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General Backlash Discussion

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Don't Just List Cards. Give Reasons Behind Them.

As this is the post Mania PPV it'll pretty much be a rematch show. Last years was excellent. On average the matches are usually better than the Mania ones. We'll probably have Cena/HHH wrestle a long boring match at Mania. But they'll have a great match at Backlash. Taker will probably face Edge in an exciting gimmick match. Along with a couple of newer more intresting matches. the MITB wrestlers will probably be booked properly on this show, instead of them all being chucked together in a pointless match.
In a very early prediction of what could be possible, I see at least the following matches being very likely.

W.W.E. Championship: Fatal Four Way: John Cena v. Triple H. v. Randy Orton v. Shawn Michaels: You fully realize that if Triple H. v. John Cena happens at Wrestlemania, it leaves Randy Orton almost without a storyline to go into. Possibly tossing him into Money In The Bank, or likely even volting him into the Ric Flair/Legend Killing angle.

Meanwhile, Shawn Michaels also really doesn't have anything huge going into Wrestlemania, except the rumored end of Flair's career being in his hands. Therefore, I really can't see Mania doing a rematch of their Cena/H.H.H. II feud. And thus, another Fatal Four Way, or take Shawn Michaels out of it, and make it a Triple Threat. (if Mania won't shape up that way anyways)

World Championship: Hell in a Cell: Edge v. Undertaker: You read it right. I completely do NOT see Edge losing the World Championship at Wrestlemania. I'm no longer completely convinced he'll dethrown Undertaker from the undefeated streak, especially since there are so many convinced Edge isn't undefeated himself. (and I was Edge to dethrown him, but I also want the person who does, if any, to take it over) However.. Edge doesn't have to lose the Championship.. to lose the match. (Disqualification, Count Out, you following me yet?)

Therefore, I can see Edge running from Mania still holding the Championship, but with his light at the end of the tunnel darkening. Ala - no where to run, no where to hide, in the match that he returned in of sorts, to prevent Taker from winning the Championship to begin with. Hell in a Cell.

E.C.W. Championship: C.M. Punk v. Shelton Benjamin/Jeff Hardy: Who's to say Shelton won't already be the next E.C.W. Champion, come Wrestlemania? Who's to say Chavo won't still be Champion, come Backlash? Meh.. not honestly sure on how to explain either. But what I do know is this.

Jeff Hardy = Main Event Champion in the eyes of a lot more than I originally thought. So, give him a World Championship, without giving him a ton of weight to carry. In other words, give him the Extreme Heavyweight Championship. If you think about it, Extreme and Hardy go hand in hand a lot more so than Extreme and Chavo or Punk carry it. At least Hardy is at home in the land of extreme, with ladders, chairs and tables.
I don't see a HIAC match between Taker & Edge. Certainly not at Backlash. I see the feud going on for a few months, so possibly at Vengeance or ONS. But after Mania I doubt it. It's a big match. So they don't want to overuse it like they have so many other gimmick matches. I do see a cage though.
I don't see a HIAC match between Taker & Edge. Certainly not at Backlash. I see the feud going on for a few months, so possibly at Vengeance or ONS. But after Mania I doubt it. It's a big match. So they don't want to overuse it like they have so many other gimmick matches. I do see a cage though.

I can definately see a Hell In A Cell match between the two being used for One Night Stand, especially if they continue with the newly added "every match is a gimmick match" routine.

However, could you see an exact repeat of last year, with Edge v. Taker (instead of Batista) in a Last Man Standing match.. with the Edgeheads and possibly Big Daddy V, Umaga, or Mark Henry (or a combination of all) helping Edge to win.. thus allowing Taker to do mini feuds against all of them, to rebuild back to him versus Edge at O.N.S.?

I'd LOVE to see Edge remain Champion that long, but I also think its wishful thinking to see them NOT put the Championship back on Taker, either beit at Mania, or Backlash. If Edge walks out of Mania still Champion I'll be amazed, but not shocked. If Edge walks out of Backlash (especially in a Taker rematch) still Champion, with a remotely clean victory over Taker, again, I'd be downright surprised.
WWE Championship; Fatal Four Way- HHH vs. Orton vs. Hbk vs. Cena
Triple H will win the Championship at WrestleMania, Orton will want his rematch, Shawn Michaels will come out and say he deserves a shot, because he retired Ric Flair and John Cena will say he never got pinned at Mania and wants his shot.

World Championship;* Gimmick Match*- Taker vs. Edge
Undertaker wins the Championship at WrestleMania, Edge and Taker continue to fued, gimmick match could possibly be Hell in a Cell, Casket Match or Last Man standing.

Money in the Bank Contract; Jeff Hardy vs. Chris Jericho
Not sure how this match will come about, but i can see it happening.

Ecw World Championship; Cm Punk vs. Shelton Benjamin
Cm Punk retains the Championship at WrestleMania, Shelton claims it too be a fluke, match is set for Backlash.

Thats all i can think will happen so far.

Im hoping Finlay and Mvp, start to make there way up to Main event status.
I'm thinking a 8 match card although last year was just 6

Night is going to open with tag title match
Carlito/Santino (c) v. Rhodes/Holly v. London/Kendrick
I know everyone is going to say this is ridiculous cause London and Kendrick are buried but I see them getting a couple wins over Cade/Murdoch to be put in this match. Carlito and Santino hold onto the belts

Next Women's Title
Beth Phoenix (c) v. Mickie
This comes about in a weird way. Beth loses the belt to Candice in a Triple Threat match at Mania, but envokes rematch clause the next night on Raw where she regains the belt and reinjuries Candice (kayfabe), from there Mickie comes out to check on her and feud resparks leading towards Mickie finally going over Beth for a fluke roll up win

ECW title up next
CM Punk (c) v. Chavo v. Shelton
Chavo holds the title to Mania where he loses to Punk in an extreme rules match. Shelton is part of the MITB and although he goes nuts, he falls just short. He continues to win which puts him in line to get in this match. Shelton ends up pinning Chavo clean to win the belt and start a feud with Punk who was never pinned.

United States Title
Matt Hardy (c) v. MVP
Hardy comes back to win the belt at Mania, only to have MVP go on the war path for the belt. That warpath doesn't stop and he ends up getting DQ'd after realizing he can't finish Hardy off

This match I think is just an extension of the rivalry
Finlay/Hornswoggle v. Big Show/Umaga
If Big Show hasn't returned which I think he will then just substitute JBL, cause to be honest I have nothing better for him based on the next match. But anyway Finlay takes a beating to save Hornswoggle again, and Big Show wins it with a chokeslam

Intercontinental title (Ladder Match):
Jeff Hardy (c) v. Kennedy v. Jericho
During MITB Kennedy shoves Jeff and Chris off the ladder and thru tables in the last clearing blow which leaves the briefcase all alone for Kennedy. This of course leads to an intense rivalry cause Jeff and Chris both hate Hardy but Kennedy refuses to put the contract back on the line again after the issues from last year. Anyway the IC belt is doing Jeff no good but he retains here but Chris looks more like a heel as the match concludes leading towards what I see as the deud of the year in 2008.

Now for World Title matches or lack their of
For Smackdown GM
Edge/Edgeheads/Big Daddy V/Mark Henry v. Rey/Batista/Undertaker/Jesse and Festus
I think this Teddy Long v. Vickie thing comes to a head. Edgeheads and Jesse and Festus will be in a rivalry over the tag belts which is where they get thrown into this. No DQ, pinfalls count anywhere, one pin to a finish. I wish they would do this War Games style but I doubt it, actually I doubt this match is going to happen but I'm gonna spice it up. Batista accidentally spears rey, and edge managaes to pick up the win in this crazy match.

Main Event
WWE Title
4 way elimination Match
HHH (c) v. Orton v. Cena v. Michaels
This is going to sound weird. Cena beats Orton and the HHH at Mania in a bore of a title match i'm going to be sad to see live. Michaels goes out early due to Cena. But, Michaels gets up and superkicks Cena and HHH gets the cover. So Orton and HHH get down to two, and it gets bloody. An announcer table spot, but here comes Kennedy with Chair. He procedes to lay them both out and pull HHH onto Orton. HHH wins but Kennedy lifts him up and Mic Check onto Chair to win title with MITB shot. I can see this also as a possibility at Wrestlemania but for this thread it happens at Backlash.

Thus setting up Kennedy/HHH, Cena/Michaels, Jericho/Hardy, and cause it leaves both Randy and JBL nothing those rivalries on Raw and for Smackdown Edge still in charge with the belt
my prediction!

1) united states title match= matt hardy (c) vs Mvp.
matt hardy wins it at mania, mvp complains and starts attacking hardy in his matches eventually giving mvp the shot. hardy retains in a fairly good match.

from 2-5 matches just bonus and title matches not much intrest.

6 ecw title match= cm punk (c) vs shelton benjiman/with chavo.
this would be good because chavo doesn't healine ecw shelton gets his shot and every one knows this would be a killer of a match ( hope this happens).cm punk retains in a short match leading up to a chavo vs shelton. vs cm punk in cage at ONS.

7. whc match= edge vs taker (c) in a street fight. this woudl be boss because edge gets his rematch. it's not a repeat from last year and we haven't had a street fight for a while. taker retains after help from batista and rey rey.

8= Trips vs cena vs hbk for the wwe title with jeff hardy as special guest referee. jeff is the special ref after winnign the money in the bank. hbk joins the fight for two reasons . trips vs cena doesn't happen again until vengence and hbk vs cena was boss at mania 23 so was hbk vs hhh at royal rumble. trips retains after jeff hardy doing a swanton to cena because cena was beign a bitch.
First Post and BackLash Predictions!

World Heavy Weight Championship Match: Undertaker (c) vs Edge in a Buried Alive Match

Taker wins the EC, goes on to defeat Edge at Wrestlemania. Vickie ends up throwing this gimmick in because "she wants Taker to be buried alive for what he 'did' to Edge/Her" Taker retains, as he buries both Edge and Vickie for the win.

WWE Championship Match: HHH (c) vs Cena No DQ

Heel turn for HHH at WM and everyone's favorite Superman refuses to leave to the title scene, so here we are. HHH retains via interference by Orton.

Women's Title: Mickey James (c) vs Beth Phoenix

Mickey pulls off the upset at WM, so of course Beth looks to take the belt back at Backlash. Beth takes the belt back and goes on to feud with Candice.

ECW Championship: CM Punk (c) vs Shelton Benjamin ECW Rules

I'm not entirely in tune with ECW's happenings, but Chavo/Punk is getting stale and Shelton Benjamin doesn't seem to be doing much, outside of some countouts with Kane. Shelton wins here and we've got our ECW feud for the next 2 months.

IC Championship: Hardy (c) vs Jericho

These two could build a nice feud out of the EC or MITB, and make for an actual, exciting, IC Title matchup. Hardy needs to drop the belt if he wants to main event, and Jericho would add legitimacy to the title.

MVP vs Batista or Rey Rey

I'm kind of stuck as to this match up, Matt Hardy should definitely have the belt by WM, so MVP's gotta move on. We'll see the US title go undefended again.

That should round out the Backlash Card... though I do have a good wildcard match up.

IF Kennedy somehow in hell ends up ending Flair's career then I could see
Kennedy Kennedy Vs Orton in an Ego vs Ego, Legend Killer vs Legend Killer, #1 Contendership for the right to job to Cena.
Backlash 2008 Card

1. WWE Championship (4 Way Elimination Match)

Triple H (c) v.s Randy Orton v.s John Cena v.s Shawn Michaels

HHH will win the title at Mania, Orton will want rematch, Cena will claim he wasn't pinned, and Michaels retired Flair. HHH will win this match as I can't see him again loosing the title so quickly like back at No Mercy

2. World Heavywieght Championship ( First Blood Match)

Undertaker (c) v.s Edge

With all the congressional b.s going on with Vince, I can't see Takers legit streak being snapped, so he'll claim the title at Mania. Edge will want revenge, and have Vickie make the match, but Taker will want a stipulation, and it would be First Blood. I'd say let the Last Man, or HIAC wait a little longer this time around. Taker wins though, and hopefully his get his long title run that he sadly couldn't have last year.

3. ECW Championship

CM Punk (c) v.s Shelton Benjamin

CM will win at Mania, and Chavo will finally be out of the ECW picture. Shelton will turn on Burke and challenge Punk for the title. Leading up to the PPV, Shelton will get the edge over Punk, but at Backlash, will come up just short. Expect this, and it should run a few months.

4. Intercontinental Championship Match/ MITB Contract Match ( Triple Threat Ladder Match)

Jeff Hardy (c) v.s Chris Jericho v.s Ken Kennedy

Long shot yes, but the IC title needs to be put on someone else or something. Hardy wins MITB, but Y2J and Kennedy will claim they could've won it, and claim he got lucky. I see Jeff winning out, but he and Kennedy will start a fued after this. Jericho...well I guess job to HHH or someone until they find him a guy to fued with.

5. United States Championship

MVP (c) v.s Matt Hardy

Hardy returns, but AFTER Mania. Save his return until after. Give him some spotlight for his return. This fued was great when it started and came to its untimely end, but it will pick up again here, and Matt will finally win the big one over MVP. Expect this fued to go on all over again!

6. Womens Championship

Beth Pheonix (c) v.s Mickie James w/ Candice Michelle

Mickie just hasn't been able to win the big one over Beth, but with Candice's help, she'll finally pull it off. I can see a fued circle around Beth, Melina, Jillian, Candice, Mickie, and Maria for a while here. Sorry, but I just don't see why Ashey is on Raw. She's not ready for the "A" show.

7 and 8...Tag Titles or more of the Vince/Hornswoggle/Finlay show. This fued needs to die and stay dead once and for all.

That's it here for me...
(*)=Winner of the match (c)=Champion before the match (+)=person who retains championship

My predictions for Backlash:

1.Shawn Michaels vs John Cena Vs HHH(*) vs Randy Orton(c):
Randy Orton wins at WM24 the day after three of them says they want a rematch at backlash william regal comes out and announces it will be a fatal four way match at backlash hbk gets thrown out of the ring john cena gets rkoed and triple H pedigrees orton and becomes the new wwe champion

2.Jeff Hardy(c) vs mr.kennedy(*) for the IC championship:
Jeff Hardy wins the money in the bank match at wm24 the day after mr. kennedy wants a shot for the IC championship hardy accepted the challenge..at backlash mr.kennedy will win and become the new IC champion

3.Undertaker(+) vs Edge burried alive match:
Undertaker wins the title at wm24 then edge complains on smackdown and vicky gives edge another shot for a buried alive match and edge is shocked about it...at backlash undertaker will last ride him to the casket and bury him

4.CM Punk(c) vs shelten benjamin(*)
CM punk beats chavo at wm24 then the gm of ecw will announce the new #1 contender which is shelten benjiman and they fight in a non title match at ecw cm punk wins but at backlash shelten benjamin will play dirty to win the title

5.Santino Marella and Carlito vs Hardcore Holly(+) and cody rhodes(+):

hardcore holly and cody rhodes will interfere while santino fights the king since he cost santino the match last week on raw when king tried to get maria on the commentary...king will also interfere at backlash to help cody rhodes and hardcore holly to retain

6.MVP vs Matt Hardy(+):

Matt Hardy becomes the new USA champion at wm24 then theodore long will make a rematch mvp will talk bad about hardy and hardy will get pissed off and come out then twist of fate mvp and backlash matt hardy will do the same thing to mvp and retain

7.Batista(*) vs kane:

VIcky Guerrero forces them to fight at backlash because she wants to know who is the better man and batista wins by 2 spears and a batistabomb they both shake hands and hug after the match

8.Beth Pheonix(c) vs mickie james(*) vs candice michelle vs maria

mickie james wins by finisher
Viewing all of your posts i think you've forgotten one thing.

John Cena wins every match hes in. I would be surprised if John Cena lost at WrestleMania, more than likely pinning the man who injured him. (Randy Orton)

so BackLash

John Cena(C) vs Randy Orton vs Shawn Michaels vs HHH

i think everyones posted this match, as much as i dislike john cena, the fact that John Cena Dominated most of 2006/07 i dont see him lose Wrestlemania and Backlash. So John Cena wins with another clean win.

Undertaker (C) vs EDGE

i would LOVE edge to pin Undertaker at wrestlemania, and i doubt a "DQ" at the BIGGEST STAGE OF THE ALL would be something WWE would do. With Undertaker becoming champion at Wrestlemania, a "screw job" wouldnt be a bad idea, (EDGEHEADS, Mark Henry and Big Daddy V) could all be involved to give EDGE his title back and continue the fued for a bigger match later in the year.

Big Show vs Rey Mysterio

Plan old "david vs goliath" style match. Though i hope Big Show doesnt turn into THE BIG KHALI, as hes now in SmackDown. i expect a Big Show win on his return to WWE.

Jeff Hardy (C) vs mr kennedy

this should be a Normal Heel vs Face match, both in the MITB match at wrestlemania, and kennedys always annoyed at someone. But i see another clean win for Hardy, but his IC championship reign cant last forever, even more so if he has the MITB.

Matt Hardy (C) vs MVP

in my view, it is set in stone for Matt Hardy to pin MVP and FINALLY become the US Champion. Again another normal match continuing the fued. but this fued has gone on long enough before Matt became injured. Hopefully this will be the last of it.

Im sure theres lots more matches planned for the Backlash PPV, ECW and divas. 2008 draft could come right after mania and shake things up before BackLash even begins.... =P
WWE Title:
HHH (C) vs Orton
Cena will be doing his movie until mid May so I am thinking that HHH pins Orton at WM, Orton uses his rematch clause and Cena may have a match just not a title match.

World Title
Undertaker (c) vs Edge
This is a no brainier as Edge will use his rematch clause and this might have some bit of gimmick but I dont think it will be a buried alive like some of you have said probable just a NO DQ match

Intercontinental Title
Y2J vs Kennedy
These two will most likely be the favorites to win the MITB, which I think will be Kennedy and Y2J wants it they wrestle in a title vs MITB match

Women's Title
Beth Phoenix (c) vs Candice Michelle
This is another one of those obvious ones as they have been hints of it since Candice made her return something will happen at Mania to further the feud.

United States Title
MVP vs Matt Hardy
Champ TBD if they meet at WM then most likely this will be a rematch with Hardy as the champ, if they dont then this is forever waiting title match with these two.

ECW Championship
Chavo vs Kane
Kane wins the WM battle royal and then defeats Chavo, this will be a rematch for the ECW title before which most likely be a shake up in the rosters.

HBK vs JBL (or vs Flair)
HBK is not happy about what happen at WM by ending Flairs career, but Vince punishes HBK for something that happen after by facing JBL or during the match or I have one other HBK hits sweet chin music on Flair but cant come to covering him and walks out of WM, Vince gets pissed and forces him to wrestle Flair again and if he loses he is fired

Other possible matches are Batista vs Umaga, Cena could be added to the title match or faces Kennedy (he is revealed as vinces son). Big Show will have some type of squash match over some jobber.
WWE Title:
HHH (C) vs Orton
Cena will be doing his movie until mid May so I am thinking that HHH pins Orton at WM, Orton uses his rematch clause and Cena may have a match just not a title match.

World Title
Undertaker (c) vs Edge
This is a no brainier as Edge will use his rematch clause and this might have some bit of gimmick but I dont think it will be a buried alive like some of you have said probable just a NO DQ match

Intercontinental Title
Jeff Hardy (c)/MITB vs Y2J vs Kennedy
We saw a glimps of this feud on Raw, and it will become more at WM if one of these two win the MITB maybe this is winner takes all match or a 1st fall for title, 2nd for Case. Add Kennedy for good measure.

Women's Title
Beth Phoenix (c) vs Candice Michelle
This is another one of those obvious ones as they have been hints of it since Candice made her return something will happen at Mania to further the feud.

United States Title
MVP vs Matt Hardy
Champ TBD if they meet at WM then most likely this will be a rematch with Hardy as the champ, if they dont then this is forever waiting title match with these two.

ECW Championship
Chavo vs Punk (vs Benjamin?)
Like the US title match not sure if they will meet at WM, but all rumors seem to lead that way and this match may change to add Benjamin which I would anyways. I wish they would bring new blood into ECW and let Punk and Benjamin go have real feuds on SD!

HBK vs JBL (or vs Flair)
HBK is not happy about what happen at WM by ending Flairs career, but Vince punishes HBK for something that happen after by facing JBL or during the match or I have one other HBK hits sweet chin music on Flair but cant come to covering him and walks out of WM, Vince gets pissed and forces him to wrestle Flair again and if he loses he is fired

Other possible matches are Batista vs Umaga, Cena could be added to the title match or faces Kennedy (he is revealed as vinces son). Big Show will have some type of squash match over some jobber.

This is actually a pretty good card.

I do see Orton vs. HHH at Backlash. Makes sense, let Cena film while these two push their feud more.

Taker and Edge will obviously have a rematch. Like last year, I can see this having some sort of stipulation added to it.

That IC match would be pretty good. If it were to happen, I could see Hardy holding onto it for maybe another PPV or RAW.

That is the obvious women's title match. Candice couldn't wrestle for the title at Mania this year because she's still not cleared and they're worried about her ring rust. By BackLash, she should be ready and I can see a title change. (I mean, why would they drop Mickie to bring in Candice unless they were pushing these two for a match.)

The rest of the card though is pretty accurate even though they're matches you cannot be sure on. Well MVP vs. Hardy is going to happen, if not at Mania, then Backlash for sure.
WWE Title
Orton vs. HHH(c)
Trips pins Cena at Mania then orton does the you never beat me angle.

World Title
Edge vs. Taker(c)
Last Ride Match
Taker wins clean at Mania. Edge uses Vicky to get match. No clear winner due to Edgeheads. Edge cheats himself back to the title until J-Day.

Batista vs. Umaga
LMS Match
Umaga pretty much goes nuts after his lose at Mania and Batista gives him a rematch. Complete blood bath no contest.

Big Show vs. Finley
Vince is pissed that Fit be JBL at Mania so he brings in Show to finish the job . Shane gets involved setting up a Vince Shane feudFor the summer.

Ic title
Jericho vs. Jeff(c)
Both blame each for loosing MITB. Jeff puts the Strap on the line and jericho wins and completly derails Jeffs push allowing actual wrestlers to take the spotlight.

Cena vs. Kennedy
Pretty much Cena seeks to shut Kennedy up. They have the match and Cena wins but Kennedy keeps the briefcase and cashes it in September.
I hope this PPV ends up being awesome, becuase ill be there live, right behind the King and JR. Here are my thoughts/predictions

Either way the WM match goes, im fairly sure we will see a Edge-Taker rematch, which i am fairly estatic with. Not sure if a gimmick will be involved or not, probably not, as generally the backlash WM re match is usually just a straight up match.

Im not sure how the triple threat will shak out, but Im sure there will be a fall out match, but possibly a feud between the two guys who DONT win, and a new challenger for the guy who DOES win. I highly doubt it goes that way, but I would be happiest with that, becuase two WM title rematches equals almost no chance of a title change. Its really hard to predict Backlash, becuase usually WM pretty much resets everything.

Im also hoping Shelton Benjamin gets his push into the ECW title scene here. There should be a new face champion at WM, so Shelton may get his chance to shine here.

This will also probably be the payoff to the Hardy-MVP feud, which would be awesome to be in attendance for. Besides the rematches, and the Hardy-MVP payoff, this is an extremely hard show to predict, as WM generally begins a lot of new stuff, and new angles.
WWE Championship;
Triple Threat Match;
Triple H(c) vs. John Cena vs. Randy Orton
Basically just a rematch from WrestleMania, Randy Orton comes out saying he wants his rematch clause and wants to use it at Backlash, John Cena talks about how he wasnt pinned at WrestleMania. William Regal comes out and makes a Wrestlemania rematch. Triple H retains.

World Heavyweight Championship;
Hell in a Cell;
The Undertaker(c) vs. Edge
The Undertaker wins the title at Wrestlemania, Edge wants his rematch.. Undertaker or Teddy Long makes the match a Hell in a Cell match, Undertaker wins and the fued ends here.

No.1 Contenders match for WWE Championship;
Shawn Michaels vs. John Bradshaw Layfield
Shawn Michaels talks about how he ended, Ric Flairs career in an emotional match at WrestleMania. Bradshaw comes out, the 2 exchange words. The fued starts from there. Bradshaw wins this via cheating.. Then starts a program with Triple H

5 man Elimination match- Winner recieves a future World Title Shot
Batista vs. Big Show vs. Finlay vs. Umaga vs. M.v.p
Not sure how this one will come about, but i think it would be a good match. Matt Hardy will return and screw M.v.p out of the match, Batista and Umaga will continue the fued after this match. Big Show will win, later challenging Taker for the World Title.

ECW World Championship;
Kane(c) vs. Cm Punk
Kane wins the title at WrestleMania, ECW has a tournament, for who will face Kane at Backlash which Cm Punk wins.

Intercontineal Championship;
Chris Jericho vs. Mr.Kennedy
Mr.Kennedy does a promo about, not winning the Money in the Bank. Chris Jericho does the same, fued starts from there.

Womens Championship;
Beth Phoenix(c) vs. Maria w/ Ashley

Continued from their WrestleMania match.
Here's what I'm predicting, not what I want.

Intercontinential Title Match
Chris Jericho (c) vs. Mr. Kennedy

I could see Carlito being substituted for Kennedy, as I think he's going to get a push soon, but Kennedy will probably face Jericho, lose, then Carlito faces him.

Money In the Bank "Defense" Match
CM Punk (Money in the Bank holder) vs. John Morrison

I think that they are going to put a secondary feud on ECW and why not have it involve the Money in the Bank Briefcase? Both these men have feuded for the ECW Championship now they fight for a title shot. CM Punk retains.

United States Title Match
MVP (c) vs. Matt Hardy

This, along with the Mania title rematches, looks like the easiest one to predict. Hardy interferes in the Money in the Bank match and wants his title match. MVP retains the title.

ECW Title Re-Match
Kane (c) vs. Chavo Guererro

Even though this match was only 10 seconds long at WrestleMania it is Backlash which means a rematch, match. Kane is going to keep the title and have a long title reign.

Women's title Match
Beth Phoenix (c) vs. Candice Michelle (substitute Melina if Candice is still injured)

This has been the only womens feud that hasn't happened, but I think Melina would be the better option here because I only believe Melina or Mickie James could beat Beth and Mickie isn't doing anything right now.

Tag-Team Match
JBL and Big Show vs. Finlay and Shawn Michaels

Now that Michaels is done with Flair he really doesn't have a feud to look forward to. Big Show is done with Mayweather so have HBK feud with Big Show and throw in the JBL and Finlay feud to have a tag-team match.

World Heavyweight Championship Re-Match
Undertaker (c) vs. Edge

Another obvious rematch. Undertaker is due for a long run so he most likely will win again, possibly by his submission manuver. As for Edge after this match, one more rematch at Judgement Day then he feuds with CM Punk.

WWE Championship Re-Match
Randy Orton (c) vs. Triple H vs. John Cena

I know most of you think Cena will go film his movie but I think he will be able to do both. Do I see him winning? No. I think Cena won't win, but neither will Triple H. Orton pins Cena again and Triple H wants Orton in a 1-on-1 match since he never was pinned.
WHC: C Undertaker vs Edge HIAC put it in the Cell to keep the Major Bros. out

WWE Title: C Orton vs Punk
Punk waste no time at all and joins the Raw roster thus turning in the MITB for a shot at Orton, also Punk doesn't win the title, but going along with some of the matches, it just leads to a rematch at the next PPV with some gimmick. Since thats been the theme for the past few years (the rematch, then the gimmick rematch ect.. lol).

ECW Title: Kane vs Henry zzzZz they had something going in the battle royal, so you could tell theres a possible fued there.

IC Title: Ladder match C Y2J vs Kennedy they follow the MITB theme and put on a solid ladder match

HHH vs Cena HHH finally turns heel in this match, going all bad ass, I guess maybe taking Cena out, so Cena can stay off TV for a month or 2 so he can work on his moves maybe. But the match comes from HHH blaming Cena about his loss and so on.

US Title: C MVP vs Matt Hardy finally it happens, but it ends with a botched finish, so then these guys can have another match next month with some gimmick attached to it.

Batista vs Umaga
these guys keep on fueding, and this match like the US title one ends in a botched finish thus leading to a gimmick match for next month.
US TITLE - Matt Hardy vs MVP(c)
We all knew this was coming and finally Matt is healthy and will take the belt, MVP gets the push to the main event spot.

IC TITLE - Y2J(c) vs Mr. Kennedy Could be a very entertaining match. Will be a very entertaining mic feud between the two leading up to the PPV.

Finlay/Hornswoggle vs JBL/Vince Quite possible for WWE to continue this little feud, but add a little twist putting Vince into the ring.

ECW TITLE - Kane(c) vs Chavo Chavo exercises his rematch clause, but gets dominated again by Kane.

WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE - Undertaker(c) vs Edge I see this possibly being a casket match or a buried alive match. I see Edge getting the title back, but not yet. Maybe a few months down the road, setting up a feud with him and CM Punk heading into Summerslam.

WWE TITLE - Orton(c) vs Cena I can see Cena and HHH having a #1 contenders match, Cena wins HHH is the special referee, screws one of the two leading up to a big feud for HHH.

CM Punk vs Shawn Michaels Just putting this match in there because it is something I would like to see, has the potential to be a classic feud.

Umaga vs Batista Umaga gets drafted to Smackdown to continue this awful feud. Piss break match, just like it was a WM24.

Maybe a women's title match somewhere in there.
World Heavyweight Title - Edge vs Undertaker - Undertaker win
Obvious one, a no dq or something.

WWE Title - John Cena vs Orton vs Hbk vs HHH - Triple H win
The John Cena Orton thing is a bit doo doo now, I think this will be most likely that it will be HHH vs Orton on Raw on week and Cena vs Hbk and then GM of Raw declares match. Orton really has no-one to wrestle.

IC Title - Jericho vs Jeff Hardy vs Kennedy - Jericho win

Mid card match, Jeff Hardy was going to get a push but he failed the test and he's gonna be punished, he'll have to wait for the push

US Title - Mvp vs Hardy - MVP win
No-one really wins on comebacks, the Y2J comeback match was terrible, it wasn't worth it.

Cm Punk vs Carlito - Cm Punk win

Cm punks gonna go to raw and get a push ready for the wwe title against HHH in future.

Finlay vs Big Show - Finlay win

IdK which brand finlay's on or Big show, but this is going to happen.

Maybe a Tag team championships match with Jesse and festus.
WWE Championship Match : Randy Orton v. JBL. Randy Orton kicks his ass and thats another one for the legend killer.

World Heavyweight Championship Match - Buried Alive Match : Undertaker v Edge. Undertaker wins and continues his reign which is gonna last probably until Wrestlemania 25 and he retires.

Money in the Bank Match - Winner gets the briefcase : CM Punk v Chris Jericho. Y2J wins because he is better. This will be a kickass match.

TLC Match for the US Championship : Matt Hardy v MVP. Hardy wins and wins his first major individual title.

# 1 contenders match for the WWE Championship - Triple Threat. Triple H v John Cena v Shawn Michaels. HBK wins and starts a program with ORton and win the title once more at Summerslam. and cena and hhh start a feud

ECW Championship Match : Kane v Chavo v Mark Henry. Kane retains and keeps being badass

Punjabi Prison Match : Big Show v The Great Khali. Big Show wins and kicks Khali's ass. Big Show is getting babyfaced lately and he'll go over w/ the fans

# 1 Contenders Match for the World Heavyweight Championship : Batista v Umaga (whos now in Smackdown; a guess). Umaga wins and starts a program with Taker.
My Backlash Card:

WWE Championship Match:Randy Orton (C) vs. JBL vs. Triple H vs. John Cena-they teased Orton/JBL on Raw, but I can't find a spot for Cena/Trips on the card. Maybe a triple threat between Cena/JBL/Trips, with the winner facing Randy. Triple H wins.

World Heavyweight Championship Match (No DQ):Undertaker (C) vs. Edge-Obviously Edge is going to get a rematch, so it happens now, and Taker retains.

IC Title/MITB Briefcase Defense Match:Chris Jericho (C) vs. CM Punk (MITB winner)-IDK they've done this before with Benjamin and RVD, so I can see it happening again. Punk wins the IC title and retains the briefcase

US Title Match:MVP (C) vs. Matt Hardy-We all know it is coming, I'm suprised MVP didn't get involved in the Orton/Hardy match on Raw. But come Backlash this feud will resume with Matt Hardy winning the US title

ECW Championship Match:Kane (C) vs. Mark Henry-I think Chavo gets his rematch on ECW and loses, then Kane and Henry start feuding. Kane wins and his reign continues

Shawn Michaels vs. Batista-Here is what I think. When Shawn was talking to Regal, we saw Batista appear. Then when Shawn came into the ring, the camera went to Batista. I think something builds up here, with these two getting into a match. Michaels wins. Maybe have Flair as a special ref.

Big Show vs. Great Khali-This has got to be coming. They hyped it on Raw, so why not have them get into some confrontations on SD and then have them battle at Backlash. Show wins.

And then if they go for 8, they can use a women's title match between Phoenix and Maria. Or they could go outside the box and give us a tag team match. Either between Holly/Rhodes vs. London/Kendrick or go with SD and use Miz/Morrison vs. Jesse/Festus. But I think they go with 7 as the card seems to be pretty decent.
My Backlash Card:

WWE Championship Match:Randy Orton (C) vs. JBL vs. Triple H vs. John Cena-they teased Orton/JBL on Raw, but I can't find a spot for Cena/Trips on the card. Maybe a triple threat between Cena/JBL/Trips, with the winner facing Randy. Triple H wins.

World Heavyweight Championship Match (No DQ):Undertaker (C) vs. Edge-Obviously Edge is going to get a rematch, so it happens now, and Taker retains.

IC Title/MITB Briefcase Defense Match:Chris Jericho (C) vs. CM Punk (MITB winner)-IDK they've done this before with Benjamin and RVD, so I can see it happening again. Punk wins the IC title and retains the briefcase

US Title Match:MVP (C) vs. Matt Hardy-We all know it is coming, I'm suprised MVP didn't get involved in the Orton/Hardy match on Raw. But come Backlash this feud will resume with Matt Hardy winning the US title

ECW Championship Match:Kane (C) vs. Mark Henry-I think Chavo gets his rematch on ECW and loses, then Kane and Henry start feuding. Kane wins and his reign continues

Shawn Michaels vs. Batista-Here is what I think. When Shawn was talking to Regal, we saw Batista appear. Then when Shawn came into the ring, the camera went to Batista. I think something builds up here, with these two getting into a match. Michaels wins. Maybe have Flair as a special ref.

Big Show vs. Great Khali-This has got to be coming. They hyped it on Raw, so why not have them get into some confrontations on SD and then have them battle at Backlash. Show wins.

And then if they go for 8, they can use a women's title match between Phoenix and Maria. Or they could go outside the box and give us a tag team match. Either between Holly/Rhodes vs. London/Kendrick or go with SD and use Miz/Morrison vs. Jesse/Festus. But I think they go with 7 as the card seems to be pretty decent.

I live an hour and a half away from Baltimore so i might attend Backlash.

I pretty much agree with this card, although I wouldn't be surprised if its Kennedy that fights Y2J. If it is Y2J-Punk, I would love to see a two fall match where the first fall is for the IC title and the second title for the MITB.

I also think it will be a fatal 4 way for the WWE Title. However, I expect Orton to retain if that is the case. I don't see him losing the title in a fatal 4 way match. I expect Edge-Taker to have some type of stipulation match at Backlash, then they will have a HIAC to end the fued at J-ment Day.

I have to say, WWE PPVs have been very good and unpredictable this year! Hopefully they can keep it up in 08.
WWE Championship;
Triple Threat Match;
Randy Orton(c) vs. Triple H vs. John Bradshaw Layfield

JBL will do a promo about being the Number 1. Contender. Triple H will come out saying he was never pinned at WrestleMania, and they he deserves a shot at the WWE Title. Either a made between HHH and Jbl, with that ending in Double Dq or Regal will just make it Triple Threat at Backlash. Triple H wins the belt here or at Judgment Day in a singles match with Orton.(Cena is off shooting his movie)

World Championship;
Singles Match or Hell in a Cell;
The Undertaker(c) vs. Edge;

Hell in a Cell will happen if they want the fued to end, but i see another singles match, with Edge heads interfering, making it a DQ win for the Undertaker. Then Hell in a Cell is made for Judgment Day, ending the fued. Winner= Undertaker

Shawn Michaels vs. Batista

Both have nothing too do(Batista is sort of in a fued with Umaga but dont know if that will continue) After the stare that Batista gave Shawn, i can see this match being possible for Backlash. Shawn Michaels wins(I can see Shawn turning heel in the near future)

United States Championship;
Montel Vontavious Porter(c) vs. Matt Hardy

I think MVP will retain here, so that the WWE can give him "1 year title reign" with the United States Championship. He more then likely cheats to retain, the Matt Hardy picks up the win at Judgment Day.

Money in the Bank Briefcase;
Cm Punk(c) vs. Chris Jericho

Seems likely, maybe a winner takes all match. Unsure of who will win, i hope Jericho, but since Cm Punk, just won the Briefcase, maybe he will win. Should be a great match(If it happens)

The Big Show vs. The Great Khali

Big Show wins. I see the Great Khali as a stepping stone for Big Show, because i saw somewhere that Big Show vs. Taker for WHC in the near future. Dont know if this match will be any good, hopefully a stipulation is added.

Ecw World Championship;
Kane vs. Mark Henry

Mm, Kanes got to defend it againest someone. I cant see it being Chavo. Henry was last eliminated in the Battle Royale, and say he was screwed or somehting. I cant see Kane defending the title againest anyone, besides Mark Henry. Kane wins.
Early Backlash Predictions:

W.W.E. Championship: Fatal Four Way: Randy Orton v. Triple H. v. J.B.L. v. John Cena: Tonight on Raw, J.B.L. announced that he wants a Championship title shot. Since I highly doubt they'll promote heel v. heel, especially when neither guy would draw versus each other alone.. it looks like another Fatal Four Way, with Triple H. & Cena likely entered into the mix. They could completely throw a "wrench" into the case, by adding Finlay into the match and making it a 5 man challenge. (kinda like the match they had at last year's Vengeance.)

I can't say I'm interested in this match, because everyone claims multiple man matches are the hardest for Champions to defend titles in, yet more Champions retain in matches like these than any other.. therefore, I don't see Orton dropping the strap here.

Wrestlemania Rematch: World Heavyweight Championship: The Undertaker v. Edge: I'm almost hoping it'll be a Hell in a Cell, or Casket, or even No Disqualification with Edge having a better build this time around, but it wouldn't shock me if they f*cked it up with something like.. Edge & the Edgeheads v. Taker in a 3 on 1 handicap match. Which Taker could pin one of either Hawkins or Ryder and retain.

I'd much rather see Edge quickly get the World Heavyweight Championship back, but if Umaga is switching over, I see him and Taker doing a nice feud for the Championship leaving Edge out in the cold.

E.C.W. Championship: Kane v. Mark Henry: Naturally if they want Kane to be a dominate Champion, I would NOT put him up against Mark Henry or Big Daddy V, however to show that he can defeat the Super Heavyweights as opposed to dropping more matches to Shelton Benjamin and other lightweights, I think this match is a given.

I'm not sold on it, but I'm still happy Kane is E.C.W. Champion for now. Lets just hope Chavo doesn't request his rematch for the Pay Per View.

Grudge Match: Shawn Michaels v. Batista: After Raw, I'm likely convinced along with everyone else that these two are coming to a-head. Batista will likely be sore and pissed that Shawn Michaels was the guy who ended his mentor's (sp?) career, so he'll want a little revenge.

Shawn won't have much to say about it, because he'll be challenged and because of who he is, he won't back down from any challenge. In the past when these two have met, they haven't honestly put on great matches. But in the past, Batista was never viewed as a former World Heavyweight Champion & Main Eventer. So hopefully this time around, their match might be exciting.

Battle of the Biggest: The Big Show v. The Great Khali: Normally bigger isn't always better. And this is the mother of all matches to prove it. I don't care who you stack up against Khali, its just going to be incredibly hard to get a decent match out of him. Big Show is talented, but this match is nothing more than an amusement ride.

You'll see a lot of power tests, a lot of neither being able to knock the other off his feet, and in the end Big Show will likely come out with the victory, so Khali can take that leave thats been rumored.

Everyone is going nuts over seeing these two wrestle. I can't for the life of me understand why. Its just the two biggest guys in the company. Think back to Yokozuna v. King Mabel. Did that match sell? Partly.. was it worth watching? HELL NO!

Tag Team Championships: Cody "Wet Dream" Rhodes & Softcore Holly v. Paul London & Brian Kendrick: They haven't had a Tag Team Championship match on Pay Per View in a while, to my recent knowledge. I could be wrong, but I'm sure Backlash will host one.

I think this will be where Kendrick turns on London, or rather they lose and then he turns. With Cryme Tyme back in the mix, I wouldn't be shocked to see a Triple Threat match, or even a Fatal Four Way with Cade & Murdoch too. Either way, if Cryme Tyme doesn't take the gold here, then Rhodes & Holly retain.

U.S. Championship: M.V.P. v. Matt Hardy: The match thats almost been a year in the making. I'm still not convinced this is where Matt Hardy takes the gold though, but since the Hardyz' DVD is being released soon and because M.V.P. is getting ready to take the step up to face (likely) Undertaker for the World Championship.. I think Matt Hardy would be a good choice.

I doubt it'll be a gimmick match, and if M.V.P. does retain, he'll go a year full circle to Judgment Day, where Hardy (in a ladder match) can finally take the Championship from him. Again, this is me shooting in the dark, because people have been wanting M.V.P. v. Hardy in a ladder match for ages and after seeing him in MITB, I'm not convinced he can work a ladder worth a damn.

Intercontinental Championship: Chris Jericho v. Mr. Kennedy: Kennedy needs something to pull him out of this downfall. Jericho is touch and go, one minute hes dropping matches to random guys, the next hes defeating #1. contender's. I have no clue what to say about whether Jericho would or wouldn't retain, but I think this match will be Kennedy's last chance to prove he can go back to the Main Event level.

My honest suggestion, switch Kennedy back to Smackdown. He was dominate and was on top over there. He has no place being in the ring with guys like Triple H., Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton & John Cena. Hes a Smackdown Main Event guy, but a Raw jobber. I know many (Wes) would disagree, but whats he done lately? JACKSHIT!

Other Possible Matches:

Money In The Bank: C.M. Punk v. John Morrison: I'm just hoping against hope with this, but Punk LOST to Jericho. How the hell is that helping him to step up to the next level? Morrison outshined Punk in MITB and has been outshining Punk throughout his entire E.C.W. brand career.

If they don't give the MITB case to someone like Jericho, Kennedy or M.V.P., then give it to someone other than Punk, at least. Morrison (to me) is the best option.

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