teams collide for the last chapter: the Final Battle of this epic feud in a Ladder match

Can Cerberus walk away with the titles still around their waist or will Hard Metal Penetration become the two-time Tag Team champions of the World? But the biggest question: will either team survive after the dust has settled?

Special Gold Rush PPV Deadline is Thursday, April 16, 2015 at 11:59 PM (Central Time). Extensions are available upon request.
WZCW World tag team champions Flex Mussel and Ramparte can be seen sitting comfortably on a cozy couch placed in the living of Ramparte’s mansion. Both seemed very relaxed and easy going with the Catalyst guarding an open dictionary on his lap with his championship over his shoulder and the fitness trainer doing some wrist exercises with his belt firmly around his waist. In front of the champions on a coffee table seems to be a small tripod with a camera on it planted right on the money makers of the first two heads of Cerberus.

: Cerberus and Hard Metal Penetration.

Ramparte: When you think of those two teams in the same sentence you really only think of one thing they have in common: mutual hate.

Flex: Hate…do you mind looking up the exact definition of that word Ram?

Ramparte: Why I just happened to have a dictionary right here good monsieur.

The Catalyst quickly flips to an already bookmarked page of a seemingly dated dictionary from Ramparte’s private library. He uses his finger to spot the word and promptly begins to read the definition for all to hear.

Ramparte: Hate: a feeling of intense or passionate dislike for someone.

Flex: Wow, hate seems to be a strong word.

Ramparte: Strong indeed, almost as strong as you Flex.

Flex: I hate to say it Ram, but it may be stronger.

Ramparte does a sarcastic and playful gasp as a ridiculous look of disappointment and sadness comes over the face of the healthiest man alive. After their gag is over the two return their attention to the camera to address whoever they’re talking to.

Flex: What my partner and I are getting at here is that hate has become too powerful of a word to describe the relationship between Cerberus and Hard Metal Penetration.

Ramparte: Don’t get us wrong, there was certainly a time in which a tight knot of passionate disgust and detestation is all that held our two teams together.

Flex: However, Ram and I have evolved past that. We realized that we have no reason to hate Alhazred or S.H.I.T., because without them we wouldn’t be the two most established superstars in WZCW today.

Ramparte: S.H.I.T. and Alhazred when you took our titles all the way back at Kingdom Come we were enraged, we wanted to kill you guys, and we almost broke up as a team.

Flex: The passion and the fire you two lit under us was something that we needed to bring our cohesiveness and talent to such a level that we were practically blood thirsty animals leaving you two in a pool of your own blood on a weekly basis.

Ramparte: Physically decimating you two almost became like beating a dead horse with a stick.

Flex: But the hatred the four of us shared got us to a point I’m not sure we expected to get: we main evented the first PPV of this calendar year.

Ramparte: For the first and maybe only time in WZCW history the tag team titles main evented a PPV, in an “I Quit Match” no less.

Flex: And it was after we beat you two in that I Quit Match, after we let our hatred and anger consume so much of us that we physically and mentally destroyed you to a point where you had to bend to our will that we realized just how much you two mean to us.

Ramparte: I mean we’ll never be in each other’s Christmas cards but we have to admit we owe quite a bit to you two.

Flex: If we had defeated you two at Kingdom Come we probably would have continued being cocky and complacent. Without that loss we wouldn’t have been record tying two time WZCW tag champs and we might never have elevated our tag team titles to the point they’re at now.

Ramparte: Because of you Hard Metal Penetration, because Alhazred and S.H.I.T. are two of the most popular and well recognized wrestlers ever to grace a WZCW ring that we were able to make the tag division one of the most entertaining parts of this company in months. And in the process of waging war with you two Flex and I became more capable and more established stars than we ever could have dreamed to be. So despite all that has happened, all that’s been said, and even all that’s been done we respect Hard Metal Penetration as a team and all that they’ve done separately.

Flex: Now here’s the part you two don’t want to hear: you needed us just as much, if not more than we needed you.

Ramparte: If it wasn’t for us putting Amber Warren out of action would you have even been on the Kingdom Card S.H.I.T.? If it wasn’t for us taking out every other team would there have been an excuse for you an Alhazred to parade around as heroes to save WZCW from the big bad dogs known as Cerberus?

Flex: And what did that false bravado and fan adulation get you two? It made you weak, it made you cocky, and it left you wide open to be torn apart by the jaws of Cerberus.

Ramparte: You know that anger and hatred you two have been feeling? It’s exactly the same thing we felt when you two took away our belts. Just like us you two were on top of the world as champions until we brought you right back down to a cold hard reality.

Flex: The difference is this time however is that just because we’re the current champs doesn’t mean we’re over confident. We’re just as good as we’ve ever been. Not only acquiring wins as a team but beating top tier talent all on our own, while Alhazred and S.H.I.T. have let their grievances and hatred cloud them from success in recent weeks.

Ramparte: Yet despite all that the fans love you, they want you to succeed, and this is potentially the most popular you two have ever been.

Flex: So what we’re trying to get through to Alhazred and S.H.I.T. is that we all needed each other to reach new heights in our careers and despite what ill will they wish upon us we no longer hate Hard Metal Penetration, but we instead have realized they are way past their expiration date.

Ramparte: How long have Alhazred and S.H.I.T. been in WZCW?

Flex: Maybe four or five years a piece I believe.

Ramparte: And despite all that time, all that talent, and all those fans behind them neither has risen to the levels of their former allies Ty Burna and Barbosa. Hell even younger and arguably more inexperienced talents such as Ricky Runn have acquired legendary feats and World title reigns in a lesser period of time than they have. One has to wonder is it because they're just not that good enough or is it something else?

Flex: You want to know what that something else is S.H.I.T. and Alhazred? It's the fact that you’re holding each other back. I get that you two are best friends and a great team but if you weren’t bogged down by your pride and anger who knows what great things you two could accomplish your own.

Ramparte: Had you two just given up after you quit either of you could have been in the Gold Rush finals, maybe even facing each other for a shot at the World title.

Flex: I remember Alhazred once said something along the lines of “We don't need these titles. S.H.I.T. and I are capable of doing anything we want whenever we want on our own”. And that’s where Hard Metal Penetration and Cerberus differ. You two don’t need these titles, but we most certainly do. We need to prove to the world that they we are the absolute best team on this planet. This isn’t a game to us, this isn’t just about petty revenge or jealousy, being better than all the competition is something that Cerberus thrives off of and it’s why we’ll go down as one of the greatest teams in WZCW history.

Ramparte: So at WZCW Gold Rush we have decided that much like Flex and I have climbed the metaphorical ladder of success and respect all throughout WZCW we’re going to climb actual ladders to bring back our championships and once and for all end this war, end Hard Metal Penetration, and prove that Cerberus is the dominant team in WZCW.

Flex: And I know we make it seem like a piece of cake but we fully know it won’t be easy and we fully know there is a good possibility we could lose. We know just how damn good you two are and we know that to put you down once and for all we’ll have to beat you harder than we ever did before if we want to retain our belts. We know that anger and pride you have inside won’t let you go down without putting up a fight.

Ramparte: But it’s that anger and pride that has blinded you all this time and will continue to blind you as Cerberus feeds off your hatred and puts an end to your hopes and dreams of walking out victorious.

Flex: So in a nutshell we’ve transcended anger and hate towards you Hard Metal Penetration, but in no way shape or form will we let you two have the last laugh against all the hard work we’ve built up over the last year and a half. We made this video to personally tell you and the entire WZCW universe that our feud has done wonders for all of us, but all good things must come to an end, and it will end with Cerberus standing atop a fifteen foot high ladder raising our championships high in the air as you two watch from below as defeated men.

Cerberus: HAIL CERBERUS!!!!

After their trademark catchphrase the monsieur of muscle quickly goes behind the tripod to turn off the camera as Ramparte grabs his championship belt and begins to look at his reflection, almost as if it’s one of the last times he’ll do it.

Flex: I know you’re not the type to get all touchy feely but I wanted you to know that regardless of what happens at Gold Rush it has been an extreme honor to call you my tag team partner.

: Likewise my friend, but this isn’t the time for emotional goodbyes, I fully intend for our title reign to live on past Gold Rush.

: As do I but I think we both know we’re facing two desperate men and who knows what deprived lengths they’ll go to get back what they think is theirs. And just in case something does happen there’s something I want to get off my chest now, something I’ve honestly been afraid to tell you the last couple of weeks.

Ramparte: What is it Flex?

Flex: I like Eve Ram, I like her more than a friend, I maybe even love her. There’s just something about these last couple of weeks that have really opened my eyes to not only her outer beauty but the special kind of person she is on the inside. I’ve been afraid to tell you this because I don’t want things to get weird between the three of us but the truth is I can’t hold it in anymore. I finally intend to man up and act on these feelings Ram and since you’re my best friend I wanted you to know beforehand.

Ramparte: Oh…well um-

: I don’t expect you to be fully on board with it or even comprehend how I can be so attracted to someone who was almost like a sister to us but just know this doesn’t change anything between us in the slightest. I care for Eve just as much as I care for you and the amount of trust and respect I have in you two will never ever change.

Mussel quickly hugs Ramparte who is stunned by all of the information just being thrown upon him. After a few seconds where it seemed like his arms may have been limp he gives Flex a pretty half-hearted hug and smile.

Ramparte: I’m…I’m glad you trusted me enough to tell me this Flex, you really are my best friend.

Flex: And you’re mine Ramsy.

Ramparte: Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to get a nap in before our flight.

The Catalyst slowly makes his way up the stairs of his mansion as the doorbell rings prompting Flex to quickly answer it. The bodybuilder opens the door to reveal the Eurasian champion Eve Taylor on the front step.

Flex: Hey!

Eve: Hey! Am I interrupting anything?

: Not at all, your timing is actually impeccable. What brings you over?

Eve: Just wanted to say hello to my favorite boys before I’m off on my flight to Chicago, I know you two love birds have a flight together scheduled for tomorrow. Speaking of which where is Ramparte?

Flex: Taking a nap.

Eve: That's a shame, I was hoping to show you both my childhood pageant video you two kept asking to see.

Flex: Well we should watch it anyway, I can tell him about it later.

And with the invitation set the first and third heads of Cerberus gladly sit down on the cozy couch, and proceeded to watch the aforementioned video. The two laugh throughout enjoying each others company immensely. Ramparte watches from the top of the stairs as his stablemates continue to playfully shove each other as Flex jokes about Eve's childhood video.
Ramparte peered passed the stairway's railing at his stablemates. They were getting close. Too close.

Flex and Eve Taylor. Shoving each other around like a pair of teenagers at prom. It was...

"Puppy love...She is choosing him under my own roof. And he'd rather be with her than to train with me."

The callous thoughts ran inside of his head. But of course he knew this would happen. How could it not? Eve Taylor and Flex Mussél shared glances all month while he just sat there as a third wheel. The Third Wheel of Cerberus.

"They should be a tag team together. Obviously I'm not needed."

He pulled away from the stairs with sore eyes. Of all things, tears began to form and when they came down, they came down like hellfire. They burned across his cheeks as he quietly crept to his Master Bathroom. He could hear her give a meek little laugh to his tag team partner. The Catalyst bit his lip in jealousy.

His head filled with empty thoughts. Nothing made sense except the will to wash this night away. He opened the bathroom, turned the sink's handle until the water steamed, cupped his hands and rinsed his eyes out. It scalded his fingertips. Ramparte felt comforted in the physical pain compared to what pain he felt moments ago. He shut his eyes for a time and then opened them. He caught sight of himself in the standing mirror.

It was as if he wore runny mascara. His eyes dripped black, and when the opaque tears fell from his face, they exploded on the clean tile floor. Slowly the ink stains spread across the linoleum and shifted the room into pitch darkness.

Ramparte laughed.

He laughed and he laughed until his voice turned raw. And even as his laughter turned hoarse, the maniacal howling didn't subside until The Catalyst saw the man of the hour. Flex Mussél seemed to emanate the only light in Ramparte's twisted world now. The bookworm gave the athlete a mock bow.

"You win, good monsieur. Here we are- both champions. But it is you who have exceeded all expectations. Bravo."

His tag team partner didn't move. He just stood there in stoic indifference. Licking his lips, Ramparte sulked closer to him, asking him to respond. When no reply came, The Catalyst slapped Flex across the face. Flex's head came off and rolled across his bedroom. Mussél's torso flinched and Godfrey screamed. Words seeped through the mannequin flesh. It was the catchphrase they had shared as a unit for the last 4-5 months.

Hail CerberusShe Chose Him. Hail CerberusShe Fucking Chose HIM. Hail CerberusHow Can She Choose Him??? Hail Cerberus

She Hail CerberusChose Hail CerberusFlex Hail CerberusFucking Hail Cerberus

Mussél Hail CerberusOver Hail CerberusMe. Hail CerberusOver Hail Cerberus

A Hail CerberusLiterary Hail CerberusMastermind. Hail Cerberus

The decapitated head of his comrade began to speak.

"I know the truth, Ramparte."

The Catalyst stepped back; shaking his head in bewilderment.

"You're not upset that I took Eve away from you."

Ramparte's lips trembled.

"I am. I am you piece of shit SHE SHOULD BE MINE."

"No. You're upset that Eve took me away from you."

His stomach churned. Ever since last year's Lethal Lottery the synergy between Ramparte and Flex Mussél was there. They had ran through every feasible tag team on the roster at the time. When the superheroes fell, it was by their doing. Then the time came for dragons, but before they could unite once more, The Catalyst took out Amber Warren. Los Magnifoes Dragones roared no more. The Pale Riders dispersed. The Elite ignored the champions. Cerberus were branded Team Killers. And it was all because of the unusual luck a book loving madman and a lunatic jock had.

That was, until Hard Metal Penetration reminded them what a team should be.

"M-maybe. I need you both. But neither of you need me it seems."

"That's not true. The Cerberus does not have 2 heads, does it? Each set must have fangs. Each set must keep their eyes on the prey. And what prey is there left but the degenerates known as Hard Metal Penetration? I need you. If we are to defeat HMP, then I need to trust you to aim that black mist at them. To lick, sniff, spit or whatever pleases you in order to throw the sci-fi nerds off."

The thought of spitting the ink in the manbot's face while atop ladder filled Ramparte with glee.

"My mist... Fine. Our belts are the most important thing now. However I feel about you and Eve Taylor will have to wait. Focus is key, and I shall come out of this a victor in my own right. There is nothing new to say about Hard Metal Penetration. They know us as well as we know them. We cannot defeat them with any set strategy, and neither can they regain the titles that way.

But they are coming in with zero momentum in this, our last encounter. And they do not have the experience in Ladder Matches that we have. Yes, we lost back at All or Nothing in one, but that was against six other opponents. SIX. And as luck would have it, we did defeat Young Justice- the team that won that match. Even with Cerberus distracted, we are the apex duo. Our name is right up there with Strikeforce and Saxoteur. We can retain at Gold Rush."

Even as he spoke, he felt uncertain.

"This is war. And this is the final battle. Those are brave men that would stand against us for a third time. Let us welcome them to where gold truly waits for them- The Gates of Hades."

The dummy head of Flex Mussél smiled and disappeared into nothingness. The mannequin body gave a courteous bow and then it too evaporated into thin air. The tar-like substance that had coated the bedroom slithered through random cracks from doors, vents, and the window. Ramparte looked back into his mirror again and noticed he was normal. He gave himself a creeper of a smile before descending the stairs to spend time with his friends.

Three white dogs are sitting behind a fence. Alhazred and S.H.I.T. walk up to the fence eating tacos, as they do the three dogs bark furiously. They turn around to see the dogs and stare directly into their eyes as the anger and hatred spew through the teeth and lungs of the three mutts. They snap and snarl and foam from their mouths. Alhazred and S.H.I.T. get closer to the fence, they stick their faces up against it and smile. The dogs become enraged and bite and scratch at the fence.

Alhazred nods to S.H.I.T. and they both climb up and over the fence. The dogs back away as they jump down. One barks a little but quickly stops. As the penetrators of metal that is hard walk closer to the dogs, the bitches bark again and charge at them.

Alhazred turns around and pulls down his pants.

Alhazred: Pull my finger, S.H.I.T.

S.H.I.T. pulls his finger and the amount of shit that comes out of Alhazred's asshole and the speed at which it shoots out could only be described as a fire hose. It sprays and spreads all over the three dogs and their yard. For what seems like an eternity the dogs continuously get showered in the dirtiest looking, awfullest smelling shit you could ever imagine. Mixed in with the various browns and greens associated with shit there are speckles of red and black thrown in to form a hideous, rainbow like stream of feces. But there is no pot of gold at the end of this rainbow, only thicker and darker shit coming from the deepest levels and caverns of Alhazred's taco, liquor and Cheetoh filled intestines. Finally and mercifully the flow of shit begins to simmer and weaken.

Alhazred: S.H.I.T. pull my Power Glove finger.

Like a volcano erupting a blast of shit comes out of his anus onto these dogs. It's like Alhazred is a Blastoise and he uses Hydro Pump, but it comes out of his ass and it is poop. The ground shakes and the sky darkens, the dankest shit of all time has now been unleashed on the dogs, his asshole is beginning to rip a new asshole into space and time and become a portal to another dimension. Tentacles swiggle out of the butt hole and swim through the river of shit. Fish and monsters and creatures and objects beyond the comprehension of mortal men come out shortly after and fall onto the dogs. James King flies out and shakes his fist. The head of Baller cannonballs out and winks. A flying saucer shoots out now with Krypto popping his head out and waving. He too rides the Kamehameha sized wave of excrement onto the dogs. Suddenly the shit stops, the sun comes out and the ground stops shaking.

Alhazred grabs a paper from his pocket, it's the World Tag Team Title contract for his ladder match with Cerberus. He wipes his ass with it and throws it aside. He baby powders his butt and pulls up his pants.

S.H.I.T.: Is that why this one has only been eating tacos and Cheetohs since Kingdom Come?

Alhazred: That's my normal diet, I've just been holding in my poop for a few weeks now, that's why I've been so angry. I love you S.H.I.T.

They hug and walk off together holding hands.

What was once an empty lot is now a mountain of shit and creatures from other dimensions. A hole is in the clouds above it and the stench can be smelled for miles. Krypto farts and the scene fades to black.
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