Game Rage

Ice Cold....Game Rage....yeah they're the same.

Oh and he's banned. Yep, alts. Like he wouldn't get caught.

Is it really that hard to get how forums work and not make alts. Cue the FUCKIN FORUMS thing ya'll like to do.
Yeah fuel, maybe you can find out why Danielson was fired. Who took out the Undertaker. If anyone is behind the NXT Invasion. Why people spam and make alts. And why in the hell Zero isn't banned yet. Do it. Fuel: DMI, P.I.
Yeah fuel, maybe you can find out why Danielson was fired. Who took out the Undertaker. If anyone is behind the NXT Invasion. Why people spam and make alts. And why in the hell Zero isn't banned yet. Do it. Fuel: DMI, P.I.

I'll start my investigation first thing in the morning. Where is that stone cold badge at.....
That's not to say I always agreed with him, but you don't have to agree with someone to think they're a good poster.
I disagree. If they're wrong, they're not good. Sure, there're worse. You know who I'm talking about; the ones who can't form sentences or spell. But their existence doesn't make me feel the need to give my stamp of approval to people who type well and get it wrong. I'll have none of this "I disagree with them but they're pretty good" garbage. I don't believe in it. If everyone gets a trophy, there're no real winners. If everyone gets a trophy, nobody tries to better themself and children grow fat and lazy. I learned that last one on Glenn Beck's show. And so on.

The Coco Stamp of Approval hasn't been appraised in a while, but we all know it's nothing to turn your nose up at. Heed my words, smarks.
Yeah Blue. I know :banghead:

Actually, I don't mind Zero too much, sometimes...

Other times, his posts are some of the most idiotic, stupid things I've ever read.
I disagree. If they're wrong, they're not good. Sure, there're worse. You know who I'm talking about; the ones who can't form sentences or spell. But their existence doesn't make me feel the need to give my stamp of approval to people who type well and get it wrong. I'll have none of this "I disagree with them but they're pretty good" garbage. I don't believe in it. If everyone gets a trophy, there're no real winners. If everyone gets a trophy, nobody tries to better themself and children grow fat and lazy. I learned that last one on Glenn Beck's show. And so on.

The Coco Stamp of Approval hasn't been appraised in a while, but we all know it's nothing to turn your nose up at. Heed my words, smarks.

I want that stamp.Should have wagered it:banghead:
Coco is right, when you're as bad as TGR was/is there isn't really any middle ground to work with. His post were repetitive and they ran on forever. His points were usually not backed by any form of evidence other then his deranged opinion and the only thing he had going for him was/is that people think just because his post were the size of War and Peace his ideas were valid and his points were worth reading. They weren't.
jesus fucking christ you guys weren't kidding when you said he went on and on and on.

Talk about a long winded bastard.
The only real problem I had with Game Rage was that he felt everyone was out to get him. The one time I debated him he felt the need to continually disrespect me and insult me for disagreeing with his opinions.

Other than that, I didn't care much for him. I won't judge his posts because they were way too long to read and I wasn't going to waste my time reading them.
Other than that, I didn't care much for him. I won't judge his posts because they were way too long to read and I wasn't going to waste my time reading them.

As someone who masochistically read every post he made in the MMA vs Boxing thread, I can tell you with 100% certainty that you made the right decision.
I disagree. If they're wrong, they're not good. Sure, there're worse. You know who I'm talking about; the ones who can't form sentences or spell. But their existence doesn't make me feel the need to give my stamp of approval to people who type well and get it wrong. I'll have none of this "I disagree with them but they're pretty good" garbage. I don't believe in it. If everyone gets a trophy, there're no real winners. If everyone gets a trophy, nobody tries to better themself and children grow fat and lazy. I learned that last one on Glenn Beck's show. And so on.

The Coco Stamp of Approval hasn't been appraised in a while, but we all know it's nothing to turn your nose up at. Heed my words, smarks.

See, I have to disagree with you here Coco. Just because another poster has a different opinion than you do doesn't make them a bad poster, assuming they can communicate coherently and not babble, use proper grammar and punctuation, etc.,

I frequently disagree with your opinions. Frequently. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean occasionally, I mean frequently :) Yet, I believe you are a very good poster who contributes a lot to these forums. Just because I don't always see eye to eye with you and because I disagree with your viewpoints (frequently) doesn't mean you are a poor poster.

Another example is It's Damn Real! He is a huge proponent of anything TNA, and I am anything but. I disagree with a lot of his posts concerning his love of the TNA product, and we have debated on numerous occasions about several of these points. Despite this fact, I consider him to be one of the stronger posters on here, and I enjoy debating with him. Just because we disagree doesn't mean he isn't any good, nor does it mean that I'm not either. Just a difference of opinion, that's all.
I can't believe you think I'm so thick that I need two examples to understand your point.

You know, two more than are necessary.
I can't believe you think I'm so thick that I need two examples to understand your point.

You know, two more than are necessary.

Not thick, not at all. It's just that this thread originated talking about Rage, so why would I restrict myself to one short paragraph, when I could ramble on for longer than necessary to make my point clearer.
See, I have to disagree with you here Coco. Just because another poster has a different opinion than you do doesn't make them a bad poster, assuming they can communicate coherently and not babble, use proper grammar and punctuation, etc.,

I frequently disagree with your opinions. Frequently. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean occasionally, I mean frequently :) Yet, I believe you are a very good poster who contributes a lot to these forums. Just because I don't always see eye to eye with you and because I disagree with your viewpoints (frequently) doesn't mean you are a poor poster.

Another example is It's Damn Real! He is a huge proponent of anything TNA, and I am anything but. I disagree with a lot of his posts concerning his love of the TNA product, and we have debated on numerous occasions about several of these points. Despite this fact, I consider him to be one of the stronger posters on here, and I enjoy debating with him. Just because we disagree doesn't mean he isn't any good, nor does it mean that I'm not either. Just a difference of opinion, that's all.

Less of a Game Rage-esque post, more of an VINTAGE SavageTaker post.
I find it humorous that some you people always have to compare this person to that person, or assume that this person or that person is someone who got bounced at one point or another.

I can tell you with 100% honesty that while I think some of the rules are bunk, I wouldn't do anything stupid enough to get bounced. While I might not be according to some of your standards a great "in the cage" poster, I am not stupid enough, nor are any of you that special that i would feel the need to get back in here by any means necessary.

Anyone who would needs to take a long look in the mirror and figure out what the fuck is important in there life. If acceptance by complete strangers and the overwhelming desire to post on an internet forum is what drives them, then they need to get some fucking psychiatric help.
Jesus fucking Christ. Blue asked a simple fucking question and it turns into "Oh Game Rage was good but..." blah fucking blah.

No, I didn't send him anything. Not worth me wasting my money. For fucks sake.
I was going to send a Pizza via Domino's (with awful toppings mind you) but:
A. I didn't really want to spend money
B. When I tried to verify the address he gave I only saw it come up as a listing for some woman and I didn't want to involve her in a GR prank gone awry

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