Get Kennedy Back On The 'Roids

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
A few weeks ago on the UK edition of Smackdown they had a From The Vault match. It was Kennedy vs. Hardcore Holly (I think). Anyway, the one thing that I noticed was how muscular he was, especially if you compare him with the Kennedy of now. But what I also noticed was how much better he looked and how much more confident he appeared. Is this down to the steroids? I doubt it. The reason I think he's lost his confidence is because first he was misdiagnosed with a serious injury. He was supposed to win the WHC and in the end he didn't. And second because he was made to look like a complete fool over the summer.

I like Kennedy. I don't think he's as great as I did this time last year. But I certainly think he has a lot more potential than some wrestlers. I think he is at least equal to MVP, wrestling wise. Wouldn't Kennedy be better if he had feuded with Benoit, Rey & Matt Hardy in 2007? I also think his mic skills are pretty good. He does so much more than just say his name twice.

In my opinion if wrestlers want to take steroids then let them. It's their body. I'm pretty sure they know what will happen to them in the long run. So really just let them get on with it.
i think this is good for Kennedy not to get the WHC or any world championship, hes only been there two years, give him time, give him the IC champioship, WWE are doing good with Kennedy and MVP building them up slowly thats how they got Shawn Michalels, HHH, Austin, Rock, these two will be the beesneez in 2 years time

What has that got to do with anything?

I totally agree with you Jake.They should be allowed if they want.It is there body.But then you have the image of the company.Would you want you kids looking up to Steroid users?I wouldn,t.And I doubt Congress would approve of it.
I disagree with wrestlers being allowed to take steroids. Imagine if that concept were a regular occurence in MLB! Barry Bonds' record would still be uncontested. People don't deserve to be made famous if they screw up their bodies doing it!

On the issue regarding Kennedy though, I completely agree. He has definitely lost a load of confidence and cockiness, the two things that made Kennedy MR. KENNEDY...KENNEDY!!!
It's all the magic of editing my friend. You have to remember, Kennedy was the king of Smackdown, same with lashley and others. They get the benefit of hiding behind matches that had been edited for 3 plus days to make them look incredibly good.

Kennedy is also shaken up because he is a royal fuck up in the worst sense. He goes on national tv and declares he has never taken steroids, and within two months, he's suspended for Wellness Program violations. The confidence is gone because he has had two major storylines this year ripped from him.

I think Kennedy is good, but not great. I don't think he is horrible like a Jeff Hardy, but he certainly isn't upper mid card or main event material at all. He needs a good long IC title reign, A) to try and bring some credibility back to that title, and B), hone his skills so he can take that next step.
Ever since moving from Smackdown to Raw he hasnt been the same. Lately he hasnt even been introducing himself. That takes away from his gimmick and his character which doesnt do anything good for him. I think he needs to decide his style more too. I think over time we will see the Mr Kennedy we saw on Smackdown but itll take time to get there. That sucks because Im a big Kennedy fan but its clear he lost something with his transition. Oh and his match against HBK to beat him before 2007 was over was ok at best.
I disagree with wrestlers being allowed to take steroids. Imagine if that concept were a regular occurence in MLB! Barry Bonds' record would still be uncontested. People don't deserve to be made famous if they screw up their bodies doing it!

I assume Barry Bonds is an athlete who used steroids to gain a competative edge. Wrestling is different, taking steroids is all about having a better body. That is pretty much the only help they give you in wrestling. And considering the outcome are predetermined I don't know what it matters. Real athletes. The ones who's main point is to win should not be able to take them, if steroids make you better. But wrestlers should be allowed to abuse there bodys. I'm prety sure Kennedy is aware of what will happen to him when he's older. His risk, his problem. In my opinion anyway.
In my opinion, it is useless to discuss whether or not pro wrestlers or pro athletes should take steroids or face consequences for having taken many friggin' times has this issue come up!!??
In the end, it is not who you have caught, it is who you haven't caught, and athletes are coming up with more and more ways to beat the system...the federal government will never catch every single athlete who uses or has used is a hopeless battle...
I think instead of drug-testing (although they have to, thanks to Congress) WWE or any other organization should keep a closer eye on its emplyees and their personal situations, even though they call them "independent contractors" it still does not change the dact that their actions reflect upon the company...
Even though i agree with what you are saying about letting them take steroids, that'll never happen now. With so much pressure and so many watching the WWE, well the whole of pro wrestling and the welfare systems i doubt we'll see many wrestlers getting away with taking steroids.
I also like the slow build up of Kennedy and MVP, think about it Kennedy has only been in the WWE 2 years and MVP barely 1 year and they have left many, most, knowing they are the future, and that they have much more potential than past talent that has been pushed immediately like Lesnar.
Let's forget about company image here, and discuss the differences between wrestlers and other athletes.

In football, baseball, etc. the athletes are required to do things that are kept in record books and most of these sports, legally or illegally, can be bet on. These are official sports whose stats are sacred.

Because of this, I do think it is unfair for a modern athlete to break a record using steroids when the original holder, let's say 40 years ago, made that record without steroids.

I think banning steroids in pro sports is fair.

However, wrestling is different. It is basically acting. The athletasism is SECOND to putting on a good show. Therefor, I actually don't have a problem with it in wrestling.

The media keeps reminding us over and over that wrestling is not a real sport, yet expects it to conform to the rules of real sports. You cannot have it both ways.

I don't mind being a fan of a wrestler on steroids, especially if they enhance performance levels. If a guy wants to take them and is willing to take the risks, go ahead.

I think we should just legalize steroids across the table, and start having new records in sports. Close all the old records and archive them, and start new records in which steroids are legal.

I find sports amusing more than anything else. The bigger the football player and the harder he can hit, the better. Let 'em all juice. Baseball will be fun with guys hitting 200 homers a year, and football will be great. Bigger guys more prone to injury is just fine with me.

They are going to keep doing it, everyone knows, so just do it.

I don't think Kennedy need roids to be good, but if he wants to take them, go ahead.

And, any parents who say they don't want there kids watching guys on steroids, know that your children need to be integrated into the world we live in, and we live in a steroid-laden world.
I dont' agree at all with allowing kennedy or anyone else to use steroids just to make themselves look famous. I mean, come on, would it really be considered an achievement? Using steroids make your achievements look fake. Where's the satisfaction in that?

Not just that, but it's a bad image. Again, parents will never let their kids watch WWE if steroids were legal. If kids don't watch, then ratings do go down and then, Kennedy or whoever uses the steroids won't be as famous as they are now.

Kennedy's lack of confidence may be caused by steroids, but going back to steroids is not the answer. He just needs to realize that he is a good wrestler with great potential and that he is not that way because of steroids.

Steroids do not make a person a good wrestler. It is their ability
I mean, come on, would it really be considered an achievement? Using steroids make your achievements look fake.

Wrestlings fake so what difference does it make?Steriods help with nothing so why not use them?Its a fake sport!I would care if it was in MMA or another contact sport but for god sake its fake!
Man i wish he didnt get injured,he would be mad as WHC on Smackdown,anyways i like kennedy,and i think has a bright future,i just hope no more injuries affect him.
Wrestlings fake so what difference does it make?Steriods help with nothing so why not use them?Its a fake sport!I would care if it was in MMA or another contact sport but for god sake its fake!

See, but Steroids do give someone, especially in the WWE an advantage. The WWE pushes guy based on look mainly, and someone using the juice is likely to have a better chance at getting recognized then someone that isn't on the juice. It's just how the company works. Vince is a body builder and he likes guys with muscles. The more successful you are, the more money you make, so therefore, it is a big incentive for guys to take the juice.

And besides, Steroids are illegal period, so there is no excuse to use them unless you have a doctor's prescription. So to say it's okay to use them is just plain wrong and illegal.
So to say it's okay to use them is just plain wrong and illegal.

Meh. That's just nitpicking. Anywho, Kennedy had a legitimate reason to have steroids. How did he know his doctor was a quack? He was injured and had a legitimate reason. He tore his lat in 2005. He had surgery and went home and had a staph infection that he almost died from. He lost about 45 pounds in three day. He had a legit medical reason for having steroids. However his name turned up on that list. Vince and the company's hands were tied. They had to suspend him.
Meh. That's just nitpicking. Anywho, Kennedy had a legitimate reason to have steroids. How did he know his doctor was a quack? He was injured and had a legitimate reason. He tore his lat in 2005. He had surgery and went home and had a staph infection that he almost died from. He lost about 45 pounds in three day. He had a legit medical reason for having steroids. However his name turned up on that list. Vince and the company's hands were tied. They had to suspend him.

See, but he had a legit reason to get on the juice then, so I don't fault him for that. If you have a doctor's prescription, the blame should fall on the doctor, not the person taking them. And I agree, a lot of guys that ended up on that Wellness program were just fall guys. Most of them had prescriptions given to them, or had there prescriptions expire recently. The fact is, I think most of them were all prescribed the drugs they tested positive for.

There is no way in hell I would call Kennedy a juicer, or Edge, or Angle, or anyone like that. However, if the guy isn't under a doctor's prescription, he shouldn't be taking them. Kennedy had a legit reason, but he doesn't now.

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