[Genesis] Roode v. Aries v. Hardy (C) [TNA World Heavyweight Championship]

Who wins?

  • Bobby Roode

  • Austin Aries

  • Jeff Hardy

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Genesis 2013
Bobby Roode v. Austin Aries v. Jeff Hardy (C)
TNA World Heavyweight Championship




All discussion here.​
This is the perfect opportunity for one of Roode/Aries to steal the title back from Hardy.

I envisage a scenario similar to Sheamus' second WWE title win at F4W 2010, when Nexus ran in and attacked everyone in sight, and in all the chaos Sheamus pinned Cena and won the title. If I had to choose someone to win it, I'd go with Roode.
Being the huge fan of Hardy I am, I want him to win but if Jeff loses then I see that as a sign that Jeff hasn't re-signed with TNA since his contract is running out this month. That said, if Jeff does retain, i'd like to see TNA do something different. I'd like Aces and 8's get involved. It'd be awesome to see them attack Austin Aries and Bobby Roode because Jeff payed them too. Jeff could still stay face, he could just say he was just giving them a taste of their own medicine. That way, no one would come out of this looking weak either.
It's quite simple. If they make their Superstar of the year lose the biggest title only weeks after he won, the award will seem meaningless.
Winner - Jeff Hardy
With Jeff indicating recently that he is happy in TNA, and likely to stay, I totally expect him to win here.

I would suspect that Jeff wins and the program with Aries carries all the way into Lockdown for an Aries/Hardy main event.

Roode will probably transition back into his program with Storm who is spinning his wheels with Kaz and Daniels currently, and we will likely see a rematch of last year's Lockdown main event between the two; possibly in a number one contender's match.
I don't think that Hardy is going to lose quite yet. I am really looking forward to this match to be honest. Should have some great spots, and it really is hard for me to pick a winner here. With the recent article about Hardy being very happy in TNA I just think they are going to keep the title on him a little longer. I do on the other hand agree with the poster that said this would be the perfect time for Roode or Aries to steal the title back off of Hardy. In the end though if I am forced to pick I think Hardy retain with his feud with Aries continuing, and Roode moving into a feud with someone else.
I'm actually thinking Hardy will have the belt stolen from under him. E.g. He's hit a Twist Of Fate on Roode and is about to go for the Swanton but is knocked off by Aries who takes the pin.

That'll make for a more interesting storyline than Roode or Aries flat out beating him in my opinion
For some reason I don't see Hardy losing here. Everyone here is on equal footing, but I think there is still a bubbling feud between Aries and Roode. Somehow, someway, I think Jeff will retain by a close call.
I hate the idea of triple threat's for title matches. I've only seen two that I really liked and i don't think this one will be any different than the rest. With that being Said Aries needs the belt he's a natural champion and I feel like he and Roode should have been feuding for a lot longer than they were.
Jeff Hardy is money. Kids love him and TNA can make a bunch of toys around his image. They'll keep the title on him for the money.

Everyone loves the money, you know... cause they're a business.
I'm loving the build up for this and it should be a great match. Voted Roode for the hell of it. If Hardy isn't beaten here who the hell IS going to beat him?

@Alex: Hogan made the match elimination rules, most likely to prevent that exact scenario.

I hadn't watched Impact whe I posted, so I didn't know. To me making it an elimination match takes away from the surprise a bit, because when somebody gets eliminated it becomes a one on one which takes away from the triple threat idea I feel. The only thing that would make it interesting is that the eliminated party comes back to screw over one the participants.
I'm loving the build up for this and it should be a great match. Voted Roode for the hell of it. If Hardy isn't beaten here who the hell IS going to beat him?

@Alex: Hogan made the match elimination rules, most likely to prevent that exact scenario.

Maybe it'll be the leader of Aces 'n Eights when they reveal who he is sometime in the next 10-20 years.

In all seriousness though, I do think Hardy will win this one. Hardy = money, and I just can't see Roode or Aries winning here. I mean, maybe at a strech Aries, but the same thing you said about Hardy applies to Roode if he wins. Who is he going to face again? James Storm for the 1000th time?

Hardy = money = winner of this match...I think.
With this being an elimination match I say Hardy wins. I have no idea who will be the first one eliminated my guess is Aries.

Hopefully after Lockdown we can move past Hardy/Aries/Roode combo in the main event all the time and get the strap around Storm's waist somehow.
This should be a strong match. Roode & Aries have been carrying much of the build while Hardy pops in at the right time to take both out by surprise. It's really the best role for him because he flat out blows on the mic.

As for the winner, I'd bet Hardy retains here. I'm assuming that Hardy has signed a new deal with TNA by now but I'm sure TNA wants to do whatever they can to keep him happy for a while. Also, Hardy is the most over face on the TNA roster right now. It wouldn't surprise me if Aries & Roode kind of took one another out or were so focused on each other that it allowed Hardy to ultimately get the win. I could honestly see Aries delivering the Brainbuster to Roode and Hardy jumping off the top with the Swanton Bomb right afterward, then delivering a kick or something to Aries before pinning Roode.
For starters, I don't see the title changing hands... but if it does, I think that Aries benefits the most. He, without a doubt, was robbed of the spotlight he deserved when he was the champion. I think a second run could help solidify him some more.

With that said, the reason why I don't see these men winning is because I'm loving them as a potential heel tag team in the tag division. Let's face it, Chavo and Hernandez both fucking suck as a tag team. Individually, they could be used better, or at least Chavo could... Hernandez can hit the hay and bow out. Ryan & Morgan is meaningless, mostly because Morgan is in the same boat as Hernandez IMO.

I think this match will be the match that does eventually get these two men together. I think that without a successful victory for either one, the two men will become hungry for gold that they'll set aside differences and go for the tag titles... and hell, why stop there? The two of them could even take the TV (Roode) and X Division (Aries) titles and form a power trip esque tag team.

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