Go back 6 months - how would you of built towards Wrestlemania 27?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Ok, we all know the planned/rumoured matches for Wrestlemania 27, we dont need to go over them. Alot of people pissed at the way the card is shaping up. Personally I ain't "too excited" but lets give WWE the benefit of the doubt, there is still 5/6 weeks till the big event and there is that old addage "Don't judge a book by it's cover". The card might not look great, but the content might be full of suprises and 5 star matches.

I dont want this to be another "My Wrestlemania 27 card" thread because most just list the matches. In this thread I would love to know how you build towards your card and how would you make the past different.

Take yourself back to the summer of 2010, around 6 months ago. How would you of planted seeds and built towards Wrestlemania 27??? Lets be realitsic aswell...no Batista, Sting, Brock, Jericho, Goldberg etc etc.

My Wrestlemania 27

Guest Host: The Rock
Naturally I dont think anyone has a real problem on the booking of this. Great move by WWE. I would still have The Rock and Cena involved in their verbal bashing. But how do I incorporate this into my main event? Read on...

Main Event: John Cena vs The Undertaker (The Rock Special Guest Ref)
This is your money maker right here. Love or hate Cena, he is the man most want to see try and end Undertakers streak. Why? Because he is "Super Cena" and Vinces "Baby". He is the only superstar on the roster that can create "doubt" where Takers streak is concerned. Cena doesnt even have to turn heel for his. Infact, if he stays face, he is more "likely" to beat Taker. When Kane/Nexus went to bury Taker at Bragging Rights, I would of had Cena come out to make the save. Cena was at Barretts "beck and call" remember? Barrett could of forced Cena to bury Taker or be fired. Cena would of had no choice. This sets up Takers return and an attack on Cena leading to a match at WM. The Rock can still Special Guest Referee this (ok, only rumoured for the real WM). The Rock represents the "Attitude Era" and has the back of his "Attitude Buddy" The Undertaker. You might argue that Cena vs Undertaker doesnt need The Rocks involvement, it's big enough, BUT can Cena lose this cleanly? I am not convinced. The heat between him and The Rock could lead to The Rock costing him the match setting up a future feud between the two (we can only dream). Hell, bring back the Dr of Thuganomics and a heel Cena after for all I care.

WWE Title: CM Punk (c) vs Randy Orton
I still like the look of this match but if it is for the WWE Title it makes it stronger. Punk would of won the Title on his return to action in late 2010. I would of built him up and kept the Title on him up until Wrestlemania 27. Punk wouldnt be in the New Nexus, Nexus (the original) would still exist for me. Punk is strong enough on his own, he is the best talker in WWE at the moment. The programme would still work off the "Unforgiven 2008" incident. Orton goes over but Miz cashes in his MITB after this bout and wins the Gold. A nice swerve and a nice suprise. Miz has been left of the card due to a kayfabe injury.

WHW Title: Rey Mysterio (c) vs Alberto Del Rio
YES this match was done to death over the summer, but for me they would never of crossed paths until Royal Rumble 2011. I would save a Mexican vs Mexican showdown for Wrestlemania. Alberto Del Rio would of still won the Rumble, but beaten Rey Mysterio in the final two like Stone Cold beat Bret Hart in 1997. Rey could of won the belt off Edge (interfearence by a returning Christian) at Elimination Chamber a month later and their fued starts to pick up more steam. I think this would of being a cool swerve from the predicted Edge vs Del Rio match.

Street Fight: Sheamus vs Mystery Opponent (Triple H)
Ok, we saw this last year. And I have also said various times that a fued like this could be settled on Raw due to the fact we saw it last year. BUT Sheamus has been heavily underbooked. He is losing far too many fights and has lost his momentum. I would of booked him stronger. The KOTR win would of happened and he would still be using the King Sheamus routine. Sheamus would come to the ring and cut a promo offering anyone with the balls to fight him in a stree fight. Out comes "The King Of Kings". Crowd go nuts, we see a street fight, a sledgehammer and a Triple H win. We forget they fought at WM26.

Brother vs Brother: Edge vs Christian
Like I said earlier, a returning Christian costs Edge the gold at Elimination Chamber. We have seen this fued before but both are decent talents and could pull it off again. Christian is another who prospers as a heel and deserves a push. I would have him play the "jealous brother" and go over Edge. Edge doesn't need the win and he would be doing Christian a favour. A good solid mid-card match.

Lumberjack Match: The Big Show vs Diesel
Wrestlemania is in Atlanta and I do feel this would be a nice nod to WCW. The match wouldn't be pretty, but it would be a draw for nostalgic reasons alone. How do you make this entertaining? You have lumberjacks. Ex-WCW talent - Buff Bagwell, Scott Hall, Lex Luger, Sid Vicious, DDP, Raven ain't doing shit and would happilly take a pay-check. Kidman and Disco Inferno could make up the numbers. We saw the staredown at the Rumble, that is all you need plus a few appearences by Diesel on Smackdown to challenge Show.

10 Man Tag Match: The Nexus vs The Corre
Barrett, Gabriel, Slater, McGillicutty, Ryan vs Otunga, Jackson, Tarver, Young, Great Khali.
I would of kept Barrett as leader of Nexus. I would of booked Nexus stronger than they were in order to keep them from going stale. They lost matches and they lost crediblity. Instead of Barrett being kicked out, I would of kicked out Otunga. Nexus had every reason to get rid. Otunga goes to Smackdown and joins forces with Tarver and Young who are also pissed at Barrett. He then recruits big Zeke and Great Khali to add some power and presence and seeks revenge on Nexus. Barrett responds by bringing in Mason Ryan. Ok, you may of noticed this is white vs black, it adds a little spice to the fight but I wouldnt play off it in a PG era. Nexus go over with the help of Zeke Jackson turning on the Corre. Corre disband and Nexus grow stronger. I would then have Big Zeke and Mason Ryan as a tag-team on Raw.

MITB Match: Jerry Lawler vs John Morrison vs Ted Dibiase vs Evan Bourne vs Goldust vs Drew McIntyre vs Cody Rhodes vs Kane vs Tyler Reks vs Kofi Kingston
Ok, the usual suspects on here and the strongest 10 who aren't involved in single/tag matches. Morrison, Bourne, Kingston would do all the high flying shit, Kane and Reks there for a bit of power and Dibiase, Goldust and Rhodes to make up the numbers. That leaves King. King has showed he can still put on a good ladder match and of course King has never had a match at WM. King has also never won a match at WM. And this is where it starts. Yes, King would go over here. His in-ring performances would of started a little later as would his heat with Cole/Miz. Miz wins the Gold against Orton this very night and Jerry wins the MITB. I think this would make for a great story on Raw everytime Miz defended the belt. Cole could be talking King out of it and week after week we wonder when Jerry will "jump up" and cash in.

Womens Title: Beth Pheonix (c) vs Awesome Kong
Beth returned at the Survivor Series. I would of had her as a mystery opponent against Laycool. Beth goes over them and wins the gold. 5/6 weeks later Awesome Kong joins WWE and makes her debut. She starts to rip up and dominate the Divas Division while at the same time Beth beats all comers. Kong wins a Battle Royal to become number one contender at Elimination Chamber. Beth and Kong cross paths for the first time in 2 months leading up to their match at Wrestlemania.

IC Title: Dolph Ziggler (c) vs Jack Swagger
Ok, both are heels and that is how I would keep this. Both are great in the ring and capable of good solid matches. We have seen Heels vs Heels a bit recently so this is nothing knew. It wouldn't have to be a long programme or even have a storyline, the match itself would be enough. Swagger is under used and Ziggler was pushed too quickly to "main event". Dolph would of kept the gold until now when Swagger wins and gets back his credibility.

US Title: Daniel Bryan (c) vs Tyson Kidd
This would be my show opener. I really thought WWE wern't patient enough with Tyson Kidd. He's very good in the ring and when they put Jackson Andrews by his side for that couple of weeks, I thought it gave him more presence. Kidd could of gone on a dominating mid card run, using Jackson to cheat the wins. Bryan would keep the belt (like he has now) but Kidd would go over and get a run with the Gold. I really think these two would of being capable of a 4/5 star match at Mania.

***Dark Match***
Tag Titles: Santino & Vladimir Kozlov (c) vs Mark Henry & R-Truth

The Tag Belts mean shit to WWE so I have nothing to really work off. I also have 11 televised matches which is more than enough so Santino/Kozlov team up against a heel pairing of Henry and R-Truth. The heel team wins the Gold. This match is available as exclusive Blu-Ray content!!!


So there you have it, there is my Wrestlemania 27 card. 12 matches and all the top talent is used. What do you think? I think it looks alot more mouth watering than what WWE has currently lined up. Somebody get me Vinces number...:)
Guest Host: N/A
I wouldn't have thought that The Rock would be guest host, I don't see how you can have him listed either. Unless you knew who was going to be the guest host before the even The Rock of Vince McMahon did, seeing as The Rock only hinted at it 4 weeks ago. Need to check your logic there.

Main Event: Edge (C) Vs Christian for the World Heavyweight Championship
I actually thought this was going to happen back then, I was presuming Christian would return at the Royal Rumble and either win the whole damn thing or just get involved in a storyline with Edge, which would lead up to Christian as a face versus Edge as a heel.

WWE Championship: The Miz Vs John Cena (C)
I would have had The Miz cash in the MITB briefcase, face Cena, face Orton a couple times before losing it to Cena in the EC or something. Then they would take feud going into Wrestlemania, which would hash up the "Face of the WWE" angle and build something from it.

Grudge Match: Chris Jericho Vs Randy Orton
Chris Jericho was punted in the head by Randy Orton. He'd return as Y2J, but keeping up the "Best In the World" name and go into Wrestlemania as neutral versus neutral type thing.

Steak: Undertaker Vs Kane
After Kane buried the Undertaker "alive", and seeing as they were feuding so aggressively I also thought this would happen... AGAIN! Would have been a nice ending, but it was done before so probably why it hasnt happened in realism.

Street Fight: Sheamus Vs Triple H
Thought Triple H was going to return at the Royal Rumble and eliminate Sheamus for putting him on the shelf for so long, but alas WWE have made a shit of Sheamus and have used Triple H as another pawn in the streak of the Undertaker, don't think this match would have been bad aslong as it was under Street Fight rules.

WCW Theme: Goldberg Vs Big Show
I don't know why WWE decided to hold Wrestlemania in Atlanta and not even feature a single WCW talent, in the place it considered home. They have history, would have made sense, Goldberg versus a big man is how Goldberg works best. Alas, WWE decided not to take this avenue.

Team Vs Team: Nexus Vs ???
I hadn't a clue six months ago WTF The Corre was. How was I supposed to know CM Punk was going to lead the Nexus? I'll just presume that I thought Barrett would get the kick from the Nexus and that he'd form a team of his own to take on Otunga who was the new leader since he was second in command.

MITB Ladder Match: Daniel Bryan Vs Evan Bourne Vs Kofi Kingston Vs Jack Swagger Vs Alberto Del Rio Vs Dolph Ziggler Vs Ted DiBiase Vs Rey Mysterio Vs Drew McIntyre Vs John Morrison
I just thought they'd have a MITB, doesn't matter who is in it, but those would be the "big" names not included in my already posted card. Wouldn't have made a bad match

NOTE: You worded the question wrong. Six months ago, there was no Corre. Punk wasn't involved in the Nexus, The Rock wasn't even presumed to show up at Wrestlemania, Kevin Nash was in TNA and "retired" and I could go on. But, I went with the thread title. That was my card SIX months ago.
My Wrestlemania 27

Guest Host: The Rock, cant argue with this can you? Id have him do very little through the build up to Mania and then at the big one give him a segment inbetween every match. More Rock the better.

Main Event: John Cena vs The Undertaker (The Rock Special Guest Ref)

This I would disagree with you. I think Taker v HHH will be good but not as a retierment match. Just have them compete to see who is the best of the old bunch. I loved the promo's they did for this but I woud have changed the last one. Have them first start showing a fire and the camera pans up to see The Deadman looking into it. You hear a door slam in the background and Taker just starts talking saying stuff like "I know why your hear, many have tried and nobody has been sucessful, last year a true legend gave up his career for it, Hell you didnt get the job done 10 years ago" The camera focuses on HHH in the doorway and he just says something like "its one for the ages".

Taker to win but the fued these two coud have over the year really woud be something to savour.

WWE Title: CM Punk (c) vs Randy Orton Vs John Cena vs anyone from Nexus.
Punk could potentially take out the 2 people he has been trying to for weeks, a Nexus member would be in there as back up, but there could always be the twist of they turn on Punk in an attempt to win the title.

WHW Title: Edge (c) V Christian
Purely because I am a huge E & c mark. Christian returning and helps Edge retain at Royal Rumble, Edge gets fed up of people saying he is only champ still because of his Brother (do they acknowedge that anymore) Unleashes all his fury on Christian and becomes the Heel for the match. Id have them fight to a double pin to continue this fued for a while, Ladder match at Backash?

Team Vince v WCW.
Have Vince acknowledge the location of Mania and the history and relevence and have him challenge any past WCW 'stars to compete against his WWE team (Kofi, Jo Mo, Del Rio, McIntyre). Next week have someone come out as the WCW leader (Booker T, or Nash.) and weeky they can introduce another team member. Possibly interupting matches, any WCW guys will be looking for a pay day.

I would have a MITB tournament over the weeks on Smackdown and Raw. Then the Best of Raw and the Beat of Smackdown have a singes match for the case. I think the ladder concept is not needed now they have a whole PPV for it.

Womens Title: Beth Pheonix (c) vs Awesome Kong
Beth returned at the Survivor Series. I would of had her as a mystery opponent against Laycool. Beth goes over them and wins the gold. 5/6 weeks later Awesome Kong joins WWE and makes her debut. She starts to rip up and dominate the Divas Division while at the same time Beth beats all comers. Kong wins a Battle Royal to become number one contender at Elimination Chamber. Beth and Kong cross paths for the first time in 2 months leading up to their match at Wrestlemania. Like this Idea, So I kept it

IC Title V US Title, possibly unification but it could easily be done as who is better, the chance for the next big push. I cant see anyone else in this other than Daniel Bryan V Dolph Ziggler.
Edge vs. Randy Orton-loser leaves Raw Match-I would have saved this feud that was a dud earlier in the year for now and had these two face each other at 'Mania. ORTON WINS.

John Cena vs. The Rock-I'd have this match be the headliner. Have the Rock be the true "higher power" in Nexus. Have him go on about a lack of new talent and his hatred of Cena and what he stands for...The Rock wouldn't even be a super heel like Barrett, but still more of a heel leaning tweener. ROCK WINS WHEN ZEKE REVEALS HIMSELF AS PART OF NEXUS

Rey Mysterio vs. CM Punk-loser leaves Smackdown! match for the World Title. I'd have this feud build up over the last few months. CM injured Rey and he is out a while and vice versa. Kind of an intermittent feud all year. CM wins the World title at EC and Rey wins #1 Contender at RR. Rey wins the title but only holds it for like two months. Kind of like a final hurrah match.

Triple H vs. Sheamus for the WWE Title-This feud was never resolved. Basically, I would have had Sheamus hold the title for most of the second half of the year. He would have touted his "unpinability". He would still use heel tactics to win, but would be a monster in the ring. Triple H returns and defeats him. Again, like Rey, HHH loses like a month or two later to Sheamus, but it is a last hurrah.

Undertaker vs. Kane-Another unfinished feud, plus the whole Barrett/Nexus/Taker thing was dumb, scratch that. I'd have Taker win to preserve the streak, but Kane dominate for a while. I'd milk the whole "Taker is in a weakened state" angle.

Wade Barrett vs. John Morrison vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian vs. The Miz vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Zeke Jackson-Money in the Bank Ladder Match. I would have The Miz win it here rather than last year at MITB. He could cash it in a long while later to win the title. Overall, this is probably the strongest MITB ever from top to bottom.

Diesel vs. The Big Show-another short, "gimmick match". I like the idea of a WCW lumberjack match. Have the Big Show come out as the Giant...etc. Doesn't matter who wins.

Cody Rhodes vs. Ted Dibiase-These two have nothing better going on, why not give them five minutes on the big stage?
Guest Host the Rock

Streak Match

Cena v Taker

When Cena joined the Nexus never have him leave. Have him slowly yet surely progress and turn heel. Obviously reluctantly at first but later he is fully committed to the Nexus. Then have taker return after being buried and try to take out the nexus. Leading to Cena v Taker.

WWE title match

The Miz v John Morrison v Orton

Have John win the rumble. Then during the Raw chamber match Barret gets eliminated when the Miz and Orton remain. Have the nexus come to the ring and destroy the miz and Orton meaning the match ends in a no contest leading to a triple threat.

WHC Match

Edge (c) v Del rio v Christian

Have Del rio win the Smackdown EC to become no.1 contender. Christian returns and tries to take out both men. Leading to a triple threat.

Nexus(Wade barret/ Justin Gabreil/Slater/Zeke/Skip Sheffield) V
SES ( Punk/ Mike McGillicutty/Otunga/ Ryan/ Husky Harris)

Have Punk create a new group and he recruits members to join him. They leave as they are sick of Barret. They have a elimination match at WM to end it.

HHH v Sheamus Street fight

HHH returns looking for to get revenge. They have a street fight to end it.

Title unification match
Kane v Swagger (C) v Bryan (C) V Ted Diabase

They unify the US and IS belts.


Rhodes v Ziggler V Drew Mcintyre V R - truth V Mark Henry V Kofi v Zack Ryder V Rey Mysterio etc.

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