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General Manager Gimmicks


Getting Noticed By Management
Where to begin? Since WWE has been starting using GMs as figures of authority on each show, the only one that's ever stuck out to me as having any kind of gimmick was Vickie Guerrero. The rest of them have been nothing but generic boss figures to me though I may be mistaken somewhere and despite the fact that I have nothing but the utmost respect for Teddy Long. Well, I've been thinking, if you can create a gimmick for a GM in the WWE, what would you use?

Here's my ideas, Raw's GM could be a little like Les Grossman from "Tropic Thunder" and he can just berate everyone heel, face, Nexus or Cena. Could you imaging the rant a character like this would've laid down on Nexus when they initially began their attacks. Smackdown's GM could be like Jack Donaghy from "30 Rock" and just be the man, he'd be powerful and cool yet intelligently silly saying some of the dumbest shit like his IQ is 200. He could mentor one of the divas like Jack mentors Liz Lemon and smoothly keep Santino from doing dumb shit as well like Jack does Tracy Jordan and cool the fires between faces and heels until their PPV matches. Could you imagine the interactions between these two at Bragging Rights time as the Raw GM continually lays into him like a hot head but the Smackdown GM constantly sidesteps him while keeping calm and cool. To hell with Bragging Rights, the year round competition between shows could be amazing as the Raw GM would send guys over to invade and the Smackdown GM would simply fuck up the Raw production.
Mick Foley was a fun commissioner. Though honestly one of the best GM gimmicks was that of William Regal. While he was heel, he had his occasional face decisions, and his mic work was excellent. I would like to see a forceful figure in, and I'm still trying to figure out who it is.

Honestly, I don't think WWE even knows who it is yet.
i always liked the gimmicks that they did with eric bishoff. he aalways seemed like the man liek when he had jonathon coachman has his servent, was always good times on raw
Teddy long is sorta on the fence isn't he, I liked when smackdown invaded RAW just before bragging rights and he seemed like a genuine heel character, if they brought that teddy into smackdown again I wouldn't be complaining
I loved Foley as GM/Commish he was always entertaining as was HBK when he briefly took over as RAW GM/Commisioner.

William Regal's run was funny when he was fueding with the likes of Chris Jericho :p Pee anyone?

I do somewhat like your idea for a GM war between Smack and RAW, they do already sorta do that but there's little interaction between the two shows except for PPV's and atm Nexus. Teddy Long has run his course, he's weak. Vicki Guerrero is perfect for a heel GM but she's just so damn annoying i pretty much tune out whenever she comes on.

if you want to go a heel RAW GM who's into invading, look no further than Triple H, he's done it b4 in the McMahon Helmsley era and it was a great stint. So who does that leave for Smackdown? hmmmm don't want another heel so they would have to be a face or semi face, i got it, a huge longshot and may not work but his in ring career is almost done and he certainly has the ability to play mind games and mess up the plans of Triple H. what about Undertaker :) or bring HBK back jsut for that role :p

OK that's silly but one can dream :)
william regal could become GM again, dude can show the world that he can act plus he's got the british accent which can automatically generate heat from the american crowd..

This could actually lead to a starting point of a fued between dragon and regal, in that regal can pretty much put challenger after challenger against dragon in which dragon is victorious thus pissing off regal and goes for the gold himself.
Yeah, Regal is the shit, I actually think he may be the single most underrated talent in the WWE today. The man is solid in the ring if not great and he can generate heal like a motherfucker, don't know why he never made it bigger in the business. In the case of Teddy Long, I do respect his longevity in the business but as a GM, he's kinda flat except for when he throw out one of my favorite lines in the WWE, "Let me holla at ya', playa." If they'd turn him loose and let him go back to the gimmick he had when he was managing the soul brothers, Doom, Smackdown would take the world by storm.
I'm torn. I liked quite a bit of the different GM's of past history. I was quite fond of the controversy created by Bischoff, and you then take into consideration the co-GM duties when it was him and Stone Cold, not THAT was pure entertainment!! :lmao: Another one I quite enjoyed was Mick Foley, he was good as well. He knew how to bring good energy to the scenes, and he was upbeat and knew the good comedy bits and how to balance it out with the action as well. I must say, the anonymous GM is getting to be quite old, I was jumping for joy when I saw Teddy Long show up, even my friends think he would be a GREAT GM for RAW. I've always loved the OLD Teddy when it was "Holla holla holla, playa!!" He is just the coolest old time Gangsta. You know that man keeps it real, too bad he's stuck with Vickie as a thorn in his side on Smackdown. If he could, he should be Raw GM, and then he can get back to his old way of doing things. He is one guy I've not heard really ANY bad things about.

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