General Spam Sitcom Discussion thread

Yes! I remember posting in your thread about it. I loved it. It was refreshing to see an indy film that wasn't so dark and depressing, and instead cheerful and optimistic.

Also, just last weekend I watch Josh Rador's (the writer/director of Happythankyoumoreplease and star of HIMYM) newest film called Liberal Arts. It's every bit as good and upbeat as his predecessor. The ending was a little rushed and convenient, but like I said, I support a top notch American indy film actually leaving on a happy note rather than a depressing one since it's so rare these days.

I've heard Liberal Arts is good, but a step down from Happythankyou. I'll probably check it out if the opportunity is presented to me.

Have you seen Win Win? It's not quite as indy-status as Happythankyou or Liberal Arts and its cast is a bet better known (Paul Giamatti stars and Amy Ryan plays his wife), but it's another generally uplifting movie with a happy ending.

And if you're not opposed to doing a little searching, there's a great indy film out of New Zealand called Boy. It was probably my favorite thing I saw at Sundance when I went besides Happythankyou and maybe Splice. Here's the IMDb page:
Have you seen Win Win? It's not quite as indy-status as Happythankyou or Liberal Arts and its cast is a bet better known (Paul Giamatti stars and Amy Ryan plays his wife), but it's another generally uplifting movie with a happy ending.

I saw it on HBO not too long ago. That's a movie you should get D-Man and IC to check out. Those two love Vision Quest, so I'm sure they'd love Win-Win.

But yeah... good movie. The guy from Boardwalk Empire had me cracking up. I also dug the tone of the kid in the film; I've never seen a young character like him before in any kind of movie or television show. And of course, Paul Giamatti was Paul Giamatti.

My only gripe about that movie was the same gripe I had about This is 40... the whole financial crisis thing just adds such a depressing tone over what's supposed to be a feel good movie throughout the whole thing. I know Giamatti's character having money trouble is what led to him meeting the kid, but still... I didn't think it fit in a movie like this. And I felt the exact same way about This is 40.

And if you're not opposed to doing a little searching, there's a great indy film out of New Zealand called Boy. It was probably my favorite thing I saw at Sundance when I went besides Happythankyou and maybe Splice. Here's the IMDb page:

Looks intriguing. I'll give it a shot.

The film from this past Sundance that has gotten unbelievable hype is Fruitvale Station, which stars the awesomely talented Michael B. Jordan from The Wire and Friday Night Lights. I'm very much looking forward to seeing that. But I'll check a torrent site and see if I can find Boy and get back to you whenever I watch it.
I saw it on HBO not too long ago. That's a movie you should get D-Man and IC to check out. Those two love Vision Quest, so I'm sure they'd love Win-Win.

I'd try to start an NJX movie night, but I'm pretty sure IC25 would just try to get us to watch a different Lethal Weapon every time.

But yeah... good movie. The guy from Boardwalk Empire had me cracking up. I also dug the tone of the kid in the film; I've never seen a young character like him before in any kind of movie or television show. And of course, Paul Giamatti was Paul Giamatti.

My only gripe about that movie was the same gripe I had about This is 40... the whole financial crisis thing just adds such a depressing tone over what's supposed to be a feel good movie throughout the whole thing. I know Giamatti's character having money trouble is what led to him meeting the kid, but still... I didn't think it fit in a movie like this. And I felt the exact same way about This is 40.

Paul Giamatti is pretty delightful when he plays that type of character.

I didn't really have a problem with the financial crisis, maybe because I'm young and haven't really hit that wall yet, maybe because I'm jaded to that device, but at the same time I never really got the feeling it was a crisis so much as a bump in the road. Paul Giamatti never really panicked about it, so I never felt to stressed about it.

Looks intriguing. I'll give it a shot.

The film from this past Sundance that has gotten unbelievable hype is Fruitvale Station, which stars the awesomely talented Michael B. Jordan from The Wire and Friday Night Lights. I'm very much looking forward to seeing that. But I'll check a torrent site and see if I can find Boy and get back to you whenever I watch it.

I look forward to hearing what you think about it. I've been meaning to give it another watch myself actually.

Haven't heard about Fruitvale Station, but I haven't really done my due diligence for this year's Sundance. I saw a film during Sundance USA, but it wasn't very good. It was called The Lifeguard, and even though it starred Kristen Bell whom I generally enjoy, it was just absurdly depressing and really did nothing for me except remind me of the futility of life. The director spoke afterwards, and I'm almost positive that was NOT what she was going for, so I have no idea what the hell she wanted us to feel.

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